• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Boating in 2018

The Captain's Guide to Hurricane Holes: The Bahamas and Caribbean by Underill, Captain Dave, Pavlidis, Stephen J.
Biking to the Boat Ramp: A Boat Bulder's Story by Lapides, Matthew
Old Sea Dogs of Tasmania Book 1 by Wilson, Andrew Bruce
...and the beer was cold: 2017 OK Dinghy World Championship, Barbados by Deaves, Robert
Chronikle: Celebrating 60 Years of the Ok Dinghy by Deaves, Robert
Sailing: The Basics: The Book That Has Launched Thousands by Franzel, Dave
Knotting and Splicing Ropes and Cordage - With Numerous Engravings and Diagrams by Hasluck, Paul N.
Buying Your First Boat: Rules of the Road for Power Boaters and Sailors by Pierce, F. C.
Nautical Trivia: 1000 + Questions and Answers by Smith I., Binnie
Gales every weekend: Being the crew's account of Robinetta's 2015 season sailing on the West Coast of Scotland from Crinan to Stornoway and by Cable, Julian, Cable, Alison
Boats & Blunders: Stories about Sailing and Fishing in Northwest waters by McEniry, Mike, Love, Patsy
Rooster Tales: Memories of a Boat Racer by Malone, Dudley
Prevail: Celebrate the Journey by Allensworth, Alder
Caution to the Wind: An epic sailing adventure on a 36ft steel yacht from New Zealand to England by Ford, Linda K.
Second Wind: A Sunfish Sailor, an Island, and the Voyage That Brought a Family Together by Philbrick, Nathaniel
A Whisper on the Mediterranean by Parronchi, Tonia
Captain James Cook by Mundle, Rob
Modern Marine Weather: From Time-honored Traditional Knowledge to the Latest Technology by Burch, David
Modern Marine Weather: From Time-honored Traditional Knowledge to the Latest Technology by Burch, David
Indian Summer: Sailing from Maine to the Bahama Islands by Solom, Jerry &. Marion
Dienstreise: Runde 90 Tage Ostsee - Segeln mit Hindernissen by Thiemt, Peter
Farther Up the Strait: Coastal British Columbia Stories by Lutz, Wayne J.
Champagne Boating on a Beer Budget! LARGE PRINT EDITION!: Save Thousands! Buy and Equip Boats for Pennies on the Dollar! (Large Print Edition) by Beerstecher Jim B., Jim
A Journal of a Voyage to the South Seas, in his Majesty's Ship, the Endeavour. Faithfully Transcribed From the Papers of the Late Sydney Parkinson, .. by Parkinson, Sydney
Ich komm hier um vor Angst: Zwei Boote - Ein Leben by Thiemt, Peter
High Speed Steamers: How To Build a River Boat To Run Thirty Miles Per Hour by Willson, H. B.
Practical Boat Building For Amateurs: Full Instructions For Designing and Building Punts, Skiffs, Canoes, Sailing Boats, by Neison, Adrian
Canvas Canoes: How To Build Them: With a Plan and All Dimensions by Field, Parker B.
Cruising a BIG sailboat - shorthanded: The experience and advice of a cruising couple who bought a 100 ton, 94 ft yacht and cruise it crewless. by Connor, Pk
Riding the Wild Ocean: Around Cape Cod in a Small Sloop and Other Adventures by , Paul S. Krantz, Jr.
Boats Made in Holland: A Michigan Tradition by Reynolds, Geoffrey D.
Boats Made in Holland: A Michigan Tradition by Reynolds, Geoffrey D.
The American-Built Clipper Ship, 1850-1856: Characteristics, Construction, and Details by Crothers, William L.
Being with Benny: Inside the World of Ben Lexcen by Ross, Bob
Cape Horn Birthday: Record Breaking Solo Non-Stop Circumnavigation by Freeman, Peter
Coming About: Life In the Balance by Dell'olio, Mario
Being with Benny: Inside the World of Ben Lexcen by Ross, Bob
Sailing Wondertime: A Family Voyage from Seattle to New Zealand by Johnson, Sara Dawn
Ein Jahr segeln: Atlantikrundreise mit der ``Loliti`` 2011 / 2012 Zweite verbesserte Auflage 2018. Mit farbigen Fotos by Brix, Axel
GPS Backup with a Mark 3 Sextant: All Instructions and Tables Included; For Any Ocean, on Any Date; No Background in Celestial Navigation Required. by Burch, David
Sailing Alone Around The World: A Sailing Memoir by Slocum, Captain Joshua
The Boater's Cookbook: 450 Quick & Easy Galley-Tested Recipes by Dabney, Sylvia Williams
Between a Rock and a Hard Race: The Finn Class at the Rio 2016 Olympic Sailing Competition by Deaves, Robert
chrOniKle: Celebrating 60 Years of the OK Dinghy by
Banana Log: From Dream to Disaster, Sailing through the Caribbean by Berg, Wolfgang
Banana Log Part 3, The End of the World: Sint Maarten to Grenada by Berg, Wolfgang
Navigation Rules and Regulations Handbook: International--Inland by U S Coast Guard
Yachtcharter - Käpt'n auf Zeit: Tipps für einen ungetrübten Charterurlaub by Deininger, Stefan
Halfway to Halfway and Back. More River Stories by Volpert, Bob
How To Select, Equip and Maintain a Cruising Boat. The Series 2nd edition.: 45 Chapters of Practical Reading by Champion, John
Manual de Pilotos y Patrones de Yate: Aprendiendo navegación costera by Molina Lamothe, Javier, Marín Gómez, Eduardo
Two Clowns Cross the Pacific in a Small Boat by Champion, John W.
