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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Biology in 2018

Environmental Science by Spoolman, Scott, Miller, G.
Laboratory Experiments in Microbiology by Case, Christine, Johnson, Ted
Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life by Evers, Christine, Starr, Cecie, Taggart, Ralph
Immunity by Paul, William E.
The Potato Genome by
From Aardvarks to Zooxanthellae: The Definitive Lyrical Guide to Nature's Ways by Avise, John C.
Periparturient Diseases of Dairy Cows: A Systems Biology Approach by
Myogenesis in Development and Disease: Volume 126 by
Human DNA Polymerases: Biology, Medicine and Biotechnology by Villani, Giuseppe, Spadari, Silvio, Maga, Giovanni
Concepts of Biology by Fowler, Samantha, Roush, Rebecca, Wise, James
Sustainable Technologies for the Management of Agricultural Wastes by
Biology and Ecology of Pike by
Microbiology: An Introduction by Funke, Berdell, Case, Christine, Tortora, Gerard
Yo Contengo Multitudes: Los Microbios Que Nos Habitan Y Una Mayor Visión de la V Ida / I Contain Multitudes: The Microbes Within Us and a Grander View by Yong, Ed
A Brief History of Time #2: New Research Proves Darwin Correct! by White, R.
The Insecticidal Bacterial Toxins in Modern Agriculture by
Biotransformations in Organic Chemistry: A Textbook by Faber, Kurt
Antibiotic Resistance Protocols by
Viral Infection and Apoptosis by
Landscapes of Collectivity in the Life Sciences by
The Theoretical Individual: Imagination, Ethics and the Future of Humanity by Morrison, Jane Gray, Tobias, Michael Charles
Optimization and Applicability of Bioprocesses by
Production of Biofuels and Chemicals with Bifunctional Catalysts by
Molecular Life Sciences: An Encyclopedic Reference by
Hypoxia: Methods and Protocols by
Das Mikroskop und seine Anwendung: Ein Leitfaden bei mikroskopischen Untersuchungen by Hager, Hermann
Brewing and Distilling Yeasts by Stewart, Graham G.
Gas Explosion Handbook by Van Wingerden, Kees
The Long Journey of My Little Y Chromosomes: The Origins of One Viking Family by Glover, Richard
Polypropylene-Based Biocomposites and Bionanocomposites by
I Contain Multitudes: The Microbes Within Us and a Grander View of Life by Yong, Ed
To Be a Machine: Adventures Among Cyborgs, Utopians, Hackers, and the Futurists Solving the Modest Problem of Death by O'Connell, Mark
LIFE MADE IN WISDOM __The Mathematical Principles of Biointelligemce & The Origin of Life by Ruan), Dao Chu (y C.
Die Auswirkungen von Süßstoffen auf die menschliche Gesundheit. Gewichtsreduktion bis hin zur Entstehung von Krankheiten by Gomboc, Laura
Biocomputing 2018 - Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium by
Engineering Stem Cells for Tissue Regeneration by
Laser Capture Microdissection: Methods and Protocols by
Biomedical Membranes and (Bio)Artificial Organs by
Geometric Methods in Elastic Theory of Membranes in Liquid Crystal Phases (Second Edition) by Ou-Yang, Zhong-Can, Liu, Jixing, Tu, Zhanchun
A Practical Guide to Cancer Systems Biology by
Theoretical Molecular Biophysics by Scherer, Philipp O. J., Fischer, Sighart F.
Biotechnology in Space by Grimm, Daniela, Ruyters, Günter, Betzel, Christian
Interfacial Phenomena on Biological Membranes by Arakha, Manoranjan, Jha, Suman
Process Architecture in Biomanufacturing Facility Design by
Biotechnology, Human Nature, and Christian Ethics by McKenny, Gerald
Chlamydomonas: Biotechnology and Biomedicine by
Plant Adaptation Strategies in Changing Environment by
Next Generation Point-Of-Care Biomedical Sensors Technologies for Cancer Diagnosis by
La Stature de l'homme aux diverses époques by Dastre, Albert
Cellular Imaging: Electron Tomography and Related Techniques by
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (Elisa): From A to Z by Hosseini, Samira, Vázquez-Villegas, Patricia, Rito-Palomares, Marco
Fish Histology: From Cells to Organs by Mokhtar, Doaa M.
