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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Biology in 2008

Molecular Medicine for Clinicians by
Fractal Analysis of the Binding and Dissociation Kinetics for Different Analytes on Biosensor Surfaces by Sadana, Neeti, Sadana, Ajit
Biobazaar: The Open Source Revolution and Biotechnology by Hope, Janet
The Fungal Colony by
The Cyanobacteria: Molecular Biology, Genomics and Evolution by
Pseudomonas: Genomics and Molecular Biology by
Acinetobacter Molecular Biology by
Animal Viruses: Molecular Biology by
Epigenetics by Tost, Jorg
Introduction to Wildlife and Fisheries (Paperback) by Willis, David, Scalet, Charles
Evolution und Parapsychologie: als Grundlagen für eine neue Biologie und die Wiederbelebung des Vitalismus by Nahm, Michael
Brain Dynamics: An Introduction to Models and Simulations by Haken, Hermann
Conservation and Sustainable Use: A Handbook of Techniques by Rowcliffe, J. Marcus, Milner-Gulland, E. J.
Conservation and Sustainable Use: A Handbook of Techniques by Milner-Gulland, E. J., Rowcliffe, J. Marcus
What Bugged the Dinosaurs?: Insects, Disease, and Death in the Cretaceous by Poinar, George, Poinar, Roberta
Phylogenetic Analysis of Viral Quasispecies by Buendia, Patricia
Fish Larval Physiology by
Fish Behaviour by
Nanomaterials for Application in Medicine and Biology by
Stress-Activated Protein Kinases by
Nanomaterials for Application in Medicine and Biology by
Integrated Biochips for DNA Analysis by
The Seaweeds of Florida by Dawes, Clinton J., Mathieson, Arthur C.
Fitness of the Cosmos for Life by
Rice Biology in the Genomics Era by
Bioactive Molecules and Medicinal Plants by
Seaweed Invasions: A Synthesis of Ecological, Economic and Legal Imperatives by
Drug Absorption Studies: In Situ, in Vitro and in Silico Models by
Environmental Genomics by
Das Massensterben der Honigbiene Apis mellifera (Colony Colapse Disorder): Eine Diskussion möglicher Ursachen by Wünsch, Steffen
Fourier Descriptors and Their Applications in Biology by
Transformed Cladistics, Taxonomy and Evolution by Scott-Ram, N. R.
Growth, Maturation, and Body Composition: The Fels Longitudinal Study 1929 1991 by Roche, Alex F.
Immunosenescence by
Drug Targets in Kinetoplastid Parasites by
Alternative Splicing in the Postgenomic Era by
New Perspectives and Approaches in Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria Research by
Voltage-Sensitive Ion Channels: Biophysics of Molecular Excitability by Leuchtag, H. Richard
Genomics-Assisted Crop Improvement: Vol 1: Genomics Approaches and Platforms Vol 2: Genomics Applications in Crops by
Calcium, Oxygen Radicals and Cellular Damage by
Acid Toxicity and Aquatic Animals by
Surnames and Genetic Structure by Lasker, Gabriel Ward
Evolving Pathways: Key Themes in Evolutionary Developmental Biology by
Handbook of Ecological Restoration: Volume 1, Principles of Restoration by
Galactose Regulon of Yeast: From Genetics to Systems Biology by Bhat, Paike Jayadeva
Paleomicrobiology: Past Human Infections by
Ultrashort Laser Pulses in Biology and Medicine by
Skeletal Muscle Repair and Regeneration by
Retinal and Choroidal Angiogenesis by
Habitat Management for Conservation: A Handbook of Techniques by Ausden, Malcolm
Habitat Management for Conservation: A Handbook of Techniques by Ausden, Malcolm
Ocular Transporters in Ophthalmic Diseases and Drug Delivery [With CDROM] by
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Protocols by
Bacterial Pathogenesis: Methods and Protocols by
Tissue Proteomics: Pathways, Biomarkers, and Drug Discovery by
Eine Videostudie zum Verhalten von Mädchen und Jungen bei Gruppenarbeiten im Rahmen des forschend-entdeckenden Lernens by Arroyo, Maria
What Can Nanotechnology Learn from Biotechnology?: Social and Ethical Lessons for Nanoscience from the Debate Over Agrifood Biotechnology and GMOs by
Of Microbes and Men: The Emotions, Drama and Mystery of a Struggle to Correct a 125-year-old Mistake and Improve Our Defenses Against Epide by Marshall, William
Of Microbes and Men: The Emotions, Drama and Mystery of a Struggle to Correct a 125-Year-Old Mistake and Improve Our Defenses Against Epide by Marshall, William
Electroporation Protocols: Preclinical and Clinical Gene Medicine by
Agrobacterium: From Biology to Biotechnology by
Neural Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols by
Why Dissection? Animal Use in Education by Hart, Lynette, Wood, Mary, Hart, Benjamin
Molecular Oral Microbiology by
Microbial Gene Essentiality: Protocols and Bioinformatics by
Prehistoric Native Americans and Ecological Change: Human Ecosystems in Eastern North America Since the Pleistocene by Delcourt, Hazel R., Delcourt, Paul A.
