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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Birdwatching in 2023

Thesaurus Ornithologiae by Anonymous
Naumannia. Journal fuer die Ornithologie by Ed), Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Deutsche
Histoire Naturelle Des Oiseaux; Volume 9 by Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc
The Birds Of Fergus County, Montana by Silloway, Perley Milton
Catalogue of the Birds in the Museum Asiatic Society by Blyth, Edward
Beautiful Birds: Their Natural History, Ed. by R. Tyas by Cotton, John
Naturgeschichte des Sperlings teutscher Nation. by Breidenstein, Johann P.
Bird Stories by Patch, Edith M. 1876-1954
Birdcraft; a Field Book of Two Hundred Song, Game, and Water Birds by Wright, Mabel Osgood
A Catalogue of Canadian Birds With Notes on the Distribution of the Species by Chamberlain, Montague
The Red-winged Blackbird: A Study in the Ecology of A Cat-tail Marsh by Allen, Arthur a. 1885-1964
Ornithologie Du Dauphiné, Ou, Description Des Oiseaux Observés Dans Les Départements De L'isère, De La Drome, Des Hautes-alpes Et Les Contrées Voisine by Bouteille, Hippolyte
An Australian Bird Book: A Pocket Book for Field Use by Albert, Leach John
Flights of Fancy: Birds in Myth, Legend and Superstition; Volume 08 by Peter, Tate
Ornithologie De La Savoie, Ou, Histoire Des Oiseaux: Qui Vivent En Savoie A L'état Sauvage Soit Constamment, Soit Passagèrement, Volume 2... by Bailly, Jean-Baptiste
Avifauna Del Modenese E Della Sicilia by Doderlein, Pietro
Birds of Field, Forest and Park by Gilmore, Albert Field 1868-1943
Behind the Veil in Birdland; Some Nature Secrets Revealed by Pen and Camera by Pike, Oliver Gregory 1877-
Manuel D'ornithologie, Ou Tableau Systématique Des Oiseaux Qui Se Trouvent En Europe: Précédé D'une Analyse Du Système Général D'ornithologie, Et Suiv by Temminck, Coenrad Jacob
American Birds by Finley, William Lovell
Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum: Picariæ. Scansores and Cocyges, Containing the Families Rhamphastidæ, Galbulidæ, and Bucconidæ, by P.L. by Sharpe, Richard Bowdler
Histoire Naturelle, Générale Et Particulière, Volume 17; Volume 123 by De Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc
Snipe and Woodcock by Shaw, L. H. De Visme
Wild-Fowl by Shaw, L. H., Pope, W. H., Shand, Alexander Innes
The Bird Study Book: By T. Gilbert Pearson-- by Pearson, Thomas Gilbert
Birds of Darjeeling and India by Mackintosh, L. J.
"Forest and Stream" Bird Notes. An Index and Summary of all the Ornithological Matter Contained in "Forest and Stream." Vols. I-XII by Bailey, Harry B.
The Food of Australian Birds. An Investigation Into the Character of the Stomach and Crop Contents by Froggatt, Walter W. 1858-1937, Cleland, John Burton, Maiden, J. H. 1859-1925
Wild Bird Guests: How to Entertain Them by Baynes, Ernest Harold
Check List Of The Birds Of Illinois: Together With A Short List Of 200 Commoner Birds And Allen's Key To Bird's Nests by Gault, Benjamin True
The Warbler by
Ornitologia Italiana: Opera Postuma... by Savi, Paolo
The Birds Of Haiti And San Domingo by Cory, Charles Barney
The Bird: Its Form and Function; Volume 2 by Beebe, William
Field-studies of Some Rarer British Birds by Walpole-Bond, John
The Horned Larks Of North America by Dwight, Jonathan
Descriptive Catalogue Of The Birds Of Massachusetts by Samuels, E. A.
