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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Botany & Horticulture in 2023

Dwellbeing: Finding Home in the City by Bradbury, Claire
Plant Lore of an Alaskan Island: foraging in the Kodiak Archipelago by Kelso, Fran
Plant Lore of an Alaskan Island: foraging in the Kodiak Archipelago by Kelso, Fran
Lost & Found: Discover Hidden Treasures Amongst the Blooms by Field, Zoe
Northeast Ferns: A Field Guide to the Ferns and Fern Relatives of the Northeastern United States by Chadde, Steve W.
Plant Hormones and Climate Change by
Smart Plant Breeding for Vegetable Crops in Post-Genomics Era by
Uv-B Radiation and Crop Growth by
Agro-Industrial Perspectives on Sugarcane Production Under Environmental Stress by
Garden Plants Taxonomy: Volume 1: Ferns, Gymnosperms, and Angiosperms (Monocots) by Dehgan, Bijan
Phytochemical Genomics: Plant Metabolomics and Medicinal Plant Genomics by
Nanomaterial Interactions with Plant Cellular Mechanisms and Macromolecules and Agricultural Implications by
Advances in Research on Vegetable Production Under a Changing Climate Vol. 2 by
The Role of Agricultural Extension in Pest Control by Abdelazim, Samia, Abdel-Raheem, Mohamed
Cisgenic Crops: Safety, Legal and Social Issues by
Microbial Biocontrol Agents: Developing Effective Biopesticides by
Common Chinese Materia Medica: Volume 6 by
Molecular Mechanism of Crucifer's Host-Resistance by Meena, Prabhu Dayal, Saharan, Govind Singh, Mehta, Naresh K.
The Wardian Case: How a Simple Box Moved Plants and Changed the World by Keogh, Luke
Blossoming Beauty: A Coloring Book Featuring Beautiful Blooms and Bold Women from Around the World by Publishing, Clair Essa
A Visitor's Guide to the Plants of Muir Woods National Monument by Chadde, Steve, Smith, Gladys L.
Hyperspectral Indices and Image Classifications for Agriculture and Vegetation by
Biophysical and Biochemical Characterization and Plant Species Studies by
Genomics of Crucifer's Host-Resistance by Meena, Prabhu Dayal, Saharan, Govind Singh, Mehta, Naresh K.
Salicylic Acid - A Versatile Plant Growth Regulator by
Flore Des Serres Et Jardins de l'Europe: Descriptions Et Figures Des Plantes Rares Et Méritantes, Nouvellement Introduites Sur Le Continent by Lemaire, Charles
Medicinal Plants: Their Response to Abiotic Stress by
Role of Potassium in Abiotic Stress by
Agricultural Biotechnology: Latest Research and Trends by
The Secret Language of Flowers: The Historical Symbolism and Spiritual Properties of Flowers Throughout Time by DK
Abiotic Stresses in Wheat: Unfolding the Challenges by
Dissemination Pathways of Agricultural Technologies by Tamagond, Prakash, J. G., Angadi
Rose Adult Coloring Book Luxury Edition: Stress Relieving Designs with Roses for Adults 16 Premium Coloring Pages with Amazing Rose Designs Amazing Id by Hayley M Morgan
Flowers Of The World: coloring book by Studio, Hotpixel
Soil Hydrology in a Changing Climate by
Soybean Seed Composition: Protein, Oil, Fatty Acids, Amino Acids, Sugars, Mineral Nutrients, Tocopherols, and Isoflavones by
Effect of Frozen Storage on Quality Related Changes in Tilapia by Kanasi, Subbaiah, Ramagiri, Mahesh Kumar, Dasari, Pamanna
The Most Beautiful Flowers Adult Coloring Book Luxury Edition: Premium Desings with Most Beautiful Flowers Stress Relieving Designs with Flowers for A by Hayley M Morgan
Plant Phenolics in Abiotic Stress Management by
Wild Edible Plants of Arkansas by Kane, Charles W.
