• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Biographies General in 1998

Dearest Wilding: A Memoir, with Love Letters from Theodore Dreiser by Eastman, Yvette
Tribonian by Honore, Tony
The Selected Letters of Ralph Waldo Emerson by
Walter Rodney's Intellectual and Political Thought by Lewis, Rupert
Letters to the Home Circle: The North Carolina Service of Pvt. Henry A. Clapp, 1862-1863 by Barden, John R.
A Year of Revolutions: Fanny Lewald's Recollections of 1848 by
Towards Emancipation: German Women Writers of the Nineteenth Century by Diethe, Carol
The Morning the Sun Went Down by Wilson, Darryl Babe
Pasternak: A Critical Study by Gifford, Henry
Interrupted Lives: Four Women's Stories of Internment During WWII in the Philippines by Jansen, Sascha Jean, Sams, Margaret, Wills, Jane
Here I Stand by Robeson, Paul
Plutarch: Themistocles by Marr, John L.
Plutarch: Themistocles by Marr, John L.
Grace Unfailing: The Radical Mind and Beloved Community of Richard Roberts by Norman, Gwen R. P.
Chicago Politics Ward by Ward by Ward, Peter Ed, Fremon, David K.
Lavoisier: Chemist, Biologist, Economist by Poirier, Jean-Pierre
Shostakovich Reconsidered by Ho, Allan B., Feofanov, Dmitry
Unchained!: The Story of Mac Gober by
Jesuit Saints & Martyrs by Tylenda, Joseph N., Tylenda, S. J.
The Greenleaf Guide to Famous Men of the Renaissance and Reformation by Shearer, Robert G., Shearer, Cynthia a.
Suetonius by Wallace-Hadrill, Andrew
Amanda Berry Smith: From Washerwoman to Evangelist by Israel, Adrienne
Des Traces Sur Le Sable: Reflexions Sur L'Identite Culturelle by Labat, Joseph
Burkitt Cancer Fiber by Nelson, Ethel R.
Stefan Zweig - Schriftsteller Und Literarischer Agent by Buchinger, Susanne
Suetonius: Caligula by Suetonius
Lighthouse Chronicles: Twenty Years on the BC Lights by Anderson, Flo
Looking for Gatsby by Dunaway, Faye
One Day My Soul Just Opened Up: 40 Days and 40 Nights Toward Spiritual Strength and Personal Growth by Vanzant, Iyanla
Netaji: Collected Works: Volume 1: An Indian Pilgrim: An Unfinished Autobiography by Bose, Subhas Chandra
Eleanor of Castile: Queen and Society in Thirteenth-Century France by Parsons, John Carmi
The Wing of Madness: The Life and Work of R.D. Laing by Burston, Daniel
The Cambridge Companion to Handel by
Rachel Browne: Dancing Toward the Light by Anderson, Carol
His Promised Land: The Autobiography of John P. Parker, Former Slave and Conductor on the Underground Railroad by Parker, John P.
Doing Battle: The Making of a Skeptic by Fussell, Paul
Against the Wind: Eberhard Arnold and the Bruderhof by Baum, Markus
Frederick Douglass: Oratory from Slavery by Chesebrough, David B.
Turning Stones: My Days and Nights with Children at Risk A Caseworker's Story by Parent, Marc
Father of the Poor?: Vargas and His Era by Levine, Robert M.
Father of the Poor?: Vargas and His Era by Levine, Robert M.
Notorious Victoria: The Uncensored Life of Victoria Woodhull - Visionary, Suffragist, and First Woman to Run for President by Gabriel, Mary
The Correspondence of William James: William and Henry 1885-1889 Volume 6 by James, William
Partners of the Heart by Thomas, Vivien T.
Conductors and Composers of Popular Orchestral Music: A Biographical and Discographical Sourcebook by Musiker, Reuben, Ades, David, Musiker, Naomi
Heinrich Hertz: Classical Physicist, Modern Philosopher by
Geographers by
Life of Emanuel Swedenborg together with A Brief Synopsis of His Writings both Philosophical and Theosophical by White, William
Nile: Notes for Travelers in Egypt by Budge, Earnest Wallis
Life of Pythagoras by Aamblichus, Iamblichus
Kokoro: Hints and Echoes of Japanese Inner Life by Hern, Lafcadio, Hearn, Lafcadio
Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology: Volume III by
Dirty Talk: Diary of a Phone Sex Mistress by Anthony, Gary
Pimps, Whores and Welfare Brats: From Welfare Cheat to Conservative Messenger by Parker, Star
The Young Paul Robeson: On My Journey Now by Brown, Lloyd L.
