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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Biographies General in 2017

Pearl By The River by Mitra, Sudipta
Patrick Branwell Bronte by Law, Alice
Patrick Branwell Bronte by Law, Alice
A Great Song: A Biography of Herbert Blomstedt, World-Renowned Conductor of the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra by Blomstedt, Herbert
An Age Without Samples: Originality and Creativity in the Digital World by Kakehashi, Ikutaro
Chiara Lubich by Torno, Armando
The Lady in Blue: The memoirs of First Lady Air Marshal by Bandopadhyay, Padma
Living Through The Haze 2nd edition by Isaacs, Paul
La Bibliothèque Nationale Son Début Et Ses Accroissements Ses Bâtiments by Labrouste, Léon
Bibliotheca Colbertina: Seu Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecae Quae Fuit Primum Ill. V.D.J.B.Colbert by
Laurence Sterne by Montégut, Émile
Droit Romain: de la Plus-Pétition. Droit Français: de la Condition Civile Des Étrangers En France by
Thèse Pour Le Doctorat. Des Conventions Aléatoires, Des Assurances Terrestres by
Catalogue Raisonné de la Précieuse Collection de Dessins Et d'Estampes Cabinet de M.Ch.Van Hulthem by Impr Dad Van Der Meersch
Thèse Pour Le Doctorat by Poidebard, Alexandre
Faculté de Droit de Paris. Thèse Pour Le Doctorat. de l'Erreur Dans Les Conventions de Droit Privé by
Histoire de la Restauration. Edition 2, Tome 5 by Lubis-F
Faculté de Droit de Paris. Thèse Doctorat Des Transactions En Droit Romain Et En Droit Français by Baron, Armand
Les Prisons de l'Europe T04 by Maquet, Auguste, Alboize de Pujol, Jules-Édouard
Bibliotheca Colbertina: Seu Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecae Quae Fuit Primum Ill. V.D.J.B.Colbert by
Catalogue Des Livres Qu'on Trouve Chez Marc Michel Rey by Rey
Les Prisons de l'Europe T05 by Maquet, Auguste, Alboize de Pujol, Jules-Édouard
Les Prisons de l'Europe T06 by Alboize de Pujol, Jules-Édouard, Maquet, Auguste
Les Prisons de l'Europe T07 by Maquet, Auguste, Alboize de Pujol, Jules-Édouard
Les Prisons de l'Europe T03 by Maquet, Auguste, Alboize de Pujol, Jules-Édouard
Bibliotheca Colbertina: Seu Catalogus Librorum Bibliothecae Quae Fuit Primum Ill. V.D.J.B.Colbert by
Les Prisons de l'Europe T02 by Maquet, Auguste, Alboize de Pujol, Jules-Édouard
Les Prisons de l'Europe T08 by Maquet, Auguste, Alboize de Pujol, Jules-Édouard
Droit Romain: Privilèges Sacerdotaux. Droit Français: Administration Du Temporel Des Églises by Begnaud-H
Our House is Certainly Not in Paris by Cutsforth, Susan
Lettres Écrites de Méry-Sur-Seine, Sur La Constitution. 1re Et 2e Lettres. 1er Et 2 Mai. by Delaunay
Mémoire Sur Les Propositions Du Gouvernement Relatives À Une Nouvelle Législation Fiscale: Sur Les Bières Et À La Part Qui Leur Est Faite Dans Le Dégr by Blondel, Louis
Catalogue Des Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque de Saint-Omer, Concernant l'Histoire de France by Mouhy, Eugène de
Réponse d'Un Garde National de la Sixième Légion, Condamné À Mort Le 13 Vendémiaire,: À MM. Méhée de la Touche Et Carnot, Et À M. Le Comte Félix Lepel by Delaunay
Catalogue Des Gentilshommes de Lorraine Et Du Duché de Bar Qui Ont Pris Part Ou Envoyé: Leur Procuration Aux Assemblées de la Noblesse Pour l'Élection by de la Roque, Louis
Honneurs Funèbres Rendus Par La de la Parfaite-Union À l'o de Douai, Le 12e Jour Du 11E Mois: de l'An de la V L 5845, À La Mémoire Du T R F Roty, Son by Sans Auteur
