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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Bilingual Education in 2018

Educating Emergent Bilinguals: Policies, Programs, and Practices for English Learners by García, Ofelia, Kleifgen, Jo Anne
Preston Lee's Beginner English Lesson 21 - 40 For Thai Speakers by Lee, Kevin, Preston, Matthew
Mastering French: A systematic guide for the Anglophone learner by Awa, Renee Ezinne
Guadalupe: First Words / Primeras Palabras: A Bilingual Picture Book by Rodriguez, Patty, Stein, Ariana
Cuauhtémoc: Shapes / Formas: A Bilingual Book of Shapes by Rodriguez, Patty, Stein, Ariana
La Catrina: Emotions / Emociones: A Bilingual Book of Emotions by Rodriguez, Patty, Stein, Ariana
Un Elefante: Numbers / Números: A Bilingual Counting Book by Rodriguez, Patty, Stein, Ariana
Lucha Libre: Anatomy / Anatomía: A Bilingual Anatomy Book by Rodriguez, Patty, Stein, Ariana
La Llorona: Counting Down / Contando Hacia Átras: A Bilingual Counting Book by Rodriguez, Patty, Stein, Ariana
Zapata: Colors / Colores: A Bilingual Book of Colors by Rodriguez, Patty, Stein, Ariana
Loteria: First Words / Primeras Palabras: A Bilingual Picture Book by Rodriguez, Patty, Stein, Ariana
Counting with - Contando Con Frida: A Bilingual Counting Book by Rodriguez, Patty, Stein, Ariana
Schlaf Gut, Kleiner Wolf - Jam Waala, Caafaangel. Zweisprachiges Kinderbuch, Deutsch - Fula (Fulani / Fulfulde / Peul) by Renz, Ulrich
Badger's Beach: English and Polish by Malthouse, Richard, Barentsen, Jodi
Mirror Sand: An Anthology of Russian Short Poems in English Translation (A Bilingual Edition) by
Mirror Sand: An Anthology of Russian Short Poems in English Translation (A Bilingual Edition) by
The Ransom of Red Chief: Mandarin Companion Graded Readers Level 1, Traditional Character Edition by Henry, O.
Necesidades y tendencias en la formación del profesorado de español como lengua extranjera by
Opposites in Samoan: with English Translations by Aflague, Gerard
Eta gwal berrekha mai derhå - Die wilden Schwäne. Zweisprachiges Kinderbuch nach einem Märchen von Hans Christian Andersen (Tigrinya - Deutsch) by Andersen, Hans Christian, Renz, Ulrich
Opposites in Tagalog: With English Translations by Aflague, Gerard
Eta gwal berrekha mai derhå - The Wild Swans. Bilingual children's book based on a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen (Tigrinya - English) by Andersen, Hans Christian, Renz, Ulrich
Learn Arabic: Farm Animals by Hajj Ahmad, Nizar Taha
The Other Chapters of CHUANG TZU: English & French by Marcel, Nik
The Other Chapters of CHUANG TZU: English to French by Marcel, Nik
The Other Chapters of CHUANG TZU: French to English by Marcel, Nik
Learn Arabic: Water Animals by Hajj Ahmad, Nizar Taha
Principles of Annang Grammar by Owulette, Ernest
Learn Arabic: Birds by Hajj Ahmad, Nizar Taha
Libro de Vocabulario y Ejercicios: Spanish Vocabulary Workbook by Thompson, Kwasie
Optimizing Elementary Education for English Language Learners by
Sweet Dreams by Comstock, Keirah
Spanish for the Christian Student - Kindergarten by Rife, Johnny
Mike and Lil's Story Book: 3 Great Stories Coloring Book by Hubler Ed S., Michael S., Hubler C. D. a., Lillian I.
Le Prince: bilingue italien/français (+ lecture audio intégrée) by Machiavel, Nicolas
Le Livre de la Jungle: bilingue anglais/français (+ lecture audio intégrée) by Kipling, Rudyard
The Theory and Practice of Multicultural Education: A Focus on the K-12 Educational Setting by Domnwachukwu, Chinaka S.
