• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Black American Studies in 1995

Testing African American Students by Hilliard, Asa G.
Make a Way Somehow by Grover, Kathryn
A Life in Ragtime: A Biography of James Reese Europe by Badger, Reid, Badger, R. Reid
Free Frank: A Black Pioneer on the Antebellum Frontier a Black Pioneer on the Antebellum Frontier by Walker, Juliet E. K.
On the Edge: A History of Poor Black Children and Their American Dreams by Nightingale, Carl Husemoller
Voices from the Harlem Renaissance by
Sweeter the Juice: A Family Memoir in Black and White by Haizlip, Shirlee
Black Confederates and Afro-Yankees in Civil War Virginia by Jordan, Ervin L.
Black Confederates and Afro-Yankees in Civil War Virginia by Jordan, Ervin L.
An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy, Volume 1 by Myrdal, Gunnar
The Changing Racial Regime by Holden, Matthew
Cranial Guitar by Kaufman, Bob
Women's Work, Men's Work: The Informal Slave Economies of Lowcountry Georgia by Wood, Betty
Black Resistance/White Law: A History of Constitutional Racism in America by Berry, Mary Frances
Friends, Lovers, and Soulmates: A Guide to Better Relationships Between Black Men and Women by Hopson, Darlene
Martin Luther King Jr. by Fairclough, Adam
Black Texas Women: 150 Years of Trial and Triumph by Winegarten, Ruthe
Man Called White: The Autobiography of Walter White by White, Walter
God, Harlem U.S.A.: The Father Divine Story by Watts, Jill
Remembering Malcolm by Skutches, Peter, Gallen, David, Karim, Benjamin
Going to the Territory by Ellison, Ralph
Making a Place for Ourselves: The Black Hospital Movement, 1920-1945 by Gamble, Vanessa Northington
Stories of Scottsboro by Goodman, James
We Specialize in the Wholly Impossible: A Reader in Black Women's History by
In Struggle: Sncc and the Black Awakening of the 1960s by Carson, Clayborne
Early Negro Writing by
The Maroon Within Us: Selected Essays on African American Community Socialization by Hilliard, Asa G.
Colored People: A Memoir by Gates, Henry Louis
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Douglass, Frederick
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Douglass, Frederick
David Walker's Appeal by Walker, Lawrie, Walker, David
Once Upon a Time When We Were Colored: Tie In Edition by Taulbert, Clifton L.
The Shadow of the Panther: Huey Newton and the Price of Black Power in America by Pearson, Hugh
100 Amazing Facts about the Negro with Complete Proof: A Short Cut to the World History of the Negro by Rogers, J. A.
Fort Mose: Colonial America's Black Fortress of Freedom by Deagan, Kathleen A., Macmahon, Darcie A.
Who Set You Flowin'?: The African-American Migration Narrative by Griffin, Farah Jasmine
Virginia Landmarks of Black History: Sites on the Virginia Landmarks Register and the National Register of Historic Places by
Cultural Hegemony and African American Development by Semmes, Clovis
The Gogo: History, Customs, and Traditions by Maddox, Gregory, Mnyampala, Mathius E.
The Schoolhouse Door: Segregation's Last Stand at the University of Alabama by Clark, E. Culpepper
And Gently He Shall Lead Them: Robert Parris Moses and Civil Rights in Mississippi by Burner, Eric
Black Nationalism: The Search for an Identity by Essien-Udom, E. U.
Africans in Colonial Louisiana: The Development of Afro-Creole Culture in the Eighteenth-Century by Hall, Gwendolyn Midlo
Claiming Earth: Race, Rage, Rape, Redemption: Blacks Seeking a Culture of Enlightened Empowerment by Madhubuti, Haki R.
Behind the Mask of Chivalry: The Making of the Second Ku Klux Klan by MacLean, Nancy
African American Historic Places by National Register of Historic Places
Behind the Mule: Race and Class in African-American Politics by Dawson, Michael C.
The Times Were Strange and Stirring: Methodist Preachers and the Crisis of Emancipation by Hildebrand, Reginald F.
The Power of Black Music: Interpreting Its History from Africa to the United States by Floyd, Samuel A., Jr.
Living with Racism: The Black Middle-Class Experience by Feagin, Joe R.
Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired: Black Women's Health Activism in America, 1890-1950 by Smith, Susan
Tomorrow's Tomorrow: The Black Woman by Ladner, Joyce a.
Purity and Exile: Violence, Memory, and National Cosmology Among Hutu Refugees in Tanzania by Malkki, Liisa H.
Words of Fire: An Anthology of African-American Feminist Thought by
Civil Wars by Jordan, June
Songs of Zion: The African Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States and South Africa by Campbell, James T.
Women of the Harlem Renaissance by Wall, Cheryl A.
Blacks in Gold Rush California by Lapp, Rudolph M.
Black Fire by Peery, Nelson
African Americans at Mars Bluff, South Carolina by Vernon, Amelia Wallace
The Memphis Diary of Ida B. Wells: An Intimate Portrait of the Activist as a Young Woman by Wells-Barnett, Ida B.
Negro Masonry in the United States by Voorhis, Harold V. B.
Samba: Resistance in Motion by Browning, Barbara
Representing Black Men by
Empowerment Ethics for a Liberated People by Sanders, Cheryl J.
African American Political Thought, 1890-1930: Washington, Du Bois, Garvey and Randolph by
Countering the Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys Vol. IV: Volume 4 by Kunjufu, Jawanza
The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers, Vol. IX: Africa for the Africans June 1921-December 1922 Volume 9 by Garvey, Marcus
Free Negro in North Carolina, 1790-1860 by Franklin, John Hope
The Postcolonial Question: Common Skies, Divided Horizons by Chambers, Iain, Curti, Lidia
The Postcolonial Question: Common Skies, Divided Horizons by Chambers, Iain, Curti, Lidia
Civilization and Black Progress: Selected Writings of Alexander Crummell on the South by