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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

British History in 1998

Roman Britain by Ireland, Stanley, Hill, Stephen R.
The British Army in the West Indies: Society and the Military in the Revolutionary Age by Buckley, Roger Norman
A History of Shropshire: Volume X: Wenlock, Upper Corvedale, and the Stretton Hills by
Vch Middlesex XI by
Renaissance Culture and the Everyday by
The Rise of English Nationalism: A Cultural History, 1740-1830 by Newman, Gerald
The Economy of Obligation: The Culture of Credit and Social Relations in Early Modern England by Muldrew, C.
Slaving and Slavery in the Indian Ocean by Scarr, Deryck
Huguenots of London by Gwynn, Robin D.
Cost of War: British Policy on French War Debts, 1918-1932 by Turner, Arthur
Paris Embassy of Sir Eric Phipps: Anglo-French Relations and Foreign Office, 1937-1939 by Herman, John
Diana, Charles & the Queen by Heyen, William
William of Newburgh: The History of English Affairs, Book 1 by Walsh, Peter, Kennedy, M. J.
New Labour Triumphs: Britain at the Polls by King, Anthony
From Ulster to Carolina: The Migration of the Scotch-Irish to Southwestern North Carolina by Blethen, H. Tyler, Wood, Curtis W.
Writers Guide To Everyday Life In Regency & Victorian England by Hughes, Kristine
Sovereignty and the Sword: Harrington, Hobbes, and Mixed Government in the English Civil Wars by Fukuda, Arihiro
Neville Chamberlain, appeasment and the British road to war by McDonough, Frank
Moving the Goalposts: A History of Sport and Society in Britain since 1945 by Polley, Martin
The Industrial Revolution, 1760-1830 by Ashton, T. S.
Moving the Goalposts: A History of Sport and Society in Britain Since 1945 by Polley, Martin
Eleanor of Castile: Queen and Society in Thirteenth-Century France by Parsons, John Carmi
Black '47: Britain and the Famine Irish by Neal, F.
Harold MacMillan and the Berlin Wall Crisis, 1958-62: The Limits of Interest and Force by Gearson, J.
The English Reformation and the Laity: Gloucestershire, 1540 1580 by Litzenberger, Caroline
Understanding Decline: Perceptions and Realities of British Economic Performance by
King James VI and I and the Reunion of Christendom by Patterson, W. B.
Political Dialogue in Northern Ireland by Bloomfield, D.
Britain and Foreign Affairs 1815-1885: Europe and Overseas by Lowe, John
Britain, Mihailovic and the Chetniks, 1941-42 by Trew, S.
Sport, Economy and Society in Britain 1750 1914 by Tranter, Neil
The Solidarities of Strangers: The English Poor Laws and the People, 1700 1948 by Lynn Hollen, Lees, Lees, Lynn Hollen
Sport, Economy and Society in Britain 1750 1914 by Neil, Tranter, Tranter, Neil
Gender and Imperialism by Midgley, Clare
Fragments of Empire: Capital, Slavery, and Indian Indentured Labor in the British Caribbean by Kale, Madhavi
Small Claims in the County Courts in England and Wales by Baldwin, John
London: A Social History by Porter, Roy
Strikes and Solidarity: Coalfield Conflict in Britain, 1889 1966 by Church, Roy, Outram, Quentin
Controlling Misbehavior in England, 1370 1600 by Marjorie Keniston, McIntosh, McIntosh, Marjorie Keniston
Science at Oxford, 1914-1939: Transforming an Arts University by Morrell, Jack
Production Efficiency in Domesday England, 1086 by McDonald, John
The Royal Navy and German Naval Disarmament 1942-1947 by Madsen, Chris
The Royal Navy and German Naval Disarmament 1942-1947 by Madsen, Chris
The Uses of Literacy by Hoggart, Richard
Bacon: The History of the Reign of King Henry VII and Selected Works by Bacon, Francis
Symond's Diary Marches Royal Army by Symonds, Richard
Symond's Diary Marches Royal Army by Symonds, Richard
Bacon: The History of the Reign of King Henry VII and Selected Works by Bacon, Francis
The One That Got Away: My SAS Mission Behind Enemy Lines by Ryan, Chris
London Dispossessed: Literature and Social Space in the Early Modern City by Twyning, John
At Zero Point: Discourse, Culture, and Satire in Restoration England by Zimbardo, Rose A.
