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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Biology in 2009

The Ecology of Mycobacteria: Impact on Animal's and Human's Health by Kazda, Jindrich, Pavlik, Ivo, Falkinham III, Joseph O.
Flowering Plants by Takhtajan, Armen
Target Pattern Recognition in Innate Immunity by
Type 2 Diabetes: Methods and Protocols by
A Natural Calling: Life, Letters and Diaries of Charles Darwin and William Darwin Fox by Larkum, Anthony W. D.
Perfecting Your Sexual Energy Sphere: Russian Edition by Mehta, Shyam
Übergewicht und Bewegungsmangel - Eine empirische Untersuchung zum Thema gesunde Ernährung und körperliche Aktivität by Abraham, Anna Maria
Electrostatic Precipitation: 11th International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation, Hangzhou, 2008 by
Microcosm: E. Coli and the New Science of Life by Zimmer, Carl
Apoptosis: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition by
Cellular Lipid Metabolism by
Drought Frontiers in Rice: Crop Improvement for Increased Rainfed Production by
Antibody Phage Display: Methods and Protocols by
Common Cold by
Transposons and the Dynamic Genome by
De Mundo Liber (1792) by Aristotle
Essais Sur L'Hygrometrie (1783) by De Saussure, Horace Benedict
Des Elemens V1: Ou Essai Sur La Nature, Les Proprietes, Les Effets Et L'Utilite De L'Air, De L'Eau, Du Feu Et De La Terre (1782) by Pott, Jules Henri
Essai Sur La Mineralogie Des Monts-Pyrees (1781) by Pierre, Bernard Palassou
Essai Sur La Nature V1-2: Les Differentes Especes Et Les Divers Degres De Force Des Preuves (1790) by Gabriel, Claude Louis
Fungi Mecklenburgenses Selecti V1: Nova Fungorum Genera Complectens (1790) by Tode, Heinrich Julius
Historia Naturalis Morborum, Part 1 (1791) by Sallaba, Matthias Von
Dissertatio Medica De Peste (1775) by Thomas, Bartholomew, Robertson, William
Genera Morborum (1759) by Linnae, Carl Von, Schroder, Johannes
Gatherings Of A Naturalist In Australasia: Being Observations Principally On The Animal And Vegetable Productions Of New South Wales (1860) by Bennett, George
De Variolis Et Morbillis Liber (1747) by Mead, Richard
Andreas Sniadezki's Theorie Der Organischen Wesen (1821) by Reubig, Andreas, Sniadezki, A.
Chemistry, Biology and Cancer: the Bond: The Bond by Elsersawi, Amin
Ernährung und Macht - Über den Zusammenhang zwischen Ernährung und Macht by Hechtberger, Agnes
Meiosis: Volume 1, Molecular and Genetic Methods by
The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms by Darwin, Charles
A Treatise on Astronomy by Herschel, John Frederick William
Life and Habit by Butler, Samuel
Essays Upon Some Controverted Questions by Huxley, Thomas Henry
Lay Sermons, Addresses, and Reviews by Huxley, Thomas Henry
The Shaping of Cambridge Botany by Walters, S. M.
Insectivorous Plants by Darwin, Charles
Physical Geography: Volume 1 by Somerville, Mary
Physical Geography: Volume 2 by Somerville, Mary
The Effects of Cross and Self Fertilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom by Darwin, Charles
Views of the Architecture of the Heavens: In a Series of Letters to a Lady by Nichol, John Pringle
The Hand by Bell, Charles
The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin: Volume 1 by Darwin, Charles
The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin: Volume 2 by Darwin, Charles
On the Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants by Darwin, Charles
Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation by Chambers, Robert
Darwiniana by Gray, Asa
Journal of Researches Into the Geology and Natural History of the Various Countries Visited by H. M. S. Beagle by Darwin, Charles
Monographs on the Fossil Lepadidae, Balanidae and Verrucidae by Darwin, Charles
The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals by Charles, Darwin, Darwin, Charles
The Foundation of the Origin of Species by Darwin, Charles
On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences by Somerville, Mary
The Power of Movement in Plants by Charles, Darwin, Darwin, Charles
The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man by Lyell, Charles
William Bateson, Naturalist by Bateson, Beatrice, Beatrice, Bateson
Darwin and Modern Science by
Principles of Mental Physiology by Carpenter, William Benjamin
The Origin of Species by Darwin, Charles
Microarray Analysis of the Physical Genome: Methods and Protocols by
Viral Genome Replication by
Micro and Nano Technologies in Bioanalysis: Methods and Protocols by
Mitochondrial DNA: Methods and Protocols by
Der Pilz, Der John F. Kennedy Zum Präsidenten Machte: Und Andere Geschichten Aus Der Welt Der Mikroorganismen by Dixon, Bernard
The Plants of Caye Caulker by Rietsema, Jacob, Beveridge, Dorothy
The Social and Cultural Impact of Foot and Mouth Disease in the UK in 2001: Experiences and Analyses by
Drug-Related Problems in the Elderly by Midlöv, Patrik, Eriksson, Tommy, Kragh, Annika
Uncultivated Microorganisms by
Evolutionary Conservation Biology by
The Next Hundred Years: The Unfinished Business Of Science by Furnas, C. C.
