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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Black American Studies in 2001

Iola Leroy; or, Shadows uplifted, by Frances E. W. Harper. by Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins
My bondage and my freedom ... By Frederick Douglass. With an introduction. By Dr. James M'Cune Smith. by Douglass, Frederick
The Debt: What America Owes to Blacks by Robinson, Randall
Seeking El Dorado: African Americans in California by
Reconceiving Black Adolescent Pregnancy by Merrick, Elizabeth
Brutal Imagination by Eady, Cornelius
African American Performance and Theater History: A Critical Reader by
African American Performance and Theater History: A Critical Reader by
Army Life in a Black Regiment by Higginson, Thomas Wentworth
Men of Color, to Arms!: Vermont African-Americans in the Civil War by Fuller, James R., Jr.
Indiana Blacks in the Twentieth Century by Thornbrough, Emma Lou
A Covenant with Color: Race and Social Power in Brooklyn by Wilder, Craig Steven
Africa and the West: A Documentary History from the Slave Trade to Independence by Alpers, Edward, Clark, Nancy, Worger, William
Fire and Desire: Mixed-Race Movies in the Silent Era by Gaines, Jane M.
Teaching Equality: Black Schools in the Age of Jim Crow by Fairclough, Adam
In Search of Black America: Discovering the Africanamerican Dream by Dent, David J.
Black Roots: A Beginners Guide to Tracing the African American Family Tree by Burroughs, Tony
Black Feminist Cultural Criticism by
Allies for Freedom & Blacks on John Brown by Quarles, Benjamin
Let's Do Battle: A Black Man's View of America by Frank S., S., Frank S
Black Inventors by Wallace, Sidney
Contempt of Court: The Turn-Of-The-Century Lynching That Launched a Hundred Years of Federalism by Curriden, Mark, Phillips, Leroy
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano by Equiano, Olaudah
Canaan Land: A Religious History of African Americans by Raboteau, Albert J.
Struggle for Mastery: Disfranchisement in the South, 1888-1908 by Perman, Michael
Southern Garden by Lawrence, Elizabeth
Reconstruction and Black Suffrage: Losing the Vote in Reese and Cruikshank by Goldman, Robert M.
Forging Links: African American Children Clinical Developmental Perspectives by
No Chariot Let Down: Charleston's Free People of Color on the Eve of the Civil War by Johnson, Michael P., Roark, James L.
A President in the Family: Thomas Jefferson, Sally Hemings, and Thomas Woodson by Woodson, Byron
Bittersweet Legacy: The Black and White "Better Classes" in Charlotte, 1850-1910 by Greenwood, Janette Thomas
Dispatches from the Ebony Tower: Intellectuals Confront the African American Experience by
A Whosoever Church: Welcoming Gays and Lesbians Into African American Congregations by Comstock, Gary David
Migrants Against Slavery: Virginians and the Nation by Schwarz, Philip J.
Resurrection Song: African-American Spirituality by Bridges, Flora Wilson
Critical Memory: Public Spheres, African American Writing, and Black Fathers and Sons in America by Baker, Houston a.
Liberation, Imagination and the Black Panther Party: A New Look at the Black Panthers and their Legacy by Cleaver, Kathleen, Katsiaficas, George
Night Riders in Black Folk History by Fry, Gladys-Marie
Dying in the City of the Blues: Sickel Cell Anemia and the Politics of Race and Health by Wailoo, Keith
Purchasing Power: Black Kids and American Consumer Culture by Chin, Elizabeth
The Politics of the Black "Nation": A Twenty-Five-Year Retrospective by Persons, Georgia A.
Black Gay Man: Essays by Reid-Pharr, Robert F.
The African-American Book of Days: Inspirational History and Thoughts for Every Day of the Year by Stewart, Julia
The Concept of Self: A Study of Black Identity and Self-Esteem by Allen, Richard L.
From Ghetto to Community by Vance, Billy
Black Gay Man: Essays by Reid-Pharr, Robert F.
The Conspiracy to Destroy Black Women by Porter, Michael
Buffalo Soldier Regiment: History of the Twenty-Fifth United States Infantry, 1869-1926 by Nankivell, John
Soul Talk: The New Spirituality of African American Women by Hull, Akasha Gloria
Returning the Gaze: A Genealogy of Black Film Criticism, 1909-1949 by Everett, Anna
Hath...The Lion Prevailed...? by Moodie, John M.
To Place Our Deeds: The African American Community in Richmond, California,1910-1963 by Moore, Shirley Ann Wilson
What It Means to Be Daddy: Fatherhood for Black Men Living Away from Their Children by Hamer, Jennifer
The 92nd Infantry Division and the Italian Campaign in World War II by Gibran, Daniel K.
The Punished Self: Surviving Slavery in the Colonial South by Bontemps, Alex
The White Architects of Black Education: Ideology and Power in America, 1865-1954 by Watkins, William H.
Retaining African Americans in Higher Education: Challenging Paradigms for Retaining Students, Faculty and Administrators by
Empower the People: Social Ethics for the African-American Church by Walker, Theodore, Jr.
