• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Biographies General in 1998

An F. Scott Fitzgerald Encyclopedia by Gale, Robert L.
Leaders of the American Civil War: A Biographical and Historiographical Dictionary by
Jane Austen: A Life by Nokes, David
Frente Negra Brasileira - Depoimentos: Entrevistas e textos: Márcio Barbosa by
Charles Sanders Peirce (Enlarged Edition), Revised and Enlarged Edition: A Life by Brent, Joseph
Providential Accidents: An Autobiography by Vermes, Geza
African-American Odyssey: The Stewarts, 1853-1963 by Broussard, Albert S.
Finding Fran: History and Memory in the Lives of Two Women by Banner, Lois
Adventures in Criminology by Radzinowicz, Sir Leon
Midges, Maps and Muesli by Krasner, Helen
Schiller Und Die Höfische Welt by
Wernher Von Braun: The Man Who Sold the Moon by Piszkiewicz, Dennis
Zulu Woman: The Life Story of Christina Sibiya by Reyher, Rebecca Hourwich
Biographical Memoirs: Volume 75 by National Academy of Sciences
Kusiq: An Eskimo Life History from the Arctic Coast of Alaska. by Bodfish Sr, Waldo
First Principles: The Jurisprudence of Clarence Thomas by Gerber, Scott Douglas
Zulu Woman: The Life Story of Christina Sibiya by Reyher, Rebecca Hourwich
Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War by Guevara, Che
Straight, No Chaser: The Life and Genius of Thelonious Monk by Gourse, Leslie
Prisoner 88: The Man in Stripes by Tanenbaum, Roy D.
Made in Hungary: Hungarian Contributions to Universal Culture by Simon, Andrew L.
Lakota Warrior by White Bull, Joseph
Modern Girls, Shining Stars, the Skies of Tokyo: Five Japanese Women by Birnbaum, Phyllis
Paul Von Hintze: Marineoffizier, Diplomat, Staatssekretär. Dokumente Einer Karriere Zwischen Militär Und Politik 1903-1918. Eingeleitet by
The Misty Trail by Miller, Florence Foley
Nobody Nowhere: The Remarkable Autobiography of an Autistic Girl by Williams, Donna
Rosalyn Yalow: Novel Laureate Her Life and Work in Medicine by Straus, Eugene
Scientists, Mathematicians, and Inventors: An Encyclopedia of People Who Changed the World by Simonis, Doris
Giordano Bruno and Renaissance Science by Gatti, Hilary
The Angela Y. Davis Reader by
Hilary and Jackie: The True Story of Two Sisters Who Shared a Passion, a Madness and a Man by Du Pre, Piers, Du Pre, Hilary
The Real Professor Higgins by Collins, Beverly, Mees, Inger M.
Pioniere Der Informatik: Ihre Lebensgeschichte Im Interview by
Who's Who of Pulitzer Prize Winners by
Poetry & Prose by Burie, Frank
Beyond the Horizon: A True Life Journey to Destiny by Coleman, Daniel
Patches on My Britches: Memories of Growing Up in the Dust Bowl by Davidson, James Alfred
Love by Neshaminy Creek by Boehn, Gustave A., III
The Autobiography of Philosophy: Rousseau's The Reveries of the Solitary Walker by Davis, Michael
The Long Presidency: France In The Mitterrand Years, 1981-1995 by Friend, Julius W.
Planet of the Blind: A Memoir by Kuusisto, Stephen
Keep Your Head to the Sky: Interpreting African American Home Ground by
Stories of Deliverance: Speaking with Men and Women Who Rescured Jews from the Holocaust` by Halter, Marek
Helen Keller, Public Speaker: Sightless But Seen, Deaf But Heard by Einhorn, Lois
Ayn Rand Cult by Walker, Jeff
Names and Stories: Emilia Dilke and Victorian Culture by Israel, Kali
Encyclopedia of Illinois Indians (Volume Two) by Ricky, Donald
Encyclopedia of Kansas Indians (Volume Two) by Ricky, Donald
Encyclopedia of Texas Indians (Volume Two) by Ricky, Donald
Encyclopedia of Indiana Indians (Volume One) by Ricky, Donald
Encyclopedia of Indiana Indians (Volume Two) by Ricky, Donald
Encyclopedia of Illinois Indians (Volume One) by Ricky, Donald
Encyclopedia of Kansas Indians (Volume One) by Ricky, Donald
The Philosophy of W. V. Quine, Volume 18 by