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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Biology in 2019

Parasitisme Et Mutualisme Dans La Nature by Giard, Alfred, Laloy, Léon
Orthogenesis Versus Darwinism by Popov, Igor
Survival Strategies in Extreme Cold and Desiccation: Adaptation Mechanisms and Their Applications by
Epigenetic Processes and Evolution of Life by Markos, Anton, Svorcová, Jana
Lancelets, Cyclostomes, Sharks: Part 1 by Bigelow, Henry B., Schroeder, William C., Farfante, Isabel Perez
Sawfishes, Guitarfishes, Skates and Rays, Chimaeroids: Part 2 by Bigelow, Henry B., Schroeder, William C.
Soft-Rayed Bony Fishes: Orders Acipenseroidei, Lepisostei, and Isospondyli: Part 3 by Bigelow, Henry B., Dymond, John R., Bradbury, Margaret G.
Soft-Rayed Bony Fishes: Orders Isospondyli and Giganturoidei: Part 4 by Dick, Myvanwy M., Bigelow, Henry B., Cohen, Daniel M.
Orders Anguilliformes and Saccopharyngiformes: Part 9, Volume 1 by Böhlke, James E., Leiby, Mark M., Böhlke, Eugenia B.
Leptocephali: Part 9, Volume 2 by Böhlke, Eugenia B., Böhlke, James E., Leiby, Mark M.
Memoir II: The Elementary Chemical Composition of Marine Organisms by Vinogradov, A. P.
Orders Heteromi (Notacanthiformes), Berycomorphi (Beryciformes), Xenoberyces (Stephanoberyciformes), Anacanthini (Gadiformes): Part 6 by Ebeling, Alfred W., Iwamoto, Tomio, Cohen, Daniel M.
Order Iniomi (Myctophiformes): Part 7 by Backus, Richard H., Nafpaktitus, Basil G., Craddock, James E.
Order Gasterosteiformes: Part 8 by Dawson, C. E., Vari, Richard P.
Orders Iniomi and Lyomeri: Part 5 by Böhlke, James E., Anderson, William W., Berry, Frederick H.
The Drava River: Environmental Problems and Solutions by
Oral Mucosa in Health and Disease: A Concise Handbook by
Methane Biocatalysis: Paving the Way to Sustainability by
Applied RNA Bioscience by
Cutting-Edge Enabling Technologies for Regenerative Medicine by
Advances in Membrane Proteins: Part I: Mass Processing and Transportation by
Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 2: Approaches for Diverse Diseases and Conditions by
Imaging, Manipulation and Optogenetics in Zebrafish by Favre‐bulle, Itia Amandine
Alcohol and Cancer: Proceedings of the Third International Conference by
Metabolic Interaction in Infection by
Marine Organisms as Model Systems in Biology and Medicine by
The Amazing Story of Life: From the Big Bang to the Future of Humanity by Kennedy, Tom
Chemistry and Chemical Technologies in Waste Valorization by
Engineering and Application of Pluripotent Stem Cells by
Inflammasomes: Clinical and Therapeutic Implications by
Trends in Insect Molecular Biology and Biotechnology by
Coral Reef Studies of Japan by
Biomineralization Mechanism of the Pearl Oyster, Pinctada Fucata by Yan, Zhenguang, Zhang, Rongqing, Xie, Liping
Concepts in Cell Biology - History and Evolution by
Multiscale Mechanobiology in Tissue Engineering by Perrault, Cécile, LaCroix, Damien, Brunelli, Marzia
Fungal Nanobionics: Principles and Applications by
Molecular Mechanisms of Autonomy in Biological Systems: Relativity of Code, Energy and Mass​ by Karimi, Tara
Riverine Ecosystem Management: Science for Governing Towards a Sustainable Future by
Root Biology by
Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy by Bauman, Robert
Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy by Bauman, Robert
Molecular Basis of Resilience: Adapting to a Changing Environment by Iversen, Patrick L.
T-Cell Motility: Methods and Protocols by
Stromal Immunology by
Microbes for Sustainable Development and Bioremediation by
Numerical Pde Analysis of the Blood Brain Barrier: Method of Lines in R by Schiesser, William E.
