• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Boating in 2019

Sailing the Ogre: A Log of a Woman Wanderer (Annotated) by Stock, Mabel
Cruising Guide to the Hawaiian Islands by Mehaffy, Carolyn
Sailing To Win: Guaranteed Winning Strategies To Navigate From The Back To The Front Of The Fleet by Bowden, Brett
2017 American Practical Navigator "Bowditch" Volume 1 (HC) by Nga, Bowditch, Nathaniel
Down Island by Swartsfager, Ames K.
Essex and Suffolk Boatyards and Boat Builders by Davies, Mike
Essex and Suffolk Boatyards and Boat Builders by Davies, Mike
Patente Nautica entro le 12 miglia - 50 esercizi di carteggio: per la preparazione alla prova d'esame 2019 by Pollastri, Stefano
Cruising the Caribbean with Kids: Fun, Facts, and Educational Activities by Slavinski, Nadine
Aquasition of a Dream: Sailing Away to Paradise by Murray, Scott B.
Getting Started in Boats: Volume 1 by Adkins, Jan
Electronic Chart Symbols: Chart No 1 by Vbooks
Runabout Renovation: How to Find and Fix Up and Old Fiberglass Speedboat by Anderson, Jim
Happy Hooking - The Art of Anchoring by Blackwell, Daria, Blackwell, Alex
Sail Away: How to Escape the Rate Race and Live the Dream by Rodriguez, Nicola
Rough Weather Seamanship for Sail and Power: Design, Gear, and Tactics for Coastal and Offshore Waters by Marshall, Roger
Norwegian Cruising Guide, Vol. 4-Updated 2019: Bodø to the Russian Border by Harries, John H., Valderhaug, Hans Jakob, Nickel, Phyllis L.
The Complete Guide to Metal Boats, Third Edition: Building, Maintenance, and Repair by Roberts-Goodson, Bruce
Lesson Plans Ahoy: Hands-on Learning for Sailing Children and Home Schooling Sailors by Slavinski, Nadine
Sail Up The Pacific: New Zealand to Hawaii on a 48 Foot Sailboat by Soulier, Bill
90 Grad Abenteuer Ostsee: Ein Segelbericht by Zerrmann, Harald
The SmarterCharter CATAMARAN Guide: Caribbean: Insiders' tips for confident BAREBOAT cruising by Michael Domican, David Blacklock and
Advanced Marine Electrics and Electronics Troubleshooting: A Manual for Boatowners and Marine Technicians by Sherman, Ed
Seven at Sea: Why a New York City Family Cast Off Convention for a Life-Changing Year on a Sailboat by Orton, Erik, Orton, Emily
Offshore Race Food: Eating Well in Challenging Sailboat Conditions by York, Stephanie
Boat Business Activity Log: By Month and Date by Rooker, Alex
Narrow Boats: Ownership, Care and Maintenance by Stimpson, Michael
Cruising in Seraffyn: Tribute Edition by Pardey, Larry, Pardey, Lin
Voyage of the Swamp Fox: A Trawler Cruising Adventure on the Intracoastal Waterway by Mentzer, Mark A.
Voyage of the Swamp Fox: A Trawler Cruising Adventure on the Intracoastal Waterway by Mentzer, Mark A.
Hear the Ocean Sing: Part Three of a Cruising Memoir by Mitchell, Jan
Three Sheets to the Wind: The Nautical Origins of Everyday Expressions by Barrett, Cynthia
Roche Harbor Rogue by Ulsterman, D. W.
Moon Fiji by Hajratwala, Minal
Appunti di vela: per principianti, ma non solo by Sailing Team, Alò
The Coast of Summer: Sailing New England Waters from Shelter Island to Cape Cod by Bailey, Anthony
The Voyage of the Yacht, Dal: from Gdynia to Chicago, 1933-34 by Bohomolec, Andrzej (andré)
Sailboat Buying Guide For Cruisers: (Determining The Right Sailboat, Sailboat Ownership Costs, Viewing Sailboats To Buy, Creating A Strategy & Buying by Brown, Kimberly
Our Island in the Sun by Domnisse, Garry, Domnisse, Carol
Fly Fishing Notebook: Perfect and ideal to record your Fish Journey. Made for Fly Fishing Lover and Travel Vacation Book Perfect Gift For Fa by Publication, Yuniey
Jester Challenge and Beyond by Panakis, Basil
A Little Bit of MisChief by Gillgren, Christina
Instructions Nautiques Vanatu by Vbooks
Buy It Right: 8 Steps to Buy the Rowing Equipment You Need at the Price You Can Afford by Davenport, Mike
The Useful Knots Book: How to Tie the 25+ Most Practical Knots by Fury, Sam
Tales of the Fish Patrol by London, Jack
Rainbows & Dragons: The Fortunate Life of Yachtsman Gordon 'Wingnut' Ingate by Bob, Ross
Rainbows & Dragons: The Fortunate Life of Yachtsman Gordon 'Wingnut' Ingate by Bob, Ross
A Sail Aboard Walkabout: Ships Log Book a by Long, Alan
Hidden History of the Mississippi Sound by Starrett, Ryan, Foreman, Josh
Hidden History of the Mississippi Sound by Starrett, Ryan, Foreman, Josh
Segel-Logbuch für Kinder: Segeln mit Kindern * Mein erstes Logbuch by Segeln Fur Kinder, Logbuch
Sailing Adventures, Becoming a sailor: Book 2: From Holland to France to Germany and beyond by Benneck, Conbert H.
