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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Biographies General in 2010

Materialien Und Untersuchungen by Meier, John
Untersuchungen Über Jane Shore ... by Budig, Willy
Gunnar Landtman in Papua: 1910 to 1912 by Varjola, Pirjo, Lawrence, David
Princess Sultana's Daughters by Sasson, Jean
Leben Michelangelo's, Volume 2 by Grimm, Herman Friedrich
American College Course, Part 11 by Anonymous
The One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Consociatons, Fairfield East and Fairfield West: With the Historical Address, and Other Addresses and by
Two Great Englishwomen, Mrs. Browning & Charlott Bronte: With an Essay on Poetry, Illustrated from Wordsworth, Burns, and Byron by Bayne, Peter
Die Burgundische Heirat Maximilians I. by Rausch, Karl
Lebenslauf Und Briefe by Velde, Carl Franz
del Primo Scopritore del Continente del Nuovo Mondo E Dei Piu Antichi Storici Che Ne Scrissero: Ragionamento Che Serve Di Supplemento Alle Due Lettere by Napione, Gian Francesco Galleani
Wagner's Life and Works: Nibelung. Tristan. Mastersingers. Parsifal by Anonymous
Hector Berlioz: La Vie Et Le Combat, Les OEuvres by Jullien, Jean Lucien Adolphe
Wordsworth by Anonymous
Karl Maria Enk Von Der Burg: Eine Biographische Skizze by Pick, Hermann
Ueber Die Beiden Letzten Kapitel Des Romerbriefes: Eine Kritische Untersuchung by Lucht, Hans
Death of President Garfield: Meeting of Americans in London at Exeter Hall, 24 September, 1881, to Which Is Added by Permission the Address of His by Tait, Archibald Campbell, Lowell, James Russell
Le Conclave Et Le Pape by De Montault, Xavier Barbier
Stambolov by Hulme-Beaman, Ardern George
Bernhard Von Weimar: Ein Lebensbild Zu Seinem 300. Geburtstage by Thoma, Albrecht
Buonaparte Et Sa Perfidie Devoilée by Chamoulaud, Joseph
La Vita Di Giacomo Leopardi by Cesareo, Giovanni Alfredo
Konig Lokrin: Ein Trauerspiel in Fung Aufzugen Von William Shakespeare; Deutsche Ubersetzung, Mit Literar-Historischer Einleitung Un by Neubner, Alfred
Philipp Melanchthon Und Die Deutsche Reformation Bis 1531 by Sell, Karl
John Vanbrughs Leben Und Werke by Dametz, Max
Melanie, Ou La Veuve Charitable: Histoire Morale.. by Macé, François
La Question Riel: Les Griefs Des Métis by Anonymous
The McKinley Memorial in Philadelphia: History of the Movement, and Account of the Dedication Exercises, Including the Oration by the Hon. James M. Be by
Leisure Hours: Or, Poems, Moral, Religious, & Descriptive by Anonymous
Wiclif's Place in History: Three Lectures Delivered Before the University of Oxford in 1881 by Burrows, Montague
Achtundvierzig Briefe Von Johann Gottlieb Fichte Und Seinen. Verwandten, Herausg. Von M. Weinhold. Besonderer Abdr. Aus Den Grenzboten by Fichte, Johann Gottlieb
The Works of Theodore Roosevelt, Volume 4 by Roosevelt, Theodore, IV
The Works of the REV. John Wesley, Volume 17 by Benson, Joseph, Wesley, John
Quellenkunde Zur Geschichte Der Eroberung Maltas Durch Die Franzosen 1798 by Schulz, Eduard
Begegnungen by Rollett, Hermann
Vie de Claire-Clémence de Maillé-Brézé, Princesse de Condé, 1628-1694 by Asselineau, Charles
The Life of Luther, by a Protestant by Anonymous
Americologia; Ossia, Osservazioni Storiche E Fisiologische Sopra Gli Americani Con Un Breve Ragguaglio Delle Ultime Scoperte Fatte Dai Russi Nel Mar P by Fonticelli, Antonio
Cofiant Y Diweddar Barch. David Williams, Chicago: Yn Nghyda Rhai O'i Draethodau A'i Bregethau by Hughes, William
The Kanter Girls by Branch, Mary Lydia
Der Deutsche Professor Der Gegenwart by Flach, Hans
Die Selbstbekenntnisse Schillers: Vortrag Gehalten in Der Rose Zu Jena Am 4. Marz 1857 by Fischer, Kuno
Methodist Worthies: Characteristic Sketches of Methodist Preachers of the Several Denominations, with Historical Sketch of Each Connexion by Anonymous
Gutenberg: Sein Leben, Sein Werk, Sein Ruhm by Brckel, Alfred, Borckel, Alfred
La Philosophie Expérimentale En Italie, Origines--État Actuel by Espinas, Alfred Victor
Rudolf Hermann Gurland by De Le Roi, Johann F. a.