The Evolution of IBP by Worthington, E.
Small Mammals: Their Productivity and Population Dynamics by
Pleistocene Palaeoecology of Central Norfolk: A Study of Environments Through Time by West, R. G.
Handbook of Single-Molecule Biophysics by
The New Foundations of Evolution: On the Tree of Life by Sapp, Jan
The New Foundations of Evolution: On the Tree of Life by Sapp, Jan
Der Ausdruck der Gemüthsbewegungen bei dem Menschen und den Thieren (1877) by Darwin, Charles
Protein Networks and Pathway Analysis by
Plant-Derived Natural Products: Synthesis, Function, and Application by
Individualität Und Selbstbestimmung by
EasyTerms Terminology Guidebook for College-Level Biology by Creager, Ed
Urbanism, Health and Human Biology in Industrialised Countries by
Reasoning in Biological Discoveries: Essays on Mechanisms, Interfield Relations, and Anomaly Resolution by Darden, Lindley
Complexity and Evolution by Pettersson, Max, Max, Pettersson
Variability in Human Fertility by
FC Gamma Receptor Activation in Microglia in Response to Cryptococcus by Song, Xianyuan
Regulatory Mechanisms in Transcriptional Signaling: Volume 87 by
Modern Biotechnology: Connecting Innovations in Microbiology and Biochemistry to Engineering Fundamentals by Mosier, Nathan S., Ladisch, Michael R.
Lab-on-a-Chip Technology (Vol. 2): Biomolecular Separation and Analysis by
Pili and Flagella: Current Research and Future Trends by
ABC Transporters in Microorganisms: Research, Innovation and Value as Targets against Drug Resistance by
The Manga Guide to Molecular Biology by Ltd, Becom Co, Takemura, Masaharu, Sakura
Mathematical Methods in Biology by Logan, J. David, Wolesensky, William
Common Interior Alaska Cryptogams: Fungi, Lichenicolous Fungi, Lichenized Fungi, Slime Molds, Mosses, and Liverworts by Laursen, Gary a., Seppelt, Rodney D.
Fungi and Food Spoilage by Pitt, John I., Hocking, Ailsa D.