La Dame de Pique: bilingue russe/français (+ lecture audio intégrée) by Pouchkine, Alexandre
Language and Learning in a Post-Colonial Context: A Critical Ethnographic Study in Schools in Haiti by Jean-Pierre, Marky
An Inspiring Vision for Students: Una Inspiradora Vision Para Estudiantes by Ortiz, Ruben Cordova
Eri's Adventure: Eri's Adventure by Fiallo, Belen
Educating Language Minority Children by Porter, Rosalie
Contes choisis: édition bilingue allemand/français (+ lecture audio intégrée) by Grimm, Wilhelm, Grimm, Jacob
The Theory and Practice of Multicultural Education: A Focus on the K-12 Educational Setting by Domnwachukwu, Chinaka S.
El Excellence Every Day: The Flip-To Guide for Differentiating Academic Literacy by Singer, Tonya W.
Handbook of Research on Integrating Technology Into Contemporary Language Learning and Teaching by
Cartilla de Letras A B C Con El Monito Silbón: Cartilla Creativa A B C Abecedario Artes GB by Besereni, Gilda
Nelson Learns a Language: English to German by Schwefel, Hannah
Collaborative Learning and New Media: New Insights into an Evolving Field by Van De Poel, Kris
Norn Min buk 1: Beginers Nynorn for ages 7 + by Hall, Elspeth Grace
Bilingualism as Interactional Practices by Gafaranga, Joseph
Children's Multilingual Development and Education by Bailey, Alison L., Osipova, Anna V.
A New Life for Candy / Una Nueva Vida para Candy: A true story / Una historia verdadera by Lehmann, Mayu Molina
Stress and Coping of English Learners by
Stress and Coping of English Learners by
Cuentos de Charles Perrault. Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault. Bilingual Spanish - English Book: Bilingue: inglés - español libro para niños. Dual Lang by Bagdasaryan, Svetlana, Perrault, Charles
A Study in Scarlet: Sherlock Holmes #1 by Conan Doyle, Arthur
The Poison Belt: Professor Challenger #2 by Conan Doyle, Arthur
The Great Shadow by Conan Doyle, Arthur
Rodney Stone by Conan Doyle, Arthur
Translanguaging Outside the Academy: Negotiating Rhetoric and Healthcare in the Spanish Caribbean by Bloom-Pojar, Rachel
Rinconète et Cortadillo: bilingue espagnol/français (+ lecture audio intégrée) by de Cervantès, Miguel
Le Papier peint jaune: bilingue anglais/français (+ lecture audio intégrée) by Perkins Gilman, Charlotte
Inquiries Into Literacy Learning and Cultural Competencies in a World of Borders by
Inquiries Into Literacy Learning and Cultural Competencies in a World of Borders by
Eil Education for the Expanding Circle: A Japanese Model by Hino, Nobuyuki
Alphabet Animals & Counting Things That Go With Mike & Lil by Hubler, Lillian I., Hubler Ed D., Michael S.
Blended Basic Language Courses: Design, Pedagogy, and Implementation by Anderson, Hope M.
Latina Bilingual Education Teachers: Examining Structural Racism in Schools by Amos, Yukari Takimoto
Dual Language Essentials for Teachers and Administrators, Second Edition by Freeman, David E., Mercuri, Sandra, Freeman, Yvonne S.
Teaching Reading to English Learners, Grades 6 - 12: A Framework for Improving Achievement in the Content Areas by Calderon, Margarita Espino, Slakk, Shawn
Learning the Basics: English and Spanish by K, R.
Teaching Cosmopolitanism through Transnational Literature in English: An Empirical Evaluation of Studentsʼ Competence Development in a Life-Writi by Beutel, Mirja
La Vérification Empirique de Mise En Place Des Concepts de Lʹinterculturel Dans Le Contexte Fle by Birova, Jana
A Language School as a Complex System: Complex Systems Theory in English Language Teaching by Kostoulas, Achilleas Ioannis
An Introduction to Bilingualism: Principles and Processes by
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Doyle, Arthur Conan
A Concise Anglo-Saxon Dictionary by Clark-Hall, J. R.