Sailing Adventures, Becoming a sailor: Book 3: Sailing New England Waters, American Adventures by Benneck, Conbert H.
Sailing Adventures: Becoming a sailor: Book 1: From the bathtub to the ocean by Benneck, Conbert H.
Tagebuch Segeln: 120 Seiten, Liniert, 6x9 inch (15.24 x 22.86 cm) Soft cover by Beeker, Studio
Sailing Adventures, Becoming a sailor: Book 4: Downsizing Boat; Going Trailerable; Endless Possibilities; New Adventures by Benneck, Conbert H.
Sailing Around the World: The Adventures of Prince Diamond Part 1 by Domander, Brian
Partez à l'aventure !: Naviguer avec des enfants * Mon premier carnet de bord by Voile Pour Enfants, Journal de Bord
Sur les marins - l'ancre levée, les voiles hissées - en mer ! B. Nesser: Carnet de navigation pour voiliers et location de voiliers by Cadeau Pour Les Marins, Cahier de Bord
Une fois autour du monde: Naviguer avec des enfants * Mon premier carnet de bord by Voile Pour Enfants, Journal de Bord
J'adore la voile.: Naviguer avec des enfants * Mon premier carnet de bord by Voile Pour Enfants, Journal de Bord
Nous naviguons dans différentes directions à travers l'océan de la vie. La raison est notre carte, la passion du vent.: Carnet de navigation pour voil by Cadeau Pour Les Marins, Cahier de Bord
Ce n'est pas le vent, mais la voile qui détermine la direction.: Carnet de navigation pour voiliers et location de voiliers by Cadeau Pour Les Marins, Cahier de Bord
L'amour est le drapeau, la vie est la mer, le destin est la vague, le port est le mariage ! comptine allemande: Carnet de navigation pour voiliers et by Cadeau Pour Les Marins, Cahier de Bord
Mon carnet de navigation: Naviguer avec des enfants * Mon premier carnet de bord by Voile Pour Enfants, Journal de Bord
Travel is Life by Stationers, Voyavix
Mon premier carnet de navigation: Naviguer avec des enfants * Mon premier carnet de bord by Voile Pour Enfants, Journal de Bord
Nous contrôlons le vent, mais nous pouvons réparer les voiles.: Carnet de navigation pour voiliers et location de voiliers by Cadeau Pour Les Marins, Cahier de Bord
Il ne faut pas lier le navire à une seule ancre et la vie à un seul espoir. Epiktet: Carnet de navigation pour voiliers et location de voiliers by Cadeau Pour Les Marins, Cahier de Bord
Tour du monde en voilier: Naviguer avec des enfants * Mon premier carnet de bord by Voile Pour Enfants, Journal de Bord
Carnet de bord pour petits et grands aventuriers: Naviguer avec des enfants * Mon premier carnet de bord by Voile Pour Enfants, Journal de Bord
Carnet de bord pour enfants: Naviguer avec des enfants * Mon premier carnet de bord by Voile Pour Enfants, Journal de Bord
En haute mer et au tribunal, nous sommes entre les mains de Dieu.: Carnet de navigation pour voiliers et location de voiliers by Cadeau Pour Les Marins, Cahier de Bord
Olympia At Dawn by Nugent, James
The Essentials of Living Aboard a Boat: The Definitive Guide for Livaboards by Nicholas, Mark
Make It Last Forever: 13 Steps to Help Your Rowing Equipment Last An Eternity by Davenport, Mike
Fastnet: One Man's Voyage by Vaughan, Roger
Adventure Ho!: The Cruising Journal of Phyllis and Bob Neumann by Neumann, Phyllis L.
