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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Biology in 2009

Plant Taxonomy: The Systematic Evaluation of Comparative Data by Stuessy, Tod F.
Fish Defenses Vol. 1: Immunology by
Venture Capital and the European Biotechnology Industry by Bains, W.
Textbook of Structural Biology by Liljas, Anders, Liljas, Lars, Piskur, Jure
Pollen and Spores: Applications with Special Emphasis on Aerobiology and Allergy by Agashe, S. N., Caulton, Eric
Clostridia: Molecular Biology in the Post-genomic Era by
Lactobacillus Molecular Biology: From Genomics to Probiotics by
Microbial Production of Biopolymers and Polymer Precursors: Applications and Perspectives by
An Introduction to Population Genetics Theory by Kimura, Motoo, Crow, James F.
Alien Ocean: Anthropological Voyages in Microbial Seas by Helmreich, Stefan
Breeding against Hip and Elbow Dysplasia in Dogs - Mode of inheritance and breeding strategies by Mäki, Katariina
Seeing People Move Perception of Biological Motion by Intermediate-Level Motion Features and its Use in Computer Vision by Das, Sandhitsu
Writing a Biomedical Research Paper: A Guide to Structure and Style by Budgell, Brian
Biologen in Der Industrie: Was Erwartet Sie?: Ein Virtuelles Praktikum by Achstetter, Tilman, Klöck, Gerd
Erfolgreich Studieren: Vom Beginn Bis Zum Abschluss Des Studiums by
The Neural Crest and Neural Crest Cells in Vertebrate Development and Evolution by Hall, Brian K.
Society for Experimental Biology, Seminar Series: Volume 22, Instrumentation for Environmental Physiology by
Proceedings of the Nineteenth European Marine Biology Symposium by
Vertebrate Blood Cells by
Gene Expression and Manipulation in Aquatic Organisms by
The Role of Biofilms in Device-Related Infections by
Water Science Reviews: Volume 1 by
Fish Defenses Vol. 2: Pathogens, Parasites and Predators by
Arctic Air Pollution by Stonehouse, B.
Transit Management in the Northwest Passage: Problems and Prospects by
Biofuels for Road Transport: A Seed to Wheel Perspective by Reijnders, Lucas, Huijbregts, Mark
Biotechnology by Smith, John E.
Electrochemistry at the Nanoscale by
A Contribution To The Morphology And Biology Of The Stentors (1893) by Johnson, Herbert Parlin
Biological And Embryological Studies On Formicidae (1912) by Tanquary, Maurice Cole
A Textbook Of Elementary Biology (1889) by Harvey-Gibson, Robert John
Phagocytosis of Dying Cells: From Molecular Mechanisms to Human Diseases by
Jellyfish Blooms: Causes, Consequences and Recent Advances by
Handbook of Nucleic Acid Purification by
Biology of Microorganisms on Grapes, in Must and in Wine by
History of Research on Tumor Angiogenesis by Ribatti, Domenico
Canada's Arctic Waters in International Law by Pharand, Donat
The Social Amoebae: The Biology of Cellular Slime Molds by Bonner, John Tyler
The Antarctic Treaty Regime: Law, Environment and Resources by
Water Science Reviews 4: Volume 4: Hydration Phenomena in Colloidal Systems by
A Textbook Of Elementary Biology (1889) by Harvey-Gibson, Robert John
Whales and Dolphins of the Southern African Subregion by Best, Peter B.
Strategies in Regenerative Medicine: Integrating Biology with Materials Design by
An Examination Of Herbert Spencer's Biological Hypothesis (1875) by Watts, Robert
Evaluation ausgewählter Unterrichts- und Präventionsmaterialien zur Gesundheitserziehung im Bereich Zahnkunde und -pflege: Unter besonderer Berücksich by Göbel, Inga
Quantitative Conservation of Vertebrates [With CDROM] by Conroy, Michael J., Carroll, John P.
