• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Biology in 1981

International Cell Biology 1980-1981: Papers Presented at the Second International Congress on Cell Biology Berlin (West), August 31 - September 5, 19 by International Congress on Cell Biology, Na, Schweiger, Hans G.
Der Anatomische Wortschatz: Unter Mitberücksichtigung Der Histologie Und Der Embryologie Für Studierende, Ärzte Und Tierärzte by Krüger, G.
On Asking the Right Kind of Question in Biological Research: Neue Aussichten Für Die Pflanzenzüchtung: Gen-Übertragung Mit Dem Ti-Plasmid by Krebs, Hans Adolf
Topics in Nucleic Acid Structure by
Die Landschnecken Im Pannon Und Pont Des Wiener Beckens: I. Systematik. II. Fundorte, Stratigraphie, Faunenprovinzen by Lueger, J. P.
Epidemiologische Untersuchung Über Die Häufigkeit Der Bakteriellen Niereninfektion in Der Bevölkerung by Lison, Arno-Ekkehart
Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins: Volume 11 by
Invertebrate Biology: A Functional Approach by Calow, P.
Antibiotic Resistance: Transposition and Other Mechanisms by
Vorkommen Und Metabolisierung Von Kohlenwasserstoffen in Natürlichen Systemen by
Max Schönwetter: Handbuch Der Oologie. Lieferung 28 by Schönwetter, Max
Products from Alkanes, Cellulose and Other Feedstocks by
1981 by
Vincent: Mechnl Prpts Bil MS by 34, Seb
Chronobiology: Principles and Applications to Shifts in Schedules by
A Perspective of Environmental Pollution by Holdgate, M. W., Holdgate
Physik Für Biologen by Ihlefeld, H., Schwegler, H., Diehl, H.
Neurotransmisn Neurotransmtrs by Kravitz
Elektronenmikroskopische Laborpraxis: Eine Methodensammlung Mit Bildbeispielen Für Lehre Und Forschung in Der Medizin Und Zellbiologie by Nagl, W.
Thermodynamic Network Analysis of Biological Systems by Schnakenberg, J.
Bulletin of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography by Johnson, G. David
Comparative Ecology by Ito, Yoshiaki, Ito, U. Ed, It, Y.
Man, Fishes, and the Amazon by Smith, Nigel
Edible Mushrooms by Christensen, Clyde M.
Biological Energy Conservation: Oxidative Phosphorylation by Jones, Colin William
Membrane Proteins: A Laboratory Manual by
Biologische Strahlenschäden und ihre Reparatur by Laskowski, Wolfgang
Environmental Studies of a Marine Ecosystem: South Texas Outer Continental Shelf by
Mechanics of Swimming and Flying by Childress, Stephen
Biomagnetism by
Biological Magnetic Resonance Volume 3 by Berliner, Lawrence J., Reuben, Jacques
Origin of Species by British Museum
The Foundations of Ethology by Lorenz, K.
Geschichte Der Radioaktivität by Minder, W.
Biology of Behaviour: Mechanisms, Functions and Applications by D. M., Broom, Broom, D. M., Broom, Donald M.
Rigor & Imagination: Essays from the Legacy of Gregory Bateson by Wilder, C., Weakland, John
The Biophysical Approach to Excitable Systems by Adelman, William J., Goldman, David E.
Estuaries and Nutrients by Neilson, Bruce J., Cronin, L. Eugene
General Nematology by Maggenti, A.
Disorders of the Monocyte Macrophage System: Pathophysiological and Clinical Aspects by
Pragmatism and Purpose: Essays Presented to Thomas A. Goudge by
Life In The Universe by
Detoxication and Drug Metabolism: Conjugation and Related Systems: Volume 77 by
British Planarians by Reynoldson, T. B., Ball, I. R.
Mikrobielle Okologie Microbial Ecology by Campbell, Richard
ACTA Biotechnologica. Volume 1, Number 2 by
ACTA Biotechnologica. Volume 1, Number 1 by
Genealogical Genetic Structure by Thompson, E. a., Cannings, C., Cannings
Isolierung, Fraktionierung Und Hybridisierung Von Nukleinsäuren: Eine Einführung Und Methodische Anleitung by
Genetic Engineering Und Der Mensch: 7. Kühlungsborner Kolloquium. [Vom 11.-14. November 1979] by