Application of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems in Japan by
Molecular Life Sciences: An Encyclopedic Reference by
Biology: Science for Life by Belk, Colleen, Maier, Virginia
Biology: Science for Life with Physiology by Belk, Colleen, Maier, Virginia
Routledge Handbook of Ocean Resources and Management by
Microbial Control and Food Preservation: Theory and Practice by
Pure and Applied Biogeography by
Developments in Fungal Biology and Applied Mycology by
Strategies for Bioremediation of Organic and Inorganic Pollutants by
Mycorrhiza - Nutrient Uptake, Biocontrol, Ecorestoration by
Marine Proteins and Peptides by
Genmanipulierte Menschheit: Evolution Selbst Gemacht by Knoepfler, Paul
Angewandte Bioinformatik: Eine Einführung by Selzer, Paul M., Marhöfer, Richard J., Koch, Oliver
Metals Challenged by Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation by
Cellular Entry of Binary and Pore-Forming Bacterial Toxins by
Formaldehyde and Cognition by He, Rongqiao
Dimetallzentren in Proteinen: Quanten- Und Molekularmechanische Rechnungen Und Nukleare Inelastische Streuung an Carboxylatverbrückten Fefe- Und Mnf by Marx, Jennifer
Der N-Faktor: Hochsensitivität und Persönlichkeit: Forschungsbericht by Trappmann, Birgit
Advances in Gapdh Protein Analysis: A Functional and Biochemical Approach by Ganapathy-Kanniappan, Shanmugasundaram
An Introduction to Food Grade Nanoemulsions by Ranjan, Shivendu, Dasgupta, Nandita
Plant Tissue Culture, Development, and Biotechnology by
The Rise of Yeast: How the Sugar Fungus Shaped Civilization by Money, Nicholas P.
Translational Research in Breast Cancer: Biomarker Diagnosis, Targeted Therapies and Approaches to Precision Medicine by
A Taste for the Beautiful: The Evolution of Attraction by Ryan, Michael J.
Pleurotus Nebrodensis: A Very Special Mushroom by Venturella, Giuseppe
Miniature Fluidic Devices for Rapid Biological Detection by
Chlamydomonas: Molecular Genetics and Physiology by
Investigations of Early Nutrition Effects on Long-Term Health: Methods and Applications by
Brief History of Bacteria, A: The Everlasting Game Between Humans and Bacteria by Chen, Daijie, Qian, Xiuping
Rho Gtpases: Molecular Biology in Health and Disease by
Cannibalism: A Perfectly Natural History by Schutt, Bill
DNA Replication: From Old Principles to New Discoveries by
Emerging Issues in Fish Larvae Research by
Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine: Stem Cells Applications in Regenerative Medicine and Disease Therapeutics by Cebo, Daniel
Dimorphic Fungi: Their importance as Models for Differentiation and Fungal Pathogenesis by Herrera, José Ruiz
Bench to Bedside: Diagnostic Microbiology for the Clinicians by
Textbook of Membrane Biology by Mudgal, Padmshree, Wardhan, Rashmi
Circadian Rhythms by
Immune Memory and Vaccines: Great Debates by
The Strange Order of Things: Life, Feeling, and the Making of Cultures by Antonio Damasio
Microorganisms for Green Revolution: Volume 2: Microbes for Sustainable Agro-Ecosystem by
Rab GTPases and Membrane Trafficking by Li, Guangpu
Phenotypic and Genotypic Diversity of Rhizobia by Pongsilp, Neelawan
Biology and Culture of Portunid Crabs of World Seas by Santhanam, Ramasamy
Thermal Treatments of Canned Foods by Barone, Caterina, Barone, Michele, Montanari, Angela
Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae by
Campbell Essential Biology by Simon, Eric, Dickey, Jean, Reece, Jane
Nitrogen in Agriculture: Updates by
Genomic Quirks: The Search for Spelling Errors by Hariharan, Ramesh
The Sting of the Wild by Schmidt, Justin O.
Evolutionary Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae by
The Biophilia Effect: A Scientific and Spiritual Exploration of the Healing Bond Between Humans and Nature by Arvay, Clemens G.
