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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Biology in 2011

Interaktionen innerhalb des Stators der F1F0-ATP-Synthase von Escherichia coli: Quervernetzung der Cystein-substituierten Untereinheiten by Pulst, Julika
Medico-Legal Issues in Infectious Diseases: Guide for Physicians by Fong, I. W.
Biomat 2010 - International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology by
Mechanobiology Handbook by
Einstellungen zu Figur, Essen und Diät bei Grundschulkindern by Kaufmann, Anne
MicroRNAs in Development: Methods and Protocols by
An Introduction to Animal Behavior: An Integrative Approach by Ryan, Michael, Wilczynski, Walter
An Introduction to Animal Behavior: An Integrative Approach by Ryan, Michael, Wilczynski, Walter
Biology Unit 1 for Cape Examinations by Ramesar, Myda, Jones, Mary, Jones, Geoff
Sequence and Genome Analysis: Methods and Applications by Zhao, Zhongming
Hermaphroditism: A Primer on the Biology, Ecology, and Evolution of Dual Sexuality by Avise, John
Überwinterungsstrategien einheimischer Vögel by Moczko, Jennifer
Animal Cell Culture Essential Methods by
In Situ Chemical Oxidation for Groundwater Remediation by
High-Throughput Next Generation Sequencing: Methods and Applications by
Evidence-Based Anticancer Materia Medica by
Supramolecular Structure and Function 10 by
The Influence of 3-Hydroxybutyrate and Microcurrent Treatment on Cardiomyocytes during Simulated Hypertrophy by Pilecky, Matthias
Methods in Methane Metabolism, Part a: Methanogenesis Volume 494 by
Aquatic plants as cattle feed with special reference to water hyacinth by Islam, Shilpi, Nazrul Islam, Mohammad, MD Jasimuddin Khan
Cell Fusion in Health and Disease: I: Cell Fusion in Health by
Transactions on Computational Systems Biology XIII by
Introduction to Skin Biothermomechanics and Thermal Pain by Lu, Tian Jian, Xu, Feng
International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology: Volume 287 by
On the Origin of Planets: By Means of Natural Simple Processes by Woolfson, Michael Mark
Azolla as a Feed Ingredient by Zewdie, Befikadu
Mouse as a Model Organism: From Animals to Cells by
Advanced Fluorescence Reporters in Chemistry and Biology III: Applications in Sensing and Imaging by
Biophysical Approaches Determining Ligand Binding to Biomolecular Targets: Detection, Measurement and Modelling by
Basic Confocal Microscopy by
Menschenaffen am Ur-Rhein: Paidopithex, Rhenopithecus und Dryopithecus by Probst, Ernst
Modern Advances in Chromatography by
Metal Nanoparticles in Microbiology by
Molecular and Functional Models in Neuropsychiatry by
Molecular Basis of Health and Disease by Das, Undurti N.
The Enigma That Was Thomas William Cowan by Hawker, Robert J.
Molecular Wine Microbiology by
Regenerating the Heart: Stem Cells and the Cardiovascular System by
The Downy Mildews - Biology, Mechanisms of Resistance and Population Ecology by
RNA Detection and Visualization: Methods and Protocols by
Mammalian Chromosome Engineering: Methods and Protocols by
Mesenchymal Stem Cell Assays and Applications by
Biologieunterricht im Fokus reflexiver Koedukation unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Sexualerziehung by Christner, Katja
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants IX by Bajaj, Y. P. S.
A Comrehensive Treatise on Terpenes by Koul, Sameksha
Everyday Practice of Science: Where Intuition and Passion Meet Objectivity and Logic by Grinnell, Frederick
In the Wrong Place: Alien Marine Crustaceans: Distribution, Biology and Impacts by
Phaeocystis, Major Link in the Biogeochemical Cycling of Climate-Relevant Elements by
Porous Polymeric Bioresorbable Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering by Gualandi, Chiara
Extracellular Matrix Degradation by
Pattern Formation in Zebrafish by
Evolutionary Aesthetics by
Protein Phosphatases by
Computer Presentation of Data in Science: A Do-It-Yourself Guide, Based on the Apple Macintosh, for Authors and Illustrators in the Sciences by Simmonds, D., Reynolds, L.
