• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Biology in 2016

Alphaviruses: Current Biology by
Molecular Biology of RNA by Elliott, David, Ladomery, Michael
Abiotic and Biotic Stresses in Soybean Production: Soybean Production Volume 1 by
Viral Pathogenesis: From Basics to Systems Biology by
Peanuts: Genetics, Processing, and Utilization by
Botrytis - The Fungus, the Pathogen and Its Management in Agricultural Systems by
Algae and Environmental Sustainability by
Quantitative Viral Ecology: Dynamics of Viruses and Their Microbial Hosts by Weitz, Joshua S.
Humpback Dolphins (Sousa Spp.): Current Status and Conservation, Part 2: Volume 73 by
Armleuchteralgen: Die Characeen Deutschlands by
Contextualizing Systems Biology: Presuppositions and Implications of a New Approach in Biology by Petersen, Imme, Brüninghaus, Anne, Döring, Martin
Intermittent Failures in Integrated Circuits: Detection, Characterization and Fault Tolerance by Sanyal, Alodeep, Kundu, Sandip, Polian, Ilia
Biotechnological Strategies for the Conservation of Medicinal and Ornamental Climbers by
Somatic Embryogenesis in Ornamentals and Its Applications by
Bioengineering and Cancer Stem Cell Concept by Pavlovic, Mirjana, Balint, Bela
B Cell Receptor Signaling by
Ethnobiology of Corals and Coral Reefs by
PCR - Polymerase-Kettenreaktion by Prange, Daniel Ruben, Müller, Hans-Joachim
Multimedia Signals and Systems: Basic and Advanced Algorithms for Signal Processing by Orovic, Irena, Sejdic, Ervin, Stankovic, Srdjan
Psychophysics: A Practical Introduction by Prins, Nicolaas, Kingdom, Frederick A. a.
Antimicrobial Peptides: Role in Human Health and Disease by
3rd International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering: Icnbme-2015, September 23-26, 2015, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova by
Der Mensch und seine Ahnen by Maurer, Friedrich
Der Boden Mecklenburgs by Geinitz, E.
Brownian Ratchets by Renzoni, Ferruccio, Cubero, David
The Molecular Basis of Drug Addiction: Volume 137 by Rahman, Shafiqur
International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology: Volume 321 by
Yeast Membrane Transport by
Dynamic Plasma Membranes: Portals Between Cells and Physiology: Volume 77 by
Tumour Viruses by
Wild Mammals of Wyoming and Yellowstone National Park by Buskirk, Steven W.
The Illusion of God's Presence: The Biological Origins of Spiritual Longing by Wathey, John C.
Die Elemente der Entwicklungslehre des Menschen und der Wirbeltiere by Hertwig, Oscar
Raw Data: A Novel on Life in Science by Rørth, Pernille
The Impact of Discovering Life Beyond Earth by
Integrative Mechanobiology: Micro- And Nano- Techniques in Cell Mechanobiology by
Der Mensch by Leche, Wilhelm
Autophagy: Cancer, Other Pathologies, Inflammation, Immunity, Infection, and Aging: Volume 8- Human Diseases by
The Neuronal Cytoskeleton, Motor Proteins, and Organelle Trafficking in the Axon: Volume 131 by
Extremophiles by Rekadwad Bhagwan
Growth, Differentiation and Sexuality by
Concepts of Mathematical Physics in Chemistry: A Tribute to Frank E. Harris - Part B: Volume 72 by
Genetic Manipulation in Plants for Mitigation of Climate Change by
Cyanobacteria for Bioremediation of Wastewaters by
Lung Cancer and Personalized Medicine: Novel Therapies and Clinical Management by
Bioreactor Engineering Research and Industrial Applications I: Cell Factories by
Ebola Virus Disease: From Origin to Outbreak by Qureshi, Adnan I.
Skin Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine by Albanna, Mohammad, Holmes IV, James H.
Die Bewegung des Bodens by Robbien, C. H.
Physics of the Human Body by Herman, Irving P.