Maui Glory Days: Return to the Impact Zone by Weston, Jonathan
Slow Boat Nekkid: A 5-Year Voyage of Fun and Adventure by Phillips, Phil
How Not To Sail: Screwing up is part of cruising. Let me show you how! by Rogers, Bradford
The Long Way: Sheridan House Maritime Classic by Moitessier, Bernard
Crossings in Realitas: Part Two of a Cruising Memoir by Mitchell, Jan
See-Meilen-Buch: Ein Yacht Bordbuch * Meilenbuch by Yacht, Bordbuch
See-Meilen-Buch: Ein Bordbuch für Yachten * Meilenbuch by Yacht, Bordbuch
See-Meilen-Buch: Zum Notieren der gefahrenen Seemeilen * Meilenbuch by Yacht, Bordbuch
See-Meilen-Buch: Seemeilen einfach notiert * Meilenbuch by Yacht, Bordbuch
The Yiddish Sailing Alone Around the World: The Voyage of the Spray by Slocum, Joshua
See-Meilen-Buch: Mein Meilenbuch by Segeln Im Wind, Logbuch
See-Meilen-Buch: Mein Seemeilenbuch * Meilenbuch by Segeln Im Wind, Logbuch
See-Meilen-Buch: Meilenbuch Segeln by Segeln Im Wind, Logbuch
A Sea Vagabond's World: Boats and Sails, Distant Shores, Islands and Lagoons by Moitessier, Bernard
Unser Weg ist das Meer: Logbuch by Mönter, Christian
Maui Glory Days: Return to the Impact Zone by Weston, Jonathan
Reeds Maritime Meteorology by Cornish, Maurice, Ives, Elaine
Marlinespike 101 by Bjerke, Gene
Boatsense: Lessons and Yarns from a Marine Writer's Life Afloat by Logan, Doug
Survival, The Voyage of Yacht Black Jed by Swartzberg, Zan
How to Buy a Boat - For the Liveaboard Lifestyle by Snook, Malcolm
Black-Sailed Traders: The Keels and Wherries of Norfolk and Suffolk by Clark, Roy
The Cure for Anything Is Salt Water: How I Threw My Life Overboard and Found Happiness at Sea by South, Mary
The Ice Ship by Scott, Peter T.
Two in a Top Hat: A circumnavigation in Caprice by Mitchell, Ian, Mitchell, Jan
Lifted by Ritter, Mike
Lifted by Ritter, Mike
The Captain's Guide to Alternative Energy Afloat: Marine Electrical Systems, Water Generators, Solar Power, Wind Turbines, Marine Batteries by Morris, Bill
Half Fast: (mis) Adventures in Slowly Sailing around (on) the World by Baker, Randy
VHF Radio Handbook for Boat Owners: Speak securely and properly over the VHF Marine Radio for boat owners and your crew by Jonsson, Mark
The Sea is so Great: A small boat voyage in the Pacific Ocean by Nebauer, Alan
Against All Odds: Around Alone in the BOC Challenge by Nebauer, Alan
Landsailing: The passionate sport of sailing on land by Rypinski, Donald
Patrón embarcaciones de recreo: 2015 by Munoz Abela, Javier
Why boating changed my life: A must have book for boat brokers and beginners by Sorrentino, Giovanni
Glory B!: 1000 Miles of Mishaps and Miracles by Graham, Dave
Veleiro Adhara navegando de São Luis a Santos: 2 amigos, 2 mil milhas, 40 dias by Neitzke, Jefferson Albert
Lonely Planet Amazing Boat Journeys by Planet, Lonely
Sailing America by Van Der Wal, Onne
Bridging Our Differences by Hughes, Gerry S. M.
Bridging Our Differences by Hughes, Gerry S. M.
Patente Nautica entro le 12 miglia - Esame Pratico: Manovre e teoria, preparazione alla prova d'esame su unità a motore by Pollastri, Stefano
Boca Grande Breeze by Robinson, Ed
The Ashley Book of Knots by Clifford, Clifford W.
Gone Away: One mans escape from the modern world by Coltman, Andrew
The Sacrament of Sail: Finding Our Way by Djos, Matts, Djos, Jeanine
Waterborne: A Slow Trip Around a Small Planet by Welch, Marguerite
The worst Journey in the World: Antarctic Journey 1910-1913. Volume I+II by Cherry-Garrard, Apsley
Adlard Coles' Heavy Weather Sailing, Sixth Edition by Bruce, Peter
Motorbootfahren lernen: Motorbootmanöver und Knoten für den Sportbootführerschein by Meyer, Alexander
Pocket Cruising og Mikroeventyr: Et enkelt sejlerliv uden lommesmerter by Wiedemann, Martin Anker
La vuelta al mundo en velero low cost by Trujillo, David
Boat Fish Live: #1 Rated Boating and Fishing Lessons, 100% Hands-On Experience by Branigan, Brian J.
The ABCs of Sailing by Hynes, Allison
Captiva Breeze by Robinson, Ed
Self Sufficient Sailor, Full Revised and Expanded by Pardey, Lin, Pardey, Larry
The History of the World: From the Back of a Boat by Peterswald, Rob
Ankerbuchten in den ostschwedischen Schären: von Utklippan bis Stockholm by Parczyk, Beate, Rautenberg, Tim, Parczyk, Wido
Six Nights on the Hook at Santa Cruz Island by Frederick, James
Logbuch für Bootsfahrten mit Motorboot, Yacht, Segelboot, Schiff, Katamaran: Bordbuch für Kapitän, Segler und Crew. Schiffstagebuch, Meilenbuch für Bo by Meyer, Bjorn
Logbuch für Bootsfahrten mit Motorboot, Yacht, Segelboot, Schiff, Katamaran: Bordbuch für Kapitän, Segler und Crew. Schiffstagebuch, Meilenbuch für Bo by Meyer, Bjorn