Our Vanishing Relative: The Status of Wild Orang-Utans at the Close of the Twentieth Century by Meijaard, E., Rijksen, H. D.
Hominin Environments in the East African Pliocene: An Assessment of the Faunal Evidence by
High-Temperature Superconductors by
Soybean: Molecular Aspects of Breeding by
Serum/Plasma Proteomics: Methods and Protocols by
Mammalian Cell Viability: Methods and Protocols by
Telomeres and Telomerase: Methods and Protocols by
Yeast Genetic Networks: Methods and Protocols by
Dinosaurier in Bayern: Von Cetiosauriscus bis zu Sciurumimus by Probst, Ernst
A Structure Based Drug Design Study on Vegfr-2 Inhibitors by Babu P., Ajay, Teja Colluru, Viswa, Anaparthy, Naishitha
The Phoenix Point by Crockford, Geoffrey, Hughes, Nigel
A New Look at the Mechanisms and Theory of Aging by Salnikov, Lev
A New Look at the Mechanisms and Theory of Aging by Salnikov, Lev
Fisheries Management and Conservation by
Biology Is Technology: The Promise, Peril, and New Business of Engineering Life by Carlson, Robert H.
Microbial Toxins by Tiwari, Soni, Singh, Ranjan, Gaur, Rajeeva
Phage Nanobiotechnology by
Mast Cell Biology: Contemporary and Emerging Topics by
Pumpkin Seed Flour and Its Micro-Nutrient Levels by Andrew, Twinamasiko
Advances in Applied Microbiology: Volume 74 by
Stromatolites: Interaction of Microbes with Sediments by
Glycans in Diseases and Therapeutics by
Bacteria in Agrobiology: Crop Ecosystems by
Protein Function Prediction for Omics Era by
International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology: Volume 288 by
Cell Fusion in Health and Disease: II: Cell Fusion in Disease by
The Busy Physician's Guide to Genetics, Genomics and Personalized Medicine by Sweet, Kevin M., Michaelis, Ron C.
Cancer Metastasis: Biologic Basis and Therapeutics by
Kainate Receptors: Novel Signaling Insights by
Cancer Cell Culture: Methods and Protocols by
Extra Sensory Perception After Sixty Years: A Critical Appraisal Of The Research In Extra Sensory Perception by Rhine, Joseph Banks, Pratt, J. Gaither, Stuart, Charles Edward
Essential Building Blocks of Human Nature by
Biomechanics for Life: Introduction to Sanomechanics by Pitkin, Mark R.
Methodological Advances in the Culture, Manipulation and Utilization of Embryonic Stem Cells for Basic and Practical Applications by
Embryonic Stem Cells: The Hormonal Regulation of Pluripotency and Embryogenesis by
Embryonic Stem Cells: Recent Advances in Pluripotent Stem Cell-Based Regenerative Medicine by
The Origin Of The Species: Abridged by Darwin, Charles
Enhancing Soil Fertility and Crop Yield by Crop Rotation and Crop Residues by Bakht, Jehan, Jehan Bakht, Shafi, Mohammad
Form and Transformation: Generative and Relational Principles in Biology by Webster, Gerry, Goodwin, Brian
RNAi Technology by
Thinking about Evolution: Historical, Philosophical, and Political Perspectives by
Fourth European Marine Biology Symposium by Crisp
Bacterial Protein Toxins: Role in the Interference with Cell Growth Regulation by
Pathway Analysis and Optimization in Metabolic Engineering by Torres, N. Stor V., Voit, Eberhard O., Torres, Nestor V.
The Trematoda by Dawes, Ben, Dawes
Sahar and Mixed Sex Nile Tilapia in Polyculture by Gharti, Kamala
Whales and Dolphins: Cognition, Culture, Conservation and Human Perceptions by
Whales and Dolphins: Cognition, Culture, Conservation and Human Perceptions by
Biologie Der Abwasserreinigung by Kunst, Sabine
Viruses and Interferon: Current Research by
Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda by Farrell, Joseph P.