Heat Shock Factor by
Biocomputing 2016 - Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium by
Applications of Mass Spectrometry in Microbiology: From Strain Characterization to Rapid Screening for Antibiotic Resistance by
Pulp and Paper Industry: Energy Conservation by Bajpai, Pratima
Biotechnology for Biofuel Production and Optimization by
Advances in Agronomy: Volume 135 by
Cell Biology: New Insights by
Plant-Virus Interactions: Molecular Biology, Intra- And Intercellular Transport by
Sex, Reproduction and Darwinism by
Edible Seaweeds of the World by Pereira, Leonel
Modeling in Food Microbiology: From Predictive Microbiology to Exposure Assessment by Membré, Jeanne-Marie, Valdramidis, Vasilis
Advances in Agronomy: Volume 136 by
Electron Correlation in Molecules - AB Initio Beyond Gaussian Quantum Chemistry: Volume 73 by
Anleitung zum Bestimmen der Familien der Phanerogamen by Thonner, Franz
Nanoparticles in the Fight Against Parasites by
Writing in Biology: A Brief Guide by Pardue, Mary-Lou, Roldan, Leslie Ann
Models and Algorithms for Biomolecules and Molecular Networks by Liang, Jie, Dasgupta, Bhaskar
The Dicotyledoneae of Ohio Part Two: Linaceae Through Campanulaceae by Cooperrider, Tom S.
Microbial Evolution by
Budding Yeast: A Laboratory Manual by
Budding Yeast: A Laboratory Manual by
Singlet Oxygen: Applications in Biosciences and Nanosciences by
Traité des sensations by de Condillac, Étienne Bonnot
Rediscovering the Immune System as an Integrated Organ by Bretscher, Peter
Sample Preparation Techniques for Soil, Plant, and Animal Samples by
DNA Replication, Recombination, and Repair: Molecular Mechanisms and Pathology by
Rediscovering the Immune System as an Integrated Organ by Bretscher, Peter
Microsystems for Pharmatechnology: Manipulation of Fluids, Particles, Droplets, and Cells by
Introduction to Polyphasic Dispersed Systems Theory: Application to Open Systems of Microorganisms' Culture by Thierie, Jacques
Baculovirus and Insect Cell Expression Protocols by
Challenging Nature: The Clash Between Biotechnology and Spirituality by Silver, Lee M.
Biophotonics: Vibrational Spectroscopic Diagnostics by Hughes, Caryn, Baker, Matthew, Hollywood, Katherine A.
Doppler Radar Physiological Sensing by Droitcour, Amy D., Boric-Lubecke, Olga, Lubecke, Victor M.
Empire Biota: Taxonomy and Evolution 2nd Edition by Pelletier, Bernard
Biophotonics: Vibrational Spectroscopic Diagnostics by Hughes, Caryn, Baker, Matthew, Hollywood, Katherine A.
Analysis of Oceanic Waters and Sediments by Crompton, Thomas Roy
Control of Self-Organizing Nonlinear Systems by
Seaweed Phylogeography: Adaptation and Evolution of Seaweeds Under Environmental Change by
Gas Plasma Sterilization in Microbiology: Theory, Applications, Pitfalls and New Perspectives by
Climate Change and Microbial Ecology: Current Research and Future Trends by
Inclusive Urban Design: Streets For Life by Burton, Elizabeth, Mitchell, Lynne
Advances in Polyurethane Biomaterials by
Personalized Medicine: Volume 102 by
International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology: Volume 322 by
Versuch die Metamorphose der Pflanzen zu erklären by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von
Receptor and Ion Channel Detection in the Brain: Methods and Protocols by
Nonribosomal Peptide and Polyketide Biosynthesis: Methods and Protocols by
Biofortification of Food Crops by
Political Biology: Science and Social Values in Human Heredity from Eugenics to Epigenetics by Meloni, M.
Clinical Applications of PCR by
Encyclopedia of Astrobiology by
Autotrophic Micro-Organisms by
Vascular Tumors and Developmental Malformations: Pathogenic Mechanisms and Molecular Diagnosis by
Viren, Pilze und Antibiotika. Überblick der Mikrobiologie by Bartusch, Henriette
Experimental Approaches for the Investigation of Innate Immunity: The Human Innate Immunity Handbook by
Virtual Business Models: Entrepreneurial Risks and Rewards by Bryder, Karin, Malmborg-Hager, Anki, Söderlind, Eskil
Growth Hormone in Health and Disease: Volume 138 by
The History Of The European Fauna by Scharff, R. F.
