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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Biology in 2000

The Purpose and Future of Life - The Science and Ethics of Seeding the Universe by Mautner, Michael Noah
Accommodation and Vergence Mechanisms in the Visual System by
Recent Advances in Marine Biotechnology, Vol. 4: Aquaculture: Part A:: Seaweeds and Invertebrates by
Origins of Life: On Earth and in the Cosmos by Zubay, Geoffrey
Fungal Protoplast: A Biotechnological Tool by Lalithakumari, D.
Bioreaktoren Und Periphere Einrichtungen: Ein Leitfaden Für Die Hochschulausbildung, Für Hersteller Und Anwender by Storhas, Winfried
Molekulare Biophysik by Daune, Michel
Fundamentals of Molecular Evolution by Li, Wen-Hsiung Li, Graur, Dan
Developmental Biology Protocols: Volume II by
Developmental Biology Protocols: Volume II by
Klinische Biochemie: 100 Fall-Orientierte Fragen Mit Antworten by Luduena, Richard F.
Applied Biocatalysis by
Chaperonin Protocols by
Eßstörungen als autoaggressives Verhalten: Eine psychobiologische Betrachtung geschlechtsspezifischer Aggression am Beispiel der Anorexie und Bulimie by Wendt, Anja
Developmental Biology Protocols: Volume III by
Effects of Fishing on Non-Target Species and Habitats: Biological, Conservation and Socio-Economic Issues by
Developmental Biology Protocols: Volume III by
Analytische Methoden in Der Biotechnologie by
Soil Microbiology by Tate, Robert L.
Phagocytosis: Microbial Invasion: Volume 6 by
Biology of Bats by Neuweiler, Gerhard
Aquatic Oligochaetes by
Molecular Modeling and Prediction of Bioactivity by
Evolutionary Biology by
The Ecology of Mycobacteria by Kazda, J.
The Ecology of Mycobacteria by Kazda, Jindrich, Kazda, J.
Bacterial Invasion Into Eukaryotic Cells: Subcellular Biochemistry by
Animal Cell Technology: Products from Cells, Cells as Products: Proceedings of the 16th Esact Meeting April 25-29, 1999, Lugano, Switzerland by
Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXI by
Microbial Endophytes by
Major Histocompatibility Complex: Evolution, Structure, and Function by
Listen to the Music: The Life of Hilary Koprowski by Vaughan, Roger
Physiological Diversity: Ecological Implications by Spicer, John, Gaston, Kevin
Engineering the Human Germline by
Das Ist Biologie: Die Wissenschaft Des Lebens by Mayr, Ernst
Microbes and Man by Postgate, John, Postgate, J. R.
Early Evolution: From the Appearance of the First Cell to the First Modern Organisms by Rizzotti, Martino
Drug Discovery from Nature by
Biotransformations by
Biosynthesis: Polyketides and Vitamins by
Bioorganic Chemistry by
Bioorganic Chemistry: Models and Applications by
Biocatalysis: From Discovery to Application by
Fundamentals of Enzymology: The Cell and Molecular Biology of Catalytic Proteins by Price, Nicholas C., Stevens, Lewis
Aqueous Two-Phase Systems: Methods and Protocols by
The Physics of Pulsatile Flow by Zamir, M.
Plant Molecular Evolution by
Technological and Medical Implications of Metabolic Control Analysis by
Ribosomes by Spirin, Alexander S.
Technological and Medical Implications of Metabolic Control Analysis by
Animal Toxins: Facts and Protocols by
Proteomics in Functional Genomics: Protein Structure Analysis by
Limnological Analyses by Wetzel, Robert G., Likens, Gene E.
Advances in Structural Biology: Volume 6 by
Dinosaur Tracks and Other Fossil Footprints of Europe by Lockley, Martin, Meyer, Christian
Classification of Mammals: Above the Species Level by Bell, Susan, McKenna, Malcolm
The Surprising Archaea: Discovering Another Domain of Life by Howland, John L.
Bacterial Toxins: Methods and Protocols by
Nonradioactive Analysis of Biomolecules by
Biotechnology Annual Review: Volume 5 by
Precious Heritage: The Status of Biodiversity in the United States by
The Fifth Miracle: The Search for the Origin and Meaning of Life by Davies, Paul
Bioseparation Engineering: Volume 16 by
Ribosomes by Spirin, Alexander
Here Be Dragons by LeVay, Simon, Koerner, David W.
