• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Biology in 1978

Cellular Degradative Processes by Dean, R. T.
Spatial Pattern in Plankton Communities by Steele, John H.
Viiith Symposium Structure and Function of Erythrocytes, Part I by
Viiith Symposium Structure and Function of Erythrocytes, Part II by
Physikalisch-Chemische Forschungen an Festkörpergrenzflächen by
Hormonale Und Humorale Informationsübermittlung Durch Peptide ALS Mediatoren by
Max Schönwetter: Handbuch Der Oologie. Lieferung 26 by Schönwetter, Max
1977 by
Zellulare Systeme by Wunsch, Gerhard
Biology in the Nineteenth Century: Problems of Form, Function and Transformation by Coleman, William L.
The Lives of a Cell: Notes of a Biology Watcher by Thomas, Lewis
Botanical Monographs by
Vertebrate Embryology: A Laboratory Manual by Eakin, Richard M.
The Enchanted Voyage: And Other Studies by Hutchinson, George Evelyn, Unknown, Hutchinson, G. Evelyn
Theoretical Approaches to Complex Systems: Proceedings, Tübingen, June 11-12, 1977 by
Circumventriculäre Organe in Der Gewebekultur / Circumventricular Organs in Cell Culture by Möller, W.
Struktur Und Innervation Des Juxtaglomerulären Apparates Der Ratte / Structure and Innervation of the Juxtaglomerular Apparatus of the Rat by Gorgas, K.
Transport by Proteins: Proceedings of a Symposium Held at the University of Konstanz, West Germany, July 9 -15, 1978 by
Locally Interacting Systems and Their Application in Biology: Proceedings of the School-Seminar on Markov Processes in Biology, Held in Pushchino, Mos by
Ontogenesis of the Visual System by Zilles, Karl
Postnatal Development of the Cat's Retina by Vogel, M.
Uc Publications in Botany by Axelrod, Daniel I., Raven, Peter H.
Biomembranes, Part C: Biological Oxidations: Microsomal, Cytochrome P-450, and Other Homoprotein Systems: Volume 52 by
Elementary Treatise on Human Physiology: On the Hypothesis That Animals Are Automata, and Its History: The Mind and Brain: Series E Physiological PS by Huxley, Thomas Henry, Binet, Alfred, Magendie, Francois
Cutaneous Receptors by Chouchkov, C.
The Triumph of Evolution: American Scientists and the Heredity-Environment Controversy, 19-1941 by Cravens, Hamilton
Polymer Rheology by Lenk, R. S.
Neuronal Operations in the Vestibular System by Precht, W.
Internal Ear Angioarchitectonic of Serpents by Lüdicke, M.
Thermodynamics of Biological Processes by
The Arterial System: Dynamics, Control Theory and Regulation by
Taste Organ in the Bullhead (Teleostei) by Reutter, Klaus
Cell Types and Connectivity Patterns in Mosaic Retinas by Wagner, Hans-Joachim
The Differentiation of Rat Ova During Cleavage by Dvorak, Milan
Evolution of Sex by Smith, Ronald Ted, Maynard Smith, John
Beiträge Zur Geoökologie Der Zentraleuropäischen Zecken-Encephalitis: Vorgelegt in Der Sitzung Vom 29. Oktober 1977 Von Herrn R. Haas by
Mechanics and Energetics of Biological Transport by Heinz, E.
Upwelling Ecosystems by
Red Cell Rheology by
Die Fachwörter Der Anatomie, Histologie Und Embryologie: Ableitung Und Aussprache by
Biomembranes, Part E: Biological Oxidations: Specialized Techniques: Volume 54 by
The Biology of Aging by Behnke, John a.
Some Current Concepts of Synaptic Organization by Jones, D. G.
Long-Term Studies on Side-Effects of Contraception -- State and Planning: Symposium of the Study Group 'Side-Effects of Oral Contraceptives -- Pilot P by
Time Lags in Biological Models by MacDonald, N.
Models in Ecology by John, Maynard S., Maynard Smith, John
Fine Structure of Parasitic Protozoa: An Atlas of Micrographs, Drawings and Diagrams by Scholtyseck, E.
Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence: Volume 57 by
Cell-Cell Recognition by Curtis
Fragen Der Mikrobiologie Und Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen Der Mikrobiologischen Industrie by
Membranen by Hoffmann, Siegfried
Evolution by Hoffmann, Siegfried