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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Botany & Horticulture in 1998

Biopsy Pathology of Melanocytic Disorders by Mooi, W. J., Krausz, T.
Management for Child Health Services by Begg, Norman T., Rigby, Michael, Ross, Euan M.
Wild Flowers of the Pacific Northwest: The Third Edition of a Timeless Classic by Clark, Lewis J.
Roses Love Garlic: Companion Planting and Other Secrets of Flowers by Riotte, Louise
Plant Energetics by Ksenzhek, Octavian S., Volkov, Alexander G.
Design in Nature: Learning from Trees by Mattheck, Claus
Plant Cold Hardiness: Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, and Physiology by
Tropical Rain Forest: A Wider Perspective by
Tropical Rain Forest: A Wider Perspective by
The Microbiology of Activated Sludge by
Biology of Root Formation and Development by International Symposium on the Biology of Root Formation and, Altman, A.
Pfg to Wildflowers of Northeastern and North-Central North America by Peterson, Roger Tory
Evolution on Islands: Originating from Contributions to a Discussion Meeting of the Royal Society of London by
Plant Virology Protocols: From Virus Isolation to Transgenic Resistance by
Marine Botany by Dawes, Clinton J.
Advances in Bioprocess Engineering: Volume II by
Propagation of Pacific Northwest Native Plants by Rose, Robin
Handbook of Plant Lectins: Properties and Biomedical Applications by Peumans, Willy J., Pusztai, Arpad, Van Damme, Els J. M.
A Peterson Field Guide to Wildflowers: Northeastern and North-Central North America by Peterson, Roger Tory, McKenny, Margaret
The Eocene Thunder Mountain Flora of Central Idaho: Volume 142 by Axelrod, Daniel I.
Bacterial Wilt Disease: Molecular and Ecological Aspects by
Population Biology of Grasses by
Molecular Genetics of Host-Specific Toxins in Plant Disease: Proceedings of the 3rd Tottori International Symposium on Host-Specific Toxins, Daisen, T by
Laboratory Handbook for the Fractionation of Natural Extracts by Raman, Amala, Houghton, Peter
Soil and Water Quality at Different Scales: Proceedings of the Workshop "Soil and Water Quality at Different Scales" Held 7-9 August 1996, Wageningen, by
Alkaloids: Chemical and Biological Perspectives: Volume 12 by
The Pantanal of Poconé: Biota and Ecology in the Northern Section of the World's Largest Pristine Wetland by Heckman, Charles W.
Nitrogen Fixation with Non-Legumes: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Nitrogen Fixation with Non-Legumes, Held 16-21 October 1996 in F by
Phytochemical Methods a Guide to Modern Techniques of Plant Analysis by Harborne, A. J.
Phytochemical Methods a Guide to Modern Techniques of Plant Analysis by Harborne, A. J.
British Plant Communities by Rodwell, J. S.
British Plant Communities by
British Plant Communities by Rodwell, J. S.
Androgenesis and Haploid Plants by
British Plant Communities: Volume 4, Aquatic Communities, Swamps and Tall-Herb Fens by Rodwell, J. S.
Somaclonal Variation and Induced Mutations in Crop Improvement by
Flora of Tropical East Africa - Sapindaceae (1998) by Verdcourt, Bernard, G. Davies, Frances
Chemical Fungal Taxonomy by
A Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon - Volume 12 by
The Concept of Race in South Asia by
Biological Rhythms and Photoperiodism in Plants by
Maternal Effects as Adaptations by Mousseau, Fox
Artificial Intelligence for Biology and Agriculture by
Molecular Systematics of Plants II: DNA Sequencing by Doyle, J. J., Soltis, Pamela
Ecophysiology of Economic Plants in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands by Wickens, Gerald E.
The Molecular Biology of Chloroplasts and Mitochondria in Chlamydomonas by
The Rhizobiaceae: Molecular Biology of Model Plant-Associated Bacteria by
The Oligocene Haynes Creek Flora of Eastern Idaho: Volume 143 by Axelrod, Daniel I.
Sulphur in Agroecosystems by
Native American Ethnobotany by Moerman, Daniel E.
Flowering Plants. Monocotyledons: Alismatanae and Commelinanae (Except Gramineae) by
Flowering Plants. Monocotyledons: Lilianae (Except Orchidaceae) by
The Rhizobiaceae: Molecular Biology of Model Plant-Associated Bacteria by Hooykaas, Paul J., Kondorosi, A., Spaink, Herman P.
Protein Trafficking in Plant Cells by
Lipids in Photosynthesis: Structure, Function and Genetics by
Vegetation of the Arabian Peninsula by
Plant Technology of the First Peoples of British Columbia by Turner, Nancy J.
Plant Oils as Fuels: Present State of Science and Future Developments by
The Trees in My Forest by Heinrich, Bernd
Horticultural Reviews, Volume 22 by
Plant Breeding Reviews, Volume 16 by
Introduction to Plant Diseases: Identification and Management by Lucas, L. T., Lucas, George B., Campbell, C. L.
Soil Quality and Soil Erosion by
A Dictionary of Plant Pathology by Holliday, Paul
Root Demographics and Their Efficiencies in Sustainable Agriculture, Grasslands and Forest Ecosystems: Proceedings of the 5th Symposium of the Interna by
Brassinosteroids: A New Class of Plant Hormones by de Groot, A. E., Khripach, V. A., Zhabinskii, V. N.
Fungicidal Activity: Chemical and Biological Approaches to Plant Protection by
Progress in Botanical Research by Moustakas, Michael, Tsekos, Ioannes
Evolutionary Relationships Among Protozoa by
Evolution and Speciation of Island Plants by
Gender and Sexual Dimorphism in Flowering Plants by
Resource Management in Rice Systems: Nutrients: Papers Presented at the International Workshop on Natural Resource Management in Rice Systems: Technol by
The Encyclopedia of Edible Plants of North America by Duke, James
Dispersal Biology of Desert Plants by Rooyen, Margaretha W. Van, Rheede Van Oudtshoorn, Karen Van
Mathematics in Transport Planning and Control: Proceedings of the 3rd Ima Conference on Mathematics in Transport Planning and Control, Cardiff, 1-3 Ap by
Nutrient Use in Crop Production by Rengel, Zdenko
Horticultural Reviews, Volume 23 by
Biopesticides: Use and Delivery by
Plant Evolution Under Domestication by Ladizinsky, Gideon
Phytochemical Signals and Plant-Microbe Interactions by Phytochemical Society of North America
Plant Secondary Metabolism by Seigler, David S.
There by Design: Field Archaeology in Parks and Gardens by