• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Biographies General in 1993

Ted: A Personal Memoir of Ted Berrigan by Padgett, Ron
Women Activists: Challenging the Abuse of Power by Garland, Anne Witte
Lion Woman's Legacy: An Armenian-American Memoir by Avakian, Arlene Voski
Antoinette Brown Blackwell: A Biography by Cazden, Elizabeth
Listen to Their Voices: Twenty Interviews with Women Who Write by Pearlman, Mickey
Yella Pessl, First Lady of the Harpsichord a Life of Fire and Conviction by Dower, Catherine
A Church Historian's Odyssey by Davies, Horton
These Modern Women: Autobiographical Essays from the Twenties Second Edition by
A Church Historian's Odyssey by Davies, Horton
A Day at a Time: The Diary Literature of American Women Writers from 1764 to the Present by
Doctors on Horseback: Pioneers of American Medicine by Flexner, James T.
The Holmes-Sheehan Correspondence: The Letters of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. and Canon Patrick Augustine Sheehan by Burton, David H.
Francis Bacon: The Temper of a Man the Temper of a Man by Bowen, Catherine Drinker
Over the Top: Veterans of the First World War by Polk, David
Lion Woman's Legacy: An Armenian-American Memoir by Avakian, Arlene Voski
Fair Land Sarawak: Some Recollections of an Expatriate Officer by Morrison, Alastair
My Father, My Friend by Mayse, Arthur
Calderon: Three Plays: The Mayor of Zalamea; Life's a Dream; Great Theatre of the World by Calderón de la Barca, Pedro
Selected Letters of Matthew Arnold by
Journey Toward Freedom: The Story of Sojourner Truth by Bernard, Jacqueline
Bootstraps: From an American Academic of Color by Villanueva Jr, Victor
The Letters of William Cullen Bryant: Volume VI, 1872-1878 by
Moving the Mountain: Women Working for Social Change by Strom, Sharon Hartman, Cantarow, Ellen, O?malley, Susan Gushee
Las Mujeres: Conversations from a Hispanic Community by Tixier Y. Vigil, Yvonne, Elsasser, Nan, MacKenzie, Kyle
Cassandra by Nightingale, Florence
Historicorum Romanorum Reliquiae. Volumen II by
Hogwild: A Back-To-The-Land Saga by Lauterer, Jock
The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy and the History of Christian Science by Cather, Willa, Milmine, Georgine
Upward Panic: The Autobiography of Eva Palmer-Sikelianos by
Francis Bacon: The Temper of a Man by Bowen, Catherine Drinker
The Fields of Home by Moody, Ralph
Harem Years: The Memoirs of an Egyptian Feminist, 1879-1924 by Shaarawi, Huda
Black Foremothers: Three Lives, Second Edition by Sterling, Dorothy
Maybe I'll Pitch Forever by Paige, Leroy
My Love Affair With the State of Maine: By Scotty Mackenie by MacKenzie, Scotty
Man of the Family by Moody, Ralph
Prarieblomman by Hubalek, Linda K.
Prisoner's Dilemma: John Von Neumann, Game Theory, and the Puzzle of the Bomb by Poundstone, William
Womanist Justice, Womanist Hope by Townes, Emilie M.
Asiyih Khanum, The Most Exalted Leaf, entitled Navvab by Man'ani, Baharieh Rouhani
John Dewey and American Democracy: Public Opinion and the Making of American and British Health Policy (Revised) by Westbrook, Robert B.
PR: Fifty Years in the Field by Donoghue, Jack
Origin of Ethnography in Japan by Kawada, Minoru
William Diller Matthew, Paleontologist: The Splendid Drama Observed by Colbert, Edwin
In Memoriam Albert Döderlein by
Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes and Selected Travel Writings by Stevenson, Robert Louis
Dictionary of Labour Biography: Volume IX by
Livin' the Blues: Memoirs of a Black Journalist and Poet by Davis, Frank Marshall
Claude E. Shannon: Collected Papers by
Paracelsus: Life and Prophecies by Paracelsus, Hartmann, Franz
Unknown Philosopher: The Life of Louis Claude de St. Martin and the Substance of His Transcendental Doctrine by Waite, Arthur Edward
[Set Bio-Bibliographisches Handbuch, Band 1-8] by
Alec Wilder: A Bio-Bibliography by Demsey, David, Prather, Ronald
Women Public Speakers in the United States, 1800-1925: A Bio-Critical Sourcebook by Kohrs Campbell, Karlyn
Duke Ellington, Jazz Composer by Rattenbury, Ken
Friedrich Nietzsche by Mencken, H. L.