Ootheca Wolleyana: An Illustrated Catalogue Of The Collection Of Birds' Eggs; Volume 1 by Wooley, John
Thesaurus Ornithologiae: Repertorium Der Gesammten Ornithologischen Literatur Und Nomenclator Sämmtlicher Gattungen Und Arten Der Vögel, Nebst by Anonymous
Life Histories Of North American Gulls And Terns: Order Longipennes by Bent, Arthur Cleveland
Ornithologie Du Gard Et Des Pays Circonvoisins... by Crespon, Jean
Pallas's Sand Grouse (syrrhaptes Paradoxus), Its History, Habits, Food, And Migrations: With Hints As To Its Utility, And A Plea For Its Preservation by Tegetmeier, William Bernhard
L'esprit Des Bêtes: Le Monde Des Oiseaux, Ornithologie Passionnelle; Volume 3 by Toussenel, Alphonse
The Auk; Volume 37 by Union, American Ornithologists'
The Birds of Berwickshire; With Remarks on Their Local Distribution Migration, and Habits, and Also on the Folk-lore, Proverbs, Popular Rhymes and Say by Muirhead, George
Notes On the Birds of Damara Land and the Adjacent Countries of South-West Africa, Ed. by J.H. Gurney by Andersson, Carl Johan
Ornitologia Toscana: Ossia Descrizione E Storia Degli Uccelli Che Trovansi Nella Toscana Con L'aggiunta Delle Descrizioni Di Tutti Gli Altr by Savi, Paolo
The Natural History of the Birds of Ireland, Indigenous and Migratory: Containing Descriptions of the Habits, Migrations, Occurrence, and Economy, of by Watters, John J.
Catalogue of the Cases of Birds by Booth, E. T.
The Condor; Volume 1 by
Important American Game Birds; Their Ranges, Habits and the Hunting by Forbush, Edward Howe
Birds of Michigan by Cook, Albert John
The Birds of Shetland: With Observations On Their Habits, Migration, and Occasional Appearance by Saxby, Henry Linckmyer
Checklist of British Columbia Birds by Fannin, John
Bird-life of the Borders on Moorland and sea, With Faunal Notes Extending Over Forty Years by Chapman, Abel
Oologia Neerlandica: Eggs of Birds Breeding in the Netherlands: 1, pt. 2 by Pelt Lechner, A. A. Van
Birds of Washington and Vicinity: Including Adjacent Parts of Maryland and Virginia by Maynard, Lucy Warner
Genera of Humming Birds: Being Also a Complete Monograph of These Birds by Adolphe, Boucard
A Natural History of the Nests and Eggs of British Birds Volume (1853); Volume 1 by
Migration of Birds by Lincoln, Frederick Charles, Peterson, Steven R., Anastasi, Peter A.
Life Histories of North American Shore Birds by Bent, Arthur Cleveland
Himalayan and Kashmiri Birds Being a Key to the Birds by Dewar, Douglas
The Game Birds and Wild Fowl of India: Being Descriptions of All the Species of Game Birds by Jerdon, Thomas Claverhill
Nests and Eggs of Australian Birds, Including the Geographical Distribution of the Species and Popular Observations Thereon; Volume 1 by Campbell, Archibald James
A Preliminary Catalog of the Birds of Missouri by Widmann, Otto
The Auk; Volume 3 by Union, American Ornithologists'
Bird Life and Bird Lore by Smith, Reginald Bosworth
The Hawks and Owls of the United States in Their Relation to Agriculture by Salmon, D. E. Sgn, Fisher, A. K. 1856-1948
Bird Portraits by Hoffmann, Ralph, Thompson, Ernest Seton
De Vogels Van Nederland by Schlegel, Hermann
Bird Songs Translated Into Words by Hageman, Samuel Miller
Oologia Neerlandica: Eggs of Birds Breeding in the Netherlands; Volume 1, pt. 1 by
Catalogue of a Collection of Books on Ornithology in the Library of Frederic Gallatin, Jr by Frederic, Gallatin
The Story of a Bird Lover by William Earl Dodge, Scott
The Journal of the South African Ornithologists' Union by W. B. Gunning, J.
Hand-List of Genera and Species of Birds, Distinguishing Those Contained in the British Museum by Gray, George Robert
A Classified List of the Names & Latin Synonyms of the British Birds; by Webb, J.
