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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

British History in 2003

Death and Memory in Medieval Exeter by
Romanticism and War: A Study of British Romantic Period Writers and the Napoleonic Wars by Watson, J.
The Challenges of High Command: The British Experience by
Sir Anthony Eden and the Suez Crisis: Reluctant Gamble by Pearson, Jonathan
Drink and British Politics Since 1830: A Study in Policy Making by Greenaway, J.
Women and Culture at the Courts of the Stuart Queens by McManus, Clare
Cold War Britain by
The Writing of Rural England, 1500-1800 by
The Jacobite Movement in Scotland and in Exile, 1746-1759 by Zimmermann, D.
Women and Crime in the Street Literature of Early Modern England by Clark, S.
Literature and Religion in Mid-Victorian England: From Dickens to Eliot by Oulton, C.
Dictionary of Labour Biography: Volume XI by
Governing Scotland: The Invention of Administrative Devolution by Mitchell, James
The Royal Navy's Home Fleet in World War 2 by Levy, J.
England and Islam by Maitland, Edward
Peace at Last?: The Impact of the Good Friday Agreement on Northern Ireland by
Fishing for Heritage: Modernity and Loss Along the Scottish Coast by Nadel-Klein, Jane
Gambling in the Nineteenth-Century English Novel: 'A Leprosy Is O'Er the Land' by Flavin, Michael
Launcelot Fleming: A Portrait by Hunt, Giles
Fishing for Heritage: Modernity and Loss Along the Scottish Coast by Nadel-Klein, Jane
Treachery at Sharpnose Point: Unraveling the Mystery of the Caledonia's Final Voyage by Seal, Jeremy
Unpublished London Diaries: A Checklist of Unpublished Diaries by Londoners and Visitors with a Select Bibliography of Published Diaries by
English Society: 1580-1680 by Wrightson, Keith
The Lancashire Witches: Histories and Stories by
Elizabeth I by Somerset, Anne
The Age of Elizabeth in the Age of Johnson by Lynch, Jack
Preaching during the English Reformation by Wabuda, Susan
British Trade Unions since 1933 by Wrigley, Chris
Customers and Patrons of the Mad-Trade: The Management of Lunacy in Eighteenth-Century London Volume 12 by Scull, Andrew, Andrews, Jonathan
A Companion to Stuart Britain by
Scotland: The Story of a Nation by Magnusson, Magnus
European Immigrants in Britain 1933-1950 by
Male Witches in Early Modern Europe by Apps, Lara, Gow, Andrew
Quacks of Old London by Thompson, C. J. S.
Stones of Stonehenge by Stone, E. Herbert
Strife of the Roses and Days of the Tudors in the West by Rogers, W. H. Hamilton
Church Treasury of History, Custom and Folklore by Andrews, William
Scotland After the Ice Age: Environment, Archaeology and History 8000 BC - AD 1000 by
The British Isles 1901-1951 by Dougherty, Christopher
The British Isles 1901-1951 by
Crime and Mentalities in Early Modern England by Gaskill, Malcolm, Malcolm, Gaskill
Disputes and Settlements: Law and Human Relations in the West by
English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ages by Jusserand, J. J.
The Shipwrecks of the East Coast Vol 1: Volume One (1766-1917) by Young, Matthew
British Imperialism by Johnson, Rob
The Military Dimension: Volume III: The Military Dimension by
The Military Dimension: Volume III: The Military Dimension by
The Englishman's Daughter: A True Story of Love and Betrayal in World War I by MacIntyre, Ben
Survivors: British Merchant Seamen: British Merchant Seamen in the Second World War by Bennett, G. Harry, Bennett, Roy, Bennett, G. H.
The Victorian Governess by Hughes, Kathryn
Creating Paradise: The Building of the English Country House, 1660-1880 by Mackley, Alan, Wilson, Richard
A Victorian Marriage: Mandell and Louise Creighton by Covert, James
Churchill: A Study in Greatness: A Study in Greatness by Best, Geoffrey
Women, Social Leadership, and the Second World War: Continuities of Class by Hinton, James
Slavery, Empathy, and Pornography by Wood, Marcus
Black Victorians/Black Victoriana by Gerzina, Gretchen Holbrook
Columbus, Shakespeare, and the Interpretation of the New World by Hart, J.
