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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

British History in 1990

Enemies Under His Feet: Radicals and Nonconformists in Britain, 1664-1677 by Greaves, Richard L.
Early-Stuart Mariners and Shipping: The Maritime Surveys of Devon and Cornwall 1619-35 by
The Victoria History of the County of Oxford: Volume XII: Wootton Hundred (Southern Part) Including Woodstock by
Whiggery and Reform, 1830-41: The Politics of Government by Newbold, Ian
The American Revolution in the Law: Anglo-American Jurisprudence Before John Marshall by Stimson, Shannon C.
British Privateering Enterprise in the Eighteenth Century by Starkey, David J.
General Introduction: Supplement 1970-90 by
Ordnance Survey Memoirs of Ireland: Parishes of Co. Armagh 1835-8 by
Isle of Man: Celebrating a Sense of Place by
Literary Practice and Social Change in Britain, 1380-1530 by
Power, Competition and the State: Volume 2 by Middlemas, K.
Whigs and Cities: Popular Politics in the Age of Walpole and Pitt by Rogers, Nicholas
Selected Letters of William Michael Rossetti by Peattie, Roger
The Stonehenge People: An Exploration of Life in Neolithic Britain 4700-2000 BC by Castleden, Rodney
Chapters of the Agrarian History of England and Wales: Volume 5, the Buildings of the Countryside, 1500 1750 by
Criticism and Compliment: The Politics of Literature in the England of Charles I by Sharpe, Kevin
Agricultural Change: Policy and Practice, 1500-1750 by
Chapters from the Agrarian History of England and Wales: Volume 2, Rural Society: Landowners, Peasants and Labourers, 1500 1750 by
Economic Changes: Prices, Wages, Profits and Rents, 1500-1750 by
Chapters from the Agrarian History of England and Wales: Volume 4, Agricultural Markets and Trade, 1500 1750 by
Class Formation and Urban Industrial Society: Bradford, 1750 1850 by Koditschek, Theodore
Gentlemen and Barristers: The Inns of Court and the English Bar 1680-1730 by Lemmings, David
Church and State in Early Modern England, 1509-1640 by Solt, Leo F.
The Gladstone Diaries: With Cabinet Minutes and Prime-Ministerial Correspondencevolume X: January 1881-June 1883 by Gladstone, William Ewart
The Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke: Volume VIII: The French Revolution 1790-1794 by Burke, Edmund
English Women's Clothing in the Nineteenth Century: A Comprehensive Guide with 1,117 Illustrations by Cunnington, C. Willett
God's Obvious Design: Spanish Armada Symposium, Sligo, 1988 Including 'The Account of Francisco de Cuéllar' by
A History of British Surnames by McKinley, Richard
The Ideologies of Class: Social Relations in Britain 1880-1950 by McKibbin, Ross
London Crowds in the Reign of Charles II: Propaganda and Politics from the Restoration Until the Exclusion Crisis by Harris, Tim
Coping with City Growth during the British Industrial Revolution by Williamson, Jeffrey G.
Jfc Fuller: Military Thinker by Reid, Brian Holden
Bicycles, Bangs, and Bloomers by Marks, Patricia
Rule of Darkness: British Literature and Imperialism, 1830 1914 by Brantlinger, Patrick
For Party or Country: Nationalism and the Dilemmas of Popular Conservatism in Edwardian England by Coetzee, Frans
An Economic History of the English Poor Law, 1750 1850 by Boyer, George R.
British Unemployment 1919 1939: A Study in Public Policy by Garside, William R.
Domination and Conquest: The Experience of Ireland, Scotland and Wales, 1100 1300 by Davies, R. R.
Medieval Wales by Walker, David
Kings and Kingdoms of Early Anglo-Saxon England by Yorke, Barbara
The South East from 1000 AD by Brandon, Peter
The Wars of the Roses by Goodman, Anthony
Indian Society and the Making of the British Empire by Bayly, C. A.
Roman Canon Law in Reformation England by Helmholz, R. H., R. H., Helmholz
Revolution Principles: The Politics of Party 1689 1720 by Kenyon, J. P.
Behemoth or the Long Parliament by Hobbes, Thomas
British Politics and the American Revolution by Perry, Keith
Images of Youth: Age, Class, and the Male Youth Problem, 1880-1920 by Hendrick, Harry
Class: Image and Reality: In Britain, France and the USA Since 1930 by Marwick, A.
Lordship to Patronage: Scotland 1603-1745 by Mitchison, Rosalind
Scotland: An Intimate Portrait by MacGregor, Geddes
Scotland: An Intimate Portrait by MacGregor, Geddes
Century of the Scottish People: 1830-1950 by Smout, T. C.
To Lead As Equals: Rural Protest and Political Consciousness in Chinandega, Nicaragua, 1912-1979 by Gould, Jeffrey L.
The Origins of Freemasonry by Stevenson, David
The Rise of Respectable Society: A Social History of Victorian Britain, 1830-1900 by Thompson, F. M. L.
The Sinews of Power: War, Money and the English State, 1688-1783 by Brewer, John
Sport and the British: A Modern History by Holt, Richard
Height, Health and History: Nutritional Status in the United Kingdom, 1750 1980 by Wachter, Kenneth, Gregory, Annabel, Floud, Roderick
An Uncounselled King: Charles I and the Scottish Troubles, 1637 1641 by Donald, P. H., Donald, Peter
Liberty in Hume's History of England by
Indian Tales of the Raj by Masani, Zareer
Gladstone and the Liberal Party by Winstanley, Michael J.
The Formulation of British Defense Policy Towards the Middle East, 1948-56 by Devereaux, David R.
The Diary of Bulstrode Whitelocke, 1605-1675 by Whitelocke, Bulstrode
Atlas of British Social and Economic History Since c.1700 by
The Pastons and Their England: Studies in an Age of Transition by Bennett, H. S.
Continuity, Chance and Change by Wrigley, Edward Anthony, Wrigley, E. A.
Religion and the Religions in the English Enlightenment by Harrison, Peter, Peter, Harrison
Whiggery and Reform, 1830-41: The Politics of Government by Newbould, Ian
Road to Divorce: England, 1530-1987 by Stone, Lawrence