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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Botany & Horticulture in 2019

Adverse Effects and Bio-interactions of Ayurvedic Plant Drugs by Khare, C. P.
Bougainvillea: A Color Handbook by Roy, R. K.
Diseases of Oilseed Crops and their Management by
Table Analytique Pour Faciliter l'Étude Des Plantes: Dans La Nouvelle Flore Du Département de la Moselle by Holandre, Jean-Joseph-Jacques
La Botanique, Augmentée de l'Exposition de la Méthode de Tournefort, de Celle Du Système de Linné: D'Un Nouveau Dictionnaire de Botanique Et de Notes by Deville, Albéric, Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Cryptogames Vasculaires Du Brésil. Fougères, Lycopodiacées, Hydroptéridées, Équisétacées: Matériaux Pour Une Flore Générale de CE Pays by Fée, Antoine Laurent Apollinaire, Glaziou, Auguste François Marie
Nos Fleurs, Plantes Utiles Et Nuisibles by Leclerc Du Sablon, Mathieu
Essai Sur La Greffe de l'Herbe, Des Plantes Et Des Arbres by Tschudy, Charles
Bouquet de Mélastomacées Brésiliennes by de Saldanha Da Gama, José, Cogniaux, Alfred
Le dahlia bleu by Sénamaud, Jean, Léon, Jules
La Nutrition Des Végétaux: Considérée Dans Ses Rapports Avec La Chimie, La Physiologie Et l'Agriculture by Fraisse, Frédéric
Les Phaséolées Dans La Flore Chinoise. Partie 1 by D' Argy, Charles
Diagnosis Specierum Novarum Vel Dubio Praeditarunt, Essai Sur Les Plantes Du Dauphiné by Arvet-Touvet, Casimir
La Pensée, La Violette, l'Auricule Ou Oreille d'Ours, La Primevère, Histoire Et Culture by Ragonot-Godefroy
Mémoires Sur Les Canaux Secréteurs Des Plantes by Van Tieghem, Philippe
Histoire Générale de la Pomme de Terre: Et Traité Complet de la Maladie Spéciale Qui Règne Sur Cette Plante Depuis 3 ANS by Thériat, N.
Plantes À Parfums Et Plantes Aromatiques by Rolet, Antonin
Voyage Autour de Mon Parterre, Petite Botanique Religieuse Et Morale, Emblèmes Des Fleurs by Mme Marie
Démonstrations Élémentaires de Botanique, À l'Usage de l'École Royale Vétérinaire. Tome 1 by Claret de la Tourrette, Marc-Antoine-Louis, Rozier, François
Démonstrations Élémentaires de Botanique, À l'Usage de l'École Royale Vétérinaire. Tome 2 by Rozier, François, Claret de la Tourrette, Marc-Antoine-Louis
Observations Concernant Quelques Plantes Hybrides Qui Ont Été Cultivées Au Muséum by Naudin, Charles
Les Fleurs Parlant Au Coeur Du Chrétien by Collectif
Le règne végétal. Flore médicale. Tome 2. Atlas by Dupuis, Aristide, Barral, Jean-Augustin
Le règne végétal. Flore médicale. Tome 2 by Barral, Jean-Augustin, Dupuis, Aristide
Les Plantes À Feuillage Coloré, Recueil Des Espèces Les Plus Remarquables Servant À La Décoration by Howard, W., Lowe, Edward Joseph, Rothschild, Jules
Le règne végétal. Flore médicale. Tome 3. Atlas by Barral, Jean-Augustin, Dupuis, Aristide
Le règne végétal. Atlas by Dupuis, Aristide, Barral, Jean-Augustin
Le règne végétal. Traité de botanique générale. Tome 1. Atlas by Barral, Jean-Augustin, Dupuis, Aristide
Le règne végétal. Flore médicale. Tome 1. Atlas by Barral, Jean-Augustin, Dupuis, Aristide
Le règne végétal. Plantes agricoles et forestières. Texte by Dupuis, Aristide, Barral, Jean-Augustin
Le règne végétal. Précis de l'histoire de la botanique. Texte by Barral, Jean-Augustin, Dupuis, Aristide
Le règne végétal. Horticulture. Jardin potager et jardin fruitier. Atlas by Barral, Jean-Augustin, Dupuis, Aristide
Le règne végétal. Flore médicale. Tome 1 by Dupuis, Aristide, Barral, Jean-Augustin
Mémoires Pour Servir À l'Histoire Des Plantes by Leclerc, Sébastien, Dodart, Denis, Robert, Nicolas
Revue Critique de la Durée Des Plantes Dans Ses Rapports Avec La Phytographie by Clos, Dominique
Botanique Élémentaire by Ysabeau, Alexandre
L'Art d'Être Propriétaire de Bois by de Kirwan, Charles
Herborisations Poitevines by Collectif
Plantes Utiles de la Nouvelle-Calédonie by Vieillard, Eugène
Le règne végétal. Traité de botanique générale. Tome 2 by Barral, Jean-Augustin, Dupuis, Aristide
Traité Spécial Et Didactique Du Dahlia: Sous Tous Les Rapports Qui Peuvent Intéresser Les Cultivateurs, Les Amateurs by Pirolle
Le règne végétal. Horticulture. Jardin potager et jardin fruitier. Texte by Dupuis, Aristide, Barral, Jean-Augustin
Le règne végétal. Flore médicale. Tome 3 by Barral, Jean-Augustin, Dupuis, Aristide
Mémoire Sur Le Mûrier Multicaule by Trent, William Peterfield, Dupuits de Maconex
Le Règne Végétal. Histoire Biographique Et Bibliographique de la Botanique. Atlas by Barral, Jean-Augustin, Dupuis, Aristide
Le règne végétal. Traité de botanique générale. Tome 2. Atlas by Barral, Jean-Augustin, Dupuis, Aristide
Oil Palm by Chadha, K. L., Rethinam, P.