Flowers Adult Coloring Book Luxury Edition: Stress Relieving Designs with Flowers for Adults 40 Premium Coloring Pages with Amazing Designs by Hayley M Morgan
From Herbs to Healing: Pharmacognosy - Phytochemistry - Phytotherapy - Biotechnology by
Plant Bioinformatics: Methods and Protocols by
Recent Research and Advances in Soilless Culture by
Beautiful Flowers Adult Coloring Book Luxury Edition: Premium Desings with Beautiful Flowers Stress Relieving Designs with Flowers for Adults 50 Premi by Hayley M Morgan
Streifzüge an der Riviera by Strasburger, Eduard
Quantitative Genetics by Xu, Shizhong
Pretty Flowers Coloring Book for Adults: Flower Coloring Book Featuring Blooming Lifelike Flowers in Natural Settings with Birds and Butterflies, and by Maplewood, Avri
Solar Irrigation System Efficiency by Castro Laura, Diomedes Ángel
Unmanned Aerial Systems for Monitoring Soil, Vegetation, and Riverine Environments by
Granatapfelnektar by Bhatt, Ashishkumar, Arbat, Shakti
Achieving Sustainable Turfgrass Management by
Instant Insights: Economics of Key Agricultural Practices by Crain, Philip R., Onstad, David W., de Wolf, Pieter
Meadow: The Intimate Bond Between People, Place and Plants by Parkinson, Iain
An Analysis of Cost, Productivity and Profitability of Saffron Production in Jammu and Kashmir Pulwama by Dass, Ajaz Ahmad
Tropical Plant Species and Technological Interventions for Improvement by
Nutrizione preventiva per adulti by Monteagudo, Leslie
Plant Anatomy for Babies: Clayton's Plant Science Series by Lemmon, Jackie
The Catharanthus Genome by
Der Einfluss der Lagertemperatur der Trauben auf die organischen Säuren von MCC-Weinen by Silas Chidi, Boredi, Zovuyo Notshokovu, Nqabakazi
L'effet de la température de stockage du raisin sur les acides organiques des vins MCC by Zovuyo Notshokovu, Nqabakazi, Silas Chidi, Boredi
L'effetto della temperatura di conservazione delle uve sugli acidi organici dei vini MCC by Zovuyo Notshokovu, Nqabakazi, Silas Chidi, Boredi
Das Protoplasma der Rhizopoden und der Pflanzenzellen; ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Zelle by Schultze, Max
Wirtschaftliche Aspekte der Bananenerzeugung im Bezirk Bhagalpur in Bihar, Indien by Kumari, Priyanka, Wadhwani, M. K.
Economia della produzione di banane nel distretto di Bhagalpur, Bihar, India by Wadhwani, M. K., Kumari, Priyanka
Экономика производства & by Кумари, Пр&#, Вадхвани, &#
Archaeology of African Plant Use by
Faktoren, die die Sorghumerzeugung in Entwicklungsländern beeinflussen by Mutua, Ngau
Facteurs influençant la production de sorgho dans les pays en développement by Mutua, Ngau
Holistic Homesteading: A Guide to a Sustainable and Regenerative Lifestyle by Ahern, Roxanne
Holistic Homesteading: A Guide to a Sustainable and Regenerative Lifestyle by Ahern, Roxanne
Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 53: Nanoparticles: A New Tool to Enhance Stress Tolerance by
Reaktion von Pflanzenwachstums regulatoren auf Chrysanthemen in Zentralindien by Dotaniya, C. K., Pahade, Vineeta, Mohbe, Sandeep
Seaweeds of the World: A Guide to Every Order by Bothwell, John
Tulips: A Little Book of Flowers by Weaver, Tara Austen
Integrated Pest Management in Diverse Cropping Systems by
Gegenwärtiger und früherer Status der indischen Landwirtschaft by Sharma, Avinash
Wild American Ginseng: Lessons for Conservation in the Age of Humans by McGraw, James
Wild American Ginseng: Lessons for Conservation in the Age of Humans by McGraw, James
Wild American Ginseng: Lessons for Conservation in the Age of Humans by McGraw, James
Rhodophyta - Volume 4: Sporolithales, Corallinales and Hapalidiales by
The French Collector: Journal and Letters of Théodore Leschenault, Botanist of the Baudin Expedition by Gibbard, Paul
Wild American Ginseng: Lessons for Conservation in the Age of Humans by McGraw, James
Plant Metabolites under Environmental Stress: Mechanisms, Responses, and Adaptation Strategies by
Legumes: Physiology and Molecular Biology of Abiotic Stress Tolerance by
Advances in Plant Omics and Systems Biology Approaches by
Stratégies d'adaptation au changement climatique chez les céréaliers by Ikpe, Elisha
Estratégias de Adaptação às Alterações Climáticas entre os Agricultores de Grãos by Ikpe, Elisha
The Boletes of China: Tylopilus S.L. by Li, Yan-Chun, Yang, Zhu L.
