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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Biology in 1997

Pattern Formation In The Physical And Biological Sciences by Nadel, Lynn, Stein, Daniel L., Nijhout, H. Frederick
Degrees of Freedom: Living in Dynamic Boundaries by Rayner, Alan D. M.
Correcting the Blueprint of Life: An Historical Account of the Discovery of DNA Repair Mechanisms by Friedberg, Errol C.
The Cells of the Body: A History of Somatic Cell Genetics by Harris, Henry
Natur ALS Kulturprodukt: Kulturökologie Und Umweltethik by Krieger, David, Jäggi, Christian
Environmental Policy Between Regulation and Market by
Degrees of Freedom: Living in Dynamic Boundaries by Rayner, Alan D. M.
The Secret Life of Your Cells by Stone, Robert S.
Endocrinology and Reproduction: Recent Advances in Marine Biotechnology by
Molecular Physiology of Growth by
Theoretical Ecosystem Ecology by Agren, Goran I., Ogren, Goran I.
Transgenic Plants: A Production System for Industrial and Pharmaceutical Proteins by
Microbiology Coloring Book by Elson, Lawrence, Alcamo, Edward
Experiments in Ecology: Their Logical Design and Interpretation Using Analysis of Variance by Underwood, A. J.
Experiments in Ecology: Their Logical Design and Interpretation Using Analysis of Variance by Underwood, A. J.
Protein Structure Prediction: A Practical Approach by
Liquid Film Coating: Scientific Principles and Their Technological Implications by Kistler, Stephan F.
Structured-Population Models in Marine, Terrestrial, and Freshwater Systems by
Neutrons in Biology by
Ionomers: Synthesis, Structure, Properties and Applications by
Molecular Gerontology: Research Status and Strategies by
Neurobiology:: Ionic Channels, Neurons and the Brain by North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Torrw, Vincent, International School of Biophysics in Neurobiology
Drosophila Cells in Culture by Echalier, Guy
Macromolecular Crystallography, Part a: Volume 276 by
Yeast Stress Responses by Mager, Willem H., Hohmann, Stefan
Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology: Volume 56 by
Neuro-Chemistry by
Protein Targeting to Mitochondria: Volume 17 by
Cell Adhesion: Volume 16 by
Fertilization by Longo, Frank
Progress in Population Genetics and Human Evolution by
Unser Ökologischer Fußabdruck: Wie Der Mensch Einfluß Auf Die Umwelt Nimmt by Rees, William, Wackernagel, Mathis
Recombinant Protein Protocols: Detection and Isolation by
Recombinant Gene Expression Protocols by
EJB Reviews 1996 by
Recombinant Gene Expression Protocols by
High-Tech and Micropropagation V by
Reproductive Tissue Banking: Scientific Principles by
New Enzymes for Organic Synthesis: Screening, Supply and Engineering by
What Is Life? the Next Fifty Years: Speculations on the Future of Biology by
Heat Shock Proteins and Cytoprotection: Atp-Deprived Mammalian Cells by Kabakov, Alexander E., Gabai, Vladimir L.
Facilitative Glucose Transporters by Gould, Gwyn W.
The Nuclear Matrix and Spatial Organization of Chromosomal DNA Domains by Razin, Sergey V.
Programmed Alternative Reading of the Genetic Code: Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit by Farabaugh, Philip J.
Practical HPLC Method Development by Glajch, Joseph L., Snyder, Lloyd R., Kirkland, Joseph J.
Biochemische Labormethoden by Holtzhauer, Martin
Polymeric Dental Materials by Braden, Michael, Clarke, Richard L., Nicholson, John
Analytical Morphology: Theory, Applications and Protocols by
Wenn Einstein Recht Hat...: Science Cartoons by Harris, Sidnex
Helicobacter Pylori Protocols by
Advances in Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology: Volume 1 by
Advances in Applied Microbiology: Volume 43 by
Subcellular Fractionation by
Mrna Metabolism & Post-Transcriptional Gene Regulation by
Signals and Images: Selected Papers from the 7th and 8th Giri Meeting, Held in Montpellier, France, November 20-21, 1993, and Jerusalem, I by
Microbial Degradation Processes in Radioactive Waste Repository and in Nuclear Fuel Storage Areas by
Species: The Units of Biodiversity by
Cereals: Novel Uses and Processes by
Adaptive Radiations of Neotropical Primates by Norconk, Marilyn A., Conference on Neotropical Primates Setting the Future Resear
Self-Generation: Biology, Philosophy, and Literature Around 1800 by Müller-Sievers, Helmut
The Rat Nervous System: An Introduction to Preparatory Techniques by Hay, J., Lawson, S. J., Cassella, J. P.
