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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Biology in 2012

The Cosmopolitanization of Science: Stem Cell Governance in China by Zhang, J.
Bacterial Pathogenesis: Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms by
Molecular Virology and Control of Flaviviruses by
Non-Coding Rnas and Epigenetic Regulation of Gene Expression: Drivers of Natural Selection by
Extremophiles: Microbiology and Biotechnology by
A2 Biology With Stafford: Unit Six: Practical Workbook by Redden, Stafford Valentine
Life Sciences and Related Fields: Trends Relevant to the Biological Weapons Convention by Iap--The Global Network of Science Academies, International Union of Microbiological Societies, International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Seasick: Ocean Change and the Extinction of Life on Earth by Mitchell, Alanna
Competition and attention in the human brain by Cerf, Moran
Microorganisms in Environmental Management: Microbes and Environment by
Microorganisms in Sustainable Agriculture and Biotechnology by
Bacteria and Cancer by
Interplay Between Metal Ions and Nucleic Acids by
Biomimetic Membranes for Sensor and Separation Applications by
Bewertung von Convenience Food unter Einbeziehung der sensorischen Wahrnehmung - dargestellt in einer Unterrichtseinheit eines Wahlpflichtkurses WPK R by Kluth, Julia Patricia
Gaither's Dictionary of Scientific Quotations: A Collection of Approximately 27,000 Quotations Pertaining to Archaeology, Architecture, Astronomy, Bio by
Biological Effects and Physics of Solar and Galactic Cosmic Radiation Part B by
Molecular and Cellular Basis of Social Behavior in Vertebrates by
Bivalve Filter Feeders: In Estuarine and Coastal Ecosystem Processes by
The Ethology of Predation by Curio, E.
Cell Cycle and Oncogenes: 10.-12. April 1986 by
Biology of the Vestfold Hills, Antarctica: Proceedings of the Symposium, Hobart, August 1984 by
Diversity and Adaptation in Fish Behaviour by Keenleyside, Miles H. a.
Der Weg Zur Biogeologie: Johannes Walther (1860-1937) Ein Forscherleben Im Wandel Der Deutschen Universität by Seibold, Ilse
Molecular Genetics and Personalized Medicine by
Mitochondrial Disorders: Biochemical and Molecular Analysis by
Plant Cell and Tissue Culture: A Laboratory Manual by Yeoman, M. M., Reinert, J.
Biopatent Law: Patent Strategies and Patent Management by Schmelcher, Thilo, Hübel, Andreas, Storz, Ulrich
Intelligent Textiles and Clothing for Ballistic and NBC Protection: Technology at the Cutting Edge by
Planar Cell Polarity: Methods and Protocols by
Remote Sensing for Environmental Sciences by
Technological Innovations in Sensing and Detection of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Threats and Ecological Terrorism by
Theoretische Biochemie: Physikalisch-Chemische Grundlagen Der Lebensvorgänge by Netter, Hans
Fermentation: II. Rotenburger Symposium 1980, Bad Karlshafen, September 1980 by
Systems Biology in Biotech & Pharma: A Changing Paradigm by Prokop, Ales, Michelson, Seth
Von Der Naturforschung Zur Naturwissenschaft: Vorträge, Gehalten Auf Versammlungen Der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher Und Ärzte (1822-1958) by
Analysis and Design of Biological Materials and Structures by
Spontaneous and Virus Induced Transformation in Cell Culture by Ponten, Jan
Two Hybrid Technologies: Methods and Protocols by
Fluorescent Proteins II: Application of Fluorescent Protein Technology by
Radiation Damage in Biomolecular Systems by
Intelligent Textiles and Clothing for Ballistic and NBC Protection: Technology at the Cutting Edge by
Bio-Geo Interactions in Metal-Contaminated Soils by
Proceedings of the Research Symposium on Complexes of Biologically Active Substances with Nucleic Acids and Their Modes of Action: Held at the Walter by Rhoads, Robert E.
