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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Biology in 1993

Metallothionein III by Suzuki, K. T.
Bakterien-Pflanzen-Interaktion: Analyse Des Signalaustausches Zwischen Den Symbiosepartnern Bei Der Ausbildung Von Luzerneknöllchen: 376. Sitzung Am 3 by Pühler, Alfred
Megaloptera (Adlerflies, Dobsonflies) by Theischinger, Günther, New, Timothy R.
Kulturförderung: Mehr ALS Sponsoring by
Prüfungsvorbereitung Für Reiseverkehrskaufleute: Wirtschafts- Und Sozialkunde, Rechnungswesen Und Datenverarbeitung, Reiseverkehrsbetriebslehre, Reise by Kamphausen, Rudolf E.
The Epic History of Biology by Serafini, Anthony
Speditionsbetriebslehre in Frage Und Antwort by Oelfke, Wolfgang
Neurophysiology of Consciousness by Libet
Annual Cycles of Diving Behavior and Ecology of the Weddell Seal by Davis, Randall W., Kooymen, Gerald L., Castellini, Michael A.
Biology as Ideology: The Doctrine of DNA by Lewontin, Richard C.
Mechanics of Human Joints: Physiology: Pathophysiology, and Treatment by
Physical Activity and Health by Norgan
Urban Ecology Health in Third by
Risk Assessment in Conservation Biology by Ferson, S., Akçakaya, H. R., Burgman, M. a.
Control of Breathing and Its Modeling Perspective by
Oxygen Transport to Tissue XIII by International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue
The Use of Resealed Erythrocytes as Carriers and Bioreactors by Deloach, J. R., International Society for the Use of Resealed Erythrocytes a
Development of the Central Nervous System in Vertebrates by NATO Advanced Study Institute on Development of the Central
Developmental Biology: Volume 7 by
Drugs, Alcohol and Mental Health by Cornwell, Alan, Cornwell, Vicky
Sanitation of the Harvesting, Processing, and Distribution of Shellfish by Center for Food Safe
Informatik in Den Biowissenschaften: 1. Fachtagung Der Gi-FG 4.0.2 "Informatik in Den Biowissenschaften", Bonn, 15./16. Februar 1993 by
Bioprocess Design and Control by
Directions in Safety-Critical Systems: Proceedings of the First Safety-Critical Systems Symposium the Watershed Media Centre, Bristol 9-11 February 19 by
Biostatistics: Experimental Design and Statistical Inference by Zolman, Zolman, James F.
Origins of Plastids: Symbiogenesis, Prochlorophytes and the Origins of Chloroplasts by Lewin, Ralph A.
Targeting of Drugs, Volume 3:: The Challenge of Peptides and Proteins by NATO Advanced Study Institute on Targeting of Drugs the Chal, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Florence, A. T.
Rhythms in Fishes by NATO Advanced Study Institute on Rhythms in Fishes, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Biotechnology Directory Eastern Europe by
Princeton Lectures on Biophysics (Volume 1) - Proceedings of the First Princeton Lectures by
Reproductive Biology of Invertebrates, Accessory Sex Glands by
Biotechnologie: Die Biologischen Grundlagen by Trevan, M. D., Boffey, S.
Concepts in Biological Oceanography: An Interdisciplinary Primer by Jumars, Peter A.
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function by
Biophysical Labeling Methods by Likhtenshtein, G. I., Likhtenshtein, Gertz I.
Sebs 53 Post-Transltn Modifcat by Battey, N. H.
Molecular Biology of Receptors and Transporters: Pumps, Transporters and Channels: Volume 137c by
Cumulative Subject Index, Volumes 168-174, 176-194: Volume 199 by
Biological Physics by
Stains and Cytochemical Methods by Hayat, M. A.
Isotopic Studies of Azolla and Nitrogen Fertilization of Rice: Report of an Fao/Iaea/Sida Co-Ordinated Research Programme on Isotopic Studies of Nitro by
Marine Mammal Sensory Systems by
Pharmaceutical and Bioactive Natural Products by
Dermaptera. Eudermaptera II by Steinmann, Henrik
Control of Messenger RNA Stability by
Parasitic Protozoa by
Laws of the Game: How the Principles of Nature Govern Chance by Eigen, Manfred, Winkler, Ruthild
International Review of Cytology: Volume 145 by
Handbook of Flow Cytometry Methods by
Fermentationsprozesse: Kinetik Und Modelling by Sinclair, C. G.
Evolution of Life Histories: Theory and Analysis by
Biotechnology and Pharmacy by
Dna-Protein Interactions by Travers, A.
