• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Bridge in 2013

Gamesman Bridge by Kantar, Eddie
Winning Declarer Play by Hayden Truscott, Dorothy
Royal Spades Auction Bridge by Anon
The Complete Book on Balancing in Contract Bridge by Lawrence, Mike
Bridge With God- by Mann, Fran, Veltri, John Avis
Test Your Bridge Play Volume 2 by Kantar, Eddie
Bridge Crosswords by Chen, Jeff
Treasury of Bidding Tips: 554 Tips to Improve Your Partner's Game (Revised, Updated) by Kantar, Eddie
Card Play Technique or the Art of Being Lucky by Gardener, Nico, Mollo, Victor
Bridge in the Menagerie by Mollo, Victor
Alterman Big Club by Alterman, Stanley B.
Four-Suit Transfers: Your Bridge to Conventions by Tucker, Patty
Smolen: Your Bridge to Conventions by Tucker, Patty
Support Doubles: Your Bridge to Conventions by Tucker, Patty
Maximal Doubles: Your Bridge to Conventions by Tucker, Patty
Cuebidding 1 - Controls: Bridge Concepts and Practice by Bernhardt, Melissa, Tucker, Patty
Help Suit Game Tries: Bridge Concepts and Practice by Bernhardt, Melissa, Tucker, Patty
Responder Rebids: Bridge Concepts and Practice by Tucker, Patty, Bernhardt, Melissa
Weak Two Opens and Pre-emptive Bids: Bridge Concepts and Practice by Tucker, Patty, Bernhardt, Melissa
No Trump Including Stayman and Jacoby Transfers: Bridge Concepts and Practice by Bernhardt, Melissa, Tucker, Patty
Opening Bids at the One Level and Responding to Opening Bids of One of a Suit Workbooks 1 and 2: Bridge Concepts and Practice by Bernhardt, Melissa, Tucker, Patty
Strong 2 Club Including 2 Diamond Waiting: Bridge Concepts and Practice by Tucker, Patty, Bernhardt, Melissa
Jacoby Transfers: Your Bridge to Conventions by Tucker, Patty
Stayman: Your Bridge to Conventins by Tucker, Patty
Michaels and Unusual 2NT: Your Bridge to Conventions by Tucker, Patty
Three-level Responses to a 1NT Opening Bid by Tucker, Patty
Learn Bridge in A Day? Student Manual by Bernhardt, Melissa, Tucker, Patty
1NT Forcing by Tucker, Patty
Splinter Bids by Tucker, Patty
Jacoby 2NT by Tucker, Patty
Help Suit Game Tries by Tucker, Patty
Unusual vs. Unusual by Tucker, Patty
Texas Transfers by Tucker, Patty
Bergen Raises by Tucker, Patty
Lebensohl by Tucker, Patty
Opener Rebids After an Unlimited Response: Bridge Concepts and Practice by Bernhardt, Melissa, Tucker, Patty
Opener Rebids After a Limited Response: Bridge Concepts and Practice by Bernhardt, Melissa, Tucker, Patty
Drury by Tucker, Patty
Playing a Bridge Hand: Just the Basics Teacher's Manual by DuFresne, Mary Ann
How to Be a Lucky Player by Thomson, Matthew
Playing a Bridge Hand: Just the Basics by DuFresne, Mary Ann
Cuebidding in Competitive Auctions by Tucker, Patty
Take-Out Double Family by Tucker, Patty
Roman Key Card Blackwood (with Specific Kings) by Tucker, Patty
Cuebidding Controls by Tucker, Patty
Defensive Play at Bridge: A Quizbook by Bird, David, Seagram, Barbara
How to Win at Duplicate Bridge by Miles, Marshall
Gus One Notrump by Granovetter, Pamela, Granovetter, Matthew
Serious 3NT by Tucker, Patty
Further Adventures at the Bridge Table by Hughes, Roy
Inverted Minors by Tucker, Patty
How to Play Canasta by Frey, Richard L., Culbertson, Ely
Weak Two Bids by Tucker, Patty
2/1 Game Force by Tucker, Patty
Preemptive Bidding by Tucker, Patty
Good/Bad 2NT by Tucker, Patty
Second Book of Bridge Problems by O'Connor, Patrick
The Pocket Guide to Declarer Play at Bridge by Bird, David, Seagram, Barbara
How Not to Play Bridge by Wiss, Mike Dorn
Underhanded Bridge: A Hilarious Handbook of Devious Diversions and Stratagems for Winning at Bridge by Sohl, Jerry
Strong 2C with 2D Waiting by Tucker, Patty