Illustrated Flora: Part of Western Uttar Pradesh and Delhi NCR India by Tripathi, Amit K.
Postharvest Management of Dryland Fruit Crops by Dhemre, J. K.
Ethnomedicinal Plants of Maring Tribe Manipur by Yuhlung, Cheithou Charles
Survival Strategies in Extreme Cold and Desiccation: Adaptation Mechanisms and Their Applications by
Health Effects of Pesticides by Srivastava, A. K., Kesavachandran, C.
Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture of North America: Vol.2 - Northeastern, Midwestern and Southern USA by
Biotechnologies of Crop Improvement, Volume 3: Genomic Approaches by
Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agriculture of North America: Vol.1 - Canada, Mexico and Western USA by
Concepts in Cell Biology - History and Evolution by
Fungal Nanobionics: Principles and Applications by
Step Wise Protocols for Somatic Embryogenesis of Important Woody Plants: Volume I by
Plant Genome Editing with Crispr Systems: Methods and Protocols by
Microbes for Sustainable Development and Bioremediation by
Nanobiotechnology Applications in Plant Protection by
Plant Tolerance to Environmental Stress: Role of Phytoprotectants by
Ornamental Crops by
Salinity Responses and Tolerance in Plants, Volume 1: Targeting Sensory, Transport and Signaling Mechanisms by
Flora of Florida, Volume VI: Dicotyledons, Convolvulaceae Through Paulowniaceae by Wunderlin, Richard P.
Grasses of Florida by Hall, David W.
North American Crop Wild Relatives, Volume 1: Conservation Strategies by
Breeding Grasses and Protein Crops in the Era of Genomics by
Botanical record book: containing directions for laboratory work in botany by Keep, Josiah
Weed Control: Sustainability, Hazards, and Risks in Cropping Systems Worldwide by
Natural Antimicrobial Agents by
Flower Lore and Legend: Botanical Folklore by Beals, Katharine M.
Vascular Plant Communities of Morocco: Phytosociology, Ecology and Geography by Taleb, Mohammed Sghir, Fennane, Mohamed
A New Bio-Inspired Optimization Algorithm Based on the Self-Defense Mechanism of Plants in Nature by Castillo, Oscar, Caraveo, Camilo, Valdez, Fevrier
Sketchbook: Original Abstract Art Cover by Boyte, Jennifer
Global Perspectives on Underutilized Crops by
Current Advances in Fern Research by
Nanobotany by
Plant Biotechnology by Umesha, S.
Tropical Bioproductivity: Origins and Distribution in a Globalized World by Hammond, David
Redouté's Fabulous Flowers by Redouté, Pierre-Joseph
Sorghum: Methods and Protocols by
Population Genomics: Microorganisms by
Innovative Approaches and Applications for Sustainable Rural Development: 8th International Conference, Haicta 2017, Chania, Crete, Greece, September by
Molecular Physiology and Biotechnology of Trees: Volume 89 by
Population Genomics: Concepts, Approaches and Applications by
Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 27 by
Advances in Seed Priming by
Color Illustration of Diagnosis and Control for Modern Sugarcane Diseases, Pests, and Weeds by Huang, Ying-Kun, Li, Wen-Feng, Zhang, Rong-Yue
Role of Rhizospheric Microbes in Soil: Volume 1: Stress Management and Agricultural Sustainability by
Phytoplasmas: Plant Pathogenic Bacteria - I: Characterisation and Epidemiology of Phytoplasma - Associated Diseases by
Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 31: Biocontrol by
The Barley Genome by
Johann Redowskys Reise von Irkutsk nach Kamtschatka (1806-1807) im Auftrag der Akademie der Wissenschaften: Das wissenschaftliche Tagebuch des Forsche by Walravens, Hartmut
Approaches for Enhancing Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants by
The Profession and Practice of Horticultural Therapy by Haller, Rebecca L., Capra, Christine L., Kennedy, Karen L.