Lebensläufe -- Hüben Und Drüben by
Covetous of Truth: The Life and Work of Thomas White, 1593-1676 by Southgate, B. C.
The Seasons: Death and Transfiguration by Sinclair, Jo
Biographical Memoirs: Volume 62 by National Academy of Sciences
The Beginning of Terror: A Psychological Study of Rainer Maria Rilke's Life and Work by Kleinbard, David
The Patriarch: The Rise and Fall of the Bingham Dynasty by Tifft, Susan
The Seasons: Death and Transfiguration by Sinclair, Jo
A Sorrow in Our Heart: The Life of Tecumseh by Eckert, Allan W.
Wilhelm Groener by Hürter, Johannes
Narrative of Sojourner Truth by Truth, Sojourner
John Quincy Adams: A Bibliography by Parsons, Lynn H.
Saint Philip of the Joyous Heart by Connolly, Francis X.
Cradle to Grave: Life, Work, and Death at the Lake Superior Copper Mines by Lankton, Larry D., Lankton, L.
Maxims of George Washington: Political, Military, Social, Moral, and Religious by Washington, George
Torn Out by the Roots: The Recollections of a Former Communist by Vitzthum, Hilda
Kleists Geheimnisse: Unbekannte Seiten Einer Biographie by Grathoff, Dirk
A Convergence of Lives: Sofia Kovalevskaia - Scientist, Writer, Revolutionary by Koblitz, Ann
Falls Memories: A Belfast Life by Adams, Gerry
Hodding Carter: The Reconstruction of a Racist by Waldron, Ann
Hour of Gold, Hour of Lead: Diaries and Letters of Anne Morrow Lindbergh, 1929-1932 by Lindbergh, Anne Morrow
John Colter: His Years in the Rockies by Harris, Burton
Eleanor Roosevelt: Volume One, 1884-1933 by Cook, Blanche Wiesen
Baudrillard Live: Selected Interviews by
Baudrillard Live: Selected Interviews by
An E. M. Forster Chronology by Stape, J.
The Life And Teachings Of Sai Baba Of Shirdi by Rigopoulos, Antonio
Thomas Hobbes and the Natural Law Tradition by Bobbio, Norberto
Bob Dylan: A Bio-Bibliography by McKeen, William
Friedrich Dürrenmatt by Knapp, Gerhard P.
So the Woman Went Her Way: A Personal Journey by Bundesen, Lynne
Mad Jack: The Biography of Captain John Percival, USN, 1779-1862 by Long, David Foster
French Worker: Autobiographies from the Early Industrial Era by
Nur Jahan: Empress of Mughal India by Findly, Ellison Banks
The French Worker by
Marlborough by Jones, James Rees, Jones, J. R.
Große Stimmen: Von Enrico Caruso Bis Jessye Norman by Fischer, Jens Malte
Pod- Carpe Diem by Madden, Madden, Ed, Madden, Edward F.
Heinrich Böll: Sammlung Metzler, 272 by Sowinski, Bernhard
Sir Jonas Moore: Practical Mathematics and Restoration Science by Willmoth, Frances
Discoveries: Made from Living My New Life by Price, Eugenia
Drylongso: A Self-Portrait of Black America by Gwaltney, John Langston
At Seventy: A Journal by Sarton, May
Anna Freud: The Dream of Psychoanalysis by Coles, Robert
St. Rose of Lima: Patroness of the Americas by O, Mary Alphonsus
Vita and Virginia: The Work and Friendship of V. Sackville-West and Virginia Woolf by Raitt, Suzanne
Lev Vygotsky: Revolutionary Scientist by Newman, Fred, Holzman, Lois
Dictionary of American Religious Biography: Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged by Bowden, Henry Warner
Latin American Heroes: Liberators and Patriots from 1500 to the Present by Adams, Jerome
Ranald S. MacKenzie on the Texas Frontier by Wallace, Ernest
Black Messiahs and Uncle Toms: Social and Literary Manipulations of a Religious Myth. Revised Edition by Moses, Wilson J.