Organic Transistor Devices for in Vitro Electrophysiological Applications by Spanu, Andrea
Bioluminescence: Fundamentals and Applications in Biotechnology - Volume 3 by
Nf-κb-Related Genetic Diseases by Pescatore, Alessandra, Gautheron, Jérémie, Courtois, Gilles
Awaken Your Immortal Intelligent Heart: A Blueprint for Living in the Now by Glenane, Carmel
Neurowissenschaftliche Grundlagen des Lernens und ihre Bedeutung für die Bildungspraxis: Ein innovatives Fortbildungskonzept für pädagogische Fachkräf by Wagner, Susanne
Structural DNA Nanotechnology by Seeman, Nadrian C.
Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Hamburg by Marcus, K.
Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für allgemeine Botanik in Hamburg by Christiansen, Marie
Pathogenic Bacteria by MC Farland, Joseph
Basics of Marine and Estuarine Ecology by Mitra, Abhijit, Zaman, Sufia
Essentials of Single-Cell Analysis: Concepts, Applications and Future Prospects by
Health Information Exchange: Navigating and Managing a Network of Health Information Systems by
Living with Biodiversity in an Island Ecosystem: Cultural Adaptation in the Solomon Islands by Furusawa, Takuo
Actinobacteria: Basics and Biotechnological Applications by
Implementación de la Agricultura Urbana para generar Aprendizajes Significativos del Emprendimiento by Gómez Barrera, Jairo Segundo, Pedraza Quintana, Amelexh, Gómez Vásquez, Diana María
Graduate Research: A Guide for Students in the Sciences by Lener, Edward F., Smith, Robert V., Densmore, Llewellyn D.
Ionic Liquids in Lipid Processing and Analysis: Opportunities and Challenges by
Gene Pool Diversity and Crop Improvement, Volume 1 by
Advances in Plant Breeding Strategies, Volume 1: Breeding, Biotechnology and Molecular Tools by
Molecular Breeding for Sustainable Crop Improvement, Volume 2 by
Translational Research in Muscular Dystrophy by
Environmental Responses in Plants: Methods and Protocols by
Quantitative Proteomics by Mass Spectrometry by
Protozoa; A Poseidon Adventure! by McHenry, Ellen J.
Animal Electricity: How We Learned That the Body and Brain Are Electric Machines by Campenot, Robert B.
The Membranes of Cells by Yeagle, Philip L.
Life's Journey: A Guide from Conception to Growing Up, Growing Old, and Natural Death by Verschuuren, Gerard M.
Metallothioneins in Normal and Cancer Cells by Dziegiel, Piotr, Pula, Bartosz, Kobierzycki, Christopher
A history of British Birds: Volume I: History and description of land birds by Bewick, Thomas
Life's Journey: A Guide from Conception to Growing Up, Growing Old, and Natural Death by Verschuuren, Gerard M.
The natural history of the tea-tree: with observations on the medical qualities of tea, and on the effects of tea-drinking by Lettsom, William Nanson
The Serengeti Rules: The Quest to Discover How Life Works and Why It Matters by Carroll, Sean B.
Biology and Ecology of Anguillid Eels by
The Red Sea Ecosystem and Fisheries by
Nukleinsäuren, Konzentration einer DNA-, RNA- und Proteinstocklösung. Ein Praktikumsprotokoll by Zegarra Pumapillo, Arlie
Glycobiology and Human Diseases by
Biomass Fractionation Technologies for a Lignocellulosic Feedstock Based Biorefinery by
50 Schlüsselideen Biologie by Chamary, Jv
Introduction to Mathematical Oncology by Kuang, Yang, Eikenberry, Steffen E., Nagy, John D.
Permeability of Biological Membranes by Banfalvi, Gaspar
Molecular Science of Fluctuations Toward Biological Functions by
The Initiation of DNA Replication in Eukaryotes by
Emerging Research on Bioinspired Materials Engineering by
The Story of Science: Volume 1 by Cohen, Clive
The Story of Science: Volume 2 by Cohen, Clive
The Story of Science: Volume 3 by Cohen, Clive
Laboratory Techniques of Cytogenetics and Microbiology by Alrumman, Sulaiman Abdullah, Siddiqui, Sazada, Alamri, Saad Abdulrahman
Collaborative Genomics Projects: A Comprehensive Guide by Zhang, Julia, Zenklusen, Jean C., Sheth, Margi
Flora of Madeira by Press, J. R., Short, M. J.