Cochlear Mechanics: Introduction to a Time Domain Analysis of the Nonlinear Cochlea by Duifhuis, Hendrikus
Advances in Microbial Ecology: Volume 2 by
Cardiovascular Development: Methods and Protocols by
Bacteria in Agrobiology: Stress Management by
"Die Wirksamkeit verschiedener Medien für den Biologieunterricht" by Reichardt, Sabine
Cell Dynamics: Molecular Aspects of Cell Motility Cytoskeleton in Cellular Structure and Activity by
Advanced Methods in Protein Sequence Determination by
Physics of Amphiphilic Layers: Proceedings of the Workshop, Les Houches, France February 10-19, 1987 by
Lehrbuch Der Physiologie in Zusammenhängenden Einzeldarstellungen: Physiologie Des Gehörs. Physiologie Der Stimme Und Sprache by Ranke, Otto F., Lullies, H.
Lysosomes: A Survey by Holtzman, E.
Morphogenesis and Pathogenicity in Fungi by
Muscarinic Receptors by
Biology of Marine Fungi by
The Power of Movement in Plants by Darwin, Charles
Epidemiological Practices in Research on Small Effects by
Nucleic Acids and Molecular Biology by Eckstein, Fritz, Lilley, David M. J.
Stochastic Phenomena and Chaotic Behaviour in Complex Systems: Proceedings of the Fourth Meeting of the UNESCO Working Group on Systems Analysis Flatt by
Esr and NMR of Paramagnetic Species in Biological and Related Systems: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held at Acquafredda Di Maratea by
Psychiatric Disorders: Methods and Protocols by
Patterns of Chloroplast Reproduction: A Developmental Approach to Protoplasmic Plant Anatomy by Butterfass, T.
Photoreceptor Optics by
Neurovegetative Transmission Mechanisms: Proceedings of the International Neurovegetative Symposium, Tihany, June 19-24, 1972 by
Biology of Poxviruses by Pogo, B. G. T., Dales, Samuel
Systematics and Evolution of Fungi by
Scanning Electron Microscopy in Biology: A Students' Atlas on Biological Organization by Shih, C. y., Kessel, R. G.
Endocrine Fgfs and Klothos by
The Plant Plasma Membrane: Structure, Function and Molecular Biology by
Cellular Integration of Signalling Pathways in Plant Development by
Cytomechanics: The Mechanical Basis of Cell Form and Structure by
Nonconventional Yeasts in Biotechnology: A Handbook by Wolf, Klaus
Leukocyte Integrins in the Immune System and Malignant Disease by
Plant Breeding by
Handbook of Harnessing Biomaterials in Nanomedicine: Preparation, Toxicity, and Applications by
Alkaloid Synthesis by
The Biology of Subcellular Nitric Oxide by Rőszer, Tamás
Biological Processes in Living Systems by Waddington, C. H.
Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology by
Epidemiologische Methoden by Pigeot, Iris, Ahrens, Wolfgang, Kreienbrock, Lothar
Air Pollution and Plant Biotechnology: Prospects for Phytomonitoring and Phytoremediation by
Postharvest Biotechnology of Flowers and Ornamental Plants by Desai, Babasaheb B., Salunkhe, Dattajirao K., Bhat, Narayana R.
Ecology and Conservation of the Sirenia by Marsh, Helene, O'Shea, Thomas J., Reynolds, John E., III
HPLC and FPLC: Troubleshooting and Standardizing Chromatogram Purification Profiles: Liquid Chromatography by Amar Anand Rao, T. S.
Nature at Work - The Ongoing Saga of Evolution by
Plant Pathosystems by Robinson, Raoul A.
Antigen Presentation by
Gene Interactions in Development by Korochkin, L. I.
Membrane Spectroscopy by
Models of Neural Networks I by
Entropy Principle for the Development of Complex Biotic Systems: Organisms, Ecosystems, the Earth by Aoki, Ichiro
Sturgeon Fishes: Developmental Biology and Aquaculture by Dettlaff, Tatiana A., Ginsburg, Anna S.