The Pin-Basket to the Children of Thespis: With Notes Historical, Critical, and Biographical by Pasquin, Anthony
Korespondencja: Adama Mickiewicza, Volume 2 by Mickiewicz, Adam
Cursus Vitae Et Certamen Martyrii B. Josaphat Kuncevicii, Archiep. Polocensis, Ep. Vitebscensis Et Mstislaviensis Ordinis D. Basilii Magni by Susza, Jakob Jan
Little Rays of Moonshine by Herbert, Alan Patrick
Ferdinand Christian Ewald: Ein Lebensbild Aus Der Neueren Judenmission by De Le Roi, Johannes Friedrich Alexander
Die Grossen Revolutionen ALS Entwicklungserscheinungen Im Leben Der Volker by Anonymous
The Life of Luther by Anonymous
Collingwood by Russell, William Clark
Teaterminder Fra Kristiania Teater: Med 41 Tegninger Og Portraetter by Reimers, Sophie
Washington's Farewell Address and Webster's First Bunker Hill Oration by Webster, Daniel, Washington, George, Gaston, Charles Robert
Das Kind: Tagebuch Eines Vaters by Semmig, Herman
Der Vertheidigte Luther, Das Ist, Grundliche Widerlegung Dessen Was Die Papstler Dr. Martin Luthers Person Vorwerfen Von Seinen Eltern, Geburt, Beruf, by Muller, Johann, Mller, Johann
Georg Helts Briefwechsel by Helt, Georg
Goethe Und Napolean: Eine Kritische Studie by Koltermann, S.
Washington's Political Legacies: To Which Is Annexed an Appendix, Containing an Account of His Illness, Death, and the National Tributes of Respect Pa by Washington, George, Williams, J. M.
The Canadian Congregational Yearbook by Anonymous
Leggende Di Alcuni Santi E Beati Venerati in S. Maria Degli Angeli de Firenze: Testi del Buon Secolo, Part 1 by Stolfi, Casimiro
Briefe ... an Rembertus Ackema Und Andere, 1579-1584, Herausg. Von E. Friedlaender by De Albada, Aggaeus
La Vierge Assassinée, Avec Une Lettrepréface De L'auteur by Barrès, Maurice
Der Freiherr Von Sandau Auf Dem Richtplatze Einer Unbefangenen Kritik by Volk, Wilhelm Gustav Werner
Briefe Von Bonstetten an Matthisson by Von Matthisson, Friedrich, De Bonstetten, Charles Victor
A Theatrical Trip for a Wager!: Through Canada and the United States by Rhys, Horton
Johanna Kinkel: Nach Ihren Briefen Und Erinnerungs-Blattern by Schulte, Johann Friedrich
Kaiser Wilhelm II Und Seine Erziehung: Aus Den Erinnerungen Seines Franzosischen Lehres by Ayme, Franz
Negro Nobodies: Being a Series of Sketches of Peasant Life in Jamaica by De Montagnac, Noel, De Montagnac, Nol
Notti Al Sepolcro Di Pio VI. by Castelli, Filippo
Le Bienheureux Bernardin De Feltre by Flornoy, Eugène
Leben Kaiser Josephs Des Zweiten by Schneidawind, Franz Joseph Adolph
Illustrazione Di Giovanni del Turco ... AI Principi Mattematici Di Filosofia Naturale D'Isacco Newton by Anonymous
Political Debates Between Hon. Abraham Lincoln and Hon. Stehen A. Douglas, in the Celebrated Campaign of 1858, in Illinois: Including the Preceeding S by Douglas, Stephen Arnold, Lincoln, Abraham
Das Grab Der Bettel-Monche by Von Diesenberg-Canstein, Franz Wilhelm S.
Histoire De L'empire De Russie Sous Pierre Le Grand, Volume 2 by Voltaire
Dante. Sein Leben Und Seine Liebe Im Christlichen Und Deutschen Lichte by Clarissa, J.