Bibliothèque Circulante À l'Usage Des Instituteurs Et Des Institutrices by Collectif
Notice Biographique Sur M. Edouard-Basile-Frédéric Gohin, Curé Doyen de Montebourg,: Et Son Frère M. Ferdinand-Eugène Gohin Curé de Muneville-Sur-Mer, by Sans Auteur
Obsèques de M. Turgot, Avocat by Sans Auteur
Catalogue Des Ouvrages Légués Par M. J.-B. H.-J. Desmazières À La Ville by Sans Auteur
Vie de Saint Maurand, Duc Et Patron de Douai Et Fondateur de Merville, 4e Édition, Augmentée: de Notes Historiques, d'Un Supplément Et d'Une Vie de Sa by Pollet
Vie de la Soeur Sainte Rose Marie-Anne Pouillet, Religieuse Converse de l'Hôtel-Dieu de: Saint-Nicolas de Compiègne, Et Décédée Le 27 Mai 1712, Rédigé by Avrillon, Jean-Baptiste-Élie
Notice Sur Nicolas-Joseph Ruyssen by Rouzière
La Basilique Du S.-Sépulcre. Discours d'Un Pèlerin de Jérusalem, Prononcé Dans l'Église: Notre-Dame d'Ecquetot, Le 6 Mai 1883 by Sans Auteur
Catalogue Descriptif Et Raisonné Des Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque de Cambrai by Le Glay, André Joseph Ghislain
La Garde Nationale de Forbach Moselle. Au Roi by Sans Auteur
Lettre de B. Poumet Au Maréchal Macdonald, Grand Chancelier de la Légion d'Honneur,: Pour Le Prier de Faire Admettre À La Maison d'Éducation de Saint- by Poumet, B.
Notes Bibliographiques. Catalogue Raisonné Des Écrits de Feu André Le Glay by Pajot
Mémoire Présenté À MM. Les Président Et Membres Du Conseil de Revision, Séant À Versailles,: À l'Appui Du Pourvoi Formé Par Gustave Maroteau, Condamné by Bigot, Léon
Catalogue de la Bibliothèque Populaire de Saint-Arnoult Offert by Poupinel
Ville de Versailles. Catalogue Des Livres de la Bibliothèque Relatifs À l'Histoire de la Ville by Le Roi, Joseph-Adrien
Ville de Paris. Ponts Et Chaussées. Service Municipal Des Travaux Publics. Eaux Et Égouts.: Mémoire Sur l'Avant-Projet de Dérivation Des Sources de la by Belgrand, Eugène
Barreau de Paris. Eloge de M. Paillet Prononcé Le Samedi 28 Novembre À La Séance d'Ouverture: Des Conférences de l'Ordre Des Avocats, Par Julien Larna by Larnac
Modèles de Grandeur d'Âme, Ou Détails Intéressans Sur La Vie Et La Mort Du Duc de Berry by Brun-Lavainne, Elie
Éloge de Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Discours Qui a Remporté Le Prix d'Éloquence Proposé: Par l'Académie Royale de Rouen by Patin, Henri Joseph Guillaume
Réponse Au Mémoire Adressé Par Me Monet, Avoué À Hazebrouck, À La Commission Des: Récompenses Nationales by Sans Auteur
Mémoires d'Un Pierrot, Traduits Par Un Autre 10e Édition by Sans Auteur
Bibliographie Et Iconographie de la Maison-Dieu Notre-Dame de la Trappe Au Diocèse de Sées,: , Abbé Et Réformateur de Cette Abbaye, Religieux Du Monas by Tournoüer, Henri
Alsace, Lorraine Et France Rhénane: Exposé Des Droits Historiques de la France Sur Toute: La Rive Gauche Du Rhin by Coubé, Stéphen
Lettre À M. Darreste Sur Le Louvre, La Bibliothèque Et l'Opéra by Grille, François-Joseph
Notice d'Une Collection d'Objets d'Arts Et de Curiosité, Provenant Du Cabinet de M. G by Théret
Mémoire Sur Une Question d'Enregistrement Relative À La Nature d'Une Stipulation Sociale by Regnard, Nestor
Catalogue de Livres Et Estampes Relatifs À l'Histoire de la Ville de Paris Et de Ses Environs,: Provenant de la Bibliothèque de Feu M. Hippolyte Desta by Morgand, D.
