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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Botany & Horticulture in 2018

Branding and Promotion of Indian Plantation Commodities by Raj, S. John Mano
Floriculture: Cultivation Processing and Marketing by Bansil, P. C.
Apple: Production and Value Chain Analysis by Nazeer, Ahmed Et Al
Handbook of House Plants by
Seabuckthorn (Hippophae L.): A Multipurpose Wonder Plant Vol 5: Advanced Technologies for Cultivation, Processing Health Protection and Environment by
Biodiversity in Horticultural Crops Vol. 6 by
Taxonomy of Angiosperms 4th Revised Edn by Pullaiah, T.
Techniques of Mushroom Cultivation by Chand, Gireesh
Ornamental Palms: Production and Processing by Kannan, M.
Insect Pests of Temperate Fruit Crops and their Management by Sherwani, Asma
Vegetable Genetic Resources: Principles and Management by Bhardwaj, D. R.
Biodiversity: Monitoring Management and Utilization by
Ayurveda: At the Turning Point by C. P. Khare
Key Notes on Plant Biotechnology by Reddy, Venkata R. Prakash
Guava: Psidium Guajava L. by Sharma, Akash
Ethnomedicinal Plants: A Biodiversity Treasure by Mohan, V. R.
There She Grows: Women in Plant Names by Leese, Brenda
Advances in Fish and Wildlife Ecology and Biology Vol. 7 by
Guide to Deadly Herbs: A Guide to Deadly Herbs by Gomez, Julie
Where the Gods Reign: Plants and Peoples of the Colombian Amazon by Schultes, Richard Evans
Spring Wildflowers of Utah's Red Rock Desert by Lesica, Peter, Fertig, Walter
The Potato Genome by
Flowers Coloring Book by Books, Digital Coloring
Anatomical Drawing oF Flowers Coloring Book by Books, Digital Coloring
Scientific Papers of Asa Gray: Vol. 1 by Sargent, Charles Sprague, Gray, Asa
Square Foot Gardening: New And Expanded Supersize Large Print Version (Large Print Edition) by Paris, James
Sea Mosses: A Collector's Guide and an Introduction to the Study of Marine Algae by Hervey, Alpheus Baker
World Healing Plants for Tomorrow (With 200 Full-size Plant Images) by Khare, C. P.
Plant-Microbe Interactions in Agro-Ecological Perspectives: Volume 2: Microbial Interactions and Agro-Ecological Impacts by
The Pigeonpea Genome by
Biology, Productivity and Bioenergy of Timber-Yielding Plants: An Experimental Technology by Maiti, Ratikanta, Pournavab, Rahim Foroughbakhch, Ngangyo Heya, Maginot
The Benefits of Flowers: A Coloring Book by Reed, Michael T.
The Global Flora by Byng, James W., Christenhusz, Maarten J. M.
Plant Programmed Cell Death: Methods and Protocols by
Creative Haven Flowers Dot-To-Dot Coloring Book by Roytman, Arkady
Antioxidant Activity of Selected Wild Orchids of Nepal by Chand, Mukesh Babu
Plant Adaptation Strategies in Changing Environment by
Amborellaceae by Byng, James W., Christenhusz, Maarten J. M.
California Plants: A Guide to Our Iconic Flora by Ritter, Matt
Sieben Jahre in Süd-Afrika: Zweiter Band by Holub, Emil
Domestication of Radiata Pine by Burdon, Rowland, Libby, William, Brown, Alan
Aquaponics: An Essential Step-by-Step Guide to Aquaponics for Beginners by Brown, Sheila
Edible Wild Plants: A Folding Pocket Guide to Familiar North American Species by Kavanagh, James
Hygge, Der magische Garten: Glück für Fortgeschrittene, Supertraum Gartenraum, by Sonnberger, Thomas
An Illustrated Glossary of Botanical Terminologies: An Easy Approach to Plant Terms by Nangyal, Hasnain
Wildkräuter in der Küche. Verwendungsmöglichkeiten und positive Wirkung auf die Gesundheit by Binder, Verena
Strategies for Teaching Strings: Building a Successful String and Orchestra Program by Gillespie, Robert, Hamann, Donald L.