Microbes for Plant Stress Management by
Microbes for Restoration of Degraded Ecosystems by
Phytoremediation: Management of Environmental Contaminants, Volume 6 by
Sustainability of Agricultural Environment in Egypt: Part II: Soil-Water-Plant Nexus by
Phytotoxicity of Nanoparticles by
Plant Structural Biology: Hormonal Regulations by
The Genomes of Rosaceous Berries and Their Wild Relatives by
Engineering Nitrogen Utilization in Crop Plants by
Biotechnologies of Crop Improvement, Volume 1: Cellular Approaches by
Postharvest Biology and Technology of Temperate Fruits by
Brazilian Sand Flies: Biology, Taxonomy, Medical Importance and Control by
Memory and Learning in Plants by
Fungal Biorefineries by
A Concise Dictionary of Paleontology by Carlton, Robert L.
Biotic and Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants by
The Profession and Practice of Horticultural Therapy by Haller, Rebecca L., Kennedy, Karen L., Capra, Christine L.
Insect-Plant Interactions (1990): Volume III by
Insect-Plant Interactions (1993): Volume V by
Revival: Insect-Plant Interactions (1992): Volume IV by
Revival: Insect-Plant Interactions (1990): Volume II by
CRC Handbook of Chromatography: Volume I: Plant Pigments by Kost, Hans-Peter
Doodle Succulents Coloring Book for Adults: Easy and Beautiful Succulents in the Fantasy world Coloring Pages by Rocket Publishing
Catalina Mountains: A Guide Book with Original Watercolors by Rose, Frank S.
Photo Intro to: Asian Bulbophyllum, Coelogyne & Dendrobium Orchids (with floristic observations of Subtribe Coelogyninae) by Rice, Rod
Step Wise Protocols for Somatic Embryogenesis of Important Woody Plants: Volume II by
Plant Biomechanics: From Structure to Function at Multiple Scales by
Anticancer Plants: Mechanisms and Molecular Interactions: Volume 4 by
Sago Palm: Multiple Contributions to Food Security and Sustainable Livelihoods by
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of South America: Brazil by
Anticancer Plants: Natural Products and Biotechnological Implements: Volume 2 by
Phototropism: Methods and Protocols by
Genetic Divergence Study in Cape gooseberry (Physalis Peruvians L.) by Kumar, Vikash
Plant and Human Health, Volume 2: Phytochemistry and Molecular Aspects by
Plant Micrornas: Methods and Protocols by
Microbial Resource Conservation: Conventional to Modern Approaches by
Role of Rhizospheric Microbes in Soil: Volume 2: Nutrient Management and Crop Improvement by
Guide to Northwestern Wild Berries by Underhill, Ted
Formative Britain: An Archaeology of Britain, Fifth to Eleventh Century AD by Carver, Martin
The Official U.S. Army Illustrated Guide to Edible Wild Plants by Department of the Army
Unraveling the Voynich Codex by Tucker, Arthur O., Janick, Jules
Antioxidants and Antioxidant Enzymes in Higher Plants by
Biology of Macrofungi by
Chile Peppers by Jose Ciju, Roby
Postharvest Management of Rambutan by Shetty, Manjunath J., Geethalekshmi, P. R.
Mint Herbs by Jose Ciju, Roby
Wo ich war und was ich sah. Erinnerungen [of travels in North America]. by Sommerstorff, Otto
Catalogue raisonné des plantes phanérogames et cryptogames indigènes du bassin de la haute Ariège, canton d'Ax-les-Thermes (Ariège), etc Volume etc.: by Marcailhou-d'Ayméric, Alexandre, Marcailhou-d'Ayméric, Hippolyte
Histoire Naturelle De Pline; Volume 4 by Elder )., Pliny (the
Bryologia Europaea Seu Genera Muscorum Europaeorum Monographice Illustrata: Seligeriaceae. Pottiaceae. Trichostomaceae. Distichiaceae: Tab. 109 - 195 by Bruch, Philipp
Nouvelle flore coloriée de poche des Alpes et des Pyrénées: 3 by Flahault, Charles
Kurze Geschichte der deutschen Hanse by Vogel, Walther
Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Südpolar-Expedition, 1901-1903: 04 abt.1 by Sydpolar-Expeditionen, Svenska, Nordenskjöld, Otto
Anticancer Plants: Properties and Application: Volume 1 by
Beiträge zur Flora der Cap Verdischen Inseln. by Schmidt, Johann Anton
Historia fisica y politica de Chile segun documentos adquiridos en esta republica durante doce años de residencia en ella y publicada bajo los auspici by Johnston, I. M., Gay, Claudio
Beitrag zur Flora des Balkans, Bosporus und Kleinasiens. by Formánek, Eduard
Anatomy, Age and Ecology of High Mountain Plants in Ladakh, the Western Himalaya by Dolezal, Jiří, Dvorský, Miroslav, Börner, Annett
The Plant Stem: A Microscopic Aspect by Börner, Annett, Schweingruber, Fritz H.