Notice Nécrologique Sur M. Le Conseiller Lefebvre de Troismarquets, Lue À La Séance Générale: de la Société d'Agriculture Du Nord, Du 23 Juin 1843 by Cahier
R.N. Elliott's Market Letters: 1938-1946 by Elliott, Ralph Nelson
Should I Still Wish: A Memoir by Evans, John W.
Great Astronomers: Galileo Galilei Robert Louis Stevenson by Stevenson, Robert Louis
The Early Luther: Stages in a Reformation Reorientation by Hamm, Berndt
A Train Ride Backwards: Memories of an Israeli Nuclear Scientist by Asculai, Ephraim
Musings of a Retiring Farmer by Reu, Jerry L.
Up From Slavery by Washington, Booker T.
Cancer Is a Funny Thing: Reconstructing My Life by De Haan, Marie
Blood in the Fields: Ten Years Inside California's Nuestra Familia Gang by Reynolds, Julia
Gully Dirt: On Exposing the Klan, Raising a Hog, and Escaping the South by Coram, Robert
Iron String by Revak, Rudy
Curriculum Vitae, Finn J.D. John: 2017 Edition by John, Finn J. D.
Therapy: A Memoir Novella by Crystal M. Adair by Adair, Crystal M.
Tour by Debs, Jg
True Identity: Do you know who and whose you really are? by Brommet, Jennifer
Gracie's Wild Adventures by Theissen, Ken J.
Cancer Is a Funny Thing: A Humorous Look at the Bright Side of Cancer... and There Is One by De Haan, Marie
Our Moon Has Blood Clots: The Exodus of the Kashmiri Pandits by Pandita, Rahul
Iron String by Revak, Rudy
Mingled Souls: A Love Story in Letters 1916-1920 by Tanzer, Sheila Harvey
Threading Time: A Memoir by Cake, Tricia
Carmen Blacker: Scholar of Japanese Religion, Myth and Folklore: Writings and Reflections by
Irish Living Legends by Murray, Terry
A Journey of the Heart: Learning to Thrive, Not Just Survive, With Congenital Heart Disease by Flaherty-Kizer, Deborah L.
The Turtle's Beating Heart: One Family's Story of Lenape Survival by Low, Denise
The Jemison Cafe: Reflections on an Alabama Boyhood by Hayman, John
Ve Inqualabi Din by Virendra
Apollo Pilot: The Memoir of Astronaut Donn Eisele by Eisele, Donn
Vietnam Reflection: The Untold Story of the Holley Boys by Keene, Michael T.
Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart in seinem Leben und seinen Werken by Hauff, Gustav
Neues historisch-biographisches Handwörterbuch: 3. Band by Grohmann, Johann Gottfried, Fuhrmann, Wilhelm David
Papa Cado (Fifth Edition): What An Ordinary Man Learned On His Extraordinary Journey Through Life by Crisci, M. G.
Imprisoned: When your Heart is held Captive and Love takes no Prisoners by Gray, Deeyonna Joy
84 Bison - My Clyde by Danek, Alka
Jung's Evolving Views of Nazi Germany: From the Nazi Takeover to the End of World War II by Schoenl, Linda, Schoenl, William
Did I Tell You Spot Liked to Run? by Gravlund, Dorothy
Journey into the Backwaters of the Heart: Stories of Women Who Resisted Stalin and Hitler by Vince, Laima
My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikolas Tesla by Tesla, Nikola
Journal 2016 seconde partie Août décembre by Sansano, Patrick
Amar a la tierra by Rodríguez Torres, Jaime
Papa Cado (Fifth Edition): What An Ordinary Man Learned On His Extraordinary Journey Through Life by Crisci, M. G.
Neues historisch-biographisches Handwörterbuch by Grohmann, Johann Gottfried, Fuhrmann, Wilhelm David
Kaiser Karl IV. und sein Anteil am geistigen Leben seiner Zeit by Friedjung, Heinrich
The Winona LaDuke Chronicles: Stories from the Front Lines in the Battle for Environmental Justice by LaDuke, Winona
The Rabbi's Atheist Daughter: Ernestine Rose, International Feminist Pioneer by Anderson, Bonnie S.
