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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Biology in 1994

Evolutionary Computing: Aisb Workshop, Leeds, U.K., April 11-13, 1994: Selected Papers by Fogarty, Terence C., Aisb Workshop
The Development of Drosophila Melanogaster by Bate, Michael
Old Age Abuse: A New Perspective by Eastman, Mervyn, Loparo, Kenneth A.
Evolution of Infectious Disease by Ewald, Paul W.
Parasitoids: Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecology by Godfray, H. Charles J.
Parasitic Protozoa by
Microalgae: Biotechnology and Microbiology by Becker, E. W.
Ecology in Education by
Method in Ecology: Strategies for Conservation by McCoy, E. D., Shrader-Frechette, Kristin S., Shrader-Frechette, K. S.
Reversible Protein Phosphorylation in Cell Regulation by
Ökosystem Darm V: Immunologie, Mikrobiologie, Funktionsstörungen, Klinische Manifestation, Klinik Und Therapie Akuter Und Chronischer Da by
Aspergillus by Smith, J. E., Smith, John E.
Modern Trends in Biothermokinetics by International Meeting on Biothermokinetics, Schuster, Stefan
Rapid Diagnosis of Mycoplasmas by Kahane, Itzhak
Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Biological Pattern Formation by Murray, J. D., Othmer, Hans G., Othmer, H. G.
Membrane Traffic in Protozoa, Part a: Volume 2 by
Morbid Anatomy of the Genome: Volume 2 by
Metal Ions in Biological Systems: Metalloenzymes Involving Amino Acid-Residue and Related Radicals by
Dancing Matrix: How Science Confronts Emerging Viruses by Henig, Robin Marantz
Biotechnics/Wastewater by
Computer Analysis of Sequence Data Part II by Griffin, Hugh G., Griffin, Annette M.
Free Radical Damage and Its Control: Volume 28 by
Computer Analysis of Sequence Data, Part I by Griffin, Hugh G., Griffin, Annette M.
Land Degradation: Development and Breakdown of Terrestrial Environments by Barrow, C. J., Barrow, Christopher J.
Microanalysis of Solids by
Advances in the Biomechanics of the Hand and Wrist by
Plant-Animal Interactions in Mediterranean-Type Ecosystems by
The Polymerase Chain Reaction by
[Volume 1: ] Systematics by Koopman, Karl F.
Familia Gekkonidae (Reptilia, Sauria). Part I: Australia and Oceania by Bauer, Aaron M.
Nature's Mind: Biological Roots of Thinking, Emotions, Sexuality, Language, and Intelligence by Gazzaniga, Gazzaniga, Michael S.
EJB Reviews 1993 by
Symbiotic Interactions by Douglas, A. E., Douglas
Invasions of the Land: The Transitions of Organisms from Aquatic to Terrestrial Life by Gordon, Malcolm, Olson, Everett
Plant Cell Biotechnology by Endress, Rudolf
Biochemistry and Physiology of the Neutrophil by Edwards, Steven W.
Hard to Swallow: A Brief History of Food by Lacey, Richard W.
Hemoglobins, Part B: Biochemical and Analytical Methods: Volume 231 by
Sample Preparation for Biomedical and Environmental Analysis by
Lacrimal Gland, Tear Film, and Dry Eye Syndromes: Basic Science and Clinical Relevance by
Beverages: Technology, Chemistry and Microbiology by Sutherland, J. M., Varnam, A.
Genetics and Evolution of Aquatic Organisms by
The Polymerase Chain Reaction by
Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation for Condensed Matter Studies: Applications to Solid State Physics and Chemistry by
Toward a Molecular Basis of Alcohol Use and Abuse by
Biotechnologie in Der Lebensmittelindustrie by Tombs, M. P.