Bamberger Reim-Chronik Von Jahre 900-1599 by Ayrer, Jakob
Die Renaissance Des Christentums Im 16. Jahrhundert by Wernle, Paul
William Congreve: Sein Leben Und Seine Lustspiele by Schmid, David
The Young Philosopher: A Novel, Volume 3 by Smith, Charlotte Turner
Queen Elizabeth by Abbott, Jacob
Note Autobiografiche E Storiche Di Un Garibaldino by Elia, Augusto
Schillers Calender, Vom 18. Juli 1795 Bis 1805 by Schiller, Friedrich
The Art of Biography by Thayer, William Roscoe
Om Humanisten Og Satirikeren Johan Lauremberg by Daae, Ludvig
Die Lehre Von Der Ministerverantwortlichkeit by Hauke, Franz
Botho Von Hulsen Und Seine Leute by Schlenther, Paul
James Martineau: The Story of His Life by Hall, Alfred
Nos Petits Journalistes by Rossignol, Léon
Trial of John Ambrose Williams, for a Libel on the Clergy, Contained in the Durham Chronicle of August 18, 1821: Tried at the Summer Assizes, at Durha by Anonymous
Philipp Melanchthon Und Sein Antheil an Der Deutschen Reformation: Festschrift Zum Vierhundertjahrigen Geburtstag Des Reformators by Beyschlag, Willibald
Briefe ... by Pliny
Historical Library of Andrew Dickson White by
Histoire Du Général Moreau: Jusqu' À La Paix De Lunéville, Contenant Une Notice Sur La Vie De Ce Général, Ses Campagnes Sur Le Rhin Et En Italie, by D'Avallon, Cousin
Gottesidee Und Cultus Bei Den Alten Preussen: Ein Beitrag Zur Vergleichenden Sprachforschung by Anonymous
Themistocles, the Lover of His Country: A Tragedy. as It Is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Lincoln's-Inn-Fields.. by Madden, Samuel
Silvio Spaventa, Giornalista: Conferenza Letta Al Circolo Filologica Di Napoli Il Giorno 9 Dicembre 1894 by De Cesare, Raffaele
Zur Chronologie Der Auf Die Frankischen Synoden Des Hl. Bonifatius: Bezuglichen Briefe Der Bonifazischen Briefsammlung by Loofs, Friedrich
Extrait Abrégé Des Vieux Mémoriaux De L'abbaye De Saint-Aubin-Des-Bois En Bretagne by Michel, Francisque
Doktor Luther: Eine Schilderung by Freytag, Gustav
Dédicaces Et Lettres Autographes by Clément-Janin, Michel Hilaire
Die Delikte Der Schiffsleute Nach Gemeinem Deutschen Recht by Beyer, Friedrich
Die Fabel Von Der Einsetzung Des Kurfurstencollegiums Durch Gregor V. Und Otto III. by Langhans, Victor
La Vie Politique Et Militaire De M. Le Maréchal Duc De Bell'Isle: Prince De L'Empire Ministre D'Etat De S. M. T. C. &C. &C. &C by Chevrier
In Memoriam: REV. George Robert White Scott, Part 4 by Anonymous
Incidents and Anecdotes in the Life of Lieut.-General Sprot, Volume 1 by Anonymous
Grundzuge Einer Geschichte Des Begriffs Der Logik in Deutschland by Hoffmann, Franz
Richard Dehmel, Volumes 23-24 by Anonymous
Une Nouvelle Figure Du Monde: Les Théories D'Einstein by Fabré, Lucien
Histoire De La Conversion Des Géorgiens Au Christianisme by III, Macarius
Memorial of Samuel Mills Capron ... by Anonymous
Furst Bismarck Und Das Deutsche Volk: Zur Erinnerung an Den Sommer 1892 by Westarp, Adolf
The Works of Francis Bacon, Volume 2 by Bacon, Francis
William Taylor Von Norwich by Herzfeld, Georg
Albrecht I., Herzog Von Oesterreich Und Romischer Konig by Mucke, Julius Ferdinand Alphons, McKe, Julius Ferdinand Alphons
The Rectors of Manchester, and the Wardens of the Collegiate Church of That Town, Volume 5 by Raines, Francis Robert
The Unique: Or, Biography of Many Distinguished Characters; With Fine Portraits by Anonymous
Memoirs of the Northern Imposter; Or Prince of Swindlers: Being a Faithful Narrative of the Adventures and Deceptions of James George Semple, Commonly by Anonymous
Provisional Drill and Service Regulations for Field Artillery (Horse and Light) 1916. Corr. to April 15, 1917 (Changes No. 1), Volume 4 by
Friedrichs Des Grossen Gedanken Uber Die Furstliche Gewalt by Cauer, Paul Eduard
Theodore Parker: A Lecture by Traubel, Horace
Das Verhaltnis Von David Garrick's Every Man in His Humour Zu Dem Gleichnamigen Lustpiel Ben Jonson's by Krmer, Franz Georg Johannes, Kramer, Franz Georg Johannes
Siècles De Louis Xiv: Et De Louis Xv, Volume 3 by Voltaire
Francis Bacon Und Seine Geschichtliche Stellung: Ein Analytischer Versuch by Heussler, Hans
Maria Stuart. by Oehlschlaeger, J. C.