Allergy Prevention and Exacerbation: The Paradox of Microbial Impact on the Immune System by
The Biodiesel Solution: How Biodiesel Is Making a Difference for Our Future by Black, Samuel P. Pat
Tissue Phenomics: Profiling Cancer Patients for Treatment Decisions by Binnig, Gerd, Huss, Ralf, Schmidt, Günter
Die Intuition des Menschen. Mehr als nur ein Bauchgefühl?: Evolutionäre Betrachtung der Intuition des Menschen by Lorenz, Mira
Tumor Immune Microenvironment in Cancer Progression and Cancer Therapy by
Gaiolas enriquecidas para galinhas poedeiras by Piccini Roll, Aline, Büttow Roll, Victor
An Illustrated Encyclopædic Medical Dictionary: Being a Dictionary of the Technical Terms Used by Writers on Medicine and the Collateral Sciences, in by Foster, Frank Pierce
Biological Systems: Complexity and Artificial Life by Ricard, Jacques
Forkhead Foxo Transcription Factors in Development and Disease: Volume 127 by
Evolutionary computing in neuronal modeling by Bheemaiah, Anil
Comparative Cytological Studies With Especial Regard to the Morphology of the Nucleolus by Montgomery, Thomas Harrison
Abscission of Flowers and Fruits in the Solanaceae, With Special Reference to Nicotiana by Kendall, John Norman
Encephalitis Lethargica: The Mind and Brain Virus by Foley, Paul Bernard
Biodiversität bei der Planung von Naturschutzgebieten. Probleme des "Species Set Covering" und des "Backup Species Covering" by Fuchs, Heiko
Increased Biodiesel Efficiency: Alternatives for Production, Stabilization, Characterization and Use of Coproduct by
Hybrid Modelling and Multi- Parametric Control of Bioprocesses by
The Internal Secretions of the sex Glands; the Problem of the "puberty Gland" by Lipschütz, Alexander
Advances in Soil Microbiology: Recent Trends and Future Prospects: Volume 2: Soil-Microbe-Plant Interaction by
The Philosophy of Health, or, An Exposition of the Physical and Mental Constitution of Man: With a View to the Promotion of Human Longevity and Happin by Smith, Southwood
Impact of Religion, Ethics, and Regulation on Human Embryonic Stem Cell Researc by Cebo, Daniel
Contributions To The Natural History Of The United States Of America; Volume 4 by Agassiz, Louis
Biomechanics, Muscle Fibers, and How to Interface Experimental Apparatus to a Computer by Kawai, Masataka
Schizosaccharomyces Pombe: Methods and Protocols by
Milk: Bioactive Components and Role in Human Nutrition by
Biocatalysis in Organic Synthesis: The Retrosynthesis Approach by Turner, Nicholas J., Humphreys, Luke
Computational Biology of Embryonic Stem Cells by Zhan, Ming
The Gray Substance Of The Medulla Oblongata And Trapezium, Volume 16, Issue 2 by Dean, John
Alter Und Technik: Sozialwissenschaftliche Befunde Und Perspektiven by
Engineering Microbial Metabolism for Chemical Synthesis: Reviews and Perspectives by
Synergistic Selection: How Cooperation Has Shaped Evolution and the Rise of Humankind by Corning, Peter A.
Synergistic Selection: How Cooperation Has Shaped Evolution and the Rise of Humankind by Corning, Peter A.
The Biology of Coral Reefs by Pilling, Graham, Sheppard, Charles, Davy, Simon
Bacterial Chemosensing: Methods and Protocols by
Choosing Sexes: Mechanisms and Adaptive Patterns of Sex Allocation in Vertebrates by Navara, Kristen J.
Frontiers on Recent Developments in Plant Science: Volume 1 by Goyal, Aakash, Maheshwari, Priti
Human Epigenomics by Carlberg, Carsten, Molnár, Ferdinand
Nuclear Pore Complexes in Genome Organization, Function and Maintenance by
Physiology and Genetics: Selected Basic and Applied Aspects by
Transcription Factors CREB and NF-KB: Involvement in Synaptic Plasticity and Memory Formation by Albensi, Benedict C.
Quantitative Methods for Food Safety and Quality in the Vegetable Industry by
Life Lessons from Matthew: The Carpenter King by Lucado, Max
Investigation of the Antibacterial Activity of three types of medicated soaps on Staphylococcus aureus by Akaolisa, Chikaeze
Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System by Mather, Sedgwick
Die Wirkungsweise von Serotonin, Dopamin und Noradrenalin im Gehirn bei Depressionen by Brunner, Mirjam
Three Biological Myths: Race, Ancestry, Ethnicity by Corcos, Alain F.
The Reproductive Process: Its Histology, Physiology, and Pathology. Demonstrating the Unity of the Anatomical Type of the Placenta in All the Ma by Ercolani, Giovanni Battista
Pathological Technique: A Practical Manual for the Pathological Laboratory by Mallory, Frank Burr
Sperm-Mediated Gene Transfer: Concepts and Controversies by Smith, Kevin R.