I Wonder: An Immigrant's Song by Sashine, Mark
Colors in Albanian: With English Translations by Aflague, Gerard
La piñata de Renata Student Textbook by Dexemple, Craig Klein
Pably and Me The Circus is Here Vol. 10: The Circus is Here Vol. 10 by Bermudez, Roberto L.
Educating Emergent Bilinguals: Policies, Programs, and Practices for English Learners by Kleifgen, Jo Anne, García, Ofelia
An Introduction to Bilingualism: Principles and Processes by
Opposites in Chuukese: With English Translations by Aflague, Gerard
TOEIC TOEFL & IELTS Study Guide: A study guide by Bee, Cee
El Pequeno Coche Grande: Bilingual Children's book in Spanish and English by Paterson, Isabel, James, Sue
Shapes - Figuras by Ortega, Minerva
The Pathfinder: Leatherstocking Tales #3 by Fenimore Cooper, James
La Gramática Rápida, Práctica y Eficaz Para Hablar Inglés Con Fluidez by Fernandez, Francisco, Bodi, Fernando
The Ell Teacher's Toolbox: Hundreds of Practical Ideas to Support Your Students by Ferlazzo, Larry, Sypnieski, Katie Hull
Transnational Education Crossing 'Asia' and 'The West': Adjusted Desire, Transformative Mediocrity and Neo-Colonial Disguise by Phan, Le-Ha
New Perspectives on Intercultural Language Research and Teaching: Exploring Learners' Understandings of Texts from Other Cultures by Porto, Melina, Byram, Michael
Think in English and Speak in Tagalog Like a Filipino: Your easy way of learning and pronouncing Tagalog Converse in Tagalog with confidence by Ramos, B. Jocelyn Agoncillo
Aprende con SupereÑe: Ya trazo las vocales by D'Ocon, Carla, Cerdan, Laura, D'Ocon, Antoni
Teorías Sobre La Infancia, Segunda Edición: Una Introducción a Dewey, Montessori, Erikson, Piaget Y Vygotsky: Theories of Childhood, Second Edition (S by Garhart Mooney, Carol
My body - Mi cuerpo by Ortega, Minerva
Languages and Literacies as Mobile and Placed Resources by
Financial Literacy for Children and Youth, Second Edition by
1803 The Haitian Flag by Augustin, Berwick
Introducing English for Specific Purposes by Anthony, Laurence
Las Aventuras Tijuanenses de Diego: Una historia fictional by Thoene, Brenda Jean
Authorial Presence in English Academic Texts: A Comparative Study of Student Writing across Cultures and Disciplines by Lehman, Iga
Emotions - Emociones by Ortega, Minerva
Schlof guad, gloana Woif - Råhat bekhåb, gorge kutshak (Bairisch - Persisch / Farsi / Dari): Zwoaschprachigs Kindabuach, ab 2-4 J., mit mp3 Hörbuch zu by
Numeros, Cores, e Fruta - Numbers, Colors and Fruits by Simoes, Angela Costa
The History of Herodotus by Herodotus
Introducing English for Specific Purposes by Anthony, Laurence
Dormu bone, lupeto - Priyatnykh snov, malen'kiy volchyonok (esperanto - rusa): Bildolibro en du lingvoj by Renz, Ulrich
Teach Me to Count in Amharic by Aflague, Gerard
Updating Perspectives on English Language Teaching and Teacher Education by
My Favourite Animals Mis Animales Favoritos: Dual Language Edition Spanish-English by Sumalee, Mari
Meditations Books 7-12: English & French by Marcel, Nik
Meditations Books 7-12: English to French by Marcel, Nik