Cotton by
Activation and Desensitization of Transducing Pathways by
New Aspects in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Hodgkin's Disease: First International Symposium on Hodgkin's Lymphoma in Cologne, October 2-3, 1987 by
Nucleic Acids and Molecular Biology by Eckstein, Fritz, Lilley, David M. J.
Chromosomal Alterations: Origin and Significance by
Current Status of Diagnostic Cytology by
Liquor-Zytologie by Kölmel, H. W.
Aktuelle Probleme Der Klinischen Strahlenbiologie by Kärcher, Karl-H
Modern Optics, Electronics and High Precision Techniques in Cell Biology by
Genes Involved in Microbe-Plant Interactions by
Ovarian Follicles in Reptiles and Birds by Guraya, Sardul S.
Neurocytochemical Methods by
Methoden Zur Bestimmung Pflanzlicher Wuchsstoffe by Linser, Hans, Kiermayer, Oswald
Concepts in Viral Pathogenesis by
Cell Dynamics: Cytoplasmic Streaming Cell Movement--Contraction and Migration Cell and Organelle Division Phototaxis of Cell and Cell by
Shock Waves @ Marseille III: Shock Waves in Condensed Matter and Heterogeneous Media by
Immediate-Early Genes in the Central Nervous System by
Nanocellbiology of Secretion: Imaging Its Cellular and Molecular Underpinnings by Jena, Bhanu P.
Proteoglycans: Methods and Protocols by
Mucins: Methods and Protocols by
Advances in Microbial Ecology: Volume 3 by
Noninvasive Diagnostic Techniques in Ophthalmology by
Biochemie Der Pflanzen by Kindl, Helmut
Advances in Bio-Imaging: From Physics to Signal Understanding Issues: State-Of-The-Art and Challenges by
Receptor-Like Kinases in Plants: From Development to Defense by
The Processes of Life: An Introduction to Molecular Biology by Hunter, Lawrence E.
Advances in Applied Biotechnology by
Analytical Uses of Immobilized Biological Compounds for Detection, Medical and Industrial Uses by
Praktikum Der Pflanzenanatomie by Biebl, Richard, Germ, Hermann
Bau Und Eigenschaften Der Organischen Naturstoffe: Einführung in Die Organische Rohstofflehre by Bancher, Engelbert, Hölzl, Josef
Leucocytes: Methods and Protocols by
Membranes and Sensory Transduction by Colombetti, Giuliano, Lenci, Francesco
Twenty-First Century Ecosystems: Managing the Living World Two Centuries After Darwin: Report of a Symposium by Board on International Scientific Organizations, National Research Council, Policy and Global Affairs
Molecular Biology and Its Application to Medical Mycology by
Diagnostics Methods in Clinical Thyroidology by
Embryologie Und Fortpflanzungsbiologie Der Angiospermen: Eine Einführung by Rutishauser, Alfred
Genome and Chromatin: Organization, Evolution, Function: Symposium, Kaiserslautern, October 13-15, 1978 by
Mathematical Theory of Electrophoresis by Zhukov, M. Yu, Yudovich, V. I., Babskii, V. G.
The Protistan Cell Surface by
Umwelt-Bioverfahrenstechnik by Kunz, Peter
Germ Cell Development, Division, Disruption and Death by
Cell Organelles by
Differential Equations and Mathematical Biology by Jones, D. S.
Paläozoologie by Ehrenberg, Kurt
Molecular Approaches to Crop Improvement by
Interstitial Hyperthermia by
Integrated Experimental Ecology: Methods and Results of Ecosystem Research in the German Solling Project by
Microbodies/Peroxisomen Pflanzlicher Zellen: Morphologie, Biochemie, Funktion Und Entwicklung Eines Zellorganells by Gerhardt, B.