Strategies to improve the health and production of weaner pigs by Oljaca Halas, Danka, R. Pluske, John
Advances in Agronomy: Volume 111 by
RNAi and Plant Gene Function Analysis: Methods and Protocols by
Animal Tissue Culture by Ramadass, P., Wilson Aruni, A.
Freedom Foods: Superior new Foods, low on the Food Chain for People, Producers and Our Planet by Edwards, Mark R.
Microbiological Techniques by Kharia, Anil, Kharia, Ankit A., Kharia, Sonal
Artificial Reefs in Fisheries Management by
Methoden in der Bionik: Die Reynoldsbasierte Fluidische Fitness by Dienst, Michael
Bioprozesstechnik by
Yeast Intermediary Metabolism by Fraenkel, Dan G.
Nanoscale Biocatalysis: Methods and Protocols by
Cystic Fibrosis: Diagnosis and Protocols, Volume 2: Methods and Resources to Understand Cystic Fibrosis by
Multi Modality State-Of-The-Art Medical Image Segmentation and Registration Methodologies: Volume II by
Bacterial Adhesion: Chemistry, Biology and Physics by
A Handbook of Transcription Factors by
How to Rise to the Top...and Stay There!: A Leadership Manual by Margulis, Alexander R.
Orchid Biotechnology II by
The Essential Naturalist: Timeless Readings in Natural History by
Classification of Fingerprints by Hoover, John Edgar
Aquaculture Microbiology and Biotechnology, Volume Two by
The Evolution of Anisogamy: A Fundamental Phenomenon Underlying Sexual Selection by
Microbial Toxins: Methods and Protocols by
Antibody Expression and Production by
SiRNA als Ansatzpunkt zur Entwicklung neuartiger Therapeutika: Mechanismus und Übersicht des aktuellen Standes by John, Lukas
Gene Biotechnology by Wu, William, Zhang, Helen H., Welsh, Michael J.
Multi Modality State-Of-The-Art Medical Image Segmentation and Registration Methodologies: Volume 1 by
Viral Vectors for Gene Therapy: Methods and Protocols by
Atomic Force Microscopy in Biomedical Research: Methods and Protocols by
Advances on Modeling in Tissue Engineering by
Beyond UFOs: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life and Its Astonishing Implications for Our Future by Bennett, Jeffrey
Biomedical Engineering Principles by Ritter, Arthur B., Hazelwood, Vikki, Valdevit, Antonio
Trends in Colloid and Interface Science XXIV by
Wild Life in a Southern County by Jefferies, Richard
Mycobacteria Protocols by
Microglia in the Regenerating and Degenerating Central Nervous System by
Forensic DNA Profiling Protocols by
Fungal Genomics: Methods and Protocols by
Unconventional Computation: 10th International Conference, Uc 2011, Turku, Finland, June 6-10, 2011. Proceedings by
Chemical Kinetics with MathCAD and Maple by Korobov, Viktor, Ochkov, Valery
Cell Death in Mammalian Ovary by Escobar, María Luisa, De Felici, M., Vázquez-Nin, Gerardo H.
Secret of the Shining Toad: Way of the Silver River People by Taylor, Lane F.
Metadata-Driven Software Systems in Biomedicine: Designing Systems That Can Adapt to Changing Knowledge by Nadkarni, Prakash M.
Gel-Free Proteomics: Methods and Protocols by
Design and Analysis of Biomolecular Circuits: Engineering Approaches to Systems and Synthetic Biology by
Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Cetaceans by Zimmer, Walter M. X.