Tacitus Und Plutarch: Progr by Baier, Christian
Sproglig-Historiske Studier Tilegnede Professor C. R. Unger by Unger, Carl Rikard
Ma Soeur Henriette by Giese, William Frederic, Renan, Ernest
Leben Und Dichten Joh. Christ. Gunther's by Roquette, Otto
Markgraf Conrad Von Montferrat by Ilgen, Theodor
Memoirs of Celebrated Female Sovereigns, Volume 2 by Jameson
Julius Klaiber: Ein Lebensbild by Diez, Max
With Brains, Sir by Brown, John
Ricordi Di Roma by Perfetti, Filippo
Coleccion De Todas Las Piezas Publicadas En El Estado De San Luis Potosi: Contra El Juicio De Amparo Promovido Por El Apoderado De D. Juan Bustamante, by De Distrito, San Luis Potosi Juzgado
Adolph Hildebrand by Heilmeyer, Alexander, Von Hildebrand, Adolf
Maria Theresia Und Graf Sylva-Tarouca: Ein Vortrag Gehalten in Der Feierlichen Sitzung Der Kaiserl. Akademie Der Wissenschaften Am XXX Mai MDCCCLIX by Von Karajan, Theodor Georg, Tarouca, Emanuel Teles Silva
Geschichte Des Hollandischen Theaters by Anonymous
Soren Kierkegaard, Hans LIV, Hans Personlighed Og Hans Forfatterskab: En Vejledning Til Studiet AF Hans Vaerker by Rosenberg, Peter Andreas
The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. ...: With His Last Corrections, Additions, and Improvements; As They Were Delivered to the Editor a Little Before Hi by Warburton, William, Pope, Alexander
Kayser Rudolph Von Habsburg by Meister, Leonhard
Lettres Et Pensées Du Maréchal Prince de Ligne, Volume 2 by Anonymous
Die Revision Der Lutherischen Bibelubersetzung: Zur Verstandigung Der Kirchengemeinen by Dusterdieck, Fr[iedrich, Dsterdieck, Friedrich Hermann Christia
Zu Gothe's Hundertdreissigstem Geburtstag, Festschrift by Sabell, Eduard Wilhelm
Ernest Von Wolzogen Augurenbriefe... by Anonymous
Washington's Farewell Address to the People of the United States: And Webster's First Bunker Hill Oration by Washington, George, Webster, Daniel
Froissart by Robinson, Agnes Mary Frances
The Transactions of the High Court of Chancery: Both by Practice and Precedent, with the Fees Thereunto Belonging, and All Special Orders in Extraordi by
The Greeley Record: Showing the Opinions and Sentiments of Horace Greeley on Office Seeking, the Presidency, the Democratic Party, Promine by Anonymous
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shady, Gentleman, Volume V by Sterne, Laurence
Georg Cornicelius, Sein Leben Und Seine Werke, Mit 30 Tafeln by Siebert, Karl
Zur Feier Der Goldenen Hochzeit Von Gustav Und Sophie Korner (17. Juni 1886.) by Rattermann, Heinrich Armin
Grundriss Des Deutschen Verbrechensbekampfungsrechtes: Enthaltend Das Deutsche Straf- Und Sonstige Bekampfungsrechts: Besonderer Teil by Thomsen, Andreas
Franz Stelzhamer by Reitzenbeck, Heinrich
La Châsse De Saint-Taurin Premier Évêque D'Evreux by Corde, L-T
Hermann Kurz, Ein Deutscher Volksdichter: Eine Charakteristik: Nebst Einer Bibliographie Seiner Schriften by Sulger-Gebing, Emil
Bismarck ALS Kunstler Nach Den Briefen an Seine Braut Und Gattin by Matthias, Theodor
Da Asia de Joao de Barros E de Diogo de Couto, Volume 22 by De Faria, Manoel Severim, De Barros, Jo O., De Barros, Joo
The Addresses Delivered at the Funeral Service of the REV. Daniel Little Furber, D.D. ...: November 22, 1899, Part 4 by Anonymous
Quintus Horatius Flaccus by Mller, Lucian, Muller, Lucian
Der Primat Des Willens VOR Dem Intellekt Bei Augustin by Znker, Otto, Zanker, Otto
Ein Steckbrief by Heinzen, Karl
Geschichte Der Geistlichen Musik by Barth, Hermann
Los Restos De Colon: Informe De La Real Academia De La Historia Al Gobierno De S.M. Sobre El Supuesto Hallazgo De Los Verdaderos Restos De by De La Historia, Real Academia
Richard Wagner: His Life and Works, Volume 1 by Anonymous
Herrn Major Heinrich Nees by Emden, R.