Grundlagen und haltungstechnische Einrichtungen für die Schweinefreilandhaltung im Depot Nottebrock by Blumberger, Burkhard
Hepatocyte Transplantation: Methods and Protocols by
From Research to Manuscript: A Guide to Scientific Writing by Katz, Michael Jay
Basic Feedback Controls in Biomedicine by Lessard, Charles
Water Science Reviews 5: Volume 5: The Molecules of Life by
Circumcision and Human Rights by
Nutrition and Genomics: Issues of Ethics, Law, Regulation and Communication by
The Mermaid's Tale: Four Billion Years of Cooperation in the Making of Living Things by Weiss, Kenneth M., Buchanan, Anne V.
Molecular Biology of RNA Processing and Decay in Prokaryotes: Volume 85 by
The Origin of Individuals by Kupiec, Jean-Jacques
Acanthamoeba: Biology and Pathogenesis by Khan, Naveed
Quantum Aspects of Life by
Label-Free Biosensors by
Label-Free Biosensors by
Mikrobiologische Gewässeranalytik: Am Beispiel der Untersuchung einer Trinkwassertalsperre by Kaden, René
Nineteenth International Seaweed Symposium: Proceedings of the 19th International Seaweed Symposium, Held in Kobe, Japan, 26-31 March, 2007 by
Bioreactor Systems for Tissue Engineering by
Plant Relationships by
Bodily Changes in Pain, Hunger, Fear and Rage. an Account of Recent Researches Into the Function of Emotional Excitement. by Cannon, Walter B.
Candida Albicans: Methods and Protocols by
Membrane Proteomics: Methods and Protocols by
Evolutionary Genetics: From Molecules to Morphology by
Eighteen Months On A Greenland Whaler (1878) by Faulkner, Joseph P.
Botanisch-Mikroskopisches Praktikum Fur Anfanger (1903) by Mobius, Martin
French Scientific Reader (1917) by
Nanobioelectronics - For Electronics, Biology, and Medicine by
Eighteen Months On A Greenland Whaler (1878) by Faulkner, Joseph P.
Forays Among Salmon And Deer (1861) by Conway, James
Essais Mineralogiques Sur La Solfatare De Pouzzole (1792) by Breislak, Scipion, Pommereul, Francois Rene Jean
Diseases of Plants Induced by Cryptogamic Parasites: Introduction to the Study of Pathogenic Fungi, Slime Fungi, Bacteria, and Algae (1897) by Tubeuf, Karl
Networks for Learning and Knowledge Creation in Biotechnology by Oliver, Amalya Lumerman
Marine Toxins as Research Tools by
Bacterial Circadian Programs by
Lösungsstrategien für schadverdichtete Tonböden by Grote, André
Otters: Ecology and Conservation by Mason, C. F., MacDonald, S. M.
Das Phänomen des "Genius loci" unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der eigenschaftslosen Stadt by Liebl, Linda
Game Theory Evolving: A Problem-Centered Introduction to Modeling Strategic Interaction - Second Edition by Gintis, Herbert
Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Carcinogenesis in the Hamster by
Electroporation and Sonoporation in Developmental Biology by
Biosilica in Evolution, Morphogenesis, and Nanobiotechnology: Case Study Lake Baikal by
Ameranthropoides Loysi Montandon 1929: The History of a Primatological Fraud / Ameranthropoides Loysi Montandon 1929: La Historia de Un Fraude Primato by Urbani, Bernardo, Viloria, Angel L.
Handbook on Immunosenescence: Basic Understanding and Clinical Applications by
Animals, Brains & Cultures: A Novel ABC of Human and Other Animal Nature and Behaviour by Fenwick, Doug
Invasion Success by Plant Breeding: Evolutionary Changes as a Critical Factor for the Invasion of the Ornamental Plant Mahonia Aquifolium by Ross, Christel
Mortality and Maldevelopment: Part II: The Saga of Neural Tube Defects by Kalter, Harold
Functions in Biological and Artificial Worlds: Comparative Philosophical Perspectives by
Life in Space: Astrobiology for Everyone by Mix, Lucas John
Clustering Challenges in Biological Networks by
Bacterial Secreted Proteins: Secretory Mechanisms and Role in Pathogenesis by Wooldridge, Karl
Uncertain Peril: Genetic Engineering and the Future of Seeds by Cummings, Claire Hope
A Biology for Development by Gros, François
Biomedical Engineering Desk Reference by Ratner, Buddy D., Grimnes, Sverre, Vallero, Daniel A.