FHA 1 English W Africa 1 Fhasah C by Law
Language and Stage in Medieval and Renaissance England by Dillon, Janette
The Opium War, 1840-1842: Barbarians in the Celestial Empire in the Early Part of the Nineteenth Century and the War by which They Forced Her Ga by Fay, Peter Ward
The Convent and the Community in Late Medieval England: Female Monasteries in the Diocese of Norwich, 1350-1540 by Oliva, Marilyn
Jessica's People: A Semi-fiction Recollection of Rural Ulster by Woodger, Jessie
The End of Roman Britain: Sexual Rights and the Transformation of American Liberalism by Jones, Michael E.
War and British Society 1688 1815 by Bowen, H. V.
War and British Society 1688 1815 by Bowen, H. V.
At the Heart of the Empire: Indians and the Colonial Encounter in Late-Victorian Britain by Burton, Antoinette
Alienated Affections: Divorce and Separation in Scotland 1684-1830 by Leneman, Leah
The Anglican Canons, 1529-1947 by
British Foreign Policy, 1919-1939 by Doerr, Paul
Dissing Elizabeth: Negative Representations of Gloriana by
History of The Modern British Isles by Smith, David Lee
History of the Modern British Isles by Smith, David Lee
Struggle Against Russia in the Romanian Principalities: A Problem in Anglo-Turkish Diplomacy, 1821-1854 by Florescu, Radu
The Evangelical Revival by Ditchfield, G. M.
Women In Early Modern England, 1500-1700 by Eales, Jacqueline
The Judas Kiss: A Play by Hare, David
West Africans in Britain: 1900-1960 Nationalism, Pan Africanism and Communism by Adi, Hakim
Tomb of the Eagles: Death and Life in a Stone Age Tribe by Hedges, John W.
Free Trade and Liberal England, 1846-1946 by Howe, Anthony
Churches and Social Issues in Twentieth-Century Britain by Machin, G. I. T.
Classes and Cultures: England 1918-1951 by McKibbin, Ross
White Mutiny: British Military Culture in India by Stanley, Peter
Exploiting the Sea: Aspects of Britain's Maritime Economy Since 1870 by
The Reordering of British Politics: Politics After Thatcher by Kavanagh, Dennis
London Dispossessed: Literature and Social Space in the Early Modern City by Twyning, John
Romantic Imperialism: Universal Empire and the Culture of Modernity by Makdisi, Saree
Religion and Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century England: Theological Debate from Locke to Burke by Young, B. W.
The Problem of Mental Deficiency: Eugenics, Democracy, and Social Policy in Britain C. 1870-1959 by Thomson, Mathew
Local Responses to the English Reformation by Whiting, Robert
The Matter of Revolution: On Human Action, Will, and Freedom by Rogers, John
British Consciousness and Identity: The Making of Britain, 1533 1707 by
Foreign Bodies and the Body Politic: Discourses of Social Pathology in Early Modern England by Harris, Jonathan Gil, Jonathan Gil, Harris
Actresses on the Victorian Stage by Marshall, Gail
Speaking for the People: Party, Language and Popular Politics in England, 1867 1914 by Lawrence, Jon
Stonehenge, Today and Yesterday by Stevens, Frank
From Chiefs to Landlords: Social and Economic Change in the Western Highlands & Islands by Dodgshon, Robert A.
A Dictionary of Suffolk Crests: Heraldic Crests of Suffolk Families by Corder, Joan
The Early Feminists: Radical Unitarians and the Emergence of the Women's Rights Movement, 1831-51 by Gleadle, Kathryn
The Common Lot: Sickness, Medical Occupations and the Urban Poor in Early Modern England by Pelling, Margaret
Morality and the Market in Victorian Britain by Searle, G. R.