Susu & Susunomics: The Theory and Practice of Pan-African Economic, Racial and Cultural Self-Preservation by Barton, Paul Alfred
Reconstruction in the Cane Fields: From Slavery to Free Labor in Louisiana's Sugar Parishes, 1862-1880 by Rodrigue, John C.
A History of Negro Slavery in New York by McManus, Edgar J.
On the Threshold of Freedom: Masters and Slaves in Civil War Georgia by Mohr, Clarence L.
Dancing in the Street: Motown and the Cultural Politics of Detroit by Smith, Suzanne E.
Something Within: Religion in African-American Political Activism by Harris, Fredrick C.
African American Education: A Reference Handbook by Jackson, Cynthia L.
Time Full of Trial: The Roanoke Island Freedmen's Colony, 1862-1867 by Click, Patricia C.
The Miracles of Mentoring: How to Encourage and Lead Future Generations by Dortch, Thomas, Fine, Carla
What the Negro Wants by Logan, Rayford W.
What the Negro Wants by Logan, Rayford W.
Final Freedom: The Civil War, the Abolition of Slavery, and the Thirteenth Amendment by Vorenberg, Michael
Jesuit Slaveholding in Maryland, 1717-1838 by Murphy, Thomas
Race Matters by West, Cornel
Black Newspapers and America's War for Democracy, 1914-1920 by Jordan, William G.
The Education of Black People: Ten Critiques, 1906 - 1960 by DuBois, W. E. B.
California Schemin': The Black Woman's Guide to Surviving in LA by Sconiers, Nicole D.
Little Town in Virginia: It Started in Vienna by Minor, Henry a.
The African-American Travel Guide: To Hot, Exotic, and Fun-Filled Places by Haggins, Jon
Tomorrow Jerusalem: The Story of Nat Turner and the Southampton Slave Insurrection by Bryant, Bill
Negrophobia: A Race Riot in Atlanta, 1906 by Bauerlein, Mark
Inscriptions in Triumph: Tombstone Inscriptions from the African American Cemeteries of Mt. Calvary, Mt. Olive, Fisher's Hill and Potter's Fiel by Breckenridge-Haywood, Mae
The Education of Black People: Ten Critiques, 1906 - 1960 by DuBois, W. E. B.
Topdog/Underdog by Parks, Suzan-Lori
A Hubert Harrison Reader by Harrison, Hubert H.
The Bap Handbook: The Official Guide to the Black American Princess by Lewis, Tracey, Johnson, Kalyn, Wilson, Ginger
Pullman Porters and the Rise of Protest Politics in Black America, 1925-1945 by Bates, Beth Tompkins
No Rights and No Respect: A Documentary Commentary on African Life in America by Williams, Michael S.
Twisting in the Wind by Williams, Michael S.
Twisting in the Wind by Williams, Michael S.
No Rights and No Respect by Williams, Michael S.
Lunda-Ndembu: Style, Change, and Social Transformation by Pritchett, James A.
Trends in Ethnic Identification Among Second-Generation Haitian Immigrants in New York City by Zephir, Flore
Charge to Glory: The Song of the First and Third Louisiana Native Guards by Muhammad Ali, Rahman Sundiata
African American Heritage by Adamo, David Tuesday
Class Notes: Posing as Politics and Other Thoughts on the American Scene by Reed, Adolph L.
A Question of Manhood: A Reader in U.S. Black Men's History and Masculinity by
Buppies, B-Boys, Baps, & Bohos: Notes on Post-Soul Black Culture by George, Nelson
One Kind of Freedom by Ransom, Roger L.
The Underground Railroad in Floyd County, Indiana by Peters, Pamela R.
Color of Work by Minchin, Timothy J.
Losing the Race: Self-Sabotage in Black America by McWhorter, John
Patterns of Negro Segregation by Johnson, Charles Spurgeon
Talking at Trena's: Everyday Conversations at an African American Tavern by May, Reuben A. Buford
Dark Salutations: Ritual, God, and Greetings in the African American Community by Earl Jr, Riggins R.
Talking at Trena's: Everyday Conversations at an African American Tavern by May, Reuben A. Buford
Sisters in the Struggle: African American Women in the Civil Rights-Black Power Movement by
Black Heroes by Smith, Jessie Carney
Sisters in the Struggle: African American Women in the Civil Rights-Black Power Movement by
Slavery and Servitude in Colonial North America: A Short History by Morgan, Kenneth
African American Legislators in the American States by Haynie, Kerry
Media, Culture, and the Modern African American Freedom Struggle by Ward, Brian E.
The Worthy Way: Memoirs of a Pioneer Black Law Enforcement Officer by Worthy, Arthur G.
Idlewild: The Black Eden of Michigan by Stephens, Ronald J., Stephens, R.
For the Love of Money by Tyree, Omar
Agrarian Studies: Synthetic Work at the Cutting Edge by Scott, James C.