Transposable Elements by
British Sociology's Lost Biological Roots: A History of Futures Past by Renwick, Chris
Content-Based Retrieval of Medical Images: Landmarking, Indexing, and Relevance Feedback by Rangayyan, Rangaraj, Azevedo-Marques, Paulo Mazzoncini De
Cell Metabolism: Cell Homeostasis and Stress Response by
Optical, Acoustic, Magnetic, and Mechanical Sensor Technologies by
Lipases: Their Structure, Biochemistry and Application by
Advances in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Research by
Fidelity and Quality Control in Gene Expression: Volume 86 by
Stem Cell Technology by Khan, Firdos Alam
Adeno-Associated Virus (Aav) Vectors in Gene Therapy by
Gtpases in Biology II by
Signalling Mechanisms -- From Transcription Factors to Oxidative Stress by
Microbial Ecology of a Brackish Water Environment by
Initial Rate Enzyme Kinetics by Fromm, H. J.
Plankton Regulation Dynamics: Experiments and Models in Rotifer Continuous Cultures by
Assessment of Cell Proliferation in Clinical Practice by
Grassland Simulation Model by
Stochastic Processes and Applications in Biology and Medicine I: Theory by Tautu, P., Iosifescu, Marius
Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology: Volume 80 by Arber, W., Henle, W., Hofschneider, P. H.
The Cytoskeleton: An Introductory Survey by Schliwa, Manfred
Molecular Mechanisms of Bacterial Virulence by
Agriculture's Ethical Horizon by Zimdahl, Robert L.
Hiv/AIDS by Waheed, Usman
Modeling Dynamic Systems in Small Firms: Managing Growth and Strategic Entrepreneurial Learning by Bianchi, Carmine
Sensing in Nature by
Caveolins and Caveolae: Roles in Signaling and Disease Mechanisms by
Population Genetics and Evolution by
Individuality and Determinism: Chemical and Biological Bases by
International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology: Volume 293 by
Progress in Molecular and Subcellular Biology by
Forschung Mit Röntgenstrahlen: Bilanz Eines Jahrhunderts (1895-1995) by
Vortex Formation in the Cardiovascular System by Kheradvar, Arash, Pedrizzetti, Gianni
Adp-Ribosylation of Proteins: Enzymology and Biological Significance by Richter, Christoph, Althaus, Felix R.
Morel Mushrooms: Best-Kept Secrets Revealed by Phillips, Michael E.
Brucella: Molecular Microbiology and Genomics by
Bacterial Glycomics: Current Research, Technology and Applications by
Microbial Biofilms: Current Research and Applications by
Bacillus: Cellular and Molecular Biology (Second edition) by
Principles of Brain Functioning: A Synergetic Approach to Brain Activity, Behavior and Cognition by Haken, Hermann
Sistemas de tratamiento de aguas residuales by Reinoso Tapia Roberto
Beauty and the Beast: An Essay in Evolutionary Aesthetic by McDowall, Stewart A.
Regulatory Rnas: Basics, Methods and Applications by
Endocytosis: From Cell Biology to Health, Disease and Therapy by
Polymers in Nanomedicine by
Anticipatory Systems: Philosophical, Mathematical, and Methodological Foundations by Rosen, Robert
Natural Theology: or, Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity, Collected from the Appearances of Nature by Paley, William
Microbiology and Biochemistry of Cheese and Fermented Milk by
Living with Our Sun's Ultraviolet Rays by Giese, Arthur C.
Immobilized Enzyme Technology: Research and Applications by
Global Perspectives on the Biology and Life History of the White Shark by
Adult and Embryonic Stem Cells by
Alpha and Gamma Motor Systems by
Plasma for Bio-Decontamination, Medicine and Food Security by
Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Defenses in Biology by Ahmad, Sami
Plasma for Bio-Decontamination, Medicine and Food Security by
Ultrastructure, Macromolecules, and Evolution by Dillon, Lawrence S.
Transport in Plants by Higinbotham, N., Lüttge, U.
Charge and Field Effects in Biosystems--3 by Allen
See More