Ecological Restoration and Power at Niagara Falls by Eckel, Patricia M.
Malignant Lymphomas: Biology and Molecular Pathogenesis by
Synthetic Biology: A Sociology of Changing Practices by Molyneux-Hodgson, S., Balmer, A., Bulpin, K.
Die Biotechnologie-Industrie: Ein Einführungs-, Übersichts- Und Nachschlagewerk by Schüler, Julia
The Diverse Faces of Bacillus Cereus by
Ion Channels as Therapeutic Targets, Part a: Volume 103 by
All about the pump by Dandelion
Modernization of Traditional Food Processes and Products by
Strange Glow: The Story of Radiation by Jorgensen, Timothy J.
Myths and Verities in Protein Folding Theories by Ben-Naim, Arieh
Myths and Verities in Protein Folding Theories by Ben-Naim, Arieh
Endometrial Stem Cells and Its Potential Applications by Somasundaram, Indumathi
Morphologisches Jahrbuch: Zeitschrift für Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte, Zweiter Band by Gegenbauer, Carl
Federal Activities Report on the Bioeconomy by Biomass R&d Board
Free Fishes by Zherka, Durime P.
Listening in the Ocean by
Modeling Complexity in Molecular Systems by Tice, Bradley
Textbook Bioinformatics by Egelhofer, Volker
Thin Film Coatings for Biomaterials and Biomedical Applications by
Advances in Genetics: Volume 93 by
Silicon Carbide Biotechnology: A Biocompatible Semiconductor for Advanced Biomedical Devices and Applications by
Biotransformation of Agricultural Waste and By-Products: The Food, Feed, Fibre, Fuel (4f) Economy by
Tumor Immunology: Volume 130 by
Advances in Applied Microbiology: Volume 94 by
Principes de Phonétique Expérimentale. Tome 2 by Rousselot, Pierre-Jean
Mode d'Action Des Anesthésiques Par Inspiration by Robin, Édouard
Crop Genetic Diversity in the Field and on the Farm: Principles and Applications in Research Practices by Jarvis, Devra I., Hodgkin, Toby, Brown, Anthony H. D.
Polar Microbiology: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives by
Artificially Controllable Nanodevices Constructed by DNA Origami Technology: Photofunctionalization and Single-Molecule Analysis by Yang, Yangyang
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology by
Shipping and the Environment: Improving Environmental Performance in Marine Transportation by
Anti-Cancer N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes of Gold(iii), Gold(i) and Platinum(ii): Thiol "Switch-On" Fluorescent Probes, Thioredoxin Reductase Inhib by Zou, Taotao
Das Management invasiver Pflanzen. Die Beweidung als Methode zur Bekämpfung nicht-heimischer Arten by Buchweitz, Minou
Die Körpersprache des Hundes (5. Klasse, Gesamtschule): Unterrichtsvorbereitung zum Thema Haustiere by Gerhardt, Astrid-Maria
International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology: Volume 323 by
Microbial Factories, Volume 2: Biodiversity, Biopolymers, Bioactive Molecules by
Microbial Factories, Volume 1: Biofuels, Waste Treatment by
Biosurfactants of Lactic Acid Bacteria by Saharan, Baljeet Singh, Kapil, Shailly, Sharma, Deepansh
Governing Marine Protected Areas: Resilience Through Diversity by Jones, Peter
Advances in Parasitology: Volume 91 by
Biomimetics: Bioinspired Hierarchical-Structured Surfaces for Green Science and Technology by Bhushan, Bharat
Gibt Es Einen 7. Sinn?: Außergewöhnliche Wahrnehmungen Und Unglaubliche Fähigkeiten Von Menschen Und Tieren Aus Der Sicht Der Heutigen Lebensw by Müller, Werner
Microbial Inoculants in Sustainable Agricultural Productivity, Volume 1: Research Perspectives by
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