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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Biology in 1989

Instrumental Analysis in the Biological Sciences by Gordon, M. H.
The New Environmental Age by Nicholson, Max
Infektionen: Praktische Hinweise Zur Antimikrobiellen Therapie Und Diagnostik by Braveny, Ilja, Milatovic, Danica
NMR in Biomedicine: The Physical Basis by
Chemotaxonomie Der Pflanzen: Eine Übersicht Über Die Verbreitung Und Die Systematische Bedeutung Der Pflanzenstoffe by Hegnauer, R.
Mechanisms of Physical and Emotional Stress (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 245) by Loriaux, D. Lynn, Gold, Philip W., Chrousos, George P.
James Parkinson His Life and Times by Rose, F. C.
1988 by
1988 by
1988 by
1988 by
Aspekte Des Laser-Einsatzes in Chemie Und Biologie by Wilhelmi, Bernd
Enzyme Studies by
Max Schönwetter: Handbuch Der Oologie. Lieferung 44 by Schönwetter, Max
Max Schönwetter: Handbuch Der Oologie. Lieferung 45 by Schönwetter, Max
Bioprocesses Including Animal Cell Culture by
Ordnung, Organisation, Organismus by Penzlin, Heinz
Dynamic Modeling in Behavioral Ecology by Clark, Colin Whitcomb, Mangel, Marc
Trees II by Bajaj, Y. P. S.
The Correspondence of Charles Darwin: Volume 4, 1847-1850 by Darwin, Charles
Lysosomes by Holtzman, Eric
Instrumental Analysis in the Biological Sciences by MacRae, R., Gordon, M.
The Science of Photobiology by
Catastrophic Episodes in Earth History by Albritton, C. C.
Lysosomes by Holtzman, Eric
The Science of Photobiology by
Shaping the Future: Biology and Human Values by National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Life Sciences
High-School Biology Today and Tomorrow by Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council
Field Testing Genetically Modified Organisms: Framework for Decisions by National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Life Sciences
Biotechnology in China by National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Scholarly Communication with the People's Repub
Behavioral Adaptation to Intertidal Life by Chelazzi, Guido, Vannini, Marco
Integration of Mitochondrial Function by
Principles of Cellular, Molecular, and Developmental Neuroscience by Steward, Oswald
Seabirds and Other Marine Vertebrates by Burger, Joanna
Platelets: Receptors, Adhesion, Secretion, Part a: Volume 169 by
Clinical Applications of Monoclonal Antibodies by Hubbard, Ron, Marks, Vincent
Red Blood Cell Membranes: Structure: Function: Clinical Implications by
Terrestrial Space Radiation and Its Biological Effects by Bucker, Horst, Swenberg, Charles E., McCormack, Percival D.
The Physiology of Polyamines, Volume I by Bachrach, Uriel, Heimer, Yair M.
Evolution and Control in Biological Systems: Proceedings of the Iiasa Workshop, Laxenburg, Austria, 30 November - 4 December 1987 by
Catalyst Handbook by
Genetic Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Principles and Applications by Kammermeyer, John
Stance and Motion: Facts and Concepts by Massion, J., Gurfinkel, V. S., Ioffe, M. E.
Acidic Deposition and Forest Soils: Context and Case Studies of the Southeastern United States by Driscoll, Charles T., Allen, H. Lee, Binkley, Dan
Granulated Metrial Gland Cells by Peel, Sandra
The Strategy of Life: Teleology and Mechanics in Nineteenth-Century German Biology by Lenoir, Timothy
Kurze Geschichte Der Geologie Und Paläontologie: Ein Lesebuch by Hölder, Helmut
Acid Toxicity and Aquatic Animals by
The Works of William Harvey by Harvey, William
Mathematical Theory of Electrophoresis by Zhukov, M. Yu, Yudovich, V. I., Babskii, V. G.
Intracellular pH and its Measurement by Kotyk, Arnost, Slavik, Jan
Symbiogenesis. a Macro-Mechanism of Evolution: Progress Towards a Unified Theory of Evolution Based on Studies in Cell Biology by Schwemmler, Werner
Transformation Groups: Proceedings of a Conference, Held in Osaka, Japan, Dec. 16-21, 1987 by
The Competition by Keddy, Paul
Optimization: Methods and Applications, Possibilities and Limitations: Proceedings of an International Seminar Organized by Deutsche Forschungsanstalt by
Biomembranes, Part S: Transport: Membrane Isolation and Characterization: Volume 172 by
Perspectives in Quantum Chemistry: Plenary Lectures Presented at the Sixth International Congress on Quantum Chemistry Held in Jerusalem, Israel, Augu by
CRC Handbook of Chromatography: Amino Acids and Amines, Volume II by Blackburn, S.
Electroporation and Electrofusion in Cell Biology by
Competition by Keddy, P. a.
Parasitic Diseases: Treatment & Control by Love, Edgar, Miller, Max J.