High-Tech and Micropropagation VI by
Biochemical Oscillations and Cellular Rhythms by Goldbeter, Albert, Goldbeter
Genomic Potential of Differentiated Cells by Di Berardino, Marie
The Song of the Dodo: Island Biogeography in an Age of Extinctions by Quammen, David
International Review of Cytology: A Survey of Cell Biology Volume 173 by
Biological Invasions: Theory and Practice by Kawasaki, Kohkichi, Shigesada, Nanako
Bioorganic Chemistry: Deoxysugars, Polyketides and Related Classes: Synthesis, Biosynthesis, Enzymes by
Cytokines, Part a by
Coumarins: Biology, Applications and Mode of Action by
Chemical Approaches to the Synthesis of Peptides and Proteins by Lloyd-Williams, Paul, Albericio, Fernando, Giralt, Ernest
Biology and Biotechnology of the Plant Hormone Ethylene by
Gas Cleaning in Demanding Applications by
Atomic Force Microscopy/Scanning Tunneling Microscopy 2 by
Californium-252 Isotope for 21st Century Radiotherapy by
Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals: Proceedings of the Eighteenth Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals Held May 5-9, 1996, at Gatlinb by
High Throughput Screening: The Discovery of Bioactive Substances by Devlin, John P.
Biotechnology in the Pulp and Paper Industry by
Protein Structure - A Practial Approach 2nd Edition by
Ribozyme Protocols by
Membranes and Cell Signaling: Volume 7 by
Molecular Aspects of Host-Pathogen Interactions by
Fourier Descriptors and Their Applications in Biology by
Diversity and Classification of Flowering Plants by Takhtajan, Armen
The Mobile Receptor Hypothesis: The Role of Membrane Receptor Lateral Movement in Signal Transduction by Jans, David A.
Biology of Springtails (Insecta: Collembola) by Hopkin, Stephen P.
Systems, Part a by
Foundations of Biophilosophy by Bunge, Mario, Mahner, Martin
Spirulina Platensis Arthrospira: Physiology, Cell-Biology and Biotechnology by
Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect by Stevenson, Ian
Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology: Volume 57 by
Striped Bass and Other Morone Culture: Volume 30 by
World Catalogue of Odonata I: Zygoptera by Steinmann, Henrik
World Catalogue of Odonata II by Steinmann, Henrik
Intellectual Property Rights and Research Tools in Molecular Biology: Summary of a Workshop Held at the National Academy of Sciences, February 15-16, by Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council
The Natural Selection of the Chemical Elements: The Environment and Life's Chemistry by Williams, R. J. P., Fraústo Da Silva, J. J. R.
At War Within: The Double-Edged Sword of Immunity by Clark, William R.
Microcosmos: Four Billion Years of Microbial Evolution by Sagan, Dorion, Margulis, Lynn
Plant Tissue Culture Manual - Supplement 7: Fundamentals and Applications by
Animal Cell Technology: Basic & Applied Aspects: Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology, Iizu by
Neogene Paleontology of the Manonga Valley, Tanzania: A Window Into the Evolutionary History of East Africa by
The Rumen Microbial Ecosystem by
Fouling Organisms of the Indian Ocean by Nagabhushanam, Rachakonda
Pelagic Nutrient Cycles: Herbivores as Sources and Sinks by Andersen, Tom
Cell Death Proteins: Volume 53 by
The Correspondence of Charles Darwin: Volume 10, 1862 by Darwin, Charles
Membrane Analysis by Higgins, Joan, Graham, John
Introduction to Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy by Keyse, Robert, Garratt-Reed, Anthony J., Goodhew, P. J.
Molecular Endocrinology: Genetic Analysis of Hormones and their Receptors by
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy by Shotton, David, Sheppard, C. J. R.
Vitamins and Coenzymes, Part I: Volume 279 by
Vitamins and Coenzymes, Part J: Volume 280 by
Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware: First International Conference, Ices '96, Tsukuba, Japan, October 7 - 8, 1996, Revised Papers by
The Projections to the Spinal Cord of the Rat During Development: A Timetable of Descent by Lakke, Egbert
Mammalian Cell Biotechnology in Protein Production by
Identifying Marine Phytoplankton by
Enzyme Handbook 13: Class 2.5 - EC Transferases by
Morphometric Tools for Landmark Data: Geometry and Biology by Bookstein, Fred L.
An Introduction to the Mathematics of Neurons: Modeling in the Frequency Domain by Hoppensteadt, Frank C., Hoppensteadt, F. C.
An Introduction to the Mathematics of Neurons: Modeling in the Frequency Domain by Hoppensteadt, Frank C., Hoppensteadt, F. C.
Probiotics 2: Applications and Practical Aspects by
From Ion Channels to Cell-To-Cell Conversations by
Processing of Particulate Solids by Tüzün, Ugammaur, Seville, J. P., Clift, R.
On Beyond Living: Rhetorical Transformations of the Life Sciences by Doyle, Richard
On Beyond Living: Rhetorical Transformations of the Life Sciences by Doyle, Richard
Toward a History of Epistemic Things: Synthesizing Proteins in the Test Tube by Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg
Advances in Immunology: Volume 65 by
Yeasts in Natural and Artificial Habitats by
Route Maps in Gene Technology by Walker, Mark, Rapley, Ralph
Psilocybin Producers Guide by Gottlieb, Adam
Süßwasserflora Von Mitteleuropa, Bd. 02/2: Bacillariophyceae: Teil 2: Bacillariaceae, Epithemiaceae, Surirellaceae by Krammer, Kurt, Lange-Bertalot, Horst
Antibacterial Peptide Protocols by
Handbook of Freshwater Fishery Biology, Life History Data on Freshwater Fishes of the United States and Canada, Exclusive of the Perciformes by Carlander, Kenneth D.