Mycorrhiza - Nutrient Uptake, Biocontrol, Ecorestoration by
Oaks Physiological Ecology. Exploring the Functional Diversity of Genus Quercus L. by
History of Plant Breeding by Schlegel, Rolf H. J.
Pick Me: Volume 3 - in the Wallflowers series by Worth, Joan
Sweet Potatoes: Bulletin No. 25 by Georgia Experiment Station
Vegetation Survey and Classification of Subtropical Forests of Southern Africa by Mucina, Ladislav
Veneficium: Magic, Witchcraft and the Poison Path by Schulke, Daniel A.
Further Studies of Yuccas and Their Pollination by Trelease, William
Light Harvesting in Photosynthesis by
El Valle De Chanchamayo: Estudio De Geografía Descriptiva Y Estadística Industrial by Carranza, Albino
La botanique vulgarisée by Le Beuf-Dolby-M
Catalogue Des Plantes Cellulaires Du Département de la Meurthe by Godron, Dominique-Alexandre
Le darwinisme by Chalon, Jean
Les Plantes Indigènes de l'Alsace Propres À l'Ornementation Des Parcs Et Jardins. Partie 1 by Koenig-C
Histoire Universelle Du Règne Végétal. Nouveau Dictionnaire Physique Et Oeconomique: de Toutes Les Plantes Qui Croissent Sur La Surface Du Globe. Tome by Buc'hoz-P-J
Le vrai langage des fleurs by T. Lefèvre
Société d'Horticulture Des Arrondissements de Melun Et Fontainebleau, Monographie by Comperat-A
En Famille Chez Les Fleurs, Premières Notions de Botanique. 2e Édition by Muller, Eugène
Utilité Des Assolements Forestiers by D' Arbois de Jubainville, Alexandre
Énumération Des Plantes Qui Croissent Dans Le Beaujolais: Précédée d'Une Notice Sur B. Vaivolet Et Les Anciens Botanistes de Cette Région by Magnin, Antoine
de la Betterave À Sucre by Champion-P
Nouvelles Considérations Sur Les Vers À Soie Pour Servir À l'Histoire de Ces Insectes by Loiseleur-Deslongchamps-J
Muscinées Du Département de Maine-Et-Loire, Sphaignes, Mousses, Hépatiques by Bouvet, Georges
Fleur Des Champs, Bluette by Badoche, Émile
Excursions Batologiques Dans Les Pyrénées by Sudre, Henri
Des Principaux Champignons Comestibles Et Vénéneux de la Flore Limousine: Suivi d'Un Précis Des Moyens À Employer Dans Les Cas d'Empoisonnement Par Le by Tarrade, Adrien
Recherches Sur La Flore Pélagique, Phytoplankton, de l'Étang de Thau by Pavillard, Jules
CE Que Disent Les Pâquerettes by Meunier, Mme Victor
Les Classiques Du Jardin. Le Potager Moderne, Traité Complet de la Culture Des Légumes by Gressent, Alfred
Catalogues of Plants in the Dublin Society's Botanic Garden, at Glasnevin by Wade, Walter
A Gardener's Diary by
Texas Wildflowers: A Field Guide by Loughmiller, Lynn, Marcus, Joe, Loughmiller, Campell
Gleanings from French Gardens by Robinson, William
The World was My Garden: Travels of a Plant Explorer by Fairchild, David
London Journal of Botany; Volume 4 by Hooker, William Jackson
The Sweet Potato: 1911 by Groth, B. H. a.
