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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Biology in 2010

Frontiers in Dengue Virus Research by
Neisseria: Molecular Mechanisms of Pathogenesis by
Environmental Molecular Microbiology by
Aspergillus: Molecular Biology and Genomics by
Retroviruses: Molecular Biology, Genomics and Pathogenesis by
The Prion Protein by
The Surprising World of Bacteria with Max Axiom, Super Scientist by
Ein Tag auf dem Bauernhof - Agrarwirtschaftliche Aspekte und Produktionswege in der Landwirtschaft: Erarbeitet von Schülerinnen und Schülern eines Bio by Fuchs, Eva
Energy and Entropy: Equilibrium to Stationary States by Starzak, Michael E.
Early, Rapid and Sensitive Veterinary Molecular Diagnostics - Real Time PCR Applications by Pestana, Erika, Diallo, Adama, Belak, Sandor
Sulphate-Reducing Bacteria: Environmental and Engineered Systems by
Human Paleobiology by Eckhardt, Robert B.
Versuch Einer Darstellung Des Nervensystems Und Insbesondre Des Gehirns Nach Ihrer Bedeutung, Entwickelung Und Vollendung Im Thierischen Organismus by Carus, Carl Gustav
Génération Et Structure Du Tissu Musculaire by Fredericq, Leon
Ligeros Apuntes De Pelvimetria Comparada by Flores, Florencio
Leçons Sur Le Ver À Soie Du Mûrier by Maillot, Eugene
Crossword Puzzles for the Microbiology Savvy by Perkins Ph. D., Dana
de la Régénération Des Organes Et Des Tissus by Demarquay, Jean Nicolas
Computational Methods for Fragment Spectrum Interpretation by Martens, Lennart, Rameseder, Jonathan
Therapeutic Applications of Cell Microencapsulation by
Large-Scale Livestock Grazing: A Management Tool for Nature Conservation by
Transgenic and Mutant Tools to Model Brain Disorders by
Wildlife Production Systems: Economic Utilisation of Wild Ungulates by Hudson, R. J.
Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) in der Schule: Haltung und Pflege, Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Wirksamkeit von Unterricht durch originale Begegnung und Med by Priegnitz, Ines
Fundamental Biomechanics in Bone Tissue Engineering by Wang, Xiaodu, Dong, Xuanliang, Nyman, Jeffrey
Der Ursprung des Menschen by Haeckel, Ernst
Management of Rare Adult Tumours by
An Introduction to Methods & Models in Ecology, Evolution, & Conservation Biology by
The Calculus of Selfishness by Sigmund, Karl
The Lady and the Sharks by Clark, Eugenie
Connectivity Conservation Management: A Global Guide by
Bacterial Adhesion to Host Tissues: Mechanisms and Consequences by
Zoonomia: Volume 2 by Erasmus, Darwin, Darwin, Erasmus
The Fungi Of Our Common Nuts And Pits (1921) by Fairman, Charles Edward
The Pelagic Tunicata Of The San Diego Region, Excepting The Larvacea (1905) by Ritter, William Emerson
The Rhythmic Pulsation Of The Cloaca Of Holothurians (1916) by Crozier, William John
The Geology Of The Cheviot Hills: English Side (1888) by Clough, Charles Thomas
The Effects Of Lymphotoxins And Myelotoxins On The Leucocytes Of The Blood And On The Blood-Forming Organs (1908) by Bunting, C. H.
Systematische Beschreibung Einer Sonnenfinsterniss (1778) by Epp, Franz Xaver
The Ostracoda And Foraminifera Of Tidal Rivers: With An Analysis And Descriptions Of The Foraminifera (1870) by Brady, H. B., Brady, George Stewardson, Robertson, David
The Bryozoa Of The Woods Hole Region (1912) by Osburn, Raymond Carroll
The Geological Evidences Of Evolution (1888) by Heilprin, Angelo
The Production Of Light By Animals (1917) by Dahlgren, Ulric
The Rabbits Of North America (1909) by Nelson, Edward William
The Biology Of Polyporus Pargamenus Fries (1918) by Rhoads, Arthur Stevens
The Naiades Of Missouri (1916) by Utterback, William I.
Synopsis Of The Rotatoria (1913) by Harring, Harry K.