Wanderer: Lyons Press Maritime Classics by Hayden, Sterling
Keep Calm I'm The Captain by Sjg Publishing
Nautical Notebook: Notebook with ruled paper. 150 pages with margin. Size: 8,5x11 inch. Hardback. Black and White. by Beeker, J.
No Turning Back: Jefe' Sails Solo Non-Stop Around the World by Hartjoy, Jefferey R.
Pacific Crossing Notes: A Sailor's Guide to the Coconut Milk Run by Schweitzer, Markus, Slavinski, Nadine
Unstoppable: Athletes Handbook by Moutainlakesrowingclub
Blue Water Warriors: The Early Sydney to Hobart Yacht Races by Hordern, Marsden, Harris, Craig
Blue Water Warriors: The Early Sydney to Hobart Yacht Races by Hordern, Marsden, Harris, Craig
I Need My Yacht by Friday: True Tales from the Boat Repair Yard by Baker, Rod
Segeln im Feuerring: Geschichten einer Wasser.Welt.Reise by Kirchberger, Claudia
Be Nautie by Watts, Erik
The Sacrament of Sail: Finding Our Way by Djos, Jeanine, Djos, Matts
Secrets of the Viking Navigators: How the Vikings Used Their Amazing Sunstones and Other Techniques to Cross the Open Ocean by Karlsen, Leif K.
Secrets of the Viking Navigators: How the Vikings Used Their Amazing Sunstones and Other Techniques to Cross the Open Ocean by Karlsen, Leif K.
Rigging Modern Anchors by Frye, Drew
Snow Petrel by Tucker, Tucker, Jon
Sandy Toes and Salty Kisses: Graph Paper Pad 5 x 5, 120-page, 8.5 x 11 in (Large) by Windmill Bay Books
Nos principales zones de navigation: 2014-2018 by Vaudry, David
Spirit of a Dream: A Sailor's Ultimate Journey Around the World Alone by Rearick, Dave
The Mirror Book: Mirror Sailing from Start to Finish by Aitken, Peter, Davison, Tim
America's Cup The ACC Yachts 1992 - 2007 by Urtz, Karl, Fisher, Bob
Community Boating, Inc. by Sammarco, Anthony M., Inc, Community Boating
In a Cloud of Sails: Canada's forgotten Lady of the Sea by Craig, Ron M., Opacic, George
Sell Up & Sail Away by Kobernus, Mj
Kanuten-König Christel Brandbeck: Das Leben des Wassersportlers aus Mainz-Kastel by Probst, Ernst, Probst, Doris
The Art of Wooden Boat Repair: How to Save Wood Boats by Taube, Allen Cody
Counter Clockwise by Westling, John
Facing Fear Head On: True Stories From Women on the Water by
The Craft of Sail: A Primer of Sailing by Adkins, Jan
There's a Yacht More to Life: Loving, Working and Playing in Paradise by Hovey, Cynthia Zvanut, Hovey, Winston A.
All I wish I knew before setting sail: A beginners guide for short and long distance cruising by Rinke, Christian
The Water: Life and Adventure by Barber, Michael a. a.
Sailing to Treasure Island: The Cruise of the Xora (Annotated) by Voss, Captain John C., Wilson, Linus
The Boat Who Wouldn't Float by Mowat, Farley
Between a Rock and a Hard Race: The Finn Class at the Rio 2016 Olympic Sailing Competition by Deaves, Robert M.
Segeln in den Hohen Breiten: Handbuch für anspruchsvolle Reviere by Kirchberger, Jürgen
The Book of Sailing Knots: How To Tie And Correctly Use Over 50 Essential Knots by Owen, Peter
An Eye for Innovation: The Life of Austin 'Clarence' Farrar by Chivers, David
The ULTIMATE Guidebook to: Paddling the Lower Canyons of the Rio Grande! by Copeland, T. M., Todd, Terlingua
Seemeilenbuch: Das Eintragalbum und Logbuch für Seefahrten und Bootsfans! by
Flotsam & Jetsam: The Cranse Chronicles by Ross, Bob
Escape from the Ordinary by Bradley, Julie
Three Survivors: 400 miles of tropical paradise and hurricane hell by Jk, Joseph
The Good Ship Chancer: Humorous Yachting Cartoons by Conway, Martin
Pacific voyage on a Chinese junk: A true and fascinating adventure of ten young men trying to sail across the Pacific on an ill-equiped Chinese junk by Buxton, Tony