Clavis Synoptica Hymenomycetum Europæorum, Conjunctis Studiis Scripserunt M.C. Cooke Et L. Quelet by Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt, Quélet, Lucien
Plant Senescence: Methods and Protocols by
Influence des formations végétales, du microclimat et des caractéristiques du sol sur la distribution à l'échelle fine des champignons ectomycorrhizie by Aignon, Lougbégnon Hyppolite
The Nursery Book: A Complete Guide To The Multiplication of Plants by Bailey, Liberty Hyde
Diversidad alfa y beta de la avifauna diurna de la Zona de Amortiguamiento del Área Natural Protegida, Cuscatlán, El Salvador by Vides, Cecilia
Handbook of Florists' Crops Diseases by
A General History of the Dichlamydeous Plants, Comprising Complete Descriptions of the Different Orders; Together With the Characters of the Genera an by Don, George
Handbook of Florists' Crops Diseases by
Flowers And Butterflies- Large Print Easy To Read Dot-to-Dot: From 153 to 527 Dots (Large Print Edition) by Laura's Dot-To-Dot Therapy
The Chickpea Genome by
Species: The Evolution of the Idea, Second Edition by Wilkins, John S.
Optimization of Media Formulations for Callus Induction and direct Organogenesis in Justicia Gendrussa Burm Fil: The Uses and Advantages of an Exotic by Vazhacharickal, Prem Jose, Cherian, Elizabeth, Mathew, Noby
Synoptical Flora of North America: The Gamopetalæ, Being a Second Edition of vol. I, Part II, and vol. II, Part I, Collected by Gray, Asa
Icones Plantarum Formosanarum nec non et Contributiones ad Floram Formosanam; or, Icones of the Plants of Formosa, and Materials for a Flora of the Is by Hayata, Bunzo, Shokusankyoku, Formosa
Contributions to the Flora of Beaver County, From the Mansfield Herbarium, 1865-1903 by Mansfield, Ira Franklin
The Marine Algæ of the Danish West Indies: 2 by Børgesen, Frederik
Descriptions of the new Genera and Species of the Class Compositae Belonging to the Floras of Peru, Mexico, and Chile by Don, David
Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums; Volume 5 by States, Federated Malay
Advances in Tea Agronomy by Carr, M. K. V.
The Plant Contract: Art's Return to Vegetal Life by Gibson, Prudence
Bulletin Of The Torrey Botanical Club; Volume 28 by Club, Torrey Botanical
A Manual Of The Medical Botany Of North America; Volume 48 by Johnson, Laurence
General Remarks, Geographical And Systematical, On The Botany Of Terra Australis by Bauer, Ferdinand, Brown, Robert
Curtis's Botanical Magazine, Or, Flower-garden Displayed: In Which The Most Ornamental Foreign Plants, Cultivated In The Open Ground, The Green-house, by Sims, John
Fundamentals of Weed Science by Zimdahl, Robert L.
From the Scribbles and Sketches Collection by Tobey, Written And Illustrated Ruby
Achieving Sustainable Cultivation of Mangoes by
Dates Fruit: A Very Good Fruit to Increase Sexual Stamina by Obidake, Mercy
Economic Products of India Exhibited in the Economic Court, Calcutta International Exhibition, L883-84: Foods, Food-Stuffs, and Fodders by Watt, George
Studii Di Letteratur E D'arte by Massarani, Tullo
The Kaoliangs: A New Group of Grain Sorghums by Ball, Carleton Roy
Spicilegium Neilgherrense, Or, a Selection of Neilgherry Plants: Drawn and Coloured From Nature, With Brief Descriptions of Each; Some General Remarks by Wight, Robert
List of the Trees, Shrubs and Large Climbers Found in the Darjeeling District, Bengal by Gamble, James Sykes
Field, Forest, and Wayside Flowers: With Chapters On Grasses, Sedges, and Ferns; Untechnical Studies for Unlearned Lovers of Nature by Going, Maud
Plantas Medicinales de Bolivia by Camaqui Mendoza, Alberto, Polini, Giuseppe
A Synopsis of the North American Lichens, Part 2 by Tuckerman, Edward
London Journal of Botany; Volume 2 by Hooker, William Jackson
Cyanidioschyzon Merolae: A New Model Eukaryote for Cell and Organelle Biology by
Omics and Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance by Tuteja, Narendra, Gill, Sarvajeet Singh, Tuteja, Renu
Tree Pollination Under Global Climate Change by Ramírez, Fernando, Kallarackal, Jose
Creative Haven the Beautiful Language of Flowers Coloring Book by Green, John
Redouté. El Libro de Las Flores by Lack, H. Walter
Redouté. the Book of Flowers by Lack, H. Walter
Repertorium Annuum Literaturae Botanicae Periodicae, Volumes 1-2 by Van Bemmelen, J. A., Bohnensieg, Georg Carl Wilhelm, Burck, William
Introduction to Structural and Systematic Botany and Vegetable Physiology: Being a Fifth and Revised Edition of The Botanical Text-book by Gray, Asa
Trees of the Northern United States by Apgar, Austin Craig
A Laboratory Manual in Systematic Pomology: An Effort to Place Before the Students of Pomology in the Michigan Agricultural College a Means by Which A by Hedrick, U. P.