Materialen Zu Einer Ornis Balcanica: Bulgarien (einschliesslich Ost-rumeliens Und Der Dobrudscha)... by Reiser, Othmar
Coloured Illustrations of British Birds, and Their Eggs; v. 6 (1849) by
The Bird by Anonymous
The Birds Of The Leeward Islands, Caribbean Sea by Cory, Charles Barney
A Preliminary List Of The Birds Of Belknap And Merrimack Counties, New Hampshire: With Notes by Dearborn, Ned
A List Of The Birds Of Buffalo And Vicinity by Bergtold, William Harry
Histoire Naturelle Des Oiseaux: Tome Troisième... by
A Practical Handbook of British Birds; v. 1; pt. 1-8 by
A Hand-list of the Japanese Birds by Anonymous
Birds of Labrador by Townsend, Charles W.
Manuel d'Ornithologie ou Tableau Systématique des Oiseaux Qui se Trouvent en Europe by Temminck, Coenraad Jacob
The Ibis, A Quarterly Journal of Ornithology, by Newton, Alfred
The Natural History of Birds by Shoberl, Frederic
The Birds of Devonshire by Pidsley, William E. H.
A Concise Handbook of British Birds by Swann, Harry Kirke
Shore Birds: Haunts And Habits. Range And Migrations. A Morning Without The Birds. Nomenclature. Localities. Blinds And Decoys; Volume 6 by Anonymous
Bird Life Glimpses by Selous, Edmund
Field-studies of Some Rarer British Birds by Walpole-Bond, John
Catalogue of a Collection of Birds Belonging to .. by Tristram, Henry Baker
The Edible and Game Birds of Bristish India by Murray, James a.
A Familiar History of Birds: Their Nature, Habits, and Instincts; Volume 2 by Stanley, Edward
The Birds of Yorkshire: Being a Historical Account of the Avi-Fauna of the County by Boyes, F., Clarke, William Eagle, Nelson, Thomas Hudson
Catalogue of the Cases of Birds by Booth, E. T.
Oologia Neerlandica: Eggs of Birds Breeding in the Netherlands: 1, pt. 2 by Pelt Lechner, A. A. Van
Britain's Birds and Their Nests by Thomson, Arthur Landsborough, Thomson, John Arthur, Rankin, George
Genera of Humming Birds: Being Also a Complete Monograph of These Birds by Adolphe, Boucard
The Natural History of the Birds of Ireland, Indigenous and Migratory: Containing Descriptions of the Habits, Migrations, Occurrence, and Economy, of by Watters, John J.
The Geographical Distribution Of Birds: An Address Delivered Before The Second International Ornithological Congress At Budapest, May 1891 by Sclater, Philip Lutley
...The Apodida: A Morphological Study by Bernard, Henry Meyners
The Birds Of Wisconsin by Hollister, Ned, Kumlien, Ludwig
A Year With the Birds by Flagg, Wilson
Skandinaviens Fugle: Med Særligt Hensyn Til Danmark Og De Nordlige Bilande... by Kjærbølling, Niels
Synopsis avium: Nouveau manuel d'ornithologie Volume; Volume 2 by DuBois, Alphonse 1839-
Wild Birds in City Parks by Walter, Alice Hall, Walter, Herbert Eugene
The Summer Birds Of The Douglas Lake Region, Cheboygan County, Michigan by Smith, Frank, Wood, Norman Asa
A Gossip On the Wild Birds of Norwood and Crystal Palace District by Aldridge, W.
British Bird's Eggs and Nests, Popularly Described by Atkinson, J. C.