Darkest Day: The Washington-Baltimore Campaign During the War of 1812 by Muller, Charles G.
Government and Expertise: Specialists, Administrators and Professionals, 1860 1919 by
The Cavalier Parliament and the Reconstruction of the Old Regime, 1661 1667 by Seaward, Paul
Studies in Tudor and Stuart Politics and Government: Volume 1, Tudor Politics Tudor Government: Papers and Reviews 1946 1972 by Elton, G. R.
Studies in Tudor and Stuart Politics and Government: Volume 2, Parliament Political Thought: Papers and Reviews 1946 1972 by Elton, G. R.
The Amateur and the Professional: Antiquarians, Historians and Archaeologists in Victorian England 1838 1886 by Levine, P. J. a., Levine, Philippa
Political Change and the Labour Party 1900 1918 by Tanner, Duncan
The Origins of the English by Hills, Catherine
Europe, 1890-1945: Crisis and Conflict by Adams, R. J. Q., Winks, Robin W.
Ernest Jones, Chartism, and the Romance of Politics 1819-1869 by Taylor, Miles
The Myth of Elizabeth by Doran, Susan, Freeman, Thomas
Churchill by Heywood, Samantha
Unitarian Radicalism: Political Impact, 1770-1814 by Andrews, Stuart
Scottish Education in the Twentieth Century by Paterson, Lindsay
Churchill by Heywood, Samantha
Whitehall and the Jews, 1933 1948: British Immigration Policy, Jewish Refugees and the Holocaust by London, Louise
The Invention of Comfort: Sensibilities & Design in Early Modern Britain & Early America by Crowley, John E.
The British Working Class in Postwar Film by Gillett, Philip
The Social Context of Economic Change in Britain: Between Policy and Performance by Casey, Terrence
Ancient Britain: The Cradle of Civilization by Cooper, George H.
Jacobite Movement by Petrie, Charles
King James the First Demonology News from Scotland by
Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of England by Wilson, Richard, Allerton, Lord
Society in the Elizabethan Age by Hall, Hubert
History of the Plague in London by Defoe, Daniel
Historical Memorials of Canterbury by Stanley, Arthur P.
Story of the Memorial Fountain to Shakespeare at Stratford-Upon-Avon by Davis, L. Clarke
Essays on Archaeological Subjects by Wright, Thomas
Plague of London Together With Religious Courtship by Defoe, Daniel
Mother Lodge Kilwinning The Ancient Lodge of Scotland by Ker, William Lee
The Floating Brothel: The Extraordinary True Story of an Eighteenth-Century Ship and Its Cargo of Female Convicts by Rees, Sian
Sir Matthew Hale, 1609 1676: Law, Religion and Natural Philosophy by Cromartie, Alan, Alan, Cromartie
Studies in Tudor and Stuart Politics and Government: Volume 3, Papers and Reviews 1973 1981 by Elton, G. R., G. R., Elton
Studies in Tudor and Stuart Politics and Government: Volume 4, Papers and Reviews 1982 1990 by Elton, G. R.
The Sisters: The Saga of the Mitford Family by Lovell, Mary S.
Japonisme in Britain: Whistler, Menpes, Henry, Hornel and nineteenth-century Japan by Ono, Ayako
The Cult of King Charles the Martyr by Lacey, Andrew
The Celtic Inscriptions of Britain: Phonology and Chronology, C. 400-1200 by Sims-Williams, Patrick
Humanism and America: An Intellectual History of English Colonisation, 1500 1625 by Fitzmaurice, Andrew
Crime, Justice and Discretion in England 1740-1820 by King, Peter
The Liberal Party in Rural England 1885-1910: Radicalism and Community by Lynch, Patricia
History of Universities: Volume XVIII/1 by
The Autobiography of a Nation: The 1951 Festival of Britain by Conekin, Becky E.
When Gossips Meet: Women, Family, and Neighbourhood in Early Modern England by Capp, Bernard
British Cinema in the 1950s: A Celebration by
The British Isles Since 1945 by
The British Isles Since 1945 by Kershaw, Ian, Kershaw, I.