Poverty and Poor Law Reform in Nineteenth-Century Britain, 1834-1914: From Chadwick to Booth by Englander, David
Britain for and Against Europe: British Politics and the Question of European Integration by
Journal John Wodehouse 1862-1902 by Wodehouse, John
Societies, Cultures and Kinship 1580-1850: Cultural Provinces and English Local History by
The Political Influence of Naval Force in History by Cable, J.
The Political Influence of Naval Force in History by Cable, J.
The English Civil War and Revolution: A Sourcebook by Lindley, Keith
Victorian Labour History: Experience, Identity and the Politics of Representation by Host, John
Romantic Period Writings 1798-1832: An Anthology by
The English Civil War and Revolution: A Sourcebook by Lindley, Keith
James VI and I: King of Great Britain by Carrier, Irene
Chartism by Brown, Richard
European Commercial Enterprise in Pre-Colonial India by Prakash, Om
Soldiers, Writers and Statesmen of the English Revolution by
The English Levellers by
The English Levellers by
Investing with Meaning: The Raleigh Circle in the New World by Miller, Shannon
Memorials of the Great War in Britain: The Symbolism and Politics of Remembrance by King, Alex
Royal Navy in European Waters During the American Revolutionary War by Syrett, David
Memorials of the Great War in Britain: The Symbolism and Politics of Remembrance by King, Alex
Richard III by Shakespeare, William
Violence, Custom and Law: The Anglo-Scottish Border Lands in the Later Middle Ages by Neville, Cynthia J.
Demise of the British Empire in the Middle East: Britain's Responses to Nationalist Movements, 1943-55 by
The English Renaissance: An Anthology of Sources and Documents by
Spaces of Modernity: London's Geographies 1680-1780 by Ogborn, Miles
A Tale of Three Cities: Comparative Studies in Working-Class Life by Lynch, John
A Tale of Three Cities: Comparative Studies in Working-Class Life by Lynch, John
Britain's Withdrawal from East of Suez by Pickering, J.
Popular Contention in Great Britain, 1758-1834 by Tilly, Charles
Living Through History: Core Book 3 by Shuter, Jane, Rees, Rosemary, Kelly, Nigel
The Condition of England Question: Carlyle, Mill, Engels by Levin, Michael
Where Queen Elizabeth Slept and What the Butler Saw: A Treasury of Historical Terms from the Sixteenth Century to the Present by Durant, David
The Size of Chesterton's Catholicism by Fagerberg, David W.
Aristocratic Women and Political Society in Victorian Britain by Reynolds, K. D.
DIY Culture: Party and Protest in Nineties' Britain by
Victorian Values: Personalities and Perspectives in Nineteenth Century Society by Marsden, Gordon
St. Oswald of Worcester by Brooks, Stephenson
Fish and Chips, and the British Working Class, 1870-1940 by Walton, John K.
Dismembering the Body Politic: Partisan Politics in England's Towns, 1650 1730 by Halliday, Paul D.
Popular Cultures in England 1550-1750 by Reay, Barry
The Victorian Age: An Anthology of Sources and Documents by
Popular Religion in Sixteenth-Century England: Holding Their Peace by Marsh, Christopher
Popular Religion in Sixteenth-Century England: Holding Their Peace by Marsh, Christopher
Women's Work: The English Experience 1650-1914 by
Thora Hird's Book of Bygones by Hird, Thora
'This Rash Act': Suicide Across the Life Cycle in the Victorian City by Bailey, Victor
Government by Polemic: James I, the King's Preachers, and the Rhetorics of Conformity, 1603-1625 by Ferrell, Lori Anne
General Practice Under the National Health Service 1948-1997 by
The Army in India and the Development of Frontier Warfare, 1849-1947 by Moreman, T.
Medieval Europeans: Studies in Ethnic Identity and National Perspectives in Medieval Europe by
The Politics of Retirement in Britain, 1878-1948 by MacNicol, John
Gender and the Formation of Taste in Eighteenth-Century Britain by Jones, Robert W.
Prayer Book and People in Elizabethan and Early Stuart England by Maltby, Judith
Romanticism and Colonialism: Writing and Empire, 1780 1830 by
Word Crimes: Blasphemy, Culture, and Literature in Nineteenth-Century England by Marsh, Joss
Conservative Women: A History of Women and the Conservative Party, 1874-1997 by Maguire, G.