Foreign Birds for Cage and Aviary; Volume 1 by Butler, Arthur Gardiner
Histoire Naturelle Générale Des Pigeons Et Des Gallinacés; Volume 1 by Temminck, Coenraad Jacob
Orittologia Euganea by Da Rio, Niccolo
Thesaurus Ornithologiae by Anonymous
Ornitologia Toscana; Ossia, Descrizione E Storia Degli Uccelli Che Trovansi Nella Toscana: Con L'aggiunta Della Descrizioni Di Tutti Gli Altri Proprj by Savi, Paul
On Some Birds From Santa Marta, Colombia by Bangs, Outram
Birds Of The Hawaiian Islands: Being A Complete List Of The Birds Of The Hawaiian Possessions, With Notes On Their Habits by Henshaw, Henry Wetherbee
On Some New Or Rare Birds Form The Sierra Nevada De Santa Marta, Colombia by Bangs, Outram
Stray Feathers. a Journal of Ornithology for India and Its Dependencies; Volume 1 by Chubb, Charles, Hume, Allan Octavian
Birds of South Dakota by Thoms, Craig Sharp, Over, William Henry
Journal für Ornithologie. I. Jahrgang. Fünfte Folge. 6. Band. by Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Deutsche, Gesellschaft, Deutsche Ornithologische
Glimpses of Indian Birds by Dewar, Douglas
Bird Songs Translated Into Words by Hageman, Samuel Miller
Coloured Figures of the Birds of the British Islands / Issued by Lord Lilford Volume; Volume 2 by 1835-1898, Salvin Osbert, Newton, Alfred
The Ornithologist and Oölogist; Volume 18 by Willard, S. L.
The Ipswich Sparrow (Ammodramus Princeps Maynard) and Its Summer Home by Dwight, Jonathan
The Emu by Leach, J. a.
A List of the Birds of Europe by Heinrich Blasius, Alfred Newton Johann
The Second Book of Birds: Bird Families by Miller, Olive Thorne
The Birds of Siberia: A Record of a Naturalist's Visits to the Valleys of the Petchora and Yenesei by Seebohm, Henry
The Edible and Game Birds of Bristish India by Murray, James a.
Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club, Volumes 1-3 by
Report On the Migration of Birds, Volumes 1-3 by Harvie-Brown, John Alexander
Ornithologische Monatsberichte Volume 29, 1921 by Anonymous
Hand-List of Genera and Species of Birds, Distinguishing Those Contained in the British Museum by Gray, George Robert
The Journal of the South African Ornithologists' Union by W. B. Gunning, J.
What Birds Have Done With Me by Kutchin, Victor
The Code of Nomenclature and Check-list of North American Birds Adopted by the American Ornithologis by Anonymous
Catalogue of a Collection of Birds Obtained by the Expedition Into Somali Land by Giraud, Elliot Daniel
A Hand-Book to the Game-Birds by Ogilvie-Grant, W. R.
The Birds Of Hampshire And The Isle Of Wight by Kelsall, J. E.
Birds Of The Southern Lesser Antilles by Clark, Austin Hobart
The Birds Of America; Volume 3 by Audubon, John James
Handbook To The Birds Of Australia; Volume 2 by Gould, John
Birds Of Southwestern Mexico: Collected By Francis E. Sumichrast For The United States National Museum; Volume 13 by Lawrence, George Newbold
Museum Heineanum: Verzeichniss der Ornithologischen Sammlung des Oberamtmann Ferdinand Heine. by Cabanis, Jean Louis, Heine, Ferdinand
A Hand-list of British Birds, by Jourdain, F. C. R., Ticehurst, F. N.
Stray Feathers: A Journal of Ornithology for India and Its Dependencies; Volume 3 by Anonymous
Birds of Britain by Bonhote, J. Lewis, Dresser, H. E.
Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club; Volume 4 by
Bird Guide...east of the Rockies: 1-2 by Reed, Chester a. 1876-1912
The Wonders of Bird Life: An Interesting Account of the Education, Courtship, Sport & Play, Makebeli by Lea, John
Coloured Figures Of The Birds Of The British Islands / Issued By Lord Lilford; Volume 4 by Newton, Alfred, Salvin, Osbert
Handbuch der speciellen Ornithologie. by
Descriptive Catalogue of the Nests & Eggs of Birds Found Breeding in Australia and Tasmania by North, Alfred John
Britain's Birds and Their Nests by Thomson, Arthur Landsborough, Thomson, John Arthur, Rankin, George
The Indian Ducks And Their Allies by
Naumannia, Archiv für die Ornithologie vorzugsweise Europa's, Organ der deutschen Ornithologen -Gesellschaft, Zweiten Bandes erstes Heft by Ornithologen-Verein, Deutsche
Check List of New York Birds by Farr, Marcus S.
Primary Sources, Historical Collections: The Birds of Burma, With a Foreword by T. S. Wentworth by H, Harington H.