Protocols for Gene Analysis by
Soil Ecology by Killham, Ken
Anthropometry: The Individual and the Population by
Developmental Instability: Its Origins and Evolutionary Implications: Proceedings of the International Conference on Developmental Instability: Its Or by
Biomagnetic Stimulation by
Rapid Analysis Techniques in Food Microbiology by
Bacterial Systematics by Logan, N. A.
Geographical Population Analysis by Maurer, Brian A.
Glycoprotein Hormones: Structure, Function, and Clinical Implications by
Conjugation-Dependent Carcinogenicity and Toxicity of Foreign Compounds: Volume 27 by
Common Ground: A Naturalist's Cape Cod by Finch, Robert
Lims: Implementation and Management by Nakagawa, A. S.
Disorder Effects on Relaxational Processes: Glasses, Polymers, Proteins by
Tracing the History of Eukaryotic Cells: The Enigmatic Smile by Obar, Robert Allan, Dyer, Betsy Dexter
Freshwater Snails Of Africa And Their Medical Importance by Brown, David S.
Qualitative Reasoning: Modeling and the Generation of Behavior by Werthner, Hannes
Conservation Genetics by
Tracing the History of Eukaryotic Cells: The Enigmatic Smile by Dyer, Betsy Dexter, Obar, Robert Allan
Biophysical Thermodynamics of Intracellular Processes: Molecular Machines of the Living Cell by Tikhonov, Alexander N., Blumenfeld, Lev A.
Advances in Immunology: Volume 56 by
Advances in Genetics: Volume 31 by
Viruses and Cancer by
The Uses of Life: A History of Biotechnology by Bud, Robert
Chemotaxonomie Der Pflanzen by Hegnauer, R.
Hydrogen Bonding in Biological Structures by Jeffrey, George A., Saenger, Wolfram
Biomechanics and Cells by
Protein and Energy by Carpenter, Kenneth
Biological Microtechnique by Sanderson, Jeremy
Scientific-Technical Backgrounds for Biotechnology Regulations by
The Tertiary Record of Rodents in North America by Korth, William W.
Computational Methods in Genome Research by International Symposium on Computational Methods in Genome R, Suhai, Sandor, Suhai, Sandor Ed.
Advances in Computational Biology: Volume 1 by
Organelles in Vivo: Volume 8 by Chen, L. B.
Normal Table of Xenopus Laevis (Daudin): A Systematical & Chronological Survey of the Development from the Fertilized Egg till the End of Metamorphosi by
The Biotech Business Handbook: How to Organize and Operate a Biotechnology Business, Including the Most Promising Applications for the 1990s by Pappas, Michael G.
Plant Genome Analysis: Current Topics in Plant Molecular Biology by Gresshoff, Peter M.
Heterotrimeric G Proteins: Volume 237 by
Nucleic Acid Blotting by Bricknell, P. M., Darling, D. C.
Biological Effects of Electric and Magnetic Fields: Beneficial and Harmful Effects by
Enzyme Handbook: Volume 8: Class 1.13-1.97: Oxidoreductases by
Sexual Selection by Andersson, Malte
Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins: Volume 25 by
Anatomy and Physiology Essentials by Templin, Jay M.
Ancient DNA: Recovery and Analysis of Genetic Material from Paleontological, Archaeological, Museum, Medical, and Forensic Specimen by
Biotechnologie Verständlich by Dellweg, Hanswerner
Apoptosis by
Membrane Processes in Separation and Purification by
The Genus Aspergillus: From Taxonomy and Genetics to Industrial Application by
Anaerobic Fungi: Biology: Ecology, and Function by Mountfort
Systematics and Biology of the Genus Macrocneme Hubner (Lepidoptera: Ctenuchidae): Volume 113 by Dietz
Waste Incineration and the Environment by
Medical Virology by Fenner, Frank J., White, D. E.
Oxygen Responses, Reactivities, and Measurements in Biosystems by Das, Dipak K., Mukhopadhyay, S. N.