Combine Harvesters: Theory, Modeling, and Design by Miu, Petre
The Book of Seeds: A Life-Size Guide to Six Hundred Species from Around the World by
The Common Bean Genome by
Mosses With Hand-lens And Microscope: A Non-technical Hand-book Of The More Common Mosses Of The Northeastern United States, Part 4 by Grout, Abel Joel
Curtis's Botanical Magazine, Or, Flower-garden Displayed: In Which The Most Ornamental Foreign Plants, Cultivated In The Open Ground, The Green-house, by Sims, John
Fresh-water Algae Of The United States: (exclusive Of The Diatomaceae) Complemental To Desmids Of The United States ... One Hundred And Fifty-one Plat by Wolle, Francis
Histoire Naturelle Des Îles Canaries, Volumes 2-3 by Webb, Philip Barker, Berthelot, Sabin
Manual Of Indigenous Grasses Of New Zealand by Buchanan, John
Native American Species Of Prunus by Wight, William Franklin
Class-book Of Botany: Being Outlines Of The Structure, Physiology, And Classification, With A Flora Of The United States And Canada by Wood, Alphonso
The Peanut Genome by
Downy Mildew Disease of Crucifers: Biology, Ecology and Disease Management by Saharan, Govind Singh, Mehta, Naresh, Meena, Prabhu Dayal
Freshwater Flora of Central Europe, Vol 13: Chlorophyta: Ulvophyceae (Süßwasserflora Von Mitteleuropa, Bd. 13: Chlorophyta: Ulvophyceae) by Rindi, Fabio, Boedeker, Christian, Skaloud, Pavel
Photo Intro to: Vandoid Orchid Genera in Asia by Rice, Rod
The Other Plants: Small Lessons about Some Non-Flowering Plants: A Coloring Book by Reed, Michael T.
Crop Responses to Environment: Adapting to Global Climate Change, Second Edition by Hall, Anthony E.