G Protein Methods and Protocols: Role of G Proteins in Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders by
Carnitine Today by Famularo, Giuseppe, Desimone, Claudio
Oncogenes as Transcriptional Regulators: Volume 1: Retroviral Oncogenes by
Zukunft Der Gentechnik by
Oncogenes as Transcriptional Regulators: Volume 2: Cell Cycle Regulators and Chromosomal Regulation by Yaniv, M., Ghysdael, J.
Metaphysics and the Origin of Species by Ghiselin, Michael T.
Biodiversity: The Abundance of Life by Chapman, Jenny L., Roberts, Michael B. V.
Cell Cycle Control: Volume 283 by
Extreme Environmental Change and Evolution by Hoffmann, Hoffmann, Ary A.
Extreme Engironmental Change and Evolution by Hoffmann, Ary A.
Microbiology of Fermented Foods by Wood, B. J.
The Baculoviruses by
Electrical Properties of Cells: Patch Clamp for Biologists by DeFelice, Louis J.
Biological Invasions by Williamson, M.
Evolutionary Quantitative Genetics by Roff, Derek A.
Parasites and Pathogens: Effects on Host Hormones and Behavior by Beckage, N. E.
Microbiology and Biochemistry of Cheese and Fermented Milk by
New Generic Technologies in Developing Countries by
The Serpent and the Rainbow by Davis, Wade
A Molecular Approach to Primary Metabolism in Higher Plants by
Intellectual Property Rights and Plant Biotechnology by National Research Council
The Clock of Ages: Why We Age, How We Age, Winding Back the Clock by Medina, John J.
Deep-Sea Fishes: Volume 16 by
The Golgi Apparatus by Berger, E. G.
Bioreaktionstechnik: Bioprozesse Mit Mikroorganismen Und Zellen: Prozeßüberwachung by
Evolutionary Ecology of Freshwater Animals: Concepts and Case Studies by
Intestinal Absorptive Surface in Mammals of Different Sizes by Snipes, Robert L.
In Vivo Footprinting: Volume 21 by
Cellular Aspects of Smooth Muscle Function by
Benthic Suspension Feeders and Flow by Wildish, David
Yellow Fever, Black Goddess: The Coevolution Of People And Plagues by Wills, Christopher
The Earthscan Reader in Population and Development by
Virus-Resistant Transgenic Plants: Potential Ecological Impact by
Progress and Prospects in Evolutionary Biology: The Drosophila Model by Powell, Jeffrey R.
Basic Molecular and Cell Biology 3e by Latchman, David S.
Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology: Volume 58 by
Signal Transduction by Integrins by Tarone, Guido, Gismondi, Angela, Defilippi, Paola
New Essays on Abortion and Bioethics by
Advances in Applied Microbiology: Volume 44 by
Environmental Stress, Adaptation and Evolution by
Ökologischer Ausgleich Und Biodiversität by Ewald, Klaus C., Freyer, Bernhard, Baur, B.
Enzyme Handbook 14: Class 2.7-2.8 Transferases, EC by
Creating Technology Strategies: How to Build Competitive Biomedical R&d by Sapienza, Alice M.
Green Space, Green Time: The Way of Science by Barlow, Connie
Artificial Neural Networks -- Icann '97: 7th International Conference Lausanne, Switzerland, October 8-10, 1997 Proceedings by
Chamaeleonidae by Böhme, Wolfgang, Klaver, Charles J. J.
Signal Transduction Mechanisms by
Untersuchung der Schutzwürdigkeit für das Gebiet "Pechader" zwischen Neckarhausen und Neckartailfingen im Landkreis Esslingen by Bölt, Antje, Strebost, Michael
Forests and Insects by Watt, Allan D., Hunter, Mark D., Stork, Nigel E.
Advances in Microbial Ecology by
Food Biotechnology in Ethical Perspective by Thompson, Paul B.
Cellular and Molecular Biology of Plant Seed Development by
Handbook of Batch Process Design by
Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics by North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Vergoten, Gerard, Theophanides, Theo M.
International Review of Cytology: A Survey of Cell Biology Volume 177 by
Coastal Ecosystem Processes by Alongi, Daniel M., Alongi, D. M.
Advances in Applied Microbiology: Cumulative Subject Index, Volumes 22-42 Volume 46 by
Concepts in Gene Therapy by
Radiation Biophysics by Alpen, Edward L.
Advances in Applied Microbiology: Volume 45 by
Polyamine Protocols by
General Techniques of Cell Culture by Harrison, Maureen A.
Plant Life Histories by
General Techniques of Cell Culture by Harrison, Maureen A.
Evolutionary Computing: Aisb International Workshop, Manchester, Uk, April 7-8, 1997. Selected Papers. by
Advances in Immunology: Cumulative Subject Index, Volumes 37-65 Volume 67 by
Cumulative Subject Index: Volume 49 by
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