Rice Genomics, Genetics and Breeding by
Environmental and Management Factor Contributions to Maize Yield by
Die Romfahrt Kaiser Heinrich's VII: im Bildercyclus des Codex Balduini Trevirensis by Balduinus, Jacobus, Irmer, Georg
Practical Cactus and Succulent Book: The Definitive Guide to Choosing, Displaying, and Caring for More Than 200 Cacti by Bailey, Fran, Allaway, Zia
Plant Lore and Legend: The Wisdom and Wonder of Plants and Flowers Revealed by Binney, Ruth
Effectiveness of ready-to-use therapeutic Foods (RUTFs) used for dieta by Ibrahim, Rawda
Dancing with Time: The Garden as Art by Powell, John
Pre-Field Screening Protocols for Heat-Tolerant Mutants in Rice by Ghanim, Abdelbagi M. a., Das, Priyanka, Sarsu, Fatma
Illustrated Pollen Terminology by Grímsson, Friðgeir, Halbritter, Heidemarie, Ulrich, Silvia
Seagrasses of Australia: Structure, Ecology and Conservation by
Microsatellite (SSR) markers for Sugarcane and allied Poaceae grasses by Singh, Balwant, Singh, Ram Kushal
Plant Physiology, Development and Metabolism by Bhatla, Satish C., A. Lal, Manju
Plant Mitochondria by
Mini Meadows: Grow a Little Patch of Colorful Flowers Anywhere Around Your Yard by Lizotte, Mike
Annales Du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg; Volume VIII by Treub, Melchior
Under a Cloud; or, Stranger Things Have Happened by Millington, T. S.
Elogio del Professore Giovanni Zuccala by Regli, Francesco
A Preliminary Report on the Hymeniales of Connecticut by White, Edward Albert
Stresemann - Exkursionsfauna Von Deutschland. Band 1: Wirbellose (Ohne Insekten) by
Organ Development: Volume 132 by
The American Gardener: A Treatise on the Situation, Soil, and Laying Out of Gardens by Cobbett, William
Official Guide to the Museums of Economic Botany by Gardens, Royal Botanic
A Text-Book of Plant Diseases Caused by Cryptogamic Parasites by Massee, George
Advances in Endophytic Fungal Research: Present Status and Future Challenges by
Plant and Human Health, Volume 3: Pharmacology and Therapeutic Uses by
Scritti Editi e Inediti; Volume III by Mazzini, Giuseppe
Opere Varie Inedite Originali e Tradotte di Mario Pieri Corcirese by Pieri, Mario
Emergence and Modularity in Life Sciences by
Transplanted Flowers: Or Memoirs of Mrs. Rumpff and the Duchess de Brogilie by Baird, Robert
California Plants in Their Homes: A Botanical Reader for Children by Davidson, Alice Merritt
Borax: Borax Für Anfänger, Geheimes Basisches Pulver ALS Heilmittel, Wundermittel Gegen Arthrose, Osteoporose, Candida, Viren by Krenz, Sebastian
What may be Learned From a Tree by Coultas, Harland
The Botanist's Manual by Morris, Richard
Systematik Der Pflanzen Kompakt by Gemeinholzer, Birgit
Clavis Synoptica Hymenomycetum Europaerum by Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt
Genera of British Plants by Carter, Humphrey G.
British Ferns Clubmosses, Horsetails by Ferguson, Daniel
Commemorazione Dell'ingegnere Comm. Giuseppe Campi: Cenni Storici-biografici by Cerretti, Cesare
Arrigo di Abbate, Ovvero, La Sicilia dal 1296 al 1313 by Cesare, Giuseppe Di
Arrigo di Abbate, Ovvero, La Sicilia dal 1296 al 1313 by Cesare, Giuseppe Di
A Few Familiar Flowers: How to Love Them at Home or in School by Morley, Margaret Warner
Favourite Flowers of Garden and Greenhouse: The Cultural Directions; Volume III by Step, Edward
Scripture Natural History by Groser, William H.
Scripture Natural History by Groser, William H.
Die Krankheiten der Pflanzen by Frank, Albert Bernhard
Commentario Sopra la Vita e gli Studj del Conte Giordano Riccati by Federici, Domenico Maria
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