Fimbriae Adhesion, Genetics, Biogenesis, and Vaccines by Klemm, Per
Life-Cycle Assessment: Inventory Guidelines and Principles by Battelle Memorial in, Curran, Mary Ann
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function by
Guide Reproduction by Pollard, Irina
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Evolution by
Evolution in Age-Structured Populations by Charlesworth, Brian
A Guide to Reproduction: Social Issues & Human Concerns by Pollard, Pollard, Irina
The Insect Ovary: Ultrastructure, Previtellogenic Growth and Evolution by Büning, Jürgen
Improvement of Cereal Quality by Genetic Engineering by Ronalds, John A., Royal Australian Chemical Institute, Henry, Robert
Introduction to Microscopy by Means of Light, Electrons, X-Rays, or Acoustics by Tucker, Paul A., Rochow, Theodore G.
Seeds: Physiology of Development and Germination by Black, Michael, Bewley, J. Derek
Rarity by Gaston, Kevin J., Gaston, K. J.
Tissue Culture Techniques: An Introduction by Martin, Bernice M.
Oxygen Radicals in Biological Systems, Part D: Volume 234 by
Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology: Volume 48 by
Reproduction, Larval Biology, and Recruitment of the Deep-Sea Benthos by
Microbiology Essentials by McCormick, Tammy
Animal Cells as Bioreactors by Cartwright, Terence
Umweltstandort Deutschland: Argumente Gegen Die Ökologische Phantasielosigkeit by
Impact of Arbuscular Mycorrhizas on Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Ecosystems by
Pattern and Process in Host-Parasitoid Interactions by Hawkins, Bradford A.
Scaling Fisheries: The Science of Measuring the Effects of Fishing, 1855 1955 by Smith, Tim D.
Vitamin Receptors: Vitamins as Ligands in Cell Communication - Metabolic Indicators by Dakshinamurti, K.
Biodiversity and Landscapes by
Evolutionary Pathways and Enigmatic Algae: Cyanidium Caldarium (Rhodophyta) and Related Cells by
Highly Selective Separations in Biotechnology by
Ascomycete Systematics: Problems and Perspectives in the Nineties by
Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials by International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanc
Concepts in Protein Engineering and Design by
Molecular Biology of Diabetes: I. Autoimmunity and Genetics; Insulin Synthesis and Secretion by
Cell Electrophoresis by Bauer, Johann
Comparative Animal Biochemistry by Urich, Klaus
DNA Topoisomearases: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Volume 29a by
Integrins: Molecular and Biological Responses to the Extracellular Matrix by
Advances in Geophysics by
Culture of Hematopoietic Cells by
Evolutionary Computing: Aisb Workshop, Leeds, U.K., April 11 - 13, 1994. Selected Papers by
Integrated Chemical Systems: A Chemical Approach to Nanotechnology by Bard, Allen J.
Viruses and Man / Des virus et des hommes by Montagnier, Pr Luc
Organelle Genes and Genomes by Gillham, Nicholas W.
Inorganic Microbial Sulfur Metabolism: Volume 243 by
Genetics and Evolution of Aging by
Advances in Bioprocess Engineering by
Biosafety in Industrial Biotechnology by
Growing Fungus by
Analysis of Biological Molecules: An Introduction to Principles, Instrumentation and Techniques by Potter, G. W.
Statistical Mechanics, Protein Structure, and Protein Substrate Interactions by
Biological Systematics: The State of the Art by Minelli, Alessandro
New and Developing Sources of Food Proteins by Hudson, B. J. F.
Analytical Applications of Immobilized Enzyme Reactors by
Remarkable Discoveries! by Ashall, Frank
An Inventor in the Garden of Eden by Laithwaite, E. R., Laithwaite, Eric, Eric, Laithwaite
Fractals in Natural Science by
Human Papillomaviruses and Cervical Cancer: Biology and Immunology by
Cell Adhesion in Bioprocessing and Biotechnology by
Der Planet ALS Patient: Über Die Widersprüche Globaler Umweltpolitik by
AIDS Testing: A Comprehensive Guide to Technical, Medical, Social, Legal, and Management Issues by
Evolutionary Biology of Aging by Rose, Michael R.