The Registers of Henry Burghersh 1320-1342: II. Institutions to Benefices in the Archdeaconries of Northampton, Oxford, Bedford, Buckingham and Huntin by
Feminine Fascism: Women in Britain's Fascist Movement by Gottlieb, Julie V.
Druids Or A Study in Celtic Prehistory by Kendrick, T. D.
Light on Life's Difficulties by Allen, James
Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey Part 1 by Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn
British Envoys to Germany 1816-1866: Volume 2, 1830-1847 by
High Calvinists in Action: Calvinism and the City, Manchester and London, 1810-1860 by Shaw, Ian J.
The Expansion of Elizabethan England by Rowse, A., Portillo, M.
A Culture of Fact: England, 1550-1720 by Shapiro, Barbara J.
British Monachism by Fosbroke, Thomas Dudley
Saint Thomas More: Selected Writings by More, Thomas
London: The Biography by Ackroyd, Peter
Robin Hood: A Mythic Biography by Knight, Stephen
Pamphlets and Pamphleteering in Early Modern Britain by Raymond, Joad
Devolution - Scottish Answers to Scottish Questions? by
All Men and Both Sexes: Gender, Politics, and the False Universal in England, 1640-1832 by Smith, Hilda L.
Archaeologies of the British: Explorations of Identity in the United Kingdom and Its Colonies 1600-1945 by
The Terror Before Trafalgar: Nelson, Napoleon, and the Secret War by Pocock, Tom
The Spoken Word: Oral Culture in Britain 1500-1850 by
Sassoon: The Worlds of Philip and Sybil by Stansky, Peter
The Scottish Soldier of Fortune: Their Adventures and Achievements in the Armies of Europe by Grant, James
Britain and the Origins of the First World War by Steiner, Zara, Neilson, Keith
Ancient Bards of Britain by Evans, D. Delta
Carolingian Connections: Anglo-Saxon England and Carolingian Francia, c. 750-870 by Story, Joanna
The Making of English National Identity by Kumar, Krishan
The Making of English National Identity by Kumar, Krishan
Cromwell and the Interregnum: The Essential Readings by
Law and Opinion in Twentieth Century Britain and Ireland by Morgan, W., Livingstone, S.
The World of Samuel Pepys: A Pepys Anthology by
When Britain Ruled the Philippines 1762-1764: The Story of the 18th Century British by Fish, Shirley
Sir Edward Coke and the Elizabethan Age by Boyer, Allen D.
Monarch: The Life and Reign of Elizabeth II by Lacey, Robert
Queen Victoria: First Media Monarch by Plunkett, John
Constitution and Laws of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland by Anonymous
Trial of the Lancaster Witches AD MDCXII by Potts, Thomas
Lancashire Legends by Roby
Witchcraft and Superstitious Record in Southwest Scotland by Wood, J. Maxwell
Discovering the Scottish Revolution 1692-1746 by Davidson, Neil
Calendar of Cases of Witchcraft in Scotland 1510 to 1727 by
English Witchcraft, 1560-1736, vol 3 by Sharpe, James, Golden, Richard
The Education of the Eye: Painting, Landscape, and Architecture in Eighteenth-Century Britain by de Bolla, Peter
Reformation in Britain and Ireland by Heal, Felicity
The Education of the Eye: Painting, Landscape, and Architecture in Eighteenth-Century Britain by de Bolla, Peter
A Great, Silly Grin: The British Satire Boom of the 1960s by Carpenter, Humphrey
Scotland and the Music Hall, 1850-1914 by Maloney, Paul
Rural Society in the Age of Reason: An Archaeology of the Emergence of Modern Life in the Southern Scottish Highlands by Dalglish, Chris J.
The Reign of Elizabeth I by Levin, Carole
The British World: Diaspora, Culture and Identity by
Female Intelligence: Women and Espionage in the First World War by Proctor, Tammy M.