Unterrichtsstunde Membranaufbau (Biologie 11. Klasse Gymnasium): Entwicklung einer Modellvorstellung zum Aufbau der Biomembran in Gruppenarbeit by Engels, Sabrina
Current Developments in Solid-State Fermentation by
Methods and Techniques for Cleaning-Up Contaminated Sites by
Wetlands: Functioning, Biodiversity Conservation, and Restoration by
Mild Stress and Healthy Aging: Applying Hormesis in Aging Research and Interventions by
Gradients in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of Ecuador by
Methods and Techniques for Cleaning-Up Contaminated Sites by
Biophysical Techniques in Photosynthesis, Volume II by
Agents of Bioterrorism: Pathogens and Their Weaponization by Zubay, Geoffrey
Evolutionary Ecology and the Transition to Multicellularity by Solari, Cristian Alejandro
Group B Coxsackieviruses by
Ecology of Social Evolution by
A Century of Mycology by
Organelle Proteomics by
Life as Surplus: Biotechnology and Capitalism in the Neoliberal Era by Cooper, Melinda E.
Faunistische, wasserchemische und vegetationsökologische Untersuchungen an ausgewählten Quellen der Halbinsel Jasmund (Rügen) by Irmscher, Sindy
The Sperm-Receptacle In The Crayfishes, Cambarus Cubensis And C. Paradoxus (1908) by Andrews, Ethan Allen
A Course Of Elementary Instruction In Practical Biology (1879) by Huxley, Thomas Henry
Forced Movements, Tropisms, And Animal Conduct: Monographs On Experimental Biology (1918) by Loeb, Jacques
The Weno And Pawpaw Formations Of The Texas Comanchean And On A New Ammonite Fauna Of The Lower Turonian Of Mexico (1920) by Bose, Emil, Adkins, Walter Scott
An Introduction To Social Psychology (1916) by McDougall, William
Flora Of The Presidency Of Madras V1 (1915) by Gamble, James Sykes
Forest Dynamics and Disturbance Regimes: Studies from Temperate Evergreen-Deciduous Forests by Frelich, Lee E.
Hydrogenosomes and Mitosomes: Mitochondria of Anaerobic Eukaryotes by
Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment by
Beyond UFOs: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life and Its Astonishing Implications for Our Future by Bennett, Jeffrey
Essentials of Nucleic Acid Analysis: A Robust Approach by
Genomics Protocols by
Capillary Electrophoresis: Methods and Protocols by
Technique and Application in Dental Anthropology by
Zentrale Verarbeitung multimodaler sensorischer Reize nach Stimulation der Nasenschleimhaut mit Nikotin by Albrecht, Jessica
Reversible Phosphorylation and Oocyte Maturation - Regulation of Germinal Vesicle Breakdown and Chromatin Remodeling by Swain, Jason
Plant Virus Evolution by
Astrobiology - The Integrated Science Curriculum by Geller, Harold
Avian Influenza Virus by
Wörterbuch Biotechnologie/Dictionary of Biotechnology: Deutsch - Englisch/English - German by Cole, Theodor C. H.
Conservation Biology: Foundations, Concepts, Applications by Van Dyke, Fred
Bits of Life: Feminism at the Intersections of Media, Bioscience, and Technology by
Best Practices in Biotechnology Business Development by
Best Practices in Biotechnology Education by
Advances in Molecular Toxicology: Volume 2 by
Long-Range Control of Gene Expression: Volume 61 by
The Science of Describing: Natural History in Renaissance Europe by Ogilvie, Brian W.
A Dictionary of Biology by Johnson, M. L., Abercrombie, M., Hickman, C. J.
Textbook of Structural Biology [With CDROM] by Liljas, Anders, Liljas, Lars, Piskur, Jure
Legionella: Molecular Microbiology by
Staphylococcus: Molecular Genetics by
Plant Anatomy by Mauseth, James D.
Analysis of Evolutionary Processes: The Adaptive Dynamics Approach and Its Applications by Dercole, Fabio, Rinaldi, Sergio
The Bonobos: Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation by
Mathematical Modelling of Biosystems by
The Handbook of Nanomedicine by Jain, Kewal K.
Structural Proteomics: High-Throughput Methods by
Survival Analysis for Epidemiologic and Medical Research by Selvin, Steve
Surv Analysis Epidemiologic Med Res by Selvin, Steve
Life as It Is: Biology for the Public Sphere by Loomis, William F.
Bacterial Microfluidics by Kim, Minjun
Biological Invasions by
Drug Delivery Systems by
Germline Stem Cells by
Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols by
The Cosmic Pulse of Life by Constable, Trevor James
The Cosmic Pulse of Life: The Revolutionary Biological Power Behind UFOs by Constable, Trevor James
Handbook of Ecological Restoration: Volume 2, Restoration in Practice by
The Ecology of Recently-Deglaciated Terrain: A Geoecological Approach to Glacier Forelands by John a., Matthews, Matthews, John A.