Silicone hydrogel contact lenses by Santos, Lívia
Protist Diversity and Geographical Distribution by
Biomaterials in Hand Surgery by
Occurrence of intestinal fish parasites in Australia: Identification of anisakid nematodes in commercially available fish species from south Australia by Eisenbarth, Albert
Il Futuro Dell'information & Communication Technology: Tecnologie, Timori E Scenari Futuri Della Global Network Revolution by Teti, Antonio
Cell and Tissue Reaction Engineering by Eibl, Regine, Eibl, Dieter
Molekulare Biotechnologie: Grundlagen Und Anwendungen by Clark, David, Pazdernik, Nanette
Performance and Testing of Canoe Polo by Yang, Ming-En
Long-Term Consequences of Early Environment: Growth, Development and the Lifespan Developmental Perspective by
Water and Arid Lands of the Western United States: A World Resources Institute Book by
Der außerschulische Lernort Zoo - Eine fachdidaktische Konzeption für die Sekundarstufe 1: Die Anpassung der Vögel an ihren Lebensraum, als kritische by Schmidt, Holger
Assimilation or replacement - a study about Neanderthals and modern humans by Schäfer, Christian
Dynamic Models and Control of Biological Systems by Rao, Vadrevu Sree Hari, Rao, Ponnada Raja Sekhara
Conservation Genetics in the Age of Genomics by
Traite' D'Horlogiographie, Contenant Plusieurs Manieres De Construire (1680) by Madeleine, Pierre De Sainte Marie
Traitte Du Mouvement Local Et Du Ressort (1682) by Dechales, Claude-Francois Milliet
The Cell Theory, Past And Present: (1890) by Turner, William
Vorstellung Eines Okonomischen Gartens Nach Den Grundsatzen Der Angewandten Botanik (1782) by Marter, Franz Joseph
The Mysteries Of The Ocean (1868) by Mangin, Arthur, Adams, William Henry Davenport
The Flora And Fauna Of The Silurian Period (1868) by Bigsby, John Jeremiah
The Natural History Of Tutbury: Together With The Fauna And Flora Of The District Surrounding Tutbury And Burton-On-Trent (1863) by Mosley, Oswald
Sur La Formation Du Coeur Dans Le Poulet (1758) by Haller, Albrecht Von
Oswald Heer: Lebensbild Eines Schweizerischen Naturforschers (1887) by Schroter, Carl, Stierlin, Gustav, Heer, J. Justus
Samlung Von Beobachtungen V3: Aus Der Arzneygelahrheit Und Naturkunde (1771) by Gesner, Johann A.
Praelectiones Encyclopaedicae In Physicam Experimentalem Et Historiam Naturalem (1770) by Grant, Bernhard
Opera Medico Physica, In Quatuor Tractatus Digesta, Quorum Primus Contagii Morborum Ideam Novam Una Cum Additamento De Lue Bovina (1762) by Plenciz, Marcus A.
Historia Naturae, Variis Experimentis Et Ratiociniis Elucidata (1673) by Grand, Antoine Le
Recherches Sur Les Fievres V3: Selon Qu'Elles Dependent Des Variations Des Saisons, Et Telles Qu'on Les A Observees A Londres (1776) by Grant, William
Journal Der Erfindungen, Theorien Und Widerspruche In Der Natur- Und Arzneiwissenschaft (1797) by Justus Perthes Publisher
The Correspondence of Charles Darwin: Volume 17, 1869 by
Cardio-Respiratory Control in Vertebrates: Comparative and Evolutionary Aspects by
Cancer Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols by
Biology of Stem Cells and the Molecular Basis of the Stem State by Zipori, Dov
Branch point effect und kompensatorische Phosphorylierung: Gezeigt am Glyoxylatzyklus bei E.coli unter Erklärung der Michaelis-Menten-Kinetik by Herzog, Ben
Plantation Forests and Biodiversity: Oxymoron or Opportunity? by
Adenosine Receptors in Health and Disease by
Capacity for Work in the Tropics by
Biological Aspects of Human Migration by
Oral Delivery of Macromolecular Drugs: Barriers, Strategies and Future Trends by
Mathematical Biology: An Introduction with Maple and Matlab by Herod, James, Shonkwiler, Ronald W.
Applications of Linear Algebra to DNA Microarrays by Niknejad, Amir
Cancer Stem Cells by
Plant Systems Biology by
The Philosophy of Zoology Before Darwin: A Translated and Annotated Version of the Original French Text by Edmond Perrier by McBirney, Alex, Cook, Stanton
New Visions of Nature: Complexity and Authenticity by
Analytical Measurements in Aquatic Environments by
Advances in Applied Bioremediation by
La Theorie De La Manoeuvre Des Vaisseaux, Reduite En Pratique: Ou Les Principes Et Les Regles (1731) by Pitot, Henri
Defining Species: A Sourcebook from Antiquity to Today by Wilkins, John S.
