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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Botany & Horticulture in 2013

Synopsis Des Diatomées de Belgique. Atlas Et Table by Van Heurck-H
Synopsis Des Diatomées de Belgique. Texte by Van Heurck-H
Indigenous Knowledge On Ethnobotany by Ghosh, A. K.
Biodiversity in Horticultural Crops Vol. 4 by Peter, K. V.
Biodiversity in India Vol. 6 by Pullaiah, T. &. Reddy K. Jaganmohan
Spices and Condiments Origin, History and Applications by Patil, D. a. &. Dhale D. a.
Traditional Phytotherapy by Buragohain, Jitu
Policy and Legal Framework for Urban Green Space Governance in india by Gupta, H. S. &. Okhandiar Rajit R.
Scientific Basis of Herbal Medicine by Thangaraj, Parimelazhagan
Mushrooms: Edible and Medicinal Cultivation Conservation Strain Improvement With their Marketing by Verma, B. N. &. Prasad Prem Kumar &. Sahu
Perspectives in Plant Biodiversity by Muthuchelian, K.
Sacred Plants for: Sustenance of Mankind by Sood S. K. &. Kumar Suresh &. Lakhanpal
Life of Alexander Von Humboldt, Vol. I (in Two Volumes) by Dove, Alfred, Lowenberg, Julius, Avlallemant, Robert
Life of Alexander Von Humboldt, Vol. I (in Two Volumes) by Dove, Alfred, Lowenberg, Julius, Avlallemant, Robert
Flora of the Outer Hebrides by Pankhurst, R. J., Mullin, J. M.
Forages and Fodder: Indian Perspective by Singh, Anil Kumar &. Khan M. a. &. Subash
Plant Diseases Management in Horticultural Crops by Shahid, Ahmad &. Anwar Ali &. Sharma
Advances in Aquatic Ecology Vol. 7 by Sakhare, Vishwas B. &. Vasanthkumar B.
Textbook of Biosystematics theory and Practicals by Pullaiah, T.
Hill Agriculture Prospects, Constraints and Mitigations by Ahamad, Shahid
Life of Alexander Von Humboldt, Vol. II (in Two Volumes) by Dove, Alfred, Lowenberg, Julius, Avlallemant, Robert
Life of Alexander Von Humboldt, Vol. II (in Two Volumes) by Lowenberg, Julius, Avlallemant, Robert, Dove, Alfred
Nutrition in Traditional Therapeutic Foods Vol. 1 by Subbulakshmi, G. &. Subhadra M.
Flora of the Four Corners Region: Vascular Plants of the San Juan River Drainage: Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah by Heil, Kenneth, O'Kane, Steve, Reeves, Linda Mary
Agro Techniques of Medicinal Plants by Sharma, Ravindra
Root Hairs by
The Pollen Tube: A Cellular and Molecular Perspective by
Organic Xenobiotics and Plants: From Mode of Action to Ecophysiology by
Biology of Fresh Waters by Maitland, P. S.
Centennial History of the Carnegie Institution of Washington Volume 4, . Department of Plant Biology by Craig, Patricia
Seed-Borne Plant Virus Diseases by Sastry, K. Subramanya
Advances in Lectin Research by
Botanisches Wörterbuch by Gerke, O.
Verdichtete Gase Zur Extraktion Und Raffination by Stahl, Egon, Quirin, Karl-Werner, Gerard, Dieter
Der Torf, Seine Natur Und Bedeutung by Vogel, August
Die Pflanzen im alten Ägypten by Woenig, Franz
Das große illustrierte Kräuterbuch by Müller, Ferdinand
Plant Transposable Elements: Impact on Genome Structure and Function by
Die Pflanzenwelt by Junge, Friedrich
Common Plants of Nunavut by Aiken, Susan, Mallory, Carolyn
Plant Organogenesis: Methods and Protocols by
Invasive Plant Ecology by
Lilies for Every Garden by Preston, Isabella
Taxonomy of Solanaceae by Islam Rafiul, Ara Tanziman, Rahman Mahbubur
Die Pflanzen Des Konigreichs Sachsen by W. Nsche, Otto, Wunsche, Otto
Les Grands Animaux Fossiles by Boule, M. Marcellin
Land of Enchantment Wildflowers: A Guide to the Plants of New Mexico by Finley, Willa F., Nieland, Lashara J.
Variations and Fugue on a Theme by Handel - For Solo Piano Op.24 (1861) by Brahms, Johannes
Die Lupine als Feldfrucht und Die Serradella, der Klee des Sandes by Kette, W. Von Koenig C. E.
The Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the Same Species by Darwin, Charles
The Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants by Darwin, Charles
Trigo Sarraceno O Alforfon: Grado de Informacion y Aceptacion by Fantasia Maria Rocio
Geobotany by
Vegetation Ecology by
The Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the Same Species by Darwin, Charles
The Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants by Darwin, Charles
Analysis of Patient Satisfaction by Aljaziri Salman
Untersuchung zur Dürretoleranz von Althaea officinalis by Brückner, David
Über Orchideen by Boyle, Frederick
Applied and Fundamental Aspects of Plant Cell, Tissue, and Organ Culture by
Virus-Resistant Transgenic Plants: Potential Ecological Impact by
Photosynthesis by Gregory, R. P.
Hobby Hydroponics by Resh, Howard M.
Wood Decaying Fungi by Pratap Singh Vinit, Srivastava Seweta, Kumar Ravindra
Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Tomato by
Acuaponia: Bases y Alternativas by Amaro Espejo Isabel Araceli, Perez-Rostro Carlos Ivan, Hernandez Vergara Martha Patricia
Photomorphogenesis by
Natural Products of Woody Plants: Chemicals Extraneous to the Lignocellulosic Cell Wall by
Über die Einrichtungen zur Befruchtung britischer und ausländischer Orchideen durch Insekten by Darwin, Charles
Ein Lehrbuch Der Botanik: Die Pflanze ALS Individuum by Oehlkers, F.
Alpenflora by Hegi, Gustav
Genetics, Genomics and Breeding of Peppers and Eggplants by
Jalapeno Peppers: Production, Processing and Marketing by Ciju, Roby Jose
Wurger Im Pflanzenreich by Koelsch, Adolf
Agro-Meteorology and Climatology by Getachew Merkebu
Oil Shales And Shale Oils by Bell, Harold Sill
Breeding of Tomato Genotypes for Yield and Disease Resistance by Katkar Gajanan, Sridevi Onteddu
Genetics and Genomics of the Brassicaceae by
Plant Mitochondria by
Agricultural Marketing Management by Malarkodi Mathan, Samsai Thangarasu, Divya Krishnan
Screening and Out Breeding of Eggplant Genotypes by Thangaiah Arumugam, C. R. Anandakumar, Selvan Rameshkumar
Sabkha Ecosystems: Volume III: Africa and Southern Europe by
Tropical American Ferns: University Of California Publications In Botany, V19, No. 9 by Copeland, Edwin Bingham
Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants: Volume 5, Fruits by Lim, T. K.
Auf Einer Reise in Westindien Und Sudamerika Gesammelte Pflanzen by Prinzessin Von Bayern, Therese
Sierra Nevada Wildflowers by Wiese, Karen
Das Buch Der Pflanzenwelt. Botanische Reise Um Die Welt by Muller, Karl
Das Buch Der Pflanzenwelt. Botanische Reise Um Die Welt by Muller, Karl
Die Leber- Und Laubmoose West- Und Ostpreussens by Von Klinggraeff, Hugo
Popular Hardy Perennials - Their Cultivation in Beds, Borders, the Wild and Woodland Garden and by the Waterside: and also their Propagation. With Des by Sanders, T. W.
In Vitro Phytopathology (Laboratory Mannual of Plant Pathology) by Fatima Sumia, Kadam Vasant B.
Aus der Vorgeschichte der Pflanzenwelt by Gothan, W.
Flora von Berlin by Lackowitz, W.
Cellular and Subcellular Localization in Plant Metabolism by
Instructions in Gardening for Ladies by Loudon, Jane
Beginners' Botany by Bailey, Liberty Hyde
Schmidlins Anleitung zum Botanisieren und zur Anlegung von Pflanzensammlungen by Wünsche, Otto
The California Naturalist Handbook by Edelman, Deborah Stanger, Merenlender, Adina, De Nevers, Greg
Silicified Middle Ordovician Trilobites: Remopleurididae, Trinucleidae, Raphiophoridae, Endymioniidae by Whittington, Harry Blackmore, Evitt, William R.
Plasmodiophora Brassicae: The Cause Of The Cabbage Hernia, 1878 by Voronin, Michail Stepanovich, Woronin, Michael Stephanovitch
Wilh. Dan. Jos. Kochs Taschenbuch der Deutschen und Schweizer Flora by Hallier, Ernst
Unterricht im Ackerbau und in der Viehzucht by Koppe, J. G.