Species, Species Concepts and Primate Evolution by
Masters Theses in the Pure and Applied Sciences: Accepted by Colleges and Universities of the United States and Canada Volume 36 by
Mycorrhizal Functioning: An Integrative Plant-Fungal Process by
The Asian Elephant: Ecology and Management by Sukumar, R.
Advances in Immunology: Volume 53 by
The Logic of Life: A History of Heredity by Jacob, François
A Practical Guide to Protein and Peptide Purification for Microsequencing by
Enzymes of Molecular Biology by Burrell, Michael M.
Enzymes of Molecular Biology by Burrell, Michael M.
Chromatography by
Adaptation of the Rat Femur to a Force of 2g by McCord Ma, Wilson
Molecular Biology of Membranes: Structure and Function by Petty, H. R.
Evolution of Life Histories: Theory and Analysis by
Endosomes and Lysosomes: A Dynamic Relationship: Volume 1 by
Echinoderm studies 4 (1993) by Jangoux, Michel
Information Processing in Medical Imaging: 13th International Conference, Ipmi'93, Flagstaff, Arizona, Usa, June 14-18, 1993. Proceedings by
Fish Farming Technology by Jorgensen, L., Dahle, Reinersten, H.
The Malaria Capers: Tales of Parasites and People by Desowitz, Robert S.
Topobiology: An Introduction to Molecular Embryology by Edelman, Gerald M.
Ultrastructure of Microalgae by Berner, Tamar
Membrane Fusion Technique, Part a: Volume 220 by
Biomechanics: Mechanical Properties of Living Tissues by Fung, Y. C.
An Atlas of Drosophila Genes: Sequences and Molecular Features by Maroni, Gustavo
Riparian Landscapes by Malanson, George P.
Genetic Engineering: Principles and Methods by
Introduction to VLSI Process Engineering by
Methods in Protein Sequence Analysis by
Biological Magnetic Resonance: Volume 12: NMR of Paramagnetic Molecules by Berliner, Lawrence J.
Neue Entwicklungen in Der Dermatologie: Band 7 by
Asthma: Immunopathology and Immunotherapy / Immunopathologie Und Immunotherapie by
Schuld Und Verantwortung: Otto Hahn Konflikte Eines Wissenschaftlers by Hoffmann, Klaus
Principles and Techniques of Contemporary Taxonomy by Quicke, Donald L. J.
Virus Hunting: AIDS, Cancer, and the Human Retrovirus: A Story of Scientific Discovery by Gallo, Robert
Marine Natural Products -- Diversity and Biosynthesis by
Measurement and Control by
Artificial Life: A Report from the Frontier Where Computers Meet Biology by Levy, Steven
Flowering Plants - Dicotyledons: Magnoliid, Hamamelid and Caryophyllid Families by
Parasites and Pathogens of Insects: Parasites by
Parasites and Pathogens of Insects: Pathogens by
Saltmarsh Ecology by Adam, Paul
Kinetic Theory of Living Pattern by Harrison, Lionel G.
The Theory of Evolution by Maynard Smith, John, John Maynard, Smith
Energy Efficiency in Process Technology by
Issues and Reviews in Teratology by Kalter, Harold
The Ecology of Fishes on Coral Reefs by Sale, Peter F.
Biological Magnetic Resonance: Volume 13: Emr of Paramagnetic Molecules by Berliner, Lawrence J.
Thinking About Biology by Stein, Wilfred, Varela, Francisco J.
Protocols in Molecular Parasitology by Hyde, John E.
Evolution and Escalation: An Ecological History of Life by Vermeij, Geerat
Evolutionary Differentiation in Morphology, Vocalizations, and Allozymes Among Nomadic Sibling Species in the North American Red Crossbill (Loxia Curv by Groth, Jeffrey G.
Ecophysiology of Fungi by Cooke, R. C., Whipps, J. M.
Biomembrane Protocols: I. Isolation and Analysis by Graham, John M., Higgins, Joan A.
The Biology of Fungi by
The Lichen Symbiosis by Ahmadjian, Vernon
Fifth International Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules by
Environmental UV Photobiology by
Cellular and Molecular Biology of Bone by
First the Seed: The Political Economy of Plant Biotechnology by Kloppenburg, Jack Ralph
The Neuroscience of Animal Intelligence: From the Seahare to the Seahorse by MacPhail, Euan
The Macrofungus Flora of China's Guangdong Province by
Sequence Analysis Primer by
The Cell Cycle: An Introduction by Hunt, Tim, Murray, Murray, Andrew
The Special Theory of Relativity by Das, Anadijiban
Structural Studies of Protein-Nucleic Acid Interaction: The Sources of Sequence-Specific Binding by Steitz, Thomas A.