Uncommon Therapy: The Psychiatric Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. by Haley, Jay
Reading Rodney King/Reading Urban Uprising by
Reading Rodney King/Reading Urban Uprising by
Fritz Perls by Clarkson, Petrouska, Clarkson, Petruska, Mackewn, Jennifer
Flora Tristan, Utopian Feminist: Her Travel Diaries and Personal Crusade by
Helen Hayes: A Bio-Bibliography by Moore, Stephen, Murphy, Donn B.
Elinor Remick Warren: A Bio-Bibliography by Bortin, Virginia
Statesmen Who Changed the World: A Bio-Bibliographical Dictionary of Diplomacy by
The Life of My Choice by Thesiger, Wilfred
Mahatma Gandhi and His Apostles by Mehta, Ved
The Papers of James Madison: 1 August 1801-28 February 1802 Volume 2 by Madison, James
Walls: Resisting the Third ReichùOne Woman's Story by Zassenhaus, Hiltgunt
Marx's Fate: The Shape of a Life by Seigel, Jerrold
Liberal Crusader: The Life of Sir Archibald Sinclair by Groot, Gerard de
Flannery O'Connor's South by Coles, Robert
Nine Years Among the Indians, 1870-1879: The Story of the Captivity and Life of a Texan Among the Indians by Lehmann, Herman
Advising Ike: The Memoirs of Attorney General Herbert Brownell by Burke, John P., Brownell, Herbert
Black Beauty by Sewell, Anna
A Coleridge Chronology by Purton, Valerie
From Small Organic Molecules to Large: A Century of Progress by Mark, Herman
Grenfell of Labrador: A Biography by Rompkey, Ronald
William Ewart Gladstone: Faith and Politics in Victorian Britain by Bebbington, David W.
The Best Little Boy in the World: The 25th Anniversary Edition of the Classic Memoir by Tobias, Andrew, Reid, John
Elizabeth Bacon Custer and the Making of a Myth by Leckie, Shirley A.
A Cumulative Index to the Biographical Dictionary of American Sports by Porter, David L.
Hans Krebs by Holmes, Frederic Lawrence
John Brown: The Making of a Martyr by Warren, Robert Penn
Alun Hoddinott: A Bio-Bibliography by Craggs, Stewart R.
Hermann Hettner: Idealistisches Bildungsprinzip Versus Forschungsimperativ. Zur Karriere Eines >Undisziplinierten by Schlott, Michael
Ausonius of Bordeaux: Genesis of a Gallic Aristocracy by Sivan, Hagith
In the Matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer: Politics, Rhetoric, and Self-Defense by Holloway, Rachel L.
The Augustan Court: Queen Anne and the Decline of Court Culture by Bucholz, R. O.
Like a Holy Crusade: Mississippi 1964 -- The Turning of the Civil Rights Movement in America by Mills, Nicolaus
Hole in the Sky: A Memoir by Kittredge, William
Women of Fair Hope by Gaston, Paul
Intoxicated by My Illness: And Other Writings on Life and Death by Broyard, Anatole
Alexander a Friedmann: The Man Who Made the Universe Expand by Frenkel, Viktor Ya, Chernin, Artur D., Tropp, Eduard A.
Creativity/Anthropology by
Forged Under the Sun/Forjada Bajo El Sol: The Life of Maria Elena Lucas by
Mary Leapor: A Study in Eighteenth-Century Women's Poetry by Greene, Richard
The Letters of Lucien to Camille Pissarro, 1883 1903 by Pissarro, Lucien
Executing the Mentally Ill: The Criminal Justice System and the Case of Alvin Ford by Miller, Kent S.