List Of Birds Found In West Virginia by Brooks, Earle Amos
The Oölogist for the Student of Birds, Their Nests and Eggs Volume 1914; Volume 31 by H, Lattin Frank
A Partial List Of The Birds Of St. Louis And Lake Counties, Minn by Roberts, Thomas Sadler
The Birds Of New England And Adjacent States: ... Arranged By A Long-approved Classification And Nomenclature ... With Illustrations Of Many Species O by Samuel, Edward Augustus
Ootheca Wolleyana: An Illustrated Catalogue Of The Collection Of Birds' Eggs; Volume 2 by Wooley, John
Le Fauconnier Parfait: Ou Méthode Pour Dresser Et Faire Voler Les Oiseaux, Pour Le Vol De La Perdrix, Où Il Est Enseigné À Bien Tenir Les Ois by
Birds of the Colorado Valley: A Repository of Scientific and Popular Information Concerning North American Ornithology by Coues, Elliott
The Birds of Devon, [And] Supplement by D'Urban, W. S. M.
The Birds of Kutch by Ali, Salim
Knowing Birds Through Stories, by Floyd Bralliar.. by Bralliar, Floyd Burton, Kalmbach, E. R. 1884-
Key to North American Birds; Containing a Concise Account of Every Species of Living and Fossil Bird at Present Known From the Continent North of the by Coues, Elliott
The Letters to Gilbert White of Selborne From his Intimate Friend and Contemporary the Rev. John Mulso by Mulso, John, R, Holt-White
Die Voegel Griechenlands by Anonymous
Check List of the Birds of Illinois. Together With a Short List of 200 Commoner Birds and Allen's Key to Bird Nests by Society, Illinois Audubon, T, Gault Benjamin
The British Bird Book: An Account of all the Birds, Nests and Eggs Found in the British Isles Volume 3:2 by Jourdain, F. C. R. 1865-1940, Kirkman, F. B. 1869-1945
Die Vögel Afrikas Volume; Volume 1 by Reichenow, Anton
The Cranes of Suffolk, Extr. From 'the Visitation of Suffolke' [By W. Hervey] Ed. by J.J. Howard and W.H. Hart by Hervey, William
The Birds of British Guiana, Based on the Collection of Frederick Vavasour McConnell by McConnell, Frederick Vavasour, Chubb, Charles
Catalogue of a Collection of Birds From British East Africa by Dearborn, Ned
Maryland Birdlife; v.65 (2016) by
Oiseaux De L'île De La Trinidad, (Antilles) by Léotaud, Antoine
How to Know the Shore Birds of North America: All the Species Being Grouped According to Size and Color by Cory, Charles B.
The Migration Of Birds With Special Reference To Nocturnal Flight by Winkenwerder, H. A.
Catalogue of a Collection of American Birds by Sclater, Philip Lutley
Les oiseaux du Canada by Dionne, Charles Eusèbe
A History of British Birds. By the Rev. F.O. Morris .. Volume; Volume 7 by Morris, F. O. 1810-1893
Les noms des oiseaux: Expliqué par leurs moeurs ou essais étymologiques sur l'ornithologie by Vincelot, Michel Honoré
List of the Birds of North Wales, Compiled for the use of Gymdeithas Llafar, Gwlad .. by Shankland, T.
Tales About Birds, Illustrative of Their Nature, Habits, and Instincts by Bingley, Thomas
American Ornithology for Home and School; Volume 4 by Reed, Chester Albert
A History of British Birds. By the Rev. F.O. Morris .. Volume; Volume 2 by Morris, F. O. 1810-1893
Catalogue of Birds, Eggs and Nests. Museum Greene Smith, Peterboro, N.Y., July 11, 1880 by
Birds. (Simple Lessons for Home Use) by Morris, Francis Orpen
Descriptions of new Birds From South America and Adjacent Islands Volume Fieldiana Ornithological Series Vol. 1, No.8 by Cory, Charles B. 1857-1921
Our Feathered Friends by Grinnell, Elizabeth, Grinnell, Joseph
Egg Check List and key to the Nests and Eggs of North American Birds by Davie, Oliver
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