The Trophic Cascade in Lakes by
Biology of Fibrous Composites by Neville, Anthony Charles
The Evolution of Homo Erectus: Comparative Anatomical Studies of an Extinct Human Species by Rightmire, G. Philip, G. Philip, Rightmire
Practical Electron Microscopy: A Beginner's Illustrated Guide by Hunter, Elaine, Hunter, Elaine Evelyn, Hunter
The Ant and the Peacock: Altruism and Sexual Selection from Darwin to Today by Cronin, Helena
Random Walks in Biology: New and Expanded Edition by Berg, Howard C.
Human Psychophysics by
Solvent Extraction in the Process Industries: Isec 93 by Logsdail, D. H., Slater, M. J.
Microbicides for the Protection of Materials: A Handbook by Paulus, W.
Polymer Rheology: Theory and Practice by Yanovsky, Y. G.
Methods in Pharmacology: Molecular and Cellular Biology of Pharmacological Targets by
Community Ecology by Putnam, R.
Advances in Bacterial Paracrystalline Surface Layers by
Mites: Ecological and Evolutionary Analyses of Life-History Patterns by Houck, Marilyn A.
Molecular Markers, Natural History and Evolution by Avise, John C.
Membranes in Bioprocessing: Theory and Applications by
Uses of Immobilized Biological Compounds by NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Uses of Immobilized Biolo, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Gas Cleaning at High Temperatures by Seville, J. P., Clift, R.
New Developments in Lipid-Protein Interactions and Receptor Function by Wirtz, Karel W. a., NATO Advanced Study Institute on New Developments in Lipid-P
Translational Regulation of Gene Expression 2 by Ilan, Joseph
Biotechnology Applications of Microinjection, Microscopic Imaging, and Fluorescence by Bach, P. H., European Workshop on Microscopic Imaging Fluorescence and Mi
Animal Cell Technology: Basic & Applied Aspects: Volume 5 by Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology
Community Ecology by Putman, R. J.
Cell and Molecular Biology of the Testis by Desjardins, Desjardins, Claude, Des Jardins
Problems of Relative Growth by Huxley, Julian S.
Metallobiochemistry, Part D: Physical and Spectroscopic Methods for Probing Metal Ion Environments in Metalloproteins: Volume 227 by
Unconventional Agents and Unclassified Viruses: Recent Advances in Biology and Epidemiology by
Method in Ecology: Strategies for Conservation by Shrader-Frechette, Kristin, Kristin S., Shrader-Frechette, Earl D., McCoy
Bioreaktionen: Prinzipien, Verfahren, Produkte by Ward, Owen P.
The Reproduction and Development of Sharks, Skates, Rays and Ratfishes by
Reproduction in Fungi by Elliot, C.
Current Ornithology: Volume 11 by
Molecular Markers, Natural History and Evolution by Avise, John C.
Lemur Social Systems and Their Ecological Basis by
Evolutionary Biology: Volume 27 by
Biologically Active Peptides: Design, Synthesis and Utilization by Weiner, David B., Williams, William V.
Eosinophils in Allergy and Inflammation by
Seasonality and Human Ecology by
Research Strategies in Human Biology: Field & Survey Studies by Lasker, G. Ed
Modern Bacterial Taxonomy by Tsubota, Kazuo, Austin, B.
Human Body Composition: In Vivo Methods, Models, and Assessment by
Future Directions of Nonlinear Dynamics in Physical and Biological Systems by
Grassland Invertebrates: Ecology, Influence on Soil Fertility and Effects on Plant Growth by Curry, Jim P.
Behavioural Ecology of Fishes by Huntingford, Felicity Anne, Bonnett, Raymond, Huntingfordd
Enzyme Handbook 7: Class 1.5-1.12: Oxidoreductases by
Parasitic Infections and the Immune System by
Protein Purification: Design and Scale Up of Downstream Processing by Wheelwright, Scott M.
Development of the Rat Spinal Cord: Immuno- And Enzyme Histochemical Approaches by Marani, Enrico, Bach, Martin F., Lakke, Egbert A. J. F.
Biocomputing: Informatics and Genome Projects by
Ion Channels and Ion Pumps: Metabolic and Endocrine Relationships in Biology and Clinical Medicine by
Advances in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion by
Biotechnology of Antibiotics and Other Bioactive Microbial Metabolites by Lancini, G., Lorenzetti, R.
Genetics and Biotechnology of Lactic Acid Bacteria by
Immobilized Biosystems: Theory and Practical Applications by
Molecular Interactions in Bioseparations by
Microbiology of the Avian Egg by
Polymer Reactor Engineering by
The Translational Apparatus: Structure, Function, Regulation, Evolution by International Conference on the Translational Apparatus, Nierhaus, Knud
Biosensors by Cahn, Tran Minh