A Field Guide to a New Meta-Field: Bridging the Humanities-Neurosciences Divide by
Pharmacology of Purine and Pyrimidine Receptors: Volume 61 by
Population Biology: Concepts and Models by Hastings, Alan
Stem Cell Migration: Methods and Protocols by
Computational Genomic Signatures by Nalbantoglu, Ozkan Ufuk, Sayood, Khalid
First Life: Discovering the Connections Between Stars, Planets, and How Life Began by Deamer, David
AS Biology With Stafford: Unit 1: Lifestyle, Genes and Health by Redden, Stafford Valentine
Getränke untersuchen und bewerten by Stern, Marina
Hyperspectral studies of seagrasses by Fyfe, Suzanne
Effect of Air Pollution on Urban and Periurban Agriculture by Singh, Anoop
Stable-Nanoemulsions: Self-Assembly in Nature and Nanomedicine Volume 19 by D'Arrigo, Joseph
Phytophthora: Symposium of the British Mycological Society, the British Society for Plant Pathology and the Society of Irish Plant P by
Cell Cycle in Development by
The Ideal of Nature: Debates about Biotechnology and the Environment by
Biotransport: Principles and Applications by Roselli, Robert J., Diller, Kenneth R.
Sorghum Hydrogen Cyanide by Zahid, Adnan, Azra Khanum, Ansar, Muhammad
Colloids and Interfaces in Life Sciences and Bionanotechnology by Norde, Willem
Plant Metabolism and Biotechnology by
Phylogenetics: Theory and Practice of Phylogenetic Systematics by Wiley, E. O., Lieberman, Bruce S.
A2 Biology With Stafford: Unit 4: On The Wild Side, Immunity & Forensics by Redden, Stafford Valentine
Bioenergetic Processes of Cyanobacteria: From Evolutionary Singularity to Ecological Diversity by
Microorganisms in Foods 8: Use of Data for Assessing Process Control and Product Acceptance by International Commission on Microbiological Specifications f
Genetically Modified Crops: Promises, Perils, and the Need for Public Policy by Holtz, Susan, Mitchell, Anne, Rajagopal, Pinayur
Erfolgreich Wissenschaftlich Arbeiten in Der Klinik: Grundlagen, Interpretation Und Umsetzung: Evidence Based Medicine by Müllner, Marcus, Herkner, Harald
Microbial Source Tracking: Methods, Applications, and Case Studies by
DNA Recombination: Methods and Protocols by
Lanthanide Luminescence: Photophysical, Analytical and Biological Aspects by
Computational Biomechanics for Medicine: Soft Tissues and the Musculoskeletal System by
Yeasts by
MR Tompkins Learns the Facts of Life by Gamow, George
Metal Contamination in Aquatic Environments: Science and Lateral Management by Rainbow, Philip S., Luoma, Samuel N.
Immunomodulating Impact of Probiotic Bacteria in the Gut by Gnauck, Anne
The Physiology of Giant Algal Cells by Hope, A. B., Walker, N. A.
Secondary Metabolism in Plant Cell Cultures by
The Stress of Hot Environments by Kerslake, D. McK
Aquaculture of Grey Mullets by
Handbook of Phycological Methods: Physiological and Biological Methods by
Studies in Biological Control by
Perspectives in Plant Cell Recognition by
Division and Segregation of Organelles by
In Situ Hybridisation: Application to Developmental Biology and Medicine by
Practical Estuarine Chemistry: A Handbook by
Fungal Walls and Hyphal Growth: Symposium of the British Mycological Society Held at Queen Elizabeth College London, April 1978 by
Photosynthetic Pigments of Algae by Rowan, Kingsley S.
British Parasitic Fungi: A Host-Parasite Index and a Guide to British Literature on the Fungus Diseases of Cultivated Plants by Moore, W. C.
Evolutionary Biology of the Fungi: Symposium of the British Mycological Society Held at the University of Bristol April 1986 by
British Rust Fungi by Henderson, D. M., Wilson, Malcolm
Developmental Biology of Higher Fungi: Symposium of the British Mycological Society Held at the University of Manchester April 1984 by
Towards a Semiotic Biology: Life Is the Action of Signs by
The Ambonese Herbal, Volume 3: Book V: Dealing with the Remaining Wild Trees in No Particular Order; Book VI: Concerning Shrubs, Domesticall and Wild by Rumphius, Georgius Everhardus
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