Praktikum für morphologische und systematische Botanik by Schumann, Karl
Deutsche Moose und Farne by Migula, W.
Der Kanarienvogel by Russ, Karl
Unsere Honig- Und Bienenpflanzen by Huck, Friedrich
Plant-Thinking: A Philosophy of Vegetal Life by Marder, Michael
Plant-Thinking: A Philosophy of Vegetal Life by Marder, Michael
Plant Physiology by Getachew, Merkebu
Molecular Stress Physiology of Plants by
Die Orchideen Zentralamerikas by Reichenbach, Gustav
Salt Stress in Plants: Signalling, Omics and Adaptations by
Sylva, Or, a Discourse of Forest Trees 2 Volume Set: With an Essay on the Life and Works of the Author by Evelyn, John
First Book of Indian Botany by Oliver, Daniel
Sylva, Or, a Discourse of Forest Trees - Volume 1 by Evelyn, John
Sylva, Or, a Discourse of Forest Trees: With an Essay on the Life and Works of the Author by Evelyn, John
Manual of British Botany by Babington, Charles Cardale
Uber Orchideen by Boyle, Frederick
Plant Geography of Chile by Moreira-Munoz, Andres
Common Mosses of the Northeast and Appalachians by Rohrer, Joseph R., Ward, Kirsten McKnight, McKnight, Karl B.
Der Baum by Wigand, Albert
Praktische Studien an der Familie der Orchideen by Beer, Joseph Georg
Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants: Volume 6, Fruits by Lim, T. K.
Indian Pandanaceae - An Overview by Nadaf, Altafhusain, Zanan, Rahul
Ethnobotany in the New Europe: People, Health and Wild Plant Resources by
Science in Color Breeding by Armitage, Lucius
Principles of Seed Science and Technology by Copeland, L. O., McDonald, Miller F.
Molecular Pathogenesis of Gastrointestinal Infections by
Naturgeschichte by Vogel, Heinrich
Minimal Refining of Canola Oil and its Effects on Minor Constituents by Mirzaee Ghazani, Saeed, Marangoni, Alejandro
Die Pflanze - Ihr Bau Und Ihr Leben by Dennert, Eberhard
Ubersicht Der Flechten Des Grossherzogtums Baden by Bausch, Wilhelm
Functions of the Natural Immune System by
Schantung und Deutsch-China by Hesse-Wartegg, Ernst Von
Microbial Diversity in Time and Space by
Chemical Research on Plant Growth: A Translation of Théodore de Saussure's Recherches Chimiques Sur La Végétation by Jane F. Hill by de Saussure, Théodore
Fungal Biology in the Origin and Emergence of Life by Moore, David
Alpine Plants of the Northwest: Wyoming to Alaska by Pojar, Jim, MacKinnon, Andy
Flora der Provinz Westfalen und der angrenzenden Gebiete by Karsch, Prof
Physiological Mechanisms of Heat Stress Tolerance in Turfgrass by Soliman, Wagdi Saber, Sugiyama, Shu-Ichi
Backyard Foraging: 65 Familiar Plants You Didn't Know You Could Eat by Zachos, Ellen
Promote Wild Food Certainty Through Plant Identification Walks by Runyon, Linda
Diagnostics in Plant Breeding by
Vegetation and Soils: A World Picture by Eyre, S. R.
The Plant Rusts: Uredinales by Arthur, Joseph C.
Comparison of Tektite Specimens from Empire, Georgia, and Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts by Clarke, Roy Slayton, Jr.
Some Plant Galls Of Illinois: Illinois State Museum by Winterringer, Glen Spelman
Die vorzüglichsten Essbaren Pilze Deutschlands by Richter, Max
Auf Wiese und Hang by Säurich, Paul
Strawberry Production Using Hydroponics by Abou-Hadid Ayman Farid, El-Behairy Usama Ahmed, Eissa Enass Nabil
Flowering Plant Origin, Evolution & Phylogeny by
Production and Marketing of Mushroom in Nepal by Pariyar Sapana
Drip Fertigation Technologies by Khodke Uday, Bhagat Arun, Wankhede Pranali
The Drunken Botanist: The Plants That Create the World's Great Drinks: 10th Anniversary Edition by Stewart, Amy
Economics of Plantain Production in Central Niger Delta, Nigeria by Kainga Prince, Seiyabo Tonbra
A guide to the identification and control of exotic invasive species in Ontario's hardwood forests by Derickx, Lisa M., Antunes, Pedro M.