Versuch Einer Geschichte Des Lichtes In Rucksicht Seines Einflusses (1799) by Ebermaier, Johann Christoph
Anthropological Papers Of The American Museum Of Natural History V16, Part 4-5 (1919) by
Programme Ou Precis D'Un Ouvrage Sur Les Reproductions Animales (1768) by Spallanzani, Lazzaro
Paleontological Memoirs And Notes Of Hugh Falconer V1: Fauna Antiqua Sivalensis (1868) by Falconer, Hugh
Transactions Of The Illinois Natural History Society (1861) by
Topografia Fisica Della Campania (1798) by Breislak, Scipione
Memoir Of Thaddeus William Harris (1882) by Harris, Edward Doubleday
Ueber Die Bemuhungen Der Gelehrten Und Kunstler, Mathematische Und Astronomische Instrumente Einzutheilen (1792) by Geisler, Johann Gottlieb
Natuur En Genees Kundige Bibliotheek (1765) by Sandifort, Eduard
Private Instructions In The Science And Art Of Organic Magnetism (1885) by Hunt, Chandos Leigh
Phil. Frid. Gmelin Otia Botanica Quibus In Usum Praelectionum Academicarum Definitionibus Et Observationibus (1760) by Gmelin, Philipp Friedrich, Royen, Adrianus Van
The Algorithmic Beauty of Sea Shells [With CDROM] by Meinhardt, Hans
Advances in Planar Lipid Bilayers and Liposomes: Volume 9 by
Physikalische Chemie Und Biophysik by Läuger, Peter, Stark, Günther, Adam, Gerold
Der Biodiversitätsschaden Des Umweltschadensgesetzes: Methodische Grundlagen Zur Erfassung Und Bewertung by
Response in the Living and Non-living by Bose, Jagadis
Neural Interfacing: Forging the Human-Machine Connection by Coates Jr, Thomas D.
Die Herstellung und Veredelung von Lebensmitteln durch Mikroorganismen by Jenß, Ulrike
Bioluminescence: Methods and Protocols by
Bindungsrepräsentationen suchtmittelabhängiger Jugendlicher und ihrer Eltern by Amann, Ulrike
Meiosis, Volume 2: Cytological Methods [With CDROM] by
The Firmicutes by
Protein Engineering and Design by
Biomat 2008 - International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology by
Molecular Biology and Genetics of the Lepidoptera by
Quaternary Coral Reef Systems: History, Development Processes and Controlling Factors Volume 5 by Montaggioni, Lucien F., Braithwaite, Colin J. R.
Mathematics for Biological Scientists by Broadhurst, Bill, Hladky, Stephen, Aitken, Mike
Schaum's Outline of Microbiology by Warner, Jennifer M., Alcamo, I. Edward
Biosystems Engineering by Nag, Ahindra
The Biological Evolution of Religious Mind and Behavior by
Algorithmic Bioprocesses by
Genetics of Complex Human Diseases: A Laboratory Manual by
Genetics of Complex Human Diseases: A Laboratory Manual by
Why Fish Fart and Other Useless Or Gross Information About the World by Gould, Francesca
Animal Cell Technology: Basic & Applied Aspects: Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology (Jaact) by
Dust Mites by Colloff, Matthew J.
Advanced Photonic Structures for Biological and Chemical Detection by
Checkpoint Controls and Targets in Cancer Therapy by
Species: A History of the Idea Volume 1 by Wilkins, John S.
Immune Crossover IV - Network Faces - The Lost Environment by Rewald, Enrique
Plant Cell Biology: From Astronomy to Zoology by Wayne, Randy O.
Cell Line Development by
Reconstructive Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine: The Emerging Interface by
Palaeolimnological Proxies as Tools of Environmental Reconstruction in Fresh Water by
Symbiotic Fungi: Principles and Practice by
Radiotherapy and Brachytherapy by
Radiotherapy and Brachytherapy by
The Medical-Chemical Answer for Swine Flu & Avian-Flu by M. D., F. J. Sawaya
Cell Biology of the Axon by
Kategorisierung von Weinabteilungen im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel by Gläser, Florian
Glimpses of Creatures in Their Physical Worlds by Vogel, Steven
Eisner's World: Life Through Many Lenses by Eisner, Thomas
Textbook of Personalized Medicine by Jain, Kewal K.
Die Ordnung Der Hermaphroditen-Geschlechter: Eine Genealogie Des Geschlechtsbegriffs by Schochow, Maximilian
Aspects of African Biodiversity: Proceedings of the Pan Africa Chemistry Network Biodiversity Conference by
Ecological Versatility and Community Ecology by Macnally, Ralph C., Ralph C., Macnally
People of the Great Ocean: Aspects of Human Biology of the Early Pacific by Houghton, Philip
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