• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Biographies General in 1976

The Letters of William Lloyd Garrison by Garrison, William Lloyd
The Biographical Process by
Ägyptische Ärzte Und Ägyptische Medizin Am Hethitischen Königshof. Neue Funde Von Keilschriftbriefen Ramses' II. Aus Boğazköy: 179. Sitzung Am 18 by Edel, Elmar
Berühmte Basler Und Ihre Zeit: Sieben Biographien by Teuteberg
Aelfric's Lives of Three English Saints by
Johann Christian Edelmann: From Orthodoxy to Enlightenment by Grossmann, Walter
No Other Road to Take: The Memoirs of Mrs. Nguyen Thi Dinh by Dinh, Nguyen Thi
The Millionaires of Genesis: Their Prosperity Secrets for You! (the Millionaires of the Bible Series) by Ponder, Catherine
Interviews with William Carlos Williams by Williams, William Carlos
Autobiography by Cardus, Neville, Unknown
Biographical Memoirs: Volume 48 by National Academy of Sciences
On Shares: Ed Brown's Story by Maguire, Jane
Sister Kenny: The Woman Who Challenged the Doctors by Cohn, Victor
Old Rail Fence Corners: Frontier Tales Told by Minnesota Pioneers by
Saga of Hugh Glass by Myers Myers, John
The History of King Richard III and Selections from English and Latin Poems by More, Thomas
Emile Durkheim by Unknown, Nisbet, Robert A.
Diplomat Among Warriors. by Murphy, Robert D.
William Morris, the Man and the Myth. by Arnot, Robert Page, Unknown
Zoltan Kodaly: A Hungarian Musician by Unknown, Young, Percy Marshall
Die Aktivierte Essigsäure Und Ihre Folgen: Autobiographische Beiträge Von Schülern Und Freunden Feodor Lynens by
B. F. Dolbin, der Zeichner als Reporter by Schaber, Will
Letters of a Russian Traveler, 1789-1790: An Account of a Young Russian Gentleman's Tour Through Germany, Switzerland, France, and England by Karamzin, Nikolaj Mihajlovic, Jonas, Florence
The Great Po Sein: A Chronicle of the Burmese Theater by Sein, Withey, Unknown, Sein, Kenneth
First Man West: Alexander MacKenzie's Journal of His Voyage to the Pacific Coast of Canada in 1793 by MacKenzie, Alexander
The Lives of Roger Casement by Reid, B. L.
Russian Mystics: Volume 26 by Bolshakoff, Sergius
Lawrence of Arabia: A Biographical Enquiry by Aldington, Richard
Man of the Woods by F. Keith, Herbert
The Truth about Geronimo by Davis, Britton
Henry Sylvester Williams and the Origins of the Pan-African Movement, 1869-1911. by Lynch, Hollis
Henry David Thoreau by Krutch, Joseph W., Unknown
David Ricardo: A Biography by Weatherall, D.
The Letters and Poems of Fulbert of Chartres by Fulbert of Chartres
The Making of a History: Walter Prescott Webb and The Great Plains by Tobin, Gregory M.
The Correspondence of Isaac Newton: Volume 6, 1713-1718 by Newton, Isaac
Catharine Beecher: A Study in American Domesticity by Sklar, Kathryn Kish
Phänomenologie Der Wahrnehmung by Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
Durruti: The People Armed by Paz, Abel
Henry A. Wallace and American Foreign Policy. by Wallace, Henry a., Walker, J. Samuel
In Brief Authority by Unknown, Biddle, Francis
The Strangest Friendship in History: Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House by Viereck, George Sylvester
The Musical Wesleys by Routley, Erik, Unknown
Herblock Special Report by Block, Herbert
Charles Darwin: Evolution by Natural Selection by de Beer, Gavin
Black Women in Nineteenth-Century American Life: Their Words, Their Thoughts, Their Feelings by
The Diaries of George Washington: 1748-1765 Volume 1 by Washington, George
Public Persons by Lippmann, Walter
Flush by Woolf, Virginia
Dante by Bergin, Thomas Goddard
Jung and the Story of Our Time by Van Der Post, Laurens
The Diaries of George Washington: 1766-1770 Volume 2 by Washington, George
Essays in Memory of Imre Lakatos by
Essays in Memory of Imre Lakatos by
The Papers of Alexander Hamilton by Hamilton, Alexander
Khrushchev: The Years in Power by Medvedev, Zhores a., Medvedev, Roy A.
Mary II, Queen of England by Chapman, Hester W.
With Napoleon in Russia: The Memoirs of General de Caulaincourt, Duke of Vicenza by Libaire, George
The Lady and the Law: The Remarkable Story of Fanny Holtzmann by Berkman, Ted
Great Negroes: Past and Present: Volume One Volume 1 by Adams, Russell L.
The Indiana Home by Esarey, Logan
The Papers of Alexander Hamilton by Hamilton, Alexander
The Art of Raymond Jonson, Painter by Garman Ed