The Nucleic Acid Protocols Handbook by
Kryptogamen 1: Cyanobakterien Algen Pilze Flechten Praktikum Und Lehrbuch by Esser, Karl
The Ecology of Freshwater Molluscs by Dillon, Robert T., Robert T., Dillon
Nitrogen Fixation: From Molecules to Crop Productivity: Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Nitrogen Fixation, Foz Do Iguaçu, Paraná, Br by
Downstream Processing of Proteins: Methods and Protocols by
Signaling & Gene Expression in the Immune System by Cold Spring Harbor Lab Press
Influence of Stress on Cell Growth and Product Formation by
Structure and Dynamics of Biomolecules: Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation for Condensed Matter Studies by Fanchon, Eric, Hodeau, Jean-Louis, Geissler, Erik
Scaling in Biology by
Viral Ecology by
The Birth of the Cell by Harris, Henry
Signaling Networks and Cell Cycle Control: The Molecular Basis of Cancer and Other Diseases by
Molecular Histochemical Techniques by
Supercritical Fluid Methods and Protocols by
Physiology by Numbers by Burton, Richard F.
The Generation of Diversity: Clonal Selection Theory and the Rise of Molecular Immunology by Tauber, Alfred I., Podolsky, Scott H.
Animal Toxins: Facts and Protocols by Martin-Eauclaire, M., Rochat, H.
Molecular Biology of Woody Plants: Volume 2 by
Astronomical Origins of Life: Steps Towards Panspermia by Wickramasinghe, N. C., Hoyle, B.
Chromosomes Today by
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology: Continuation of Residue Reviews by Ware, George W.
Scientific Method for Ecological Research by E. David, Ford, Ford, E. David
Waiting for Aphrodite: Journeys Into the Time Before Bones by Hubbell, Sue
A Fish Caught in Time: The Search for the Coelacanth by Weinberg, Samantha
Microbial Ecology of the Oceans by
Chemistry in the Marine Environment by
Evolutionary Innovations ' the Business of Biotechnoloy ' by McKelvey, Maureen D.
Stress Response: Methods and Protocols by
Twenty-First Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals: Proceedings of the Twenty-First Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals He by
Aging Methods and Protocols by
Rapid Methods for Analysis of Biological Materials in the Environment by
Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management 8 by
Radio Frequency Radiation Dosimetry and Its Relationship to the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields by
Recent Advances and Issues in Biology by Mertz, Leslie
Marine Genetics by
New Microbiotests for Routine Toxicity Screening and Biomonitoring by
Biofilms by Szewzyk, Ulrich, Griebe, Thomas, Flemming, Hans-C
Secret Languages of the Sea by Burgess, Robert F.
Research Techniques in Animal Ecology: Controversies and Consequences by
Cell Therapy by
Fragile Dominion by Levin, Simon a.
Matrix Metalloproteinases and Timps by Nagase, Hideaki, Woessner, J. Frederick
Molekulare Medizin by Kulozik, Andreas E., Hentze, Matthias W., Hagemeier, Christian
Flagellates: Unity, Diversity and Evolution by
Physics with Illustrative Examples from Medicine and Biology: Mechanics by Villars, Felix M. H., Benedek, George B.
A Miocene (10-12 Ma) Evergreen Laurel-Oak Forest from Carmel Valley, California: Volume 145 by Axelrod, Daniel I.
Umweltvirologie: Viren in Wasser Und Boden by
Biology of Menopause by
BIOS Instant Notes in Physical Chemistry by Heal, Matthew, Whittaker, Gavin, Mount, Andy
BIOS Instant Notes in Developmental Biology by Twyman, Richard
Biomechanics in Animal Behaviour by
Genetically Engineered Viruses: Development and Applications by
Forschungsfreiheit Und Forschungskontrolle in Der Medizin / Freedom and Control of Biomedical Research: Zur Geplanten Revision Der Deklaration Von Hel by
Programmed Cell Death in Animals and Plants by
Proteomics: From Protein Sequence to Function by Pennington, Stephen
Handbook of Chemical Processing Equipment by Cheremisinoff, Nicholas P.
Biology of Habitats by Little, Colin
Myxomycetes by Stephenson, Steven L., Hall, Ian, Stephenson, L. Steven
Immunology and Drug Therapy of Allergic Skin Diseases by Bruijnzeel-Koomen, C., Bruijnzeel-Koomen, Carla A. F. M., Knol, Edward F.
Systematics of Anopina Obraztsov (Lepidoptera Tortricidae: Euliini): Volume 120 by Brown, John W., Powell, Jerry A.
Betriebsprobleme Auf Kläranlagen Durch Blähschlamm, Schwimmschlamm, Schaum: Handbuch Zur Identifizierung Und Bekämpfung Fädiger Bakterien by Kunst, S., Helmer, C., Knoop, S.
Strukturen Der Komplexität: Eine Morphologie Des Erkennens Und Erklärens by Riedl, Rupert
Species Concepts and Phylogenetic Theory: A Debate by
Chemistry at the Beginning of the Third Millennium: Molecular Design, Supramolecules, Nanotechnology and Beyond by
Emerging Infections: Volume - by
Physics with Illustrative Examples from Medicine and Biology: Statistical Physics by Villars, Felix M. H., Benedek, George B.