Understanding Bioanalytical Chemistry: Principles and Applications by Gault, Victor A., McClenaghan, Neville H.
Biocatalysis: Biochemical Fundamentals and Applications by Grunwald, Peter
Speciation and Patterns of Diversity by
Advances in Agronomy: Volume 101 by
Charles Darwin's Beagle Diary (1831-1836) by Darwin, Charles
Charles Darwin's Beagle Diary (1831-1836) by Darwin, Charles
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. by Darwin, Charles
Des Jacintes, De Leur Anatomie, Reproduction Et Culture (1768) by Saint-Simon, Maximilien-Henri
Essai Sur La Theorie Des Torrens Et Des Rivieres (1797) by Fabre, Jean-Antoine
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. by Darwin, Charles
Phospho-Proteomics: Methods and Protocols by
Schimmelpilze: Lebensweise, Nutzen, Schaden, Bekämpfung (Large Print Edition) by Kück, Ulrich, Nowrousian, Minou
A Changing World: Challenges for Landscape Research by
Early Nutrition Programming and Health Outcomes in Later Life: Obesity and Beyond by
Ecdysone: Structures and Functions by
RNA Polymerases as Molecular Motors by
Combinatorial Methods for Chemical and Biological Sensors by
Horizontal Gene Transfer: Genomes in Flux by
Sex Pheromone in Caenorhabditis by Chan, Chung Man
The Anatomy and Physiology of the Mammalian Larynx by Harrison, D. F. N.
Mapping the Future of Biology: Evolving Concepts and Theories by
Career Opportunities in Biotechnology and Drug Development by Freedman, Toby
Structural Bioinformatics by
How Adult Stem Cell Therapies Can Save Your Life: Medicine's Best Kept Secret Saved My Life by Van Zyl, Bernard
The Self-Medicative Behavior of Sheep by Lisonbee, Larry
Biopharmaceuticals by Wanandy, Nico
Extracellular Matrix Protocols by
Plant Genomics: Methods and Protocols by
Regulatory Networks in Stem Cells by
Class 2 Transferases: EC 2.1-2.7.10 by
The Jonglei Canal: Impact and Opportunity by
Marine Production Mechanisms by
The Functioning of Freshwater Ecosystems by
The Effects of Low Temperature on Biological Systems by
Fenland: Its Ancient Past and Uncertain Future by
Heidelberger Gelehrtenlexikon 1933-1986 by Drüll, Dagmar
E.O. Wilson and B.F. Skinner: A Dialogue Between Sociobiology and Radical Behaviorism by Naour, Paul
Handbook of Sample Preparation for Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis by Echlin, Patrick
Nutrition of Pond Fishes by Hepher, Balfour, Balfour, Hepher
Antarctic Resources Policy: Scientific, Legal and Political Issues by
Arid Land Ecosystems: Volume 2, Structure, Functioning and Management by
Coated Vesicles by Ockleford, C., Whyte, A.
Toxicology of Aquatic Pollution: Physiological, Molecular and Cellular Approaches by
Structural Equation Modeling: Applications in Ecological and Evolutionary Biology by
Diet and Disease: In Traditional and Developing Societies by
Charles Darwin's Notebooks, 1836 1844: Geology, Transmutation of Species, Metaphysical Enquiries by
Urban Ecology and Health in the Third World by
Monoclonal Antibodies in Biotechnology: Theoretical and Practical Aspects by Spier, Raymond E., McCullough, Kenneth C.