The Mammalian Fauna Of The Edinburgh District (1892) by Evans, William
The Silurian Fauna Of The Rio Trombetas And The Devonian Mollusca Of The State Of Para (1900) by Clarke, John Mason
The Marine Biological Station At Port Erin (1905) by Herdman, William Abbott
The Geology Of The Neighborhood Of Stowmarket (1881) by Whitaker, William, Bennett, Francis James, Blake, John Hopwood
The Biology Of Twins: Mammals (1917) by Newman, Horatio Hackett
The Mississippian Brachiopoda Of The Mississippi Valley Basin (1914) by Weller, Stuart
The Epiphysis Of Teleosts And Amia (1894) by Hill, Charles
The Function Of The Nucleus Of The Living Cell (1919) by Lynch, Vernon
The Physiological Effects Of Air Vitiated By Respiration (1892) by Haldane, John Scott, Smith, J. Lorrain
The Mushroom And Champignon Illustrated: Compared With, And Distinguished From, The Poisonous Fungi That Resemble Them (1832) by Sowerby, James, Jr.
The Growth Of Biology In The Nineteenth Century (1901) by Hertwig, Oscar
Prehistoric Europe: A Geological Sketch (1881) by Geikie, James
The Paleozoic Faunas (1903) by Weller, Stuart
The Genera Of Fungi (1909) by Clements, Frederic Edward
The Iowa Naturalist V1-3: January, 1905 To January, 1911 (1905) by
Monarch of the Butterflies by Parejko, Ken
Wnt/ -Catenin Signaling in Vertebrate Posterior Neural Development by Elkouby, Yaniv, Frank, Dale
Maternal Control of Development in Vertebrates by Marlow, Florence
Biochemical Systems Analysis: A Study of Function and Design in Molecular Biology by Savageau, Michael A.
RNA Interference and Viruses: Current Innovations and Future Trends by
Influenza: Molecular Virology by
Beyond Biotechnology: The Barren Promise of Genetic Engineering by Talbott, Steve, Holdrege, Craig
Essential Physiological Biochemistry by Reed, Stephen
Stem Cells For Dummies by Schneider, Meg, Goldstein, Lawrence S. B.
Wie werden Gene an- und ausgeschaltet? Textgestützte Erarbeitung und Darstellung: Lehrprobe Biologie LK 12 Gymnasium NRW by Tegethoff, Irina
A Many-Colored Glass: Reflections on the Place of Life in the Universe by Dyson, Freeman J.
MicroRNA Expression Detection Methods by Wang, Zhiguo, Yang, Baofeng
Assessment of the Ecological Status of European Surface Waters by
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering September 7 - 12, 2009 Munich, Germany: Vol. 25/VIII Micro- And Nanosystems in Medicine, by
Cotton: Biotechnological Advances by
Bacterial Chromatin by
Plastics from Bacteria: Natural Functions and Applications by
The Comparative Biology of Aging by
Energy for a Warming World: A Plan to Hasten the Demise of Fossil Fuels by Sangster, Alan John
Elastomeric Proteins: Structures, Biomechanical Properties, and Biological Roles by
Susceptibility to Infectious Diseases: The Importance of Host Genetics by
The Dynamic Bacterial Genome by
Probleme der wirtschaftlichen Globalisierung: Umwelt und ökologische Nachhaltigkeit by Sievers, Alice
Plant Microevolution and Conservation in Human-Influenced Ecosystems by Briggs, David
Plant Microevolution and Conservation in Human-influenced Ecosystems by Briggs, David
Darwinian Sociocultural Evolution by Blute, Marion
Darwinian Sociocultural Evolution by Blute, Marion
Mapping Species Distributions by Franklin, Janet
Pennsylvania's Paleozoic Playground by Matt, Kerry
Du Cancer Et de Ses Caractères Anatomiques by Cornil, Victor
Recherches Sur l'Angle de la Chambre Antérieure Et Le Canal de Schlemm by Rochon-Duvigneaud, Andre
Topology in Molecular Biology by
Microbial Protein Toxins by
Microscopy Techniques by
Fine-Tuning of RNA Functions by Modification and Editing by
Molecular Chaperones in Health and Disease by
Biotechnology for the Future by
Glaucoma by
RNA Towards Medicine by
Intestinal Microorganisms of Termites and Other Invertebrates by
Gene Therapy and Gene Delivery Systems by
