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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Botany & Horticulture in 2003

Plants of Central Asia - Plant Collection from China and Mongolia, Vol. 7: Liliaceae to Orchidaceae by
Stories Told Under the Sycamore Tree: Lessons from Bible Plants by Hahn, Samuel J.
Pollen Biology and Biotechnology by Shivanna, K. R.
Gmo: Transgenesis in Plants by Tourte, Yves
Natural Grace: The Charm, Wonder, and Lessons of Pacific Northwest Animals and Plants by Dietrich, William
Flora of Siberia, Vol. 5: Salicaceae-Amaranthaceae by
Plants of Central Asia - Plant Collection from China and Mongolia, Vol. 8a: Leguminosae by
Genetic Diversity of Cultivated Tropical Plants by Perrier, Xavier, Seguin, Marc, Hamon, Perla
Plant Tissue Culture: 100 Years Since Gottlieb Haberlandt by
Dreams and Dead Ends: The American Gangster Film by Shadoian, Jack
Physiological Plant Ecology: Ecophysiology and Stress Physiology of Functional Groups by Larcher, Walter
Mycorrhizal Ecology by
Hypericum: The genus Hypericum by
Mystery and Lure of Perfume by Thompson, C. J. S.
International Environmental Economics: A Survey of the Issues by
Plant Biotechnology 2002 and Beyond: Proceedings of the 10th Iaptc&b Congress June 23-28, 2002 Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. by
Physical Methods in Agriculture: Approach to Precision and Quality by
Modern Trends in Applied Terrestrial Ecology by
Multicultural Social Work in Canada: Working with Diverse Ethno-Racial Communities by
Law, Regulation, and Governance by Swan, Peter, MacNeil, Michael, Sargent, Neil
Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants: Crassulaceae by
Taxus: The Genus Taxus by
Boethius by Marenbon, John
Four Illusions: Candrakirti's Advice for Travelers on the Bodhisattva Path by Candrakirti
Advanced Research on Plant Lipids by
Advances in Pectin and Pectinase Research by
The Asian Vigna:: Genus Vigna Subgenus Ceratotropis Genetic Resources by Moss, Helen, Tomooka, Norihiko, Vaughan, D.
Understanding Media Theory by Williams, Kevin
A Naturalist's Guide to Seashore Plants: An Ecology for Eastern North America by Cox, Donald D.
Common Edible & Poisonous Mushrooms of the Northeast by Fergus, C. Leonard, Fergus, Charles
Gathering Moss: A Natural and Cultural History of Mosses by Kimmerer, Robin Wall
Corn & Capitalism: How A Botanical Bastard Grew To Global Dominance by Warman, Arturo
Fungal Populations and Species by Burnett, J. H., Burnett, John
Introduction to Trees of the San Francisco Bay Region: Volume 65 by Keator, Glenn
Population Viability in Plants: Conservation, Management, and Modeling of Rare Plants by
Essays in the Metaphysics of Modality by Plantinga, Alvin
My Friend Mr. Edison by Crowther, Samuel, Ford, Henry
Tobaccoism or How Tobacco Kills by Kellogg, John Harvey
French Botany in the Enlightenment: The Ill-Fated Voyages of La Pérouse and His Rescuers by Williams, R. L.
Thin Cell Layer Culture System: Regeneration and Transformation Applications by
Advances in Agronomy: Volume 78 by
Plant Protease Inhibitors: Significance in Nutrition, Plant Protection, Cancer Prevention and Genetic Engineering by Birk, Yehudith
In the Land of the Blue Poppies: The Collected Plant-Hunting Writings of Frank Kingdon Ward by Kingdon Ward, Frank
Chemical Grouting and Soil Stabilization, Revised and Expanded by Karol, Reuben H.
Possibilities and Paradox: An Introduction to Modal and Many-Valued Logic by Beall, J. C., Van Fraassen, Bas C., Fraassen, Bas C.
The Wild Orchids of North America, North of Mexico by Brown, Paul Martin
Medicinal Herbs and Poisonous Plants by Ellis, David
Irish Studies by
Micropropagation of Woody Trees and Fruits by
A Region of Astonishing Beauty: The Botanical Exploration of the Rocky Mountains by Williams, Roger L.
The Hinduism Omnibus by Biardeau, Madeleine, Pocock, D. F., Chaudhuri, Nirad C.
Introduction to Shore Wildflowers of California, Oregon, and Washington: Volume 67 by Munz, Philip A.
Water and Wetland Plants of the Prairie Provinces by Lahring, Heinjo
Root Ecology by
Hawaiian Herbs of Medicinal Value by Akina, J. K., Kaaiakamanu, D. M.
River Processes: An introduction to fluvial dynamics by Robert, Andre
Pteridology in the New Millennium: Nbri Golden Jubilee Volume by
Sulphur in Plants by
Mountain Plants of the Pacific Northwest: A Field Guide to Washington, Western British Columbia, and Southeastern Alaska by Taylor, Ronald J.
American Vine Dresser's Guide by Dufour, John James
Flora of Russia - Volume 8 by Tzvelev, N. N.
Wildflowers of the Mountains in the Pacific Northwest by Clark, Lewis J.
The Goddesses' Henchmen: Gender in Indian Hero Worship by Harlan, Lindsey
Alpine Biodiversity in Europe by
The Root System of Fruit Plants by Kolesnikov, V. A.