World Soil Erosion and Conservation by
Fertility and Resources by
Animal Cells as Bioreactors by Cartwright, Terence
Seabirds: Feeding Ecology and Role in Marine Ecosystems by
Seasonality and Human Ecology by
Apoptosis in Carcinogenesis and Chemotherapy: Apoptosis in Cancer by
Advances in Genetics, Genomics and Control of Rice Blast Disease by
Morbis Brighti (1872) by Buchner, Joseph Benedict
Materials For The Study Of Variation: Treated With Especial Regard To Discontinuity In The Origin Of Species (1894) by Bateson, William
Materials for the Study of Variation: Treated with Especial Regard to Discontinuity in the Origin of Species (1894) by Bateson, William
Memorias De La Comision Del Mapa Geologico De Espana: Descripcion Fisica Y Geologica De La Provincia De Zamora (1874) by Larraz, Gabriel Puig y.
Pollution and Reproductive Damage by Savabieasfahani, Mozhgan
Entscheidungskriterien zur Baumartenwahl und -verwendung außerhalb des Naturstandortes by Schuch, Ingo
Water and Biomolecules: Physical Chemistry of Life Phenomena by
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology by
The Manual of Scientific Style: A Guide for Authors, Editors, and Researchers by
Class 2 Transferases: EC by
Apoptosis: Involvement of Oxidative Stress and Intracellular Ca2+ Homeostasis by
Systems Biology by
Nucleic Acid and Peptide Aptamers: Methods and Protocols by
Active Assessment: Assessing Scientific Inquiry by Hatfull, Graham F., Jacobs-Sera, Debbie, Hanauer, David I.
Ultraschnelle Objekterkennung innerhalb natürlicher Szenen by Stemmler, Torsten
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering: Biomechanics and Bioelectricity - Part I by Christensen, Douglas
Nursery Manual for Native Plants: A Guide for Tribal Nurseries. Volume 1 - Nursery Management (Agriculture Handbook 730) by Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture
Two-Dimensional Electrophoresis Protocols by
Macrophages and Dendritic Cells: Methods and Protocols by
Fundamental Concepts in Biophysics: Volume 1 by
Computational Systems Biology by
Viral Applications of Green Fluorescent Protein: Methods and Protocols [With CDROM] by
Regulation of Gene Expression by Small RNAs by
Microbial Toxins: Current Research and Future Trends by Proft
Plant Genomics by
Essential Stem Cell Methods by
Encyclopedia of Molecular Mechanisms of Disease, 3-Volume Set by
Elizabeth Blackburn and the Story of Telomeres: Deciphering the Ends of DNA by Brady, Catherine
Proceedings of the Trace Elements in Diet, Nutrition, and Health: Essentiality and Toxicity by
Journal Of The Portland Society Of Natural History V1, No. 1 (1864) by Portland Society Natural History
Decomposer Basidiomycetes: Their Biology and Ecology by
The Colonisation of Land: Origins and Adaptations of Terrestrial Animals by Little, Colin
Nrf2 as a Therapeutic Target for Stroke and Neurodegeneration by Shih, Andy Yi-An
Understanding Mechanisms of Agrobacterium tumefaciens Transformation by Hackworth, Cheryl
Conditions Influencing Aggression by Bergman, Daniel
Untangling the Double Helix: DNA Entanglement and the Action of the DNA Topoisomerases by Wang, James C.
Forms of Becoming: The Evolutionary Biology of Development by Minelli, Alessandro
On Animal Electricity: Being An Abstract Of The Discoveries Of Emil Du Bois-Reymond (1852) by Bois-Reymond, Emil Heinrich Du
Systems Biology and Bioinformatics: A Computational Approach by Najarian, Kayvan, Najarian, Siamak, Gharibzadeh, Shahriar
On Euplectella Aspergillum: Also On A New Form Of Globigerina, Phosphorescent Animalcules, Sea-Sawdust, New Forms Of Foraminifera, And Polycystina by Chimmo, William
The Philosophy Of Biology (1914) by Johnstone, James
The Philosophy Of Biology (1914) by Johnstone, James
Nouveau Traite De La Sphere: Ou L'On Explique D'Une Maniere Claire Et Simple Tout Ce Qui A Rapport A Cette Science, Avec Un Discours Sur Les Eclips by Jousse, Daniel
Large-Scale Landscape Experiments by Lindenmayer, David B.
Large-Scale Landscape Experiments by Lindenmayer, David B.
Molecular Biology of the Islets of Langerhans by
Human Biology and Social Inequality by
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