Quantum Information and Consciousness: A Gentle Introduction by Georgiev, Danko D.
Krasner's Microbial Challenge: A Public Health Perspective: A Public Health Perspective by Shors, Teri
Self-Assembly: From Surfactants to Nanoparticles by
Heat Shock Proteins and Stress by
Algae Biomass: Characteristics and Applications: Towards Algae-Based Products by
Sustainable Technologies for the Management of Agricultural Wastes by
Membrane Protein Complexes: Structure and Function by
Nanoparticles in Polymer Systems for Biomedical Applications by
Social Evolution and Inclusive Fitness Theory: An Introduction by Marshall, James A. R.
Plant Development and Evolution: Volume 131 by
Biological NMR Part a: Volume 614 by
Astrocytes: Methods and Protocols by
Roles of Host Gene and Non-Coding RNA Expression in Virus Infection by
Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Waste Treatment Processes for Energy Generation by
G Protein-Coupled Receptors, Part B: Volume 149 by
Calpain: Methods and Protocols by
Reproductive and Developmental Strategies: The Continuity of Life by
Selenium by
Health Informatics on Fhir: How Hl7's New API Is Transforming Healthcare by Braunstein, Mark L.
Metallomics: The Science of Biometals by
Interactions Materials - Microorganisms: Concretes and Metals More Resistant to Biodeterioration by Lors, Christine, Feugeas, Françoise, Tribollet, Bernard
Ornamental Crops by
Salinity Responses and Tolerance in Plants, Volume 1: Targeting Sensory, Transport and Signaling Mechanisms by
Quantum Systems in Physics, Chemistry and Biology - Theory, Interpretation and Results: Volume 78 by
Molecular Chaperones in Human Disorders: Volume 114 by
Progress, Pioneers and Process: Studies in Physiology and Genetic Medicine by Smith, Moyra
Advances in Virus Research: Volume 103 by
PPARs in Cellular and Whole Body Energy Metabolism by
Goods and Services of Marine Bivalves by
Stretch Intensity and the Inflammatory Response: A Paradigm Shift by Apostolopoulos, Nikos C.
X-Ray Free Electron Lasers: A Revolution in Structural Biology by
21st Century Maritime Silk Road: A Peaceful Way Forward by Zheng, Chongwei, Xiao, Ziniu, Zhou, Wen
Physical Principles of Biomembranes and Cells by Ohki, Kazuo, Miyata, Hidetake
High-Solid and Multi-Phase Bioprocess Engineering: Theory and Practice by Chen, Hongzhang
Investigation of Nanoscopic Dynamics and Potentials by Interferometric Scattering Microscopy by Ortega Arroyo, Jaime
Sustentabilidad de la Gestión Municipal de los Programas de Saneamiento Ambiental Desde la Ecogerencia by Aguilar, Luis
Mesothelioma Heterogeneity Potential Mechanisms by
Phytobiont and Ecosystem Restitution by
Prokaryotes and Evolution by
The European Landing Obligation: Reducing Discards in Complex, Multi-Species and Multi-Jurisdictional Fisheries by
Natural Antimicrobial Agents by
Cadmium Interaction with Animal Cells by
Lung Stem Cell Behavior by El-Hashash, Ahmed
Melanin-Concentrating Hormone and Sleep: Molecular, Functional and Clinical Aspects by
Accelerated Path to Cures by
Remediation Measures for Radioactively Contaminated Areas by
Membrane Biophysics: New Insights and Methods by
Investigations of Cellular and Molecular Biophysical Properties by Atomic Force Microscopy Nanorobotics by Li, Mi
Lesser Flamingos: Descendants of Phoenix by Krienitz, Lothar
Gravitational Biology II: Interaction of Gravity with Cellular Components and Cell Metabolism by Hanke, Wolfgang, Kohn, Florian P. M., Neef, Maren
Technikfolgenabschätzung des CRISPR/Cas-Systems by Hardt, Annika
Muster Serotonerger Neurone in Der Embryonalentwicklung Von Locusta Migratoria by Kempf, Martha Maria
In Vitro Cultivation of Parasitic Helminths (1990) by Smyth, James D.