Biotechnology for Livestock Production by Fao, Food, &. Agriculture Organization, Expert Consultation on the Application of Biotechnology in L
A Monograph of the Marine Triclads by Sluys, R.
Fishes of the Sea of Japan and the Adjacent Areas of the Sea of Okhotsk and the Yellow Sea by
Functional Morphology of Feeding and Grooming in Crustacea by Watling, L., Felgenhauer, Bruce E., Thistle, Anne B.
Laser Applications in Medicine and Biology: Volume 4 by
Sociobiology of Sexual and Reproductive Strategies by
Fetal Growth Retardation: Diagnosis and Treatment by Beazley, J. M., Kurjak, Asim
Allosteric Enzymes by Herve, Guy
Dynamics of Biological Invasions by Hengeveld, R.
Bacillus by
Visuomotor Coordination: Amphibians, Comparisons, Models, and Robots by Arbib, Michael A., Ewert, Jorg Peter
Molecular Evolutionary Genetics by Nei, Masatoshi
Human Chromosomes: Structure, Behavior, Effects by Therman, Eeva
Mitochondrial Biogenesis by
Patterns in Plant Development by Steeves, Taylor a., Sussex, Ian M.
Patterns in Plant Development by Sussex, Ian M., Steeves, Taylor a.
Statistics for Biologists by Campbell, R. C., Campbell, Richard Colin
The Physiology of Human Growth by
Reductionism and Systems Theory in the Life Sciences: Some Problems and Perspectives by
Biotechnology in Europe and Latin America: Prospects for Co-Operation by
Biophysics: An Introduction by Sybesma, C.
Biophysics: An Introduction by Sybesma, C.
Handbook of Zoology/ Handbuch der Zoologie, Teilband/Part 30, Planipennia by New, Timothy R.
Vertebrate Cell Culture II and Enzyme Technology by
Patterns of Life: Biogeography of a Changing World by Mielke, Howard
Frequency-Dependent Selection by
Sex Determination in Mouse and Man by
Inositol Lipids and Transmembrane Signalling by
The New Biology: Law, Ethics, and Biotechnology by Smith II, George P.
Fertility and Chromosome Pairing by Gillies, Christopher Bob
Regulation of Secondary Metabolism in Actinomycetes by Shapiro, Stuart
Chitin and Chitosan: Sources, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physical Properties and Applications by
Growth Factors in Mammalian Development by Rosenblum, I. Y.
The Estuarine Ecosystem by McLusky, Donald
Triebbildung, Verzweigungsverhalten Und Kronenentwicklung Junger Fichten Und Lärchen: Including a Comprehensive Summary in English by Schill, Harald, Schütt, Peter
Toward a New Philosophy of Biology: Observations of an Evolutionist by Mayr, Ernst
Biomineralization: Cell Biology and Mineral Deposition by Wilbur, Karl M., Simkiss, Kenneth
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Part a: Special Techniques and Dynamics Volume 176 by
Statistical Methodology in the Pharmaceutical Sciences by Berry, D. a.
Sex and Death in Protozoa: The History of Obsession by Graham, Bell, Bell, Graham
Biotechnology of Vitamins, Pigments and Growth Factors by
X-Ray Analysers in Process Control by
Clostridia by
Growth Control During Cell Aging by Warner, Huber R., Wang, Eugenia
Future Industrial Prospects of Membrane Processes by
PCR Technology: Principles and Applications for DNA Amplification by Erlich, Henry
Epstein-Barr Virus and Human Disease - 1988 by
Computer Control of Fermentation Processes by Omstead, Daniel R.
Functional Biology of Clonal Animals by Hughes, R. N.
Cellulosics Utilization: Research and Rewards in Cellulosics by
Dermaptera. Eudermaptera I by Steinmann, Henrik
Ecology of Biological Invasions of North America and Hawaii by
A Student's Guide to the Seashore by Fish, J. D.
Water Science Reviews 4: Volume 4: Hydration Phenomena in Colloidal Systems by
RNA Processing Part a: General Methods Volume 180 by
Preliminary Chemical Engineering Plant Design by Baasal, W. D.
Bioprocesses and Engineering by
Biomedical Technology and Public Policy by Blank, Robert H., Mills, Miriam K.
Human Retrovirology: Facts and Concepts by Schüpbach, Jörg
Mathematical and Statistical Developments of Evolutionary Theory by
Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology by Dechow, Frederick
Complying with Trihalomethane Reduction Requirements in Water Treatment Facilities by Singer, Philip
Pyrolysis and Gasification by
Gasification: Its Role in the Future Technological and Economic Development of the United Kingdom by
Activation of Hormone and Growth Factor Receptors: Molecular Mechanisms and Consequences by
Biosensoren by Scheller, Frieder, Schubert, Florian
Biosensoren by Scheller, Frieder, Schubert, Florian
Ionenkanäle in Erregbaren Membranen - Funktionelle Eigenschaften Und Modulation Myokardialer Natrium-Kanäle: [Vortrag, Gehalten in Der Sitzung Der Kla by Nilius, Bernd