Case Studies in Plant Taxonomy: Exercises in Applied Pattern Recognition by Stuessy, Tod F.
The Brackish-Water Fauna of Northwestern Europe by Barnes, Richard S. K.
From Coastal Wilderness to Fruited Plain: A History of Environmental Change in Temperate North America from 1500 to the Present by Whitney, George G., Whitney, Gordon G.
Hormones, Sex, and Society: The Science of Physicology by Nyborg, Helmuth
Cellular Bioenergetics: Role of Coupled Creatine Kinases by Saks, V. Ed., Saks, V. a.
Nonlinear Coherent Structures in Physics and Biology by
Mechanisms of Lymphocyte Activation and Immune Regulation V: Molecular Basis of Signal Transduction by
Phenotypes: Their Epigenetics, Ecology and Evolution by Rollo, C. D.
Identification of Transcribed Sequences by Hochgeschwender, Ute, Gardiner, Katheleen Jane, International Workshop on the Identification of Transcribed
Biogeography and Ecology of Turkmenistan by
The Ethological Roots of Culture by
Animal Cell Technology: Basic & Applied Aspects: Proceedings of the Sixth International Meeting of the Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology by
Evolutionary Biology: Volume 1 by
Vitamins and Hormones: Steroids Volume 49 by
Proteolytic Enzymes: Serine and Cysteine Peptidases: Volume 244 by
Planktologie by Sommer, Ulrich
Intracranial Pressure IX by
DNA Structure and Function by Sinden, Richard R.
Molecular Biology of Diabetes, Part II: Insulin Action, Effects on Gene Expression and Regulation, and Glucose Transport by
Freshwater Fish Culture in China: Principles and Practice: Volume 28 by
Bioreactor System Design by Asenjo, Juan A.
Neoglycoconjugates, Part A, Synthesis: Volume 242 by
Aufgaben Zur Bioreaktionstechnik: Für Studenten Der Biotechnologie, Der Lebensmitteltechnik, Des Wasserwesens, Der Abwasser- Und Umwelttechnik by Wolf, K. -H
Internationale Regulierung Der Gentechnik: Praktische Erfahrungen in Japan, Den USA Und Europa by Hohmeyer, Olav, Maßfeller, Sabine, Hüsing, Bärbel
Biological Diversity: The Coexistence of Species by Huston, Michael A.
The Correspondence of Charles Darwin by Darwin, Charles
Plant Tissue Culture Manual - Supplement 4 by
Adp-Ribosylation: Metabolic Effects and Regulatory Functions by
Male-Mediated Developmental Toxicity by
Statistics in Medical Research: Developments in Clinical Trials by Gehan, E. a., Lemak, N. a., Gehan, Edmund A.
Modern Methods in Analytical Morphology by Gu, Jiong, Gu, Jiang
Cell Signal Transduction, Second Messengers, and Protein Phosphorylation in Health and Disease by Municio, A. Martin, Martin Municio, Angel
The Development of Biological Systematics: Antoine-Laurent de Jussieu, Nature, and the Natural System by Stevens, Peter
Neoglycoconjugates, Part B: Biomedical Applications: Volume 247 by
Genetic Analysis: Principles, Scope and Objectives by
Baculovirus Expression Systems and Biopesticides by
The Immunoassay Kit Directory: Part 1 Peptide Hormones June 1994 by
Laboratory Outlines in Biology VI by Thomson, Robert G., Abramoff, Peter
The Nervous Systems of Invertebrates: An Evolutionary and Comparative Approach: With a Coda Written by T.H. Bullock by
Feasible Mathematics II by
Biosensoren by Hall, Elizabeth A. H.
Design of Fishways and Other Fish Facilities by Clay, Charles H.
Handbook of Biocide and Preservative Use by
See More