Mammalian and Avian Transgenesis - New Approaches by
Transgenic Crop Plants, Volume 1: Principles and Development by
Utilization and Biosafety by
Plant Metabolomics by
Hepatitis Delta Virus by
Nanotechnology: Science and Computation by
Molecular Biology of Metal Homeostasis and Detoxification: From Microbes to Man by
Quasispecies: Concept and Implications for Virology by
Double Fertilization: Embryo and Endosperm Development in Flowering Plants by Raghavan, Val
Growth, Differentiation and Sexuality by
Marine Biotechnology II by
Free-Radical-Induced DNA Damage and Its Repair: A Chemical Perspective by Sonntag, Clemens
Protein Folding Kinetics: Biophysical Methods by Nölting, Bengt
Sterile Filtration by
Biochemical Mechanisms of Detoxification in Higher Plants: Basis of Phytoremediation by Khatisashvili, Gia, Sadunishvili, Tinatin, Kvesitadze, George
Neutron Scattering in Biology: Techniques and Applications by
Antifouling Compounds by
Regenerative Medicine II: Clinical and Preclinical Applications by
The Thermodynamic Machinery of Life by Kurzynski, Michal
Technology Transfer in Biotechnology: From Lab to Industry to Production by
Nucleic Acids and Proteins in Soil by
Applications of Membrane Computing by
Intraspecific Genetic Diversity: Monitoring, Conservation, and Management by Altukhov, Yuri Petrovich
Communication in Plants: Neuronal Aspects of Plant Life by
Microbial Activity in the Rhizosphere by
Biodiversity and Ecophysiology of Yeasts by
Molecular Basis of Symbiosis by
Immunohistochemistry: Basics and Methods by Buchwalow, Igor B., Böcker, Werner
Beiträge Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte Der Hirudineen. by Leuckart, Rudolf, Rathke, Heinrich
The Myxomycetes Of Eastern Iowa (1892) by McBride, Thomas Huston
The Genera Of Fungi (1909) by Clements, Frederic Edward
Naturgeschichte Der Bienen, Wespen Und Ameisen by Christ, Johann Ludwig
Transient Transfection in Animal Cell Culture by Aspöck, Andreas
Indonesian Primates by
Der Neo-Lamarckismus Und Seine Beziehungen Zum Darwinismus (1903) by
Le Genre Aleurites Forst: Euphorbiacees Systematique, Anatomie, Pharmacologie (1902) by Langeron, Maurice
Le Corps Jaune Considere Comme Glande A Secretion Interne De L'Ovaire (1908) by Villemin, Fernand
Bacterienkunde Und Pathologische Mikroskopie: Fur Thierarzte Und Studierende Der Thiermedicin (1903) by Kitt, Theodor
Beitrage Zu Einer Optimistischen Weltauffassung (1908) by Metschnikoff, Elias
Das Relativitatsprinzip (1911) by Laue, Max Von
Der Einfluss Des Klimas Auf Den Bau Der Pflanzengewebe: Anatomisch-Physiologische Untersuchungen In Den Tropen (1907) by Holtermann, Carl
Catalogue Des Corps Organises Fossiles (1852) by Gras, Albin
Uber Die Anatomie Von Hydrodroma: C. L. Koch (1888) by Schaub, Robert Von
Estudios De Historia Natural (1904) by Ramirez, Jose
Recherches Sur L'Anatomie Comparee Et Le Developpement Des Ixodides (1907) by Bonnet, Amedee
Beitrage Zur Kenntniss Der Lemaneaceen (1887) by Bornemann, Felix
Der Bau Der Iris Des Menschen Und Der Wirbelthiere: Mit Besonderer Berucksichtigung Ihrer Musculatur (1876) by Faber, Carl
Memoire Sur La Genese Des Eaux Minerales Et Des Emanations Salines Des Groupes Nord Du Caucase (1875) by Francois, Jules
Recherches Sur L'Excretion Chez Quelques Annelides (1900) by Minne, Achille, Willem, Victor
Ferments Et Fermentations (1888) by Garnier, Leon
Le Cerveau Organe De La Pensee Chez L'Homme Et Chez Les Animaux V2: L'Homme (1888) by Bastian, Henry Charlton
Bericht Uber Die Leistungen Im Gebiete Der Palaontologie: Mit Besonderer Berucksichtigung Der Geognosie Wahrend Der Jahre 1848 Und 1849 (1851) by Giebel, Christoph Gottfried
Recherches Sur La Structure Et Les Affinites Botaniques Des Vegetaux Silicifies (1878) by Renault, Bernard
Das Alter Der Erde (1819) by Kirchner, Johann A.