Novel Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine by
Advances in Biological Treatment of Industrial Waste Water and Their Recycling for a Sustainable Future by
Zebrafish, Medaka, and Other Small Fishes: New Model Animals in Biology, Medicine, and Beyond by
Microorganisms for Green Revolution: Volume 2: Microbes for Sustainable Agro-Ecosystem by
Physics of Biological Membranes by
The Genetics and Development of Scoliosis by
Science in the Arena: Explanations and Analyses of Performances and Phenomena in Sport by Baker, Blane
Science in the Arena: Explanations and Analyses of Performances and Phenomena in Sport by Baker, Blane
Recent Changes in Drug Abuse Scenario The Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) Phenomenon by
Protein Crystallization under the Presence of an Electric Field by
Computing Skills for Biologists: A Toolbox by Allesina, Stefano, Wilmes, Madlen
Computing Skills for Biologists: A Toolbox by Allesina, Stefano, Wilmes, Madlen
Biological Robustness: Emerging Perspectives from Within the Life Sciences by
Fish Defenses Vol. 2: Pathogens, Parasites and Predators by
Biology of T Cells - Part B: Volume 342 by
Biological NMR Part B: Volume 615 by
Dietary Interventions in Gastrointestinal Diseases: Foods, Nutrients, and Dietary Supplements by
Imaging in Movement Disorders: Imaging in Movement Disorder Dementias and Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder: Volume 144 by
Biotin and Other Interferences in Immunoassays: A Concise Guide by Dasgupta, Amitava
Sorghum: Methods and Protocols by
Population Genomics: Microorganisms by
Antioxidants and Second Messengers of Free Radicals by
Introduction to Population Biology by Neal, Dick
Tumor Profiling: Methods and Protocols by
Einführung in Die Enzymtechnologie by
Neural Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols by
Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 4: Stem Cells and Cell Based Strategies in Regeneration by
Molecular Physiology and Biotechnology of Trees: Volume 89 by
Porcine Viruses: From Pathogenesis to Strategies for Control by
Good Enough to Eat?: Next Generation GM Crops by Godwin, Ian D.
Endocytosis and Signaling by
Rhamnolipid Biosurfactant: Recent Trends in Production and Application by Kumar, Rajesh, Das, Amar Jyoti
Geomicrobiological Properties and Processes of Travertine: With a Focus on Japanese Sites by Okumura, Tomoyo, Takashima, Chizuru, Kano, Akihiro
Heart Genomics by
Single Cell Biomedicine by
Aging and Aging-Related Diseases: Mechanisms and Interventions by
Role of Rhizospheric Microbes in Soil: Volume 1: Stress Management and Agricultural Sustainability by
Biotechnological Applications of Quorum Sensing Inhibitors by
Digenetic Trematodes of Indian Marine Fishes by Madhavi, Rokkam, Bray, Rodney A.
Quorum Sensing and Its Biotechnological Applications by
Exemplary Practices in Marine Science Education: A Resource for Practitioners and Researchers by
Spectrally Resolved Detector Arrays for Multiplexed Biomedical Fluorescence Imaging by Luthman, Anna Siri
'Moving Towards Risk' - A Melancholic Story of Punjab Satluj Floodplain by Kaur, Harsimrat
De grandes científicos, plantas y "bichos": Breves historias de divulgación científica by Arias, Jorge Poveda
Bioelectrosynthesis by
San Diego: California by Rawls, Lea
Calcium Signaling in Human Health and Diseases by
Biology: Life on Earth with Physiology by Byers, Bruce, Audesirk, Gerald, Audesirk, Teresa
Biorefineries by
The Origin of a New Progenitor Stem Cell Group in Human Development: An Immunohistochemical-, Light- And Electronmicroscopical Analysis by Wartenberg, Hubert, Miething, Andreas, Møllgård, Kjeld
Proteins Crossing Membranes: A Scientist's Memoir by Rothman, Stephen
Eyes to See: The Astonishing Variety of Vision in Nature by Land, Michael F.