Dad, the Man, the Myth, the Legend: Letters to My Sons by Desmore, Clayton
Jess Willard: Heavyweight Champion of the World (1915-1919) by Allen, Arly, Mace, James Willard
Ropes in the Kitchen by Hickey, Naaman Jock, Hickey, Joshalyn
Oxford Handbook of Jack London by Williams, Jay
The Snake in the Vodka Bottle: Life in Post-Soviet Lithuania by Vince, Laima
Ernst Kantorowicz: A Life by Lerner, Robert
Leben des amerikanischen Generals Johann Kalb by Kapp, Friedrich
Voltaires Leben und Werke by Mahrenholtz, Richard
Carl Maria von Weber: Sein Leben und seine Werke by Reissmann, August
Don't Call Me Ma'am: A Transgender Story of Living In a World Without Labels by Roth, Shelley R.
Best Mom Ever by Rodriguez, Race Scheer
My Silent Tears by Middlebrook, Teresa
This Is Dedicated to the Ones I Love and the Ones I Thought Loved Me!: Sultry and Very Sensual Poems for That Special You. Spoken on the Real Tip from by Cohen Inspiration, Paulette G.
Red Devil Tales: A Son's Journey to Discover His Father's Legacy by Sexton, Ronald
Eluding Darkness by Charles, Raguel S.
Life Imitates Art, Tier II: Dinner by Paptie, Yolanda
The Pocket Mirror III: We Were Young Together by Florey, Virginia
Caring is the Cure: All children deserve hope, health, and happiness by Richman, Nicole M.
God's Plan for My Life by Brown, Joyce
Steamers, Saddles, and Scalpels: The Life, Times, and Legacy of E. F. Guyon by Guyon, Peter
Stairs for Breakfast: An inspiring memoir by a man with Cerebral Palsy who doesn't let anything stand in his way by Souiljaert, Patrick
Kadian Journal by Harding, Thomas
Alive, Alive Oh!: And Other Things That Matter by Athill, Diana
The Lightless Sky: A Twelve-Year-Old Refugee's Extraordinary Journey Across Half the World by Passarlay, Gulwali
Where We Belong: Journeys That Show Us the Way by Kotb, Hoda
We Escaped: A Family's Flight from Holland during World War Two by Ter Weele, Alexander H.
Grumpy With Big Noses by Brundish, Derek
Birds Art Life: A Year of Observation by Maclear, Kyo
Stephen Hawking: An Unfettered Mind by Ferguson, Kitty
Blitz Your Life: Stories from an NFL and ALS Warrior by Shaw, Tim
Engel, Energie und Heilung: Vor dem Leben, ist nach dem Leben by Brana, Lutz
The Evil Within: Murdered by Her Stepbrother - The Crime That Shocked a Nation. the Heartbreaking Story of Becky Watts by Her Father by Galsworthy, Darren
Open Heart, Open Mind by Hughes, Clara
The Age of Bowie by Morley, Paul
Denkwürdigkeiten aus dem Leben des kaiserlich russischen Geals von der Infantrie Carl Friedrich Grafen von Toll by Von Bernhardi, Theodor
Denkwürdigkeiten aus dem Leben des Kaiserl. Russ. Generals Carl Friedrich, Grafen, von Toll by Von Bernhardi, Theodor
Resignation Letter by Moorman, T. a.
Impaired, But Empowered: A Memoir of Faith, Fortitude and Fortune by Ashby, Walter
The Fascinating Autobiography Of Author J. Carlton Sharp by Sharp, J. Carlton
War Memories Are Forever! by Coppedge, Millie Jean
Locked-in: A Soldier and Civilian's Struggle with Invisible Wounds by Furdek, Carolyn Swift
Crohn's Crisis and Christianity by Eastwood, Loretta D.
Crohn's Crisis and Christianity by Eastwood, Loretta D.
The Judge and I by Simpson, Phillis Lu
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave by Douglass, Frederick
The Boys of Flushing by Rackovitch, Gene
A Genealogy Report for Mathias Kisak of Croatia: The Descendants of Mathias Kisak of Croatia c. 1760 by Kisak, Paul F.