Horticulture as Therapy: Principles and Practice by Simson, Sharon, Straus, Martha
European Union Politics by
Representing Men by MacKinnon, Kenneth
Stars in Modern French Film by Austin, Guy
Researching Audiences: A Practical Guide to Methods in Media Audience Analysis by Murray, Catherine, Drotner, Kirsten, Schrøder, Kim
Practical Applications of Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Plant Biology by
Aims and Methods of Vegetation Ecology by Ellenberg, Heinz, Mueller-Dombois, Dieter
Wildflowers of Forest & Woodland in the Pacific Northwest by Clark, Lewis J.
Genetic Transformation of Plants by
Of Bodies and of Man's Soul to Discover the Immorality of Reasonable Souls by Digby, Kenelm
Alpine Plant Life: Functional Plant Ecology of High Mountain Ecosystems by Körner, Christian
The Biology of Apples and Pears by Jackson, John E.
The Various Contrivances by Which Orchids are Fertilised by Insects by Darwin, Charles
Sustainable Aquaculture: Global Perspectives by Webster, Carl D., Jana, Bana B.
Introduction to California Plant Life: Volume 69 by Faber, Phyllis M., Wolf, Todd Keeler, Ornduff, Robert
Molecular Plant Pathology by Dickinson, Matthew
Little Flowers of Saint Francis of Assisi by Hudleston, Dom Roger
Origin and Evolution of New Gene Functions by
England's Population: A History Since the Domesday Survey by Hinde, Andrew
England's Population: A History Since the Domesday Survey by Hinde, Andrew
Visual Cultures and Critical Theory by Fuery, Patrick, Wagner, Kelli
Biologically Active Substances of Protozoa by Sukhareva-Buell, N. N.
Plants Without Seeds by Pascoe, Elaine
Perspectives on Plant Competition by
Women and Plants: Gender Relations in Biodiversity Management and Conservation by
Plant Functional Genomics: Methods and Protocols by
Essential Cell Biology: A Practical Approachvolume 1: Cell Structure by
Rethinking the Vote: The Politics and Prospects of American Election Reform by
Folk Lore Or Superstitious Beliefs in the West of Scotland Within This Century by Napier, James
Second Nature: A Gardener's Education by Pollan, Michael
Medicinal Plants of the Mountain West by Moore, Michael
Forest Vegetation of Northeast Asia by
Genetic Engineering: Principles and Methods by
Seed Dispersal by Ants in a Deciduous Forest Ecosystem: Mechanisms, Strategies, Adaptations by Gorb, Elena, Gorb, Stanislav S. N.
The Language and Sentiment of Flowers by McCabe, James
Molekulare Pflanzenvirologie by Drews, Gerhart, Adam, Günter, Heinze, Cornelia
Light-Harvesting Antennas in Photosynthesis by
Ozone and Plant Cell by Roshchina, Victoria V., Roshchina, Valentina D.
A Naturalist's Guide to Forest Plants: An Ecology for Eastern North America by Cox, Donald D.
Plant Responses to Abiotic Stress by
Molecular Ecotoxicology of Plants by
Native Texas Gardens: Maximum Beauty Minimum Upkeep by Wasowski, Andy, Wasowski, Sally
Plant Breeding Reviews, Volume 23 by
Plant Cell Death Processes by
Chloroplast Biogenesis: From Proplastid to Gerontoplast by Raval, M. K., Biswal, Udaya C.
Improvement Strategies of Leguminosae Biotechnology by
Epidemiology of Mycotoxin Producing Fungi: Under the Aegis of Cost Action 835 'Agriculturally Important Toxigenic Fungi 1998-2003', EU Project (Qlk 1- by
Lewis and Clark on the Great Plains: A Natural History by Johnsgard, Paul A.
Horticultural Reviews, Volume 30 by
Time Stands Still: Muybridge and the Instantaneous Photography Movement by
Handy Pocket Guide to Orchids by Banks, David P.
Handy Pocket Guide to Tropical Plants by Chan, Elisabeth
When Nature Goes Public: The Making and Unmaking of Bioprospecting in Mexico by Hayden, Cori
Field Guide to the Ferns: And Other Pteridophytes of Georgia by Bruce, James G., Snyder, Lloyd H.
The Morphosyntax of Complement-Head Sequences: Clause Structure and Word Order Patterns in Kwa by Schefler, Samuel, Aboh, Enoch Olade
Photosynthesis in Algae by
Roots: The Dynamic Interface Between Plants and the Earth by
Quantification of Tannins in Tree and Shrub Foliage: A Laboratory Manual by Makkar, Harinder P. S.
Brassinosteroids: Bioactivity and Crop Productivity by
Phytohormones in Plant Biotechnology and Agriculture: Proceedings of the Nato-Russia Workshop Held in Moscow, 12-16 May 2002 by
Soil Biological Fertility: A Key to Sustainable Land Use in Agriculture by
Abiotic Stresses in Plants by
Doubled Haploid Production in Crop Plants: A Manual by
Progress in Botany: Genetics Physiology Systematics Ecology by
Zur Flora Der Sedimentgebiete Im Umkreis Der Südrätischen Alpen, Livignasco, Bormiese Und Engiadin'ota (Schweiz-Italien) by Reinalter, Romedi
Identification of Tropical Woody Plants in the Absence of Flowers: A Field Guide by Keller, Roland
Pseudomonas Syringae and Related Pathogens: Biology and Genetic by