Charlemagne's Courtier: The Complete Einhard by
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great: Scientists by Hubbard, Fra Elbert
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great: Teachers by Hubbard, Fra Elbert
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great: Famous Women by Hubbard, Fra Elbert
Guide Book for Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great by Hubbard, Fra Elbert
Jacqueline Bouvier: An Intimate Memoir by Davis, John H.
Utopian Vistas: The Mabel Dodge Luhan House and the American Counterculture by Rudnick, Lois Palken
A Zuni Life: A Pueblo Indian in Two Worlds by Wyaco, Virgil
Fleet Walker's Divided Heart: The Life of Baseball's First Black Major Leaguer (Revised) by Zang, David W.
The Seduction of Hillary Rodham by Brock, David
Codeine Diary: A Memoir by Andrews, Tom
Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Black Man by Gates, Henry Louis
The Republic of Genius: A Reconstruction of Nietzsche's Early Thought by Taylor, Quentin P.
Domenico Dragonetti in England (1794-1846): The Career of a Double Bass Virtuoso by Palmer, Fiona M.
Paul Dirac: The Man and His Work by Pais, Abraham, Jacob, Maurice, Olive, David I.
The Danakil Diary by Thesiger, Wilfred
Maternal Justice: Miriam Van Waters and the Female Reform Tradition by Freedman, Estelle B.
Walter Benjamin: A Biography by Brodersen, Momme
Viramma: Life of an Untouchable by Varriano, John L., Racine, Jean-Luc, Racine, Josiane
Critique and Conviction: Conversations with François Azouvi and Marc de Launay by Ricoeur, Paul
Briefwechsel by Overbeck, Franz, Köselitz, Heinrich
The Calling of Katie Makanya: A Memoir of South Africa by McCord, Margaret
Personal History: A Memoir by Graham, Katharine
Racial Attitudes in America: Trends and Interpretations, Revised Edition by Steeh, Charlotte, Bobo, Lawrence D., Schuman, Howard
Stylin': African-American Expressive Culture, from Its Beginnings to the Zoot Suit by White, Shane, White, Graham
Women Writers in German-Speaking Countries: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook by
Humphry Davy: Science and Power by Knight, David M.
King of the Mountain: The Rise, Fall, and Redemption of Chief Judge Sol Wachtler by Caher, John M.
American Body Politics: Race, Gender, and Black Literary Renaissance by Smith, Felipe
An Edgar Allan Poe Chronology by Hammond, J.
From Daughters to Mothers I've Always Meant to Tell You by Warloe, Constance
Jesus of Nazareth How He Understood His Life by Schwager, Raymund
Hustled by Flynt-Vega, Tonya
Living to Tell the Tale: A Guide to Writing Memoir by McDonnell, Jane Taylor
Choteau Creek: A Sioux Reminiscence by Dudley, Joseph Iron Eye
Literature or Life by Semprun, Jorge
Mount Allegro: A Memoir of Italian American Life by Mangione, Jerre
Nadia Boulanger: A Life in Music by Rosenstiel, Leonie
Kiowa: A Woman Missionary in Indian Territory by Crawford, Isabel
A Change of Heart by Sylvia, Claire
The First Woman in the Republic: A Cultural Biography of Lydia Maria Child by Karcher, Carolyn L.
Wife of the Life of the Party: A Memoir by Chaplin, Lita Grey, Vance, Jeffrey
Jane Hicks Gentry-Pa by Smith, Betty N.
Boyhood, Growing Up Male a Multicultural Anthology (Revised) by Abbott
Farm Boys: Lives of Gay Men from the Rural Midwest by
In the Country of Men: My Travels by Waldron, Jan L.
Nevill Mott: Reminiscences And Appreciations by Davis, E. A.