Estudo etnomedicinal de várias aldeias em Dhanpur Taluka, Dahod, Guj by Gupta, Urvi
Plant Genetic Resources for the 21st Century: The OMICS Era by
The Genera of Orchidaceae in Hong Kong: Commemorative Edition by Hu, Shiu-Ying
Botanical Illustrated Guide to Hong Kong Native Plants by Lau, David T. W., Li, Man-Ching, Wong, Hiu-Yan
The Garden Politic: Global Plants and Botanical Nationalism in Nineteenth-Century America by Kuhn, Mary
The Garden Politic: Global Plants and Botanical Nationalism in Nineteenth-Century America by Kuhn, Mary
Práticas de Biologia Molecular by Parmar, Vilas
There She Grows Again: Wives, Royalty, Goddesses by Leese, Brenda
Decolonizing Paradise: A Radical Ethnography of Environmental Stewardship in the Caribbean by
A Field Guide to Tropical Plant Families by Keller, Roland
Decolonizing Paradise: A Radical Ethnography of Environmental Stewardship in the Caribbean by
Auswirkungen der Mineraldüngung auf den Maisanbau by Vincent, Valdimir, Joseph, Roland, Métayer, James
Garden Plants Taxonomy: Volume 2: Angiosperms (Eudicots) by Dehgan, Bijan
Pressed Plants: Making a Herbarium by Lipsen, Linda P. J.
Bacilli in Agrobiotechnology: Plant Stress Tolerance, Bioremediation, and Bioprospecting by
Effet de la supplémentation en vitamine A sur les maladies liées à une carence en micronutriments by Kaur, Kawaljeet
The Plant Cytoskeleton: Methods and Protocols by
Тяжелые металлы в почвах by Урушадзе, &#, Водяницк&#10, Бакрадзе, &#
Metais Pesados nos Solos da Geórgia by Urushadze, Tengiz, Vodyanitskii, Yuri, Bakradze, Elina
The Witch's Garden: Plants in Folklore, Magic and Traditional Medicine by Lawrence, Sandra
Plant Genotyping: Methods and Protocols by
Phytoremediation: Management of Environmental Contaminants, Volume 7 by
Northern Nut Growers Report of the Proceedings at the Twenty-First Annual Meeting; Cedar Rapids, Iowa, September 17, 18, and 19, 1930 by Nut Growers Association, Northern
Northern Nut Growers Association Thirty-Fourth Annual Report 1943 by Nut Growers Association, Northern
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting; Downington, Pennsylvania, September 11 and 12, 1933 by Nut Growers Association, Northern
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting; Battle Creek, Michigan, September 10 and 11, 1934 by Nut Growers Association, Northern
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Thirty-Seventh Annual Report Wooster, Ohio, September 3, 4, 5, 1946 by Nut Growers Association, Northern
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting; Guelph, Ontario, September 3, 4, 5, 1947 by Nut Growers Association, Northern
Northern Nut Growers Association, report of the proceedings at the sixth annual meeting; Rochester, New York, September 1 and 2, 1915 by Nut Growers Association, Northern
Northern Nut Growers Association, Report of the Proceedings at the Seventh Annual Meeting; Washington, D. C. September 8 and 9, 1916. by Nut Growers Association, Northern
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Second Annual Meeting; Ithaca, New York, December 14 and 15, 1911 by Nut Growers Association, Northern
Northern Nut Growers Association, Report of the Proceedings at the Fourth Annual Meeting; Washington D.C. November 18 and 19, 1913 by Nut Growers Association, Northern
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting; Washington D.C. September 26, 27 and 28 1923 by Nut Growers Association, Northern
