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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Biology in 1983

Secondary Metabolism and Differentiation in Fungi by Bennett, Stephen, Ciegler, A., Bennett, J. W.
Pilze: Eine Einführung by Webster, J.
Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Biological Processes by
Space and Terrestrial Biotechnology by
1982 by
1982 by
Zeitschrift Für Allgemeine Mikrobiologie. Band 22, Heft 2 by
Systemische Fungizide Und Antifungale Verbindungen: Vorträge Und Poster Des Internationalen Symposiums, 4-10 Mai, 1980, Schloß Reinhardtsbrunn by
Zellbiologie Und Genetik Der Hefen: Methoden Und Arbeitstechniken by Weber, Herbert
Die Regulation Der Zellproliferation Durch Wachstumsfaktoren Und Chalone by Graetz, H., Lehmann, W., Langen, P.
ACTA Biotechnologica. Volume 2, Number 1 by
Max Schönwetter: Handbuch Der Oologie. Lieferung 34 by Schönwetter, Max
Biotechnologie: 2. Symposium Der Sozialistischen Länder, Vom 2.-5. Dezember 1980 in Leipzig by
1982 by
1982 by
1982 by
1982 by
1982 by
1982 by
Atlas of Marine Use in the North Pacific Region by Miles, Edward L.
Kleine Geschichte Der Universität Heidelberg by Classen, Peter, Wolgast, Eike
The Biology of Nectaries by Ellas, Thomas, Bentley, Barbara
Structure, Dynamics, Interactions and Evolution of Biological Macromolecules: Proceedings of a Colloquium Held at Orléans, France on July 5-9, 1982 to by
Genetik: Eine Einführung by Russell, Peter J.
Sociobiology and the Human Dimension by Breuer, Georg
Modern Methods in Protein Chemistry: Review Articles Following the Joint Meeting of the Nordic Biochemical Societies Damp/Kiel, Fr of Germany, Septemb by
Nucleo-Mitochondrial Interactions. Proceedings of a Conference Held in Schliersee, Germany, July 19-23, 1983 by
Mobility and Recognition in Cell Biology: Proceedings of a Febs Lecture Course Held at the University of Konstanz, West Germany, September 6-10, 1982 by
Immunochemical Techniques, Part F: Conventional Antibodies, FC Receptors, and Cytotoxicity: Volume 93 by
Shallow-Water Crabs by Ingle
Techniques in Molecular Biology by
Handbook of Neurochemistry: Volume 4 Enzymes in the Nervous System by Lajtha, Abel
"Denn Nur Also Beschränkt War Je Das Vollkommene Möglich...": Eine Wissenschaftstheoretische Interpretation Von Goethes Gedicht "Metamorphose Der Tier by Cramer, F.
Photochemical, Photoelectrochemical and Photobiological Processes, Vol.2 by
Pond Fisheries by Martyshev, F.
Mechanisms of Gonadal Differentiation in Vertebrates: Contributions of an Embo-Workshop Held in Freiburg, November 5-8, 1982 by
Bibliography of the Rhinoceros by Rookmaaker, L. C.
Echinoderm studies 1 (1983) by Lawrence, John M., Jangoux, Michel
Hormones and Aggressive Behavior by Svare, Bruce B.
British Freshwater Ciliate Protozoa by Curds, C. R.
Polyclad Turbellarians by Prudhoe
Compartmental Modeling and Tracer Kinetics by Anderson, David H.
Bioelektrochemische Membranelektroden by Schindler, Maria M., Schindler, Johannes G.
Individuals and Populations by Gadd, Philip, Gadd, Phil, Philip, Gadd
The Evolutionary Biology of Colonizing Species by Parsons, P. a., Parsons, Peter A.
New Dimensions Microbiology by Royal Society
Polyamines: Volume 94 by
Replication of Viral and Cellular Genomes: Molecular Events at the Origins of Replication and Biosynthesis of Viral and Cellular Genomes by
Sandy Beaches as Ecosystems: Based on the Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Sandy Beaches, Held in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, by
Lively Membranes by Robertson, Rutherford, Robertson, R. N.
Homoptera (Pflanzensauger) by Strümpel, Hans
Basic Microcomputing and Biostatistics: How to Program and Use Your Microcomputer for Data Analysis in the Physical and Life Sciences, Including Medic by Rogers, Donald W.
Hormone Action, Part G: Calmodulin and Calcium-Binding Proteins: Volume 102 by
Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis by
The Target of Penicillin: The Murein Sacculus of Bacterial Cell Walls Architecture and Growth. Proceedings International Fems Symposium Berlin ( by
Mikrobiologisches Praktikum by Drews, Gerhart
Handbook of Neurochemistry: Volume 5 Metabolic Turnover in the Nervous System by Lajtha, Abel
Darwin's Finches by Lack, David Lambert, David, Lack
Metal Pollution in the Aquatic Environment by Förstner, U.
Mechanisms of Viral Pathogenesis: From Gene to Pathogen Proceedings of 28th Oholo Conference, Held at Zichron Ya'acov, Israel, March 20-23, 1983 by
Psychology of Vision by Royal Society
New Horizons Microbiology by Royal Society
Interactions Between Platelets and Vessel Walls by Royal Society
Psychological Mechanisms by Royal Society
Biological Pattern by Royal Society
Influenza by Royal Society
Successions of Meniscomyine and Allomyine Rodents (Aplodontidae) in the Oligo-Miocene John Day Formation, Oregon by Rensberger, John M.
Free-Livng Mrine Nms by Platt, Trevor, Warwick, R. M.
Oscillations in Mathematical Biology: Proceedings of a Conference Held at Adelphi University, April 19, 1982 by
Molecular Genetic Information Systems: Modelling and Simulation by
Acta Biotechnologica by