Meditations Books 7-12: French to English by Marcel, Nik
My Favorite Animals Mis Animales Favoritos: Dual Language Edition Spanish-English by Sumalee, Mari
A Brother Sister Love: A Story About Autism by Guerrero, Elsie
Mehrheiten - Minderheiten: Sprachliche und kulturelle Identitaeten der Slavia im Wandel der Zeit by
La comprensión lectora de lengua extranjera: Estudio de los factores de familiaridad, interés, género y métodos de evaluación by Isusi Alabarte, Alberto, Lahuerta Martínez, Ana Cristina
Financial Literacy for Children and Youth, Second Edition by
Routledge Revivals: The Other Languages of England (1985): Linguistic Minorities Project by Couillaud, Xavier, Martin-Jones, Marilyn, Morawska, Anna
Learning Marshallese Shapes: Annan ko by Aflague, Gerard
Die wilden Schwäne - Gareuli gedebi (Deutsch - Georgisch). Nach einem Märchen von Hans Christian Andersen: Zweisprachiges Kinderbuch, ab 4-6 Jahren by
Transnational Writing Education: Theory, History, and Practice by
Transnational Writing Education: Theory, History, and Practice by
Sagesse ou chance - Mudrost ili udacha: Le conte populaire juif, Bilingue français/russe by Garibian, Eliza
Teach Me My Feelings in Tongan: with English Translations by Aflague, Mary, Aflague, Gerard
Teach Me My Feelings in Hawaiian by Aflague, Mary, Aflague, Gerard
Carmen: French/English bilingual (+ audiobook) by Merimee, Prosper
Wow! Inglés sólo en 24 horas by Gonzalez, Cesar William
Teach Me My Feelings in Samoan: with English Translations by Aflague, Mary, Aflague, Gerard
Consejitos de lectura by Frontera, Nelida
Multilinguals' Verbalisation and Perception of Emotions by Resnik, Pia
Multilinguals' Verbalisation and Perception of Emotions by Resnik, Pia
Mostly Conversation: Materials for the ESL Classroom by Pyle, Doraina
Preparing English Learners for College and Career: Lessons from Successful High Schools by Santos, María, Palacios, Martha Castellón, Cheuk, Tina
Favorite Armenian Fairy Tales, Sirvats haykakan hekiatnere: Parallel text in Amenian and English, Bilingual by Garibian, Eliza, Bagdasaryan, Svetlana
Nelson Learns a Language: German to English by Schwefel, Hannah
Ingles Instantaneo: Instant English Vocabulary Builder by Means, Tom
What Teachers Need to Know about Language by
Dors bien, petit loup - Schlaf gut, kleiner Wolf (français - allemand): Livre bilingue pour enfants à partir de 2-4 ans, avec livre audio MP3 à téléch by
What Teachers Need to Know about Language by
Dors bien, petit loup - Ónira khlyká, mikré lýke (français - grecque): Livre bilingue pour enfants à partir de 2-4 ans by
Aber jetzt tu ich ein bisschen mélanger: Kommunikationsstrategien bei mehrsprachigen Kindern im reziprok-immersiven Unterricht by
Dors bien, petit loup - Gabhira bhabe ghuma'o, chota nekare (français - bengali): Livre bilingue pour enfants à partir de 2-4 ans by
American Learners of Arabic as a Foreign Language: The Speech Act of Refusal in Egyptian Arabic by Morkus, Nader
Desarrollo Infantes y Bebes Mayorcitos: Desde una Base de Conocimiento y Respeto by Murillo, Shirley P.