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Forty-Second Annual Meeting; Urbana, Illinois, August 28, 29 and 30, 1951 by Nut Growers Association, Northern
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Fifth Annual Meeting; Evansville, Indiana, August 20 and 21, 1914 by Nut Growers Association, Northern
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting; New York City, September 3, 4 and 5, 1924 by Nut Growers Association, Northern
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Eleventh Annual Meeting; Washington, D. C. October 7 and 8, 1920 by Nut Growers Association, Northern
Northern Nut Growers Association, report of the proceedings at the eighth annual meeting; Stamford, Connecticut, September 5 and 6, 1917 by Nut Growers Association, Northern
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the 44th Annual Meeting; Rochester, N.Y. August 31 and September 1, 1953 by Nut Growers Association, Northern
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the 43rd Annual Meeting; Rockport, Indiana, August 25, 26 and 27, 1952 by Nut Growers Association, Northern
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the 41st Annual Meeting; Pleasant Valley, New York, August 28, 29 and 30, 1950 by Nut Growers Association, Northern
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the 13th Annual Meeting; Rochester, N.Y. September, 7, 8 and 9, 1922 by Nut Growers Association, Northern
Northern Nut Growers Association Incorporated 39th Annual Report; At Norris, Tenn. September 13-15 1948 by Nut Growers Association, Northern
North American Wild Flowers by Parr Strickland Traill, Catharine
The North American Slime-Moulds; A Descriptive List of All Species of Myxomycetes Hitherto Reported from the Continent of North America, with Notes on by H. MacBride, Thomas
The Secret Language of Flowers by Gray, Samantha
Enzymology of Complex Alpha-Glucans by
Spatial Econometric Methods in Agricultural Economics Using R by
Wild Edible Plants of Idaho by Kane, Charles W.
The Medicago Truncatula Genome by
Emerging Contaminants and Plants: Interactions, Adaptations and Remediation Technologies by
Identification in silico des micrornas et de leurs cibles chez la lentille by Kalaria, Rishee, Lakhani, Ami
Plants and People: Karnataka Rites of Passage: Karnataka Rites of Passage by Hanchett, Suzanne
Un approccio all'utilizzo del pesce occhio di bue (Priacanthus hamrur) by Murthy, L. Narasimha
Plant and Algae Biomass: Feasible Sources for Biofuel Production by Singh, Dig Vijay, Tonelli, Fernanda Maria Policarpo, Bhat, Rouf Ahmad
Produção sustentável de culturas de leguminosas endémicas e de leguminosas libertadas na Geórgia by Korakhashvili, Avtandil
Mediterranean Fruits Bio-Wastes: Chemistry, Functionality and Technological Applications by
Частота лесных пожаров в by Баргали, Х&#
Omics Studies of Medicinal Plants by
The Magic of Mushrooms: Fungi in Folklore, Superstition and Traditional Medicine by Lawrence, Sandra
Fig (Ficus Carica): Production, Processing, and Properties by
Pollen Cryopreservation Protocols by
The Magic of Mushrooms: Fungi in Folklore, Superstition and Traditional Medicine by Lawrence, Sandra
How to Grow the Flowers: A Sustainable Approach to Enjoying Flowers Through the Seasons by Mogendorff, Marianne, Romain, Camila
Impact on growth and survival of Litopenaeus vannamei fed on biofloc by Pamanna, Dasari, Chandrasekhara Rao, A., Mahesh Kumar, Ramagiri