Prague in Black and Gold by Demetz, Peter
Ladies in the Laboratory? American and British Women in Science, 1800-1900: A Survey of their Contributions to Research by Creese, Mary R. S.
Savory Memories by
Dance of the Infidels: A Portrait of Bud Powell by Paudras, Francis
The Wicked City: Chicago from Kenna to Capone by Johnson, Curt
This Is Orson Welles by Rosenbaum, Jonathan, Welles, Orson, Bogdanovich, Peter
Goethe-Handbuch: Band 4, Teilband 2: Personen, Sachen, Begriffe L - Z by
Jessica's People: A Semi-fiction Recollection of Rural Ulster by Woodger, Jessie
The Killing Season: A Summer Inside an LAPD Homicide Division by Corwin, Miles
Growing Up with Legends: A Literary Memoir by Wright, Thomas E.
Exchanging Our Country Marks: The Transformation of African Identities in the Colonial and Antebellum South by Gomez, Michael a.
Questions of Heaven: The Chinese Journeys of an American Buddhist by Ehrlich, Gretel
Journey Through Brain Trauma: A Mother's Story of Her Daughter's Recovery by Morningstar, Louise Ray
A Short Season: Story of a Montana Childhood by Morehead, Donald M., Morehead, Ann
On a Huge Hill: A Search for Truth and Integrity by Dell, Murray
On to Oregon: The Diaries of Mary Walker and Myra Eells by Walker, Mary Richardson, Eells, Myra
Covered Wagon Women, Volume 6: Diaries and Letters from the Western Trails, 1853-1854 by
One of Ours: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing by Serrano, Richard A.
Diary of an Eating Disorder: A Mother and Daughter Share Their Healing Journey by Runyon, Beverly, Smith, Chelsea
Leaning Into the Wind: Women Write from the Heart of the West by
The Only Way I Know: With Highlights from the 1997 Season by Ripken, Cal, Bryan, Mike
Kate: The Journal of A Confederate Nurse by Cumming, Kate
Gambler's Wife: The Life of Malinda Jenkins by Jenkins, Malinda
Cristina!: Confidencias de Una Rubia = Christina = Christina by Saralegui, Cristina
Present Past Past Present by Ionesco, Eugene
Leaving a Doll's House: A Memoir by Bloom, Claire
A Garlic Testament: Seasons on a Small New Mexico Farm by Crawford, Stanley
The Confessions and Correspondence, Including the Letters to Malesherbes by Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Dissing Elizabeth: Negative Representations of Gloriana by
Our Grandmothers' Lives: As Told in Their Own Words by
In Search of Geraldine Moodie by White, Donny
Lift Every Voice: Turning a Civil Rights Setback Into a New Vision of Social Justice by Guinier, Lani
The Last Gift of Time: Life Beyond Sixty by Heilbrun, Carolyn G.
Proud Highway: Saga of a Desperate Southern Gentleman, 1955-1967 by Thompson, Hunter S.
Frederick Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury: A Life by Hinchliff, Peter
Hildegard of Bingen: A Visionary Life by Flanagan, Sabina
Virus Hunter: Thirty Years of Battling Hot Viruses Around the World by Peters, C. J., Olshaker, Mark
No Time to Die by Tilberis, Liz
John Wesley Hardin: Dark Angel of Texas by Metz, Leon C.
Canyon Solitude: A Woman's Solo River Journey Through the Grand Canyon by McCairen, Patricia C.
The Memoirs of Helene Kottanner (1439-1440) by Williamson, Maya Bijvoet
A Nod in the Direction of Life: The Great HLA Adventure / Clin d'oeil à la vie: La grande aventure du HLA by Dausset, Jean
Waiting for Home: The Richard Prangley Story by Schneider, John
Emil Dovifat by
Have No Fear: The Charles Evers Story by Evers, Charles, Szanton, Andrew
Have No Fear: The Charles Evers Story by Evers, Charles, Szanton, Andrew
Without Lying Down: Frances Marion and the Powerful Women of Early Hollywood by Beauchamp, Cari
The Hottest Water in Chicago by Pemberton, Gayle
Dear Editor and Friends: Letters from Rural Women of the North-West, 1900-1920 by
Teenage Wasteland: Suburbia's Dead End Kids by Gaines, Donna
Dictionary of Composers for the Church in Great Britain and Ireland by
Reassessing Foucault: Power, Medicine and the Body by
John Gregory and the Invention of Professional Medical Ethics and the Profession of Medicine by McCullough, Laurence B.