Singlet Oxygen, Uv-A and Ozone: Volume 319 by
Electrotransformation of Bacteria by
Warum Fliegen sich im Kino langweilen by Kleisny, Helga
Numerical Computer Methods, Part C: Volume 321 by
The Ecology of Cyanobacteria: Their Diversity in Time and Space by
Multiphoton and Light Driven Multielectron Processes in Organics: New Phenomena, Materials and Applications: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research by
Multiphoton and Light Driven Multielectron Processes in Organics: New Phenomena, Materials and Applications: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research by
Life at Interfaces and Under Extreme Conditions: Proceedings of the 33rd European Marine Biology Symposium, Held at Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 7-11 Septe by
The Ecology of Cyanobacteria: Their Diversity in Time and Space by
Advances in Microbial Ecology, Volume 16 by
Of Microbes and Art: The Role of Microbial Communities in the Degradation and Protection of Cultural Heritage by
Animal Rights: A Subject Guide, Bibliography, and Internet Companion by Kistler, John M.
Root Hairs: Cell and Molecular Biology by
Methods in Non-Aqueous Enzymology by
The Geometry of Ecological Interactions: Simplifying Spatial Complexity by
Simulating Ecological and Evolutionary Systems in C by Will, Wilson, Wilson, William G., Wilson, Will, Sr.
Clostridium Difficile by
The Limits and Lies of Human Genetic Research: Dangers For Social Policy by Kaplan, Jonathan Michael
Symbiosis: An Introduction to Biological Associations by Ahmadjian, Vernon, Paracer, Surindar
Yeasts: Characteristics and Identification by Payne, R. W., Yarrow, D., Barnett, J. A.
Flow Cytometry: A Practical Approach by
Water: A Matrix of Life by Franks, Felix
Controlled Release Veterinary Drug Delivery: Biological and Pharmaceutical Considerations by
Biocatalysis by
Biomimetic Sensor Technology by Toko, Kiyoshi
Pharmacology of Ionic Channel Function: Activators and Inhibitors by
The New York Times Scientists at Work: Profiles of Today's Groundbreaking Scientists from Science Times by Chang, Laura
Environmental Micropaleontology: The Application of Microfossils to Environmental Geology by
Transposable Elements and Genome Evolution by
Ecology and Biogeography of Pinus by
Artificial Life VII: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Artificial Life by
The Making of Intelligence by Richardson, Ken
Fungal Strategies of Wood Decay in Trees by Schwarze, Francis W. M. R., Engels, Julia
Life in the Cold: Eleventh International Hibernation Symposium by
The Marine Biology Coloring Book, 2nd Edition: A Coloring Book by Coloring Concepts Inc
Modeling Survival Data: Extending the Cox Model by Grambsch, Patricia M., Therneau, Terry M.
New Products and New Areas of Bioprocess Engineering by
Techniques in Animal Cytogenetics by
The Art of Genes: How Organisms Make Themselves by Coen, Enrico
Land Management: The Hidden Costs by Pienkowski, Mike W., Hindmarch, Colin
Physics with Illustrative Examples from Medicine and Biology: Electricity and Magnetism by Villars, Felix M. H., Benedek, George B.
Parasitoid Population Biology by
Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Cell Culture by Dallman, Margaret J.
Food Webs and Container Habitats: The Natural History and Ecology of Phytotelmata by R. L., Kitching, Kitching, Roger Laurence, Kitching, R. L.
Bioremediation by
Applied Microbial Systematics by
Tilapias: Biology and Exploitation by
Tilapias: Biology and Exploitation by
The Redox State and Circadian Rhythms by
Elastic Filaments of the Cell by
Advances in Rice Blast Research: Proceedings of the 2nd International Rice Blast Conference 4-8 August 1998, Montpellier, France by
Soft Condensed Matter: Configurations, Dynamics and Functionality by
Biology of the Mammary Gland by
Fondamenti Di Ingegneria Clinica - Volume 1 by Branca, Francesco P.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Vitamin B6 and Pqq-Dependent Proteins by
Endangered Animals: A Reference Guide to Conflicting Issues by
History of Modern Biotechnology I by
Lymphoid Organogenesis: Proceedings of the Workshop Held at the Basel Institute for Immunology 5th-6th November 1999 by
Challenges of Biological Aging by Masoro, Edward J.
Microbial Subversion of Immunity: Current Topics by
Novel Cytokine Inhibitors by Higgs, G. a., Higgs, Gerry A., Henderson, Brian
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology: Continuation of Residue Reviews by Ware, George W.
The Origin of Animal Body Plans by Arthur, Wallace, Wallace, Arthur
History of Modern Biotechnology II by
Molecular Methods in Ecology by
Informatik 2000: Neue Horizonte Im Neuen Jahrhundert 30. Jahrestagung Der Gesellschaft Für Informatik Berlin, 19.-22. September 2000 by
Fertilization in Protozoa and Metazoan Animals: Cellular and Molecular Aspects by
Stink Bugs of Economic Importance in America North of Mexico by McPherson, Robert, McPherson, J. E.
Nonlinear Biomedical Signal Processing, Volume 2: Dynamic Analysis and Modeling by
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