Mykologie: Diversität, Morphologie, Ökologie Und Evolution Der Pilze by Piepenbring, Meike
The Chlamydomonas Sourcebook: Volume 2: Organellar and Metabolic Processes by
The Chlamydomonas Sourcebook: Volume 1: Introduction to Chlamydomonas and Its Laboratory Use by
Natural Secondary Metabolites: From Nature, Through Science, to Industry by
Bryophytes - The State of Knowledge in a Changing World by
Anthocyanins in Subtropical Fruits: Chemical Properties, Processing, and Health Benefits by
The Digital Age in Agriculture by Ozguven, Mehmet Metin
The Digital Age in Agriculture by Ozguven, Mehmet Metin
Reproductive Biology of Angiosperms: Concepts and Laboratory Methods by Mangla, Yash, Khanduri, Priyanka, Gupta, Charu Khosla
The Species Problem: A Conceptual History by Pavlinov, Igor Ya
Ethnobotany: From the Traditional to Ethnopharmacology by
Managing Plant Production Under Changing Environment by
Baccharis: From Evolutionary and Ecological Aspects to Social Uses and Medicinal Applications by
Mazes and Labyrinths: A General Account of Their History and Development by H. Matthews, W.
Переработка кашпо by Тхакур, Пр&#
Orchids Coloring Book: Mother Earth Series by Lee C. Ht, Jeri
Physiological Processes in Plants Under Low Temperature Stress by Bhattacharya, A.
Plants as Medicine and Aromatics: Pharmacognosy, Ecology and Conservation by
Влияние PGRs и микроэлемент&#1 by Вагмаре, С&#, Агале, Сан&#, Качаве, Ди&#
The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines by H. Pardo de Tavera, T.
Native and Non-Native Perennials for Prince Edward Island: A Pictorial Library Volume 2 by Carmichael, David D.
Native and Non-Native Perennials for Prince Edward Island: A Pictorial Library Vol 1 by Carmichael, David D.
The Pacific Northwest Native Plant Primer: 225 Plants for an Earth-Friendly Garden by Merritt, Andrew, Currin, Kristin
The Lichen Museum by Palmer, Laurie A.
A Bird Watching by Wyttenberg, Victoria
Texas Dangerous Animals & Plants: A Folding Guide to Dangerous Species by Waterford Press
Our Knowledge Is Not Primitive: Decolonizing Botanical Anishinaabe Teachings by Geniusz, Wendy Makoons
Halophyte Plant Diversity and Public Health by Altay, Volkan, Nazish, Moona, Öztürk, Münir
The Flax Genome by
The Pine Genomes by
Seed Science and Technology: Biology, Production, Quality by
Seed Science and Technology: Biology, Production, Quality by
Guia de Formação sobre Monitorização e Avaliação de Pastagens no Níger by Boureima, Amadou, Fodé Camara, M. Sanoussi
The Sandalwood Genome by
Plant Secondary Metabolites: Physico-Chemical Properties and Therapeutic Applications by
The Jute Genome by
Практические аспекты вы& by Бака, Симо&#, Драга, Пхи&#
Freshwater Red Algae: Phylogeny, Taxonomy and Biogeography by Necchi Jr, Orlando, L. Vis, Morgan
Micro and Nanoplastics in Soil: Threats to Plant-Based Food by
Soil Application of Paclobutrazol in Kesar Mango by Gohel, Bhavin C., Malam, V. R.
The Story of Flowers: And How They Changed the Way We Live by Kingsbury, Noel
A Flower a Day by Janatka, Miranda
Held by the Land: A Guide to Indigenous Plants for Wellness by Joseph, Leigh
The Science of Gardening: Discover How Your Garden Really Grows by Farrimond, Stuart
Fernerkundungsansatz zur Bewertung von Biomasse und Kohlenstoffbestand by Devagiri, G. M., Puttaiah, E. T., Khaple, Anil Kumar
Oilseed Crops - Uses, Biology and Production by
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