A Culture of Its Own: Taking Latin America Seriously by Falcoff, Mark
Exit with Honor: The Life and Presidency of Ronald Reagan by Pemberton, William E.
Healing Lessons by Taylor, Nick, Winawer, Sidney J.
School House in the Wind: A Trilogy by Anne Treneer by Treneer, Anne
Gender and Nationalism in Colonial Cuba: The Travels of Santa Cruz Y Montalvo, Condesa de Merlin by Rodenas, Adriana Mendez
God Said, Ha!: A Memoir by Sweeney, Julia
Descartes by Rodis-Lewis, Genevieve
Basil Hall Chamberlain: Portrait of a Japanologist by Ota, Yuzo
Maximilian I. von Bayern 1573-1651 by Albrecht, Dieter
Bertolt Brecht by Jeske, Wolfgang, Berg, Günter
Biographical Objects: How Things Tell the Stories of Peoples' Lives by Hoskins, Janet
The Journals of Sylvia Plath by Plath, Sylvia
Creativity and Moral Vision in Psychology: Narratives on Identity and Commitment in a Postmodern Age by Hoshmand, Lisa Tsoi
Creativity and Moral Vision in Psychology: Narratives on Identity and Commitment in a Postmodern Age by Hoshmand, Lisa Tsoi
Who Goes First? the Story of Self-Experimentation by Altman, Lawrence K.
An Edgar Allan Poe Chronology by Hammond, J.
The Least of These My Brethren: A Doctor's Story of Hope and Miracles in an Inner-City AIDS Ward by Baxter, Daniel J., Baxter
Abbot Suger of St-Denis: Church and State in Early Twelfth-Century France by Bates, David, Grant, Lindy
Philosophical Essays by Shosky, John, Flew, Antony
Turning the Feather Around: My Life in Art by Morrison, George
The Book of Margery Kempe by Skinner, John
Tibetan Lives: Three Himalayan Autobiographies by Richardus, Peter, Richardus, P., Richardus Peter
Simone Weil: On Politics, Religion and Society by Frost, Christopher, Bell-Metereau, Rebecca
Fools and Jesters in Literature, Art, and History: A Bio-Bibliographical Sourcebook by
Narrative Research: Reading, Analysis, and Interpretation by Lieblich, Amia, Tuval-Mashiach, Rivka, Zilber, Tamar
Narrative Research: Reading, Analysis, and Interpretation by Zilber, Tamar, Lieblich, Amia, Tuval-Mashiach, Rivka
Prelude to the Symphony of the New World / Prélude à la symphonie du nouveau monde by Emmanuelli, Xavier
Notable Women in Mathematics: A Biographical Dictionary by Morrow, Charlene, Perl, Teri
Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Women: v. 1: The Qing Period, 1644-1911 by Lau, Clara, Stefanowska, A. D., Lee, Lily Xiao Hong
Sports and the American Jew: Steven A. Riess by
Bittersweet Berries: Growing Up Jewish in Minnesota by Brin, Ruth F.
Letters From Paulos: A Leader in Wisdom to his Pupils in Korinthos by Omikron
David the Poet and King by Hillis, Newell Dwight
Sports and the American Jew: Steven A. Riess by
Battlegrounds of Memory by Lewis, Clay
Christina Rossetti by Burlinson, Kathryn
Back of the Pack by Bowers, Don
Bound Down for Newfoundland by Legrow, Chris
Letter to the World: Seven Women Who Shaped the American Century by Ware, Susan
Old Books, Rare Friends: Two Literary Sleuths and Their Shared Passion by Rostenberg, Leona, Stern, Madeline B.
Following Jesus in the Hindu Context: The Intriguing Implications of N.V. Tilak's Life and Thought by Richard, H. L.
A Slant of Sun: One Child's Courage by Kephart, Beth
Letters of a Civil War Nurse: Cornelia Hancock, 1863-1865 by Hancock, Cornelia
Borrowed Time: An AIDS Memoir by Monette, Paul
Naked by Sedaris, David
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