Wisdom or Luck, Jewish Folktale, Bilingual Hebrew/English by
Skazki Na Noch' Kniga 2. Bedtime Fairy Tales Book2. Bilingual Book in Russian and English: Dual Language Stories (Russian and English Edition) by Bagdasaryan, Svetlana
The Prairie by Fenimore Cooper, James
The Deerslayer by Fenimore Cooper, James
Relatos de una Emigrante by Bermudez, Candida Bermudez
French Copywork: French Style Cursive by Grace, Galadriel, Academy, Heritage Grove
The Monikins by Fenimore Cooper, James
Hek'iat'ner K'Neluts' Arraj Girk' 2. Bedtime Fairy Tales Book 2. Bilingual Book in Armenian and English: Dual Language Stories for Kids (Armenian - En by Bagdasaryan, Svetlana
Early Birds Book 1 by Rogers, Jeff
Magic Sutras Potent by Aggarwal, Ashwini Kumar
The Little Book of Arabic Phrases and Expressions by Al Qamar, Haneen
Reform and Literacy Education: History, Effects, and Advocacy by
БИЛИНГВАЛЬНАЯ РЕВОЛЮЦИ&# by Жомон, Фаб&#, Jaumont, Fabrice
Reform and Literacy Education: History, Effects, and Advocacy by
The Hopes and Experiences of Bilingual Teachers of English: Investments, Expectations and Identity by Kong, Melinda
English Medium Instruction in Multilingual and Multicultural Universities: Academics' Voices from the Northern European Context by Henriksen, Birgit, Holmen, Anne, Kling, Joyce
TITIG The Wonderful World Of My Favorite Fruits & Veggies by Eno, Maureen, Ketty, Bunch
Round Penning: First Steps to Starting a Horse How to Start a Horse: Bridling to 1st Ride, Step-by-Step by Hosman, Keith
Cendrillon: Bilingue avec le texte parallèle: Français-Russe by
Spirituality and English Language Teaching: Religious Explorations of Teacher Identity, Pedagogy and Context by
Spirituality and English Language Teaching: Religious Explorations of Teacher Identity, Pedagogy and Context by
Louis the Water Drop by Zollinger, Mariana
Art as a Way of Talking for Emergent Bilingual Youth: A Foundation for Literacy in PreK-12 Schools by
Aprendendo Inglês - O Segredo by Alcantara, Paulo Amazonas
Language Arts: Ojibwe by Hubler Cda, Lillian I., Hubler Ed D., Michael S.
Family, Home, Holidays, and Transportation: Ojibwe by Hubler Ed D., Michael S., Hubler Cda, Lillian I.
Community and School: Ojibwe by Hubler, Michael S.
Character: Ojibwe by Hubler Cda, Lillian I., Hubler Ed D., Michael S.
Math Science and Nature: Ojibwe by Hubler Cda, Lillian I., Hubler Ed D., Michael S.
Sports, Recreation, and Arts: Ojibwe by Hubler Cda, Lillian I., Hubler Ed D., Michael S.
Art as a Way of Talking for Emergent Bilingual Youth: A Foundation for Literacy in Prek-12 Schools by
Preston Lee's Beginner English Lesson 1- 60 For Slovak Speakers (British) by Lee, Kevin, Preston, Matthew
Cinderella: Bilingual parallel text: English-Russian by
Le livre des Jubilees ou le livre des secrets du temps. by Man Kamaha, Yahudah
English Language Teacher Preparation in Asia: Policy, Research and Practice by
Enacting Adolescent Literacies across Communities: Latino/a Scribes and Their Rites by Rodríguez, R. Joseph
Heritage Languages and Their Speakers by Polinsky, Maria
TITIG The Wonderful World Of My Favorite Fruits & Veggies by Ketty, Bunch, Eno, Maureen
Reading to Learn in a Foreign Language: An Integrated Approach to Foreign Language Instruction and Assessment by
Los lunares en el listón: The polka dots in the ribbon. 圆点上的丝带. (Yuán Shàng de sīdài.) by Alvarez Loperena, Marisol
Nuku hyvin, pieni susi - Slaap lekker, kleine wolf (suomi - hollanti): Kaksikielinen satukirja mukana mp3-äänikirja ladattavaksi, 2-4 vuotta by
Tarass Boulba: bilingue russe/français (+ lecture audio intégrée) by Gogol, Nicolas
The Adventures of Nkoza and Nankya: Life in the Village by Jagwe, Solomon W., Jagwe, Kim
The History of Herodotus by Herodotus
The Adventures of Donna Sophia and. Doggy Spa Day by Filer, Robert
Cornélia: bilingue espagnol/français (+ lecture audio intégrée) by de Cervantès, Miguel
The Mystery of the Yellow Room: English & French by Marcel, Nik
The Mystery of the Yellow Room: French to English by Marcel, Nik
A Path of Connections: An Introduction to English by Jurado, Katty M.
German for Children: Volume 1: Entertaining and constructive worksheets, games, word searches, colouring pages by Neilly, Madeleine
15 COOL Crossword Puzzles in Greek: My first 120 Words in Greek with Crossword Puzzles by Pappas, M. G.
Reading Authentic English Picture Books in the Primary School EFL Classroom: A Study of Reading Comprehension, Reading Strategies and FL Development by Reckermann, Julia
Salome by Wilde, Oscar
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