Proceedings of the Long Parliament, Volume 4: House of Commons, Volume 4: 19 April - 5 June 1641 by
The Myth of William Wallace: A Study of the National Hero's Impact on Scottish History, Literature, and Modern Politics by Wallner, Susanne
Drink and British Politics Since 1830: A Study in Policy Making by Greenaway, J.
The Social Circulation of the Past: English Historical Culture 1500-1730 by Woolf, Daniel
The Townscape of Darlington by Newman, Christine M., Potts, Graham R., Cookson, Gillian
The Divorce of Catherine of Aragon: The Story as Told by the Imperial Ambassadors Resident at the Court of Henry VIII by Froude, James Anthony
Roles of Authority: Thespian Biography and Celebrity in Eighteenth-Century Britain by Wanko, Cheryl
Alice: Princess Andrew of Greece by Vickers, Hugo
Mighty Lewd Books: The Development of Pornography in Eighteenth-Century England by Peakman, J.
Mighty Lewd Books: The Development of Pornography in Eighteenth-Century England by Peakman, J.
British Friendly Societies, 1750-1914 by Cordery, S.
Shepherds of Britain Or Scenes from Shepherd Life Past and Present by Gosset, Adelaide L. J. et al
Romantic Biography of the Age of Elizabeth or Sketches of Life from the Bye Ways of History Part 1 by Benedictine Brethren of Glendalough, Bre
Romantic Biography of the Age of Elizabeth or Sketches of Life from the Bye Ways of History Part 2 by Benedictine Brethren of Glendalough, Bre
Collection of Epitaphs and Monumental Inscriptions Chiefly in Scotland by Anonymous
Unequal City: London in the Global Arena by Hamnett, Chris
The Oxford History of the British Army by
Elizabeth's Wars: War, Government and Society in Tudor England, 1544-1604 by Hammer, Paul E. J.
Victorian Culture and Society: The Essential Glossary by Roberts, Adam
The British Working Class in Postwar Film by Gillett, Philip
Patterns of Piety: Women, Gender and Religion in Late Medieval and Reformation England by Peters, Christine
The Myth of Elizabeth by Doran, Susan, Freeman, Thomas
Atherton and Tyldesley by Ashcroft, Tony
Victorian Detective Fiction and the Nature of Evidence: The Scientific Investigations of Poe, Dickens, and Doyle by Frank, L.
Think History: Changing Times 1066-1500 Core Pupil Book 1 by Collier, Martin
Richard II: The Art of Kingship by
Crime, Gender and Social Order in Early Modern England by Walker, Garthine
Military Executions During World War I by Oram, G.
Ready, Steady, Go!: The Smashing Rise and Giddy Fall of Swinging London by Levy, Shawn
Noblewomen, Aristocracy and Power in the Twelfth-Century Anglo-Norman Realm by Johns, Susan M.
The Kingdom of the Scots: Government, Church and Society from the Eleventh to the Fourteenth Century by Barrow, G. W. S.
The History of England: from the Accession of James II (Vol. II) by Macaulay, Thomas Babington
Constitutional History and Constitution of the Church of England by Makower, Felix
Sword Dances of Northern England Together With the Horn Dance of Abbots Bromley by
Anglo-European Science and the Rhetoric of Empire: Malaria, Opium, and British Rule in India, 1756D1895 by Winther, Paul C.
Britain, Switzerland, and the Second World War by Wylie, Neville
Trial by Friendship: Anglo-American Relations, 1917-1918 by Woodward, David R.
Prostitution, Race and Politics: Policing Venereal Disease in the British Empire by Levine, Philippa
Modern Britain Since 1979: A Reader by
Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches Part 2 by Carlyle, Thomas
Most Notable Antiquity of Great Britain Vulgarly Called Stone Henge on Salisbury Plain by Jones, Inigo
Thankful Remembrance of God's Mercy by Carleton, George
A Bundu Boy in Bomber Command: Memoirs of a Royal Air Force Lancaster Pilot from Rhodesia by Dives Dfc, William
Witchcraft and Society in England and America, 1550-1750 by
Witchcraft and Society in England and America, 1550Ð1750 by
England's Population: A History Since the Domesday Survey by Hinde, Andrew
England's Population: A History Since the Domesday Survey by Hinde, Andrew
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