Blind Ambitions by Files, Lolita
Whites Confront Racism: Antiracists and their Paths to Action by O'Brien, Eileen
Islands in the City: West Indian Migration to New York by
Why They Couldn't Wait: A Critique of the Black-Jewish Conflict Over Community Control in Ocean Hill-Brownsville (1967-1971) by Gordon, Jane Anna
Cornel West: A Critical Reader by
Black Nationalism in American Politics and Thought by Robinson, Dean E.
Black Children: Social, Educational, and Parental Environments by
By These Hands: A Documentary History of African American Humanism by Pinn, Anthony B.
Young Lions by McNair, Chris
Paraph of Bone & Other Kinds of Blue by Pavlic, Ed
Paraph of Bone & Other Kinds of Blue: Poems by Pavlic, Ed
Born in Bondage: Growing Up Enslaved in the Antebellum South by Schwartz, Marie Jenkins
Black Nationalism in American Politics and Thought by Robinson, Dean E.
Harlem in Montmartre: A Paris Jazz Story Between the Great Wars Volume 4 by Shack, William A.
Black Children: Social, Educational, and Parental Environments by
Ida B. Wells-Barnett and American Reform, 1880-1930 by Schechter, Patricia A.
What's Love Got to Do with It?: Understanding and Healing the Rift Between Black Men and Women by Franklin, Donna
Fighting for Your African American Marriage by Whitfield, Keith E., Stanley, Scott M., Markman, Howard J.
Black Identities: West Indian Immigrant Dreams and American Realities by Waters, Mary C.
Ghosts and Shadows: Construction of Identity and Community in an African Diaspora by Matsuoka, Atsuko
Remaking Respectability: African American Women in Interwar Detroit by Wolcott, Victoria W.
Temples for Tomorrow: Looking Back at the Harlem Renaissance by
The Way It Was in the South: The Black Experience in Georgia by Grant, Donald L.
Fugitive Slave in the Gold Rush: Life and Adventures of James Williams by Williams, James
365 Days of Kwanzaa: A Daily Motivational Reader by Hanks, Lawrence J.
Our People and Our History: Fifty Creole Portraits by Desdunes, Rodolphe Lucien
The Waterman's Song: Slavery and Freedom in Maritime North Carolina by Cecelski, David S.
African Amer Engl in Diaspora by Poplack, Shana, Tagliamonte, Sali A.
The Atlantic Sound by Phillips, Caryl
The Art of the Possible: Booker T. Washington and Black Leadership in the United States, 1881-1925 by Verney, Kevern J.
Lay My Burden Down: Suicide and the Mental Health Crisis among African-Americans by Poussaint, Alvin F., Alexander, Amy
Mercy, Mercy Me: African-American Culture and the American Sixties by Hall, James C.
The Measure of a Man by
The Bridge Over the Racial Divide: Rising Inequality and Coalition Politics Volume 2 by Wilson, William Julius
The Adventures of Amos 'n' Andy: A Social History of an American Phenomenon by Ely, Melvin Patrick
Jazz on the Road: Don Albert's Musical Life by Wilkinson, Christopher
The Pulse of Black America at My Fingertips by Pearson, Cara
I Am Third: The Inspiration for Brian's Song: Third Edition by Sayers, Gale, Silverman, Al
Black Bondage in the North by McManus, Edgar J.
Soul Babies: Black Popular Culture and the Post-Soul Aesthetic by Neal, Mark Anthony
Soul Babies: Black Popular Culture and the Post-Soul Aesthetic by Neal, Mark Anthony
Abolitionists Abroad: American Blacks and the Making of Modern West Africa by Sanneh, Lamin
Fortress Intro Black Church Hi by Pinn, Anne H.
African Diaspora: African Origins and New World Identities by
Traps by
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Jacobs, Harriet
Georges Woke Up Laughing: Long-Distance Nationalism and the Search for Home by Glick Schiller, Nina
Who is Black?: One Nation's Definition by Davis, F. James
Africans and Seminoles: From Removal to Emancipation by Littlefield, Daniel F.
Too Much to Ask: Black Women in the Era of Integration by Higginbotham, Elizabeth
The Strange Career of Jim Crow by Woodward, C. Vann
The Best Pitcher in Baseball: The Life of Rube Foster, Negro League Giant by Cottrell, Robert Charles
North Star Country: Upstate New York and the Crusade for African American Freedom by Sernett, Milton
The Black Image in the White Mind: Media and Race in America by Entman, Robert M., Rojecki, Andrew
African-American Children at Church: A Sociocultural Perspective by Haight, Wendy L.
Bullwhip Days: The Slaves Remember: An Oral History by
African-American Children at Church: A Sociocultural Perspective by Haight, Wendy L.
Salvation: Black People and Love by Hooks, Bell
Representing Black Britain: Black and Asian Images on Television by Malik, Sarita
Representing Black Britain: Black and Asian Images on Television by Malik, Sarita
Signs & Symbols: African Images in African American Quilts by Wahlman, Maude Southwell
The Courage to Lead: Leadership in the African American Urban Church by Harris, James Henry
Engendering Church: Women, Power and the AME Church by Dodson, Jualynne E.
Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.: The Political Biography of an American Dilemma by Hamilton, Charles V.
On the Other Side: African Americans Tell of Healing by Anderson, Alita