Genetic Glass Ceilings: Transgenics for Crop Biodiversity by Gressel, Jonathan
Oxford Bookworms Library: Tooth and Claw: Level 3: 1000-Word Vocabulary by
Seagrass Ecology by Hemminga, Marten A., Duarte, Carlos M., Marten a., Hemminga
2D Page: Sample Preparation and Fractionation: Volume 2 by
2D Page: Sample Preparation and Fractionation: Volume 1 by Posch, Anton
Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms: State of the Science and Research Needs by
Transgenesis and the Management of Vector-Borne Disease by
Introduction to Biosemiotics: The New Biological Synthesis by
Designing Green Landscapes by
Sex and Death in Protozoa: The History of Obsession by Bell, Graham
The Names of Plants by Gledhill, David
Alternative Reproductive Tactics by
Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions by Sefcik, Lesley T.
Synthesis of Cyclic Peptides through Plant Cell Culture by Wong Dávila, Jorge Luis
Regulatory Networks of Gene Expression in Heart and Skeletal Muscle Cells by Fischer, Jenny J.
Sulfur Metabolism in Phototrophic Organisms by
Phytoplankton Pigments in Lake Baikal by Fietz, Susanne
Brain Development in Drosophila Melanogaster by
Principles and Technical Aspects of PCR Amplification by Hays, John P., Van Pelt-Verkuil, Elizabeth, Belkum, Alex Van
Temperate Fruit Crop Breeding: Germplasm to Genomics by
Statistical Evaluation of Mutagenicity Test Data by
Das Ende Der Sterblichkeit: Ewiges Leben: Traum - Alptraum - Wirklichkeit by Appleyard, Bryan
Mycotoxins in Fruits and Vegetables by
Physical Biology: From Atoms to Medicine by
Post-Translational Modifications of Proteins: Tools for Functional Proteomics by
NYSTCE CST Biology 006 by Wynne, Sharon A.
Emergence: Contemporary Readings in Philosophy and Science by
Die Emotion Lust by Manske, Daniela
Archaea: New Models for Prokaryotic Biology by
Vertebrate Microfossil Assemblages: Their Role in Paleoecology and Paleobiogeography by
The Canon: A Whirligig Tour of the Beautiful Basics of Science by Angier, Natalie
Reptiles of British India by Günther, Albrecht Carl
AFM and SPR on Biological Systems - Applying Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) to Biologically Important Systems by Gamsjaeger, Roland
Coral Reefs of the USA by
Molecular Beacons: Signalling Nucleic Acid Probes, Methods, and Protocols by
RNAi: Design and Application by
The New Biology by Dejong-Lambert, William
Stem Cells: From Hydra to Man by
The Music of Life: Biology Beyond Genes by Noble, Denis
NMR in Biological Systems: From Molecules to Human by Chary, K. V. R., Govil, Girjesh
Nuclear Risk in Central Asia by
Nuclear Risk in Central Asia by
A Thermodynamic Approach to PCR Primer Design by Mann, Tobias
The New Taxonomy by
Methods and Applications in Comparative Bacterial Genomics - Studying Microevolution in Action by Fuxelius, Hans-Henrik
Die Sanierung Von Biodiversitätsschäden Nach Der Europäischen Umwelthaftungsrichtlinie by Kieß, Carolin
Feeding and the Texture of Food by
Sperm Whale Diet in New Zealand - Implications for Conservation by Gómez-Villota, Felipe
Drosophila: Methods and Protocols by
Phylogenomics by
The Everglades Experiments: Lessons for Ecosystem Restoration by Richardson, Curtis
Heterotrophic Flagellates on Biofilms - The Effect of Flow Velocity and Temperature on the Colonisation of Heterotrophic Flagellates by Willkomm, Marlene
Molecular Mechanisms of Parasite Invasion by
Alternative Reproductive Tactics by
Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions: Structural Biology by
Scolopendromorpha (Chilopoda) of Taiwan by Chao, Jui Lung
Bacillariophyceae: Teil 3: Centrales, Fragilariaceae, Eunotiaceae by Krammer, Kurt
Dynamics and Mechanics of Zebrafish Embryonic Tissues by Schoetz, Eva-Maria
Microalgae: Biotechnology and Microbiology by Becker, E. W.
Autophagosome and Phagosome by
Gene Therapy Protocols: Volume 1: Production and in Vivo Applications of Gene Transfer Vectors by
Navigating Social-Ecological Systems: Building Resilience for Complexity and Change by
Gene Therapy Protocols: Volume 2: Design and Characterization of Gene Transfer Vectors by
Heat Stress Signal Transduction in Plant Cells by Mansour, Ahmed
Habitat Use of Elephantulus intufi - A Radiotracking Study in Northern Namibia by Kachel, Anne Friederike
Artificial Evolution: 8th International Conference, Evolution Artificielle, EA 2007 Tours, France, October 29-31, 2007, Revised Selected Papers by
Evolution, Modularity, and Dynamics of Gene Regulatory Networks by Singh, Amoolya
Atlas Effectors of Anti-Tumor Immunity by
Emerging Topics in Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media: From Bioengineering and Microelectronics to Nanotechnology by
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