Conservative Women: A History of Women and the Conservative Party, 1874-1997 by Maguire, G.
British Politics on the Eve of Reform: The Duke of Wellington's Administration, 1828-30 by Jupp, Peter
Three Crises in Early English History: Personalities and Politics During the Norman Conquest, the Reign of King John, and the Wars of the Roses by Alexander, Michael V. C.
Scotland in the Nineteenth Century by McCaffrey, John F.
The Reformation in English Towns, 1500-1640 by Craig, John
The Reformation in English Towns, 1500-1640 by Craig, John
English Puritanism by Spurr, John
'Into Another Mould': Aspects of the Interregnum by Roots, Ivan
Trawling by Robinson, Robb
Churchill on Leadership: Executive Success in the Face of Adversity by Hayward, Steven F.
Short Oxford History of the Modern World by Prest, Wilfrid
The Oxford History of the British Empire: The Origins of the Empire by Marshall, P. J., Louis, William Roger
Anti-Catholicism in Northern Ireland, 1600-1998: The Mote and the Beam by Brewer, J., Higgins, G.
Slaving and Slavery in the Indian Ocean by Scarr, Deryck
Anti-Catholicism in Northern Ireland, 1600-1998: The Mote and the Beam by Brewer, J., Higgins, G.
The Early Elizabethan Polity: William Cecil and the British Succession Crisis, 1558 1569 by Alford, Stephen
The Queen: A Biography of Elizabeth II by Pimlott, Ben
Jacobitism by Pittock, Murray
Catholics in Britain and Ireland, 1558-1829 by Mullett, Michael
British Decolonization, 1946-1997: When, Why and How Did the British Empire Fall? by McIntyre, David
Managing the Business of Empire: Essays in Honour of David Fieldhouse by
Demise of the British Empire in the Middle East: Britain's Responses to Nationalist Movements, 1943-55 by
British Fighting Methods in the Great War by
Papists, Protestants and Puritans 1559 1714 by Newton, Diane, Newton, Diana
Britain's Century: A Political and Social History 1815-1905 by Rubinstein, W. D.
The Northern Counties from AD 1000 by McCord, Norman, Thompson, Richard
Islam in Britain, 1558 1685 by Matar, N. I., Matar, Nabil
Britain, Southeast Asia and the Onset of the Cold War, 1945 1950 by Tarling, Nicholas
The Romance of Italy and the English Imagination: Italy, the English Middle Class and Imaging the Nation in the Nineteenth Century by O'Connor, Maura
English Puritanism by Spurr, John
English Puritanism, 1603-1689 by Spurr, John
The British Economy since 1914: A Study in Decline? by Pope, Rex
Race Relations in Britain Since 1945 by Goulbourne, Harry
Mary Queen of Scots: Romance and Nation by Lewis, Jayne
Mary Queen of Scots: Romance and Nation by Lewis, Jayne
Women Waging Law in Elizabethan England by Stretton, Tim, Stretton, Timothy
The Debate on the English Revolution by Richardson, R.
Anglo-American Relations in the Twentieth Century by Ovendale, Ritchie
Anglo-American Relations in the Twentieth Century by Ovendale, Ritchie
Sir Robert Peel by Jenkins, Terry
England and Europe in the Sixteenth Century by Doran, Susan
Slavery and Colonial Rule in Africa by
Victorian Jews Through British Eyes by Cowen, Anne, Cowen, Roger
Britain and the American Revolution, 1760-1783 by Dickinson, H. T.
Crime in Early Modern England 1550-1750 by Sharpe, James A.
From Courtesy to Civility: Changing Codes of Conduct in Early Modern England by Bryson, Anna
Newspapers, Politics, and Public Opinion in Late 18 Cent. England (Ohm) by Barker, Hannah
The Practice of Field Instruction in Social Work: Theory and Process by Vayda, Elaine, Bogo, Marion
Rethinking Northern Ireland: Culture, Ideology and Colonialism by Miller, David
Politics and Society in Scotland by McCrone, David, Brown, Alice, Paterson, Lindsay
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