Cyanidioschyzon Merolae: A New Model Eukaryote for Cell and Organelle Biology by
Plant Microbiome: Stress Response by
Microbial Control of Vector-Borne Diseases by
A Manual of Bacteriology, Clinical and Applied by Hewlett, Richard Tanner
Grundriss Der Anatomie Und Physiologie Der Gewächse, Zum Gebrauch Beim Unterricht Und Zum Selbststudium Für Mediciner, Pharmaceuten, Land- Und Forstwi by Schacht, Hermann
Mycofactories by Leitão, Ana Lúcia Monteiro Durão
Molecular Biology of Kinetoplastid Parasites by
The Way Life Begins: An Introduction to Sex Education by Cady, Bertha Chapman
Sertoli Cells: Methods and Protocols by
Henrietta Lacks: The Legend of Henrietta Lacks by Johnson, Naven
Precision Medicine: Tools and Quantitative Approaches by
Leçons Sur La Physiologie Générale Et Comparée Du Système Nerveux: Faits Au Muséum D'histoire Naturelle by Vulpian, Alfred, Brémond, Ernest
Phenomenon of Local Tissue Reactivity and its Immunological, Pathological and Clinical Significance by Shwartzman, Gregory
Microbial Biotechnology: Volume 1. Applications in Agriculture and Environment by
On the Form and Structure of the Manatee (Manatus Americanus) by Murie, James
Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry: Advances and Perspectives by Multiple Contributors
The Translocation of Solutes in Plants: A Critical Consideration of Evidence Bearing Upon Solute Movement by Curtis, Otis Freeman
Cellular Dedifferentiation and Regenerative Medicine by Zhao, Andong, Hu, Tian, Fu, Xiaobing
Regeneration From a Physico-chemical Viewpoint by Loeb, Jacques
The Structure & Development of the Mosses and Ferns (Archegoniatae) by Campbell, Douglas Houghton
Studies on Prematurely Senile Rats by Powdermaker, Florence
Researches Into Induced Cell-reproduction in Amoebae by Cropper, John Westray
Cell Fate in Mammalian Development: Volume 128 by
Testosterone Rex: Myths of Sex, Science, and Society by Fine, Cordelia
G Protein-Coupled Receptors in Drug Discovery: Methods and Protocols by
Papers On Deciduous-fruit Insects: The Grape Curculio [craponius Inaequalis Say]. The Grape Root-borer [memythrus Polistiformis Harris] by Brooks, Fred E.
The Tropical World: Aspects Of Man And Nature In The Equatorial Regions Of The Globe by Hartwig, Georg
Thyroid Systems Engineering: A Primer in Mathematical Modeling of the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Thyroid Axis by Leow, Melvin Khee-Shing, Goede, Simon
Einführung in Die Molekularbiologie: Basiswissen Für Das Arbeiten Mit DNA Und RNA Im Labor by Ableitner, Oksana
The Microscopic Cabinet of Select Animated Objects: With a Description Of the Jewel and Doublet Microscope, Test Objects, &c. to Which are Subjoined, by Pritchard, Andrew, Goring, C. R.
Cellular Heterogeneity: Methods and Protocols by
Peptidomics: Methods and Strategies by
Emerging Applications of Control and Systems Theory: A Festschrift in Honor of Mathukumalli Vidyasagar by
Ampk: Methods and Protocols by
Structure, Chemical Analysis, Biosynthesis, Metabolism, Molecular Engineering and Biological Functions of Phytoalexins by
Comportanmiento y Conocimiento sobre la Preservación de nuestro Preciado líquido el agua potable el Periodo de Febrero a Junio del 2012 Valera estado by Roxana, Matheus Torres Stefany, José, Uzcategui Hernández María, Oriana, Paredes Rojas Génesis
Microbial Biotechnology: Volume 2. Application in Food and Pharmacology by
Neuroglia in C. elegans by Stout, Randy F., Jr., Pokala, Navin
Neuroglia in C. elegans by Stout, Randy F., Jr., Pokala, Navin
Bactéries Et Parasites de Poissons Consommés À Ouagadougou, Burkina F. by Ouedraogo-S
L arbre et la forêt usages, préférences, représentations et croyances by Diop-M
Polyomavirus de merkel et carcinome neuro-endocrine de la peau by Laude-H
Cinétique de détachement de microorganismes sur l''acier inoxydable by Demilly-M
Evolution des biominéralisations nacrées chez les mollusques by Marie-B
Coloration de surface des fromages à pâte molle et croûte lavée by Patrick-G
Conception Et Evaluation Pharmacologique d''analogues de la Squalamine by Collectif
Les conflits dans les symbioses némato-bactériennes entomopathogènes by Emelianoff-V
Caractérisation et développement d''agents de contraste ultrasonores by Galaz-B
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