Rice Genomics, Genetics and Breeding by
L'Intégration de la Culture de Haricot Dans Les Zones Semi Arides by Jelassi-K
Projets de Développement Et Compétitivité by Sans Auteur
Le Marché Des Viandes Rouges En Algérie by Sadoud-M
Pré-Grossissement Du Loup Dicentrarchus Labrax En Eau de Forage by Gargouri-M
Déterminismes de Lapiculture Dans La Région de Louest-Cameroun by Fotso-P
Maladie Du Court-Noué de la Vigne: Résistance Du Matériel Végétal by El Msayryb-A
Flocons Bio by Jaffre-Pasquiet-H
Comment Manger Sereinement? by Ferreira-S
Agriculture urbaine et périurbaine dans la ville de bamenda (cameroun) by Tido-T
Diagnostic Et Analyse Du Fonctionnement d'Un Périmètre Irrigué by Sawadogo-A
Optimisation de la Symbiose Haricot-Rhizobium by Kouki-S
Transformation Et Commercialisation Des Poissons-Chats En Afrique by Collectif
Qualité Du Bois Et de la Fibre D Épinette Noire Après Coupe Partielle by Braido Dos Santos-D
Le Monde Des Abeilles by Chihaoui-R
Etude de l'Efficience En Eau Et En Azote Minéral Pour Le Blé by Sayari-C
Quid Sur La Déforestation de la Réserve Forestière de Nyamusisi by Karafuli-K
Relation Entre Les Évènements Péri-Ovulatoires La Réussite de l'Ia by Abdelkhalek-M
Matières Premières Et Sous Produits Pour l'Alimentation Des Ruminants by Arbouche-F
Circuit Laitiere En Tunis by Rami-J
Qualité d'Huile d'Olive Biologique by Collectif
La Race Aberdeen Angus En Tunisie: Croissance Et Qualité Des Carcasses by Collectif
Modélisation d'Un Outil Informatique Pour Gerer l'Amenagement Paysager by Ba Lihep-J
Taxonomie Des Bryophytes Du Parc National de Kahuzi-Biega by Collectif
Irrigation Déficitaire À l'Eau Salée de l'Orge En Milieu Aride by Sans Auteur
Valorisation Et Analyse Critique de Projets de Recherche Liteau by Sicard-M
Résidus de Pesticides Dans Les Oranges Et Calcul Des Indices de Risque by Collectif
La Montagne de Terbol: Identité Retrouvée À Travers Lagroforesterie by Moukarzel-R
L'Ananas Biologique En Afrique: Pratiques Actuelles de Production by Collectif
Promotion de la Nutrition Dans Les Écoles Primaires d'Haiti by Chery-E
Etude de Consommation En Eau Et En Azote Minéral Par Les Légumineuses by Sayari-C
Prévalence Des Ravageurs Au Sein Des Agrosystèmes À Bananiers by Lwanga-T
Evaluation de la Reponse de la Pomme de Terre En Apport Deau Limite by Bourahla-A
Diversité Et Répartition Des Insectes Comestibles Au Cameroun by Miantsia Fokam-O
Impacts Des Activités Agricoles Sur L Écosystème Du Pnlv En Haïti by Calixte-C
Criblage Variétal de Blé Dur Adapté À l'Agriculture Biologique by Sassi-K
Contribution À l'Étude de l'Agrobiodiversité À Boukombé Au Bénin by Kombienou-P
Performances Et Identification Du Lait Ovin Selon La Source Protéique by Moncef-H
L''ayahuasca, Un Breuvage Chamanique Amazonien by LaCroix-D
Empoisonnements Par Les Plantes Dans l''histoire by Charlotte-C
Le Développement Des Chloroplastes by Schoefs-B
Production de Jatropha À Madagascar by Rapanoela-R
Le Germoplasme Local Du Figuier (Ficus Carica L.) by Debbabi-O
Mécanismes Évolutifs Chez Les Pensées Et Les Passiflores by Yockteng-R
Evaluation Des Légumineuses Fourragères Dans Un Système D Élevage by Katunga-D
Successions Secondaires Post-Culturales En Forèt Dense Semi-Décidue by Kassi N'Dja-J
Analyse Chimique Et Activité Biologique Des Huiles Essentielles by Collectif
Le Pollen d''abeille En Algérie by Collectif
La Plan Directeur de Conservation by Wulff-A
Impact de l''urbanisation Sur Le Livelihood by Fogue-A
La Régulation Transcriptionnelle Dépendant de L Éthylène by Jaimes-Miranda-F
L''effet Du Nacl Et Mo Sur l''écophysiologie de Phaseolus Vulgaris L. by Bouzid-S
Un Exemple d''endémisme En Forèt Atlantique Brésilienne by Chiron-G
Conservation Ex Situ Des Ressources Phytogénétiques by Randriamampionona-D
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