Compendium Der Vergleichenden Anatomie (1893) by Rawitz, Bernhard
Neue Zeitschrift Fur Natur Und Heilkunde V1 (1830) by
Rapport Sur Les Progres Recents Des Sciences Zoologiques En France (1867) by Edwards, Henri Milne
Recherches Anatomiques Et Cliniques Sur Le Glaucome Et Les Neoplasmes Intraoculaires (1898) by Panas, Photinos, Rochon-Duvigneaud, Andre
Anatomie Der Baumrinden: Vergleichende Studien (1882) by Moeller, Joseph
Recherches Sur Les Syllidiens: Morphologie, Anatomie, Reproduction, Developpement (1893) by Malaquin, Alphonse
Anleitung Zur Berechnung Geodatischer Coordinaten (1885) by Borsch, Otto
Catalogue Des Hepatiques Du Sud-Ouest De La Suisse Et De La Haute-Savoie (1888) by Bernet, Henri
De Ontwikkeling En Het Tegenwoordig Standpunt Der Bakteriologie, Part 2 (1893) by Kuthe, Frederik Philipp
La Structure Du Protoplasma Et Les Theories Sur L'Heredite Et Les Grands Problems De La Biologie Generale, Part 2 (1895) by Delage, Yves
Uber Faulnissbacterien Und Deren Beziehungen Zur Septicamie: Ein Beitrag Zur Morphologie Der Speltpilze (1885) by Hauser, Gustav
Das System Der Zoologie: Mit Berucksichtigung Der Vergleichenden Anatomie (1889) by Trautzsch, Hermann
Beitrage Zur Anatomie Des Auges In Normalem Und Pathologischem Zustande (1887) by Berger, Emil
Beitrage Zur Anatomie Und Physiologie V9 (1881) by Eckhard, Carl
Monographie Du Genre Productus (1847) by Koninck, Laurent Guillaume
Elemens De Statique (1810) by Francoeur, Louis B.
Uber Die Ammoneen Der Artinsk-Stufe Und Einige Mit Denselben Verwandte Carbonische Formen (1889) by Karpinsky, Aleksandr Petrovitch
Biologische Probleme: Zugleich Als Versuch Einer Rationellen Ethik (1882) by Rolph, William Henry
Das Buch Der Naturgegenstande (1892) by
Recherches Sur Les Zoospores Des Algues Et Les Antheridies Des Cryptogames (1851) by Thuret, Gustave
Beitrage Zur Kenntnis Der Septalnectarien (1897) by Schniewind-Thies, J.
Notice Sur Les Travaux Scientifiques (1866) by Baillon, Henri
Recherches Experimentales Sur La Vision Chez Les Insectes (1885) by Plateau, Felix
Le Nucleole Des Spirogyra (1887) by Meunier, Alphonse
Elements De Mecanique (1856) by Furiet, Alexandre
Anleitung Zur Chemischen Analyse Von Pflanzen Und Pflanzentheilen Auf Ihre Organischen Bestandtheile (1868) by Wittstein, Georg Christian
Elemente Der Electro-Metallurgie (1851) by Smee, Alfred
Les Sciences Naturelles (1857) by De Remusat, Paul
Grundriss Der Metallhuttenkunde (1881) by Kerl, Bruno
Neue Untersuchungen Uber Das Fieber Uberhaupt (1803) by Harles, Christian Friedrich
Le Nuove Conquiste Della Scienza (1884) by Figuier, Luigi
Le Systeme Nerveux Peripherique (1876) by Poincare, Emile Leon
Compendio De Toxicologia General Y Particular (1857) by Mata, Pedro
Beitrag Zur Kenntnis Der Ausbreitung: Sowie Besonders Der Bewegungsrichtungen Des Nordeuropaischen Inlandeises In Diluvialer Zeit (1889) by Zeise, Oskar
The Right Hand and the Left Hand of History: A Special Issue of Laterality by
Der Kreislauf Des Lebens V1 (1877) by Moleschott, Jacob
Recherches Sur L'Anatomie Et Les Metamorphoses De Differentes Especes D'Insectes (1832) by Lyonet, Pierre
Pain-Free Biochemistry: An Essential Guide for the Health Sciences by Engel, Paul C.
European Ungulates and their Management in the 21st Century by
De L'Aspergillus Fumigatus Chez Les Animaux Domestiques Et Dans Les Oeufs En Incubation: Etude Clinique Et Experimentale (1897) by Lucet, Adrien
Recherches Sur Le Lepidodendron Selaginoides Sternb (1892) by Hovelacque, Maurice
de l'Envahissement Du Système Lymphatique Dans Le Cancer de l'Estomac Et de Ses Conséquences Chirurgicales by Cuneo, Bernard
Abhandlungen Der Koniglich Preussischen Geologischen Landesanstalt V2, Book 18-23 (1895) by Koniglich Preussichen Geologischen
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