Memoiren; Oder, Abentheuer Und Schicksale Eines Englischen Werbers Im Jahre 1809 by Heinecke, F.
Briefe an Joh. Georg Hamann by Hamann, Johann Georg, Herder, Johann Gottfried, Hoffmann, Otto
Biennial Report of the Attorney-General by
Meine Kinderjahre: Biographische Skizzen by Von Ebner-Eschenbach, Marie
The Works of Jonathan Swift, Volume 3 by Anonymous
Charlotte Bronte: A Monograph by Reid, Thomas Wemyss
Karl Gutzkow ... by Von Wurzbach, Alfred
Cristóbal Colón: Poema by Anonymous
Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of Albert D. Shaw (Late a Representative from New York) by
Die Belesenheit Des Jungen Byron by Fuhrmann, Ludwig
Uber Nordamerika Und Demokratie: Ein Brief Aus England by Schmohl, Johann Christian
Histoire De Napoléon Ier, Volume 2 by Lanfrey, Pierre
Briefe Der Herzogin Elisabeth Charlotte Von Orléans, LXXXVIII by Orléans, Charlotte-Elisabeth
The Life and Correspondence of Robert Southey, Volume 1 by Southey, Robert
Livre Des Orateurs, Volume 2 by De Cormenin, Louis-Marie LaHaye
The Lives of Twelve Eminent Judges of the Last and of the Present Century, Volume 1 by Townsend, William Charles
Memoirs of the Life of Gilbert Wakefield, Volume 2 by Wainewright, Arnold, Rutt, John Towill, Wakefield, Gilbert
Mémoires Pour Servir À L'histoire Des Hommes Illustres Dans La République Des Lettres, Avec Un Catalogue Raisonné De Leurs Ouvrages ... by Nicéron, Jean-Pierre
The Life and Pontificate of Gregory the Seventh, Volume 1 by Bowden, John William
The Roll of the Royal College of Physicians of London, Volume 1 by
The General Biographical Dictionary: Containing an Historical and Critical Account of the Lives and Writings of the Most Eminent Persons in Every Nati by Anonymous
Fünfzig Jahre in Beiden Hemisphären: Reminiscenzen Aus Dem Leben Eines Ehemaligen Kaufmannes, Volume 2 by Nolte, Vincent
Vie Et Correspondance De Merlin De Thionville by Reynaud, Jean
The Works of the REV. Thomas Adam: Late Rector of Wintringham: In Three Volumes, Volume 3 by Adam, Thomas
Memories of a Hundred Years, Volume 1 by Anonymous
The General Biographical Dictionary, Volume 17 by Anonymous
The Female Revolutionary Plutarch: Containing Biographical, Historical, and Revolutionary Sketches, Characters, and Anecdotes, Volume 2 by Stewarton, Lewis, Goldsmith, Lewis
Gesammelte Briefe, Volume 1 by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
The Army and Navy Magazine, Volume 6 by Anonymous
The Works of Oliver Goldsmith, Volume 1 by Anonymous
Life, Writings and Correspondence of George Borrow (1803-1881): ... Based on Official and Other Authentic Sources, by William I. Knapp ... by
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