No Ordinary Man: George Mercer Dawson 1849-1901 by Winslow-Spragge, Lois
I Didn't Come Here to Stay: The Memoirs of Ed Parker by Parker, Ed
The Correspondence of Michael Faraday: 1832-1840 by
American Social Leaders: From Colonial Times to the Present by McGuire, William, McGuire, Bill
Proses: On Poems and Poets by Kizer, Carolyn
The General Correspondence of James Boswell, 1766-1769: Volume 1: 1766-1767 by Boswell, James
Mayordomo: Chronicle of an Acequia in Northern New Mexico by Crawford, Stanley
Emile Durkheim: Sociologist and Moralist by
The Meaning of Evolution: The Morphological Construction and Ideological Reconstruction of Darwin's Theory by Richards, Robert J.
Sir Francis Galton, Frs: The Legacy of His Ideas by
Dr. John Dee: Elizabethan Mystic and Astrologer by Hort, G. M.
A Jewish Girl in the Weimar Republic by Orfali, Sebastian
Early Philosophical Shiism: The Isma'ili Neoplatonism of Abu YA'Qub Al-Sijistani by Walker, Paul Ernest
Searching for Bobby Fischer: The Father of a Prodigy Observes the World of Chess by Waitzkin, Fred
Zachary Taylor: Soldier, Planter, Statesman of the Old Southwest (Revised) by Bauer, K. Jack
The Big Sea: An Autobiography by Hughes, Langston
I Wonder as I Wander: An Autobiographical Journey by Hughes, Langston
Nicholas Kaldor and the Real World by Turner, Marjorie Shepherd
Peter the Great by Lee, Stephen J.
Austin Robinson: The Life of an Economic Adviser by Cairncross, S.
Forgotten Memories: A Journey Out of the Darkness of Sexual Abuse by Schave, Barbara
Joseph Nicollet on the Plains and Prairies by Nicollet, Joseph N.
De Gaulle by Shennan, Andrew
In Caesar's Shadow: The Life of General Robert Eichelberger by Chwialkowski, Paul
Paying the Social Debt: What White America Owes Black America by America, Richard F.
Irving Fisher: A Biography by Allen, Robert Loring
Boris Karloff: A Bio-Bibliography by Buehrer, Beverley Bare, Bare Buehrer, Beverly
Ellen Stewart and La Mama: A Bio-Bibliography by Horn, Barbara Lee
Journeyings: The Biography of a Middle-Class Generation 1920-1990 by McCalman, Janet
Revolt Against Chivalry: Jessie Daniel Ames and the Women's Campaign Against Lynching by Hall, Jacquelyn Dowd
Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes: Free Speech and the Living Constitution by Pohlman, H. L.
The Sun Shines for All: Journalism and Ideology in the Life of Charles A. Dana by Steele, Janet
Why I Left America and Other Essays by Harrington, Oliver W.
Keynes by Moggridge, D. E.
Merchant Adventurer: The Story of W. R. Grace by James, Marquis
A Sacred Trust: Nelson Poynter and the St. Petersburg Times by Pierce, Robert N.
Mary Queen of Scots by Fraser, Antonia
The Adventures of the Woman Homesteader: The Life and Letters of Elinore Pruitt Stewart by Bloomfield, Susanne George
Swing That Music by Armstrong, Louis
Aaron T Beck by Weishaar, Marjorie
Hillary Rodham Clinton: A First Lady for Our Time by Radcliffe, Donnie
It Doesn't Take a Hero: The Autobiography of General Norman Schwarzkopf by Schwarzkopf, Norman
Incest: From a Journal of Love -The Unexpurgated Diary of Anais Nin (1932-1934) by Nin, Anais, Nin, Anaeis
Memories of Revolution: Russian Women Remember by
Revolt Against Chivalry: Jessie Daniel Ames and the Women's Campaign Against Lynching by Hall, Jacquelyn Dowd
Virgin Time by Hampl, Patricia
Kepler by Caspar, Max
Goal Dust: The Warm and Candid Memoirs of a Pioneer Black Athlete and Actor by Young, Sam, Strode, Woody
Keeping Faith: Philosophy and Race in America by West, Cornel
Aaron T Beck by Weishaar, Marjorie
Self-Made Woman: A Memoir by DuBois, Denise Chanterelle
Howard Hanson: A Bio-Bibliography by Perone, James E.
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