The Whole-Body Microbiome: How to Harness Microbes - Inside and Out - For Lifelong Health by Finlay, Jessica M., Finlay, B. Brett
The Mechanical World: The Metaphysical Commitments of the New Mechanistic Approach by Krickel, Beate
Mechanisms of Drug Resistance in Cancer Therapy by
Cell Culture by
Stromal Cells: Structure, Function, and Therapeutic Implications by
Molecular Applications in Cytology by
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research: Volume 87 by
Confocal Raman Microscopy by
Gestión de Incubadora de Peces by Hamilton, Carlos
Update in Pediatric Neuro-Oncology by
Integrative Structural Biology with Hybrid Methods by
Sustainable Biotechnology- Enzymatic Resources of Renewable Energy by
Emerging and Epizootic Fungal Infections in Animals by
Biochemical and Biophysical Roles of Cell Surface Molecules by
Food Nanotechnology: Principles and Applications by
Cardiac Extracellular Matrix: Fundamental Science to Clinical Applications by
Advances in Functional Micro-/Nanoimaging Probes by
Energetics of Secretion Responses: Volume II by
Lipids of Pathogenic Fungi (1996) by Prasad, Rajendra, Ghannoum, Mahmoud A.
Delivery Strategies for Antisense Oligonucleotide Therapeutics by
Cellular and Molecular Toxicology of Nanoparticles by
Microbial Bioprospecting for Sustainable Development by
Endophytes of Forest Trees: Biology and Applications by
Brazilian Sand Flies: Biology, Taxonomy, Medical Importance and Control by
Fungal Biorefineries by
Bisphenol a Removal from Water and Wastewater by Cydzik-Kwiatkowska, Agnieszka, ZieliŃska, Magdalena, Wojnowska-Baryla, Irena
The Connections Between Ecology and Infectious Disease by
Study of Bacteriorhodopsin in a Controlled Lipid Environment by Yeh, Vivien
Recent Trends in Cancer Biology: Spotlight on Signaling Cascades and Micrornas: Cell Signaling Pathways and Micrornas in Cancer Biology by
Resistance of Targeted Therapies Excluding Antibodies for Lymphomas by
Biotic and Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants by
Advancing Development of Synthetic Gene Regulators: With the Power of High-Throughput Sequencing in Chemical Biology by Chandran, Anandhakumar
Modeling Methods for Medical Systems Biology: Regulatory Dynamics Underlying the Emergence of Disease Processes by Dávila-Velderrain, José, Álvarez-Buylla Roces, María Elena, Martínez-García, Juan Carlos
The Ecological Role of Micro-Organisms in the Antarctic Environment by
Handbook of Nutrient Requirements of Finfish (1991) by Wilson, Robert P.
Proteins Crossing Membranes: A Scientist's Memoir by Rothman, Stephen
Principles of Cell Adhesion (1995) by Steiner, Manfred, Richardson, Peter D.
Topology and Physics of Circular DNA (1992) by Vologodskii, Alexander
Analysis of Trace Organics in the Aquatic Environment by Afghan, B. K., Chau, Alfred S. y.
Biofilms: Methods for Enzymatic Release of Microorganisms by Brisou, Jean F.
Dictionary of Evolutionary Fish Osteology by Rojo, Lfonso L.
Hepatocyte and Kupffer Cell Interactions (1992) by
Revival: Handbook of Growth Factors (1994): Volume 1 by Pimentel, Enrique
Revival: Handbook of Microalgal Mass Culture (1986) by
Revival: Malaria (1989): Host Responses to Infection by Stevenson, Mary M.
Revival: Processing of RNA (1983) by
Transformation of Human Epithelial Cells (1992): Molecular and Oncogenetic Mechanisms by Casto, Bruce C., Shuler, Charles F., Milo, George E.
Energetics of Secretion Responses: Volume I by Akkerman, J. W. N.
Revival: Handbook of Microbial Iron Chelates (1991) by Winkelmann, Gunther
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