The Chemistry of Tobacco and Tobacco Smoke: Proceedings of the Symposium on the Chemical Composition of Tobacco and Tobacco Smoke Held During the 162n by
Flora of Suffolk: A Catalogue of the Plants (Indigenous or Naturalized) Found in a Wild State in the County of Suffolk by Henslow, John Stevens, Skepper, Edmund
Plant-Provided Food for Carnivorous Insects: A Protective Mutualism and Its Applications by
Genetic Engineering of Plant Secondary Metabolism by
Plant-Based Remediation Processes by
A Revision of the Genus Copernicia, Part 2, West Indian Species: Gentes Herbarum, V9, No. 1, August, 1961 by Glassman, S. F., Dahlgren, B. E.
Hand Book on Forest Pathology by Saravanakumar Duraisamy, Ushamalini Chinnaswamy
Plant Polyphenols: Synthesis, Properties, Significance by
Genetic Engineering: Principles and Methods by
Biological Regulation and Development: Molecular Organization and Cell Function by
Der Pflanzenfreund by Lutz, K. G.
Schulflora von Deutschland by Wünsche, Otto
Just Ask Wim!: Down-To-Earth Gardening Answers by Vander Zalm, Wim
Blütenlose Pflanzen und anatomische Physiologie der Pflanzen by Smalian, Karl
Lehrstoff der Untertertia by Smalian, Karl
Kulturgeschichte der Nutzpflanzen by Reinhardt, Ludwig
Kulturgeschichte der Nutzpflanzen by Reinhardt, Ludwig
The Amateur's Flower Garden by Hibberd, Shirley
Exkursionsflora by Krause, Ernst H. L.
Pioneers of Plant Study by Hawks, Ellison
Invasive Plants: Guide to Identification and the Impacts and Control of Common North American Species by Kaufman, Wallace, Kaufman, Syl Ramsey
Manuel de l'Élagueur, Ou de la Conduite Des Arbres Forestiers by Hotton, M.
Semer Et Planter, Choix Des Terrains, Semis, Plantations Forestières Et d'Agrément, by Cannon, David
Visites Au Jardin Zoologique d'Acclimatation by Barr, Maurice
Dictionnaire Pratique d'Horticulture Et de Jardinage. Illustration by Nicholson
Dictionnaire Pratique d'Horticulture Et de Jardinage. Tome 1 by Nicholson
Guide Pratique Du Greffeur de Vignes d'Europe Sur Cépages Américains Résistants by Duclaux, Adolphe
Manuel Élémentaire d'Agriculture Et d'Horticulture, À l'Usage Du Département de l'Eure: Et Des Régions Agricoles Voisines... by Lecointe, H., Piéton, A.
Atlas Des Plantes de Jardins Et d'Appartements Exotiques Et Européennes. Planches, 161-320: : 320 Planches Coloriées Inédites, Dessinées d'Après Natur by Bois, Désiré
Guide Pratique de l'Amateur de Fruits: Description Et Culture Des Variétés de Fruits: , Classées Par Séries de Mérite, Composant Les Collections Pomol by Thomas, Octave, Thomas, François
Manuel Complet de Botanique. 2 Partie, Flore Francaise. T. 2 by Boisduval, Jean-Alphonse
Manuel Complet de Botanique. 2 Partie, Flore Francaise. T. 3 by Boisduval, Jean-Alphonse
Manuel Complet de Botanique. 2 Partie, Flore Francaise. T. 1 by Boisduval, Jean-Alphonse
L'Art de Composer Et de Décorer Les Jardins (3e Édition) by Boitard, Pierre
Flore de la Normandie: (Phanérogames Et Cryptogames Semi-Vasculaires) (5e Édition) by Brébisson, Alphonse
Atlas Des Plantes de Jardins Et d'Appartements Exotiques Et Européennes by Bois, Désiré
Des Effets de la Fécondation Croisée Et de la Fécondation Directe Dans Le Règne Végétal by Darwin, Charles
La Faculté Motrice Dans Les Plantes by Darwin, Charles
National Vegetation Classification - Field guide to mires and heaths by Elkington, T., Dayton, N., Jackson, D. L.
Wild Arum by Swift, Lynden
Native Hawaiian Plants: How to Grow, Cultivate, and Enjoy 25 Popular Plants by Lilleeng, Kerin
Die Transpiration Der Pflanzen by Burgerstein, Alfred
Climate-Resilient Horticulture: Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies by
Field Manual of Diseases on Grasses and Native Plants by Horst, R. Kenneth
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