Was wissen wir von dem Leben und der Person Joh. Gutenbergs by Dziatzko, Karl Franz Otto
Semper Avanti: A Story of Love, Determination, and Perseverance by Bucceri, Nancy
Heaven or Hell by Melek, J. C.
12 Years a Slave: A True Story by Northup, Solomon
Ambrose: Church and Society in the Late Roman World by Moorhead, John
Living on the Edge: Adventures of a Hunter by Kollmeyer, Shannon L.
TBI-To Be Injured: Surviving and Thriving after a Brain Injury by Gieg, Carol
Cocaine to Bain: Sex, Drugs, Rock 'n' Roll and the Inside Story of the Hollywood Guitar Center by Van Arsdale, Taylor
Now, Then And Again by Guha, Ananya S.
Denkwürdigkeiten aus dem Leben des kaiserlich russischen Geals von der Infantrie Carl Friedrich Grafen von Toll by Von Bernhardi, Theodor
Denkwürdigkeiten aus dem Leben des Kaiserl. Russ. Generals Carl Friedrich, Grafen, von Toll by Von Bernhardi, Theodor
Looking For My Dad, I Found My Father: One Woman's Journey and Discovery in Search of Her Daddy by Chambers, Kim
The 67th Book: No-Holds-Barred Conversation between Mom and Me by Ashhurst, Sharon D.
El Gato Negro escaping thirteen deaths Volume IV lessons from the cat by Robert L. Barnes, Marcelo Mendoza
Jeremias Falck, sein Leben und seine Werke by Block, J. C.
American Legends: The Life of Red Skelton by Charles River
Liberation: A Quest For A New Humanism: An African Story of Revolution, Exile and Hope A Seeker's Quest for Freedom, Justice and Peace by El-Tinay, Hashim
American Legends: The Life of Dolly Parton by Charles River
Saving Arcadia: A Story of Conservation and Community in the Great Lakes by Shumaker, Heather
The Comet Sweeper (Icon Science): Caroline Herschel's Astronomical Ambition by Brock, Claire
A Mirza Turned Banker: Part One Of The Visionary Memoir by Fotouhi, Mahmoud
Middle Class and the Low Income Standard of Living by White, Eric
Just Folks: 'From the White House to the Clown Mobile' by Holland, Becky
They Chose to be Great: Inspiring Stories of Service by Massachusetts Foster Youth by Drake, Milton and Debbie
Never Judge a Book By it's Cover by Robinson, Tamiko Miguel
Von der Kunst im täglichen Leben by Frommel, Emil
Book of Black Heroes: Political Leaders Past and Present by Robertson, Gil L., IV
It Is the Way It Is by Mody, Dolly
Will There Be Another Lincoln, Nixon, Johnson or Kennedy? by Archer, Samuel J.
Dibs and Dabs of My Life by Coulter, Gertrude
Will There Be Another Lincoln, Nixon, Johnson or Kennedy? by Archer, Samuel J.
WOW! Hannah's Memories by Westley, Hannah
El Gato Negro escaping thirteen deaths Volume III Deep in the gang life: death to resurrection by Robert L. Barnes, Marcelo Mendoza J. Lib
The Bondage and Travels of Johann Schiltberger: From the Battle of Nicopolis 1396 to freedom 1427 A.D. by Schwanitz, Klaus, Schiltberger, Johann
Die Alchemie in älterer und neuerer Zeit - Ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte: Erster Teil: Die Alchemie bis zum letzten Viertel des 18. Jahrhunderts by Kopp, Hermann
King of Doubt by Gibb, Peter
Growing Up Guyanese: A Memoir About Growing Up as a First Generation Indo-Caribbean in America. by Motilall, Ashti a.
Through the Eyes of Knotty 2 by Shells, Betty Malone
The Iron Fist: The Immigrant Journey of J. B. Leonis to Riches and Power in Southern California by Nordin, Richard
The Iron Fist: The Immigrant Journey of J. B. Leonis to Riches and Power in Southern California by Nordin, Richard
The Insect Makers by Plant, Peter
The Mirror of the Sea by Conrad, Joseph
C. Brown: . . . Not Just Black & White by Brown, C. R.
The Autobiography "Regret Getting Married Soon" by Pham, Huan Van
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