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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

British History in 2017

New Woman and the Empire by Jusova, Iveta
Family Secrets: Shame & Privacy in Modern Britain by Cohen, Deborah
The Ministry of Nostalgia: Consuming Austerity by Hatherley, Owen
From Jack Tar to Union Jack: Representing Naval Manhood in the British Empire, 1870-1918 by Conley, Mary A.
War and Politics in the Elizabethan Counties by Younger, Neil
Visions of Empire: Patriotism, Popular Culture and the City, 1870-1939 by Beaven, Brad
Empire, Migration and Identity in the British World by
Literary and Visual Ralegh by
Livingstone's 'Lives': A Metabiography of a Victorian Icon by Livingstone, Justin
Britain's Lost Revolution?: Jacobite Scotland and French Grand Strategy, 1701-8 by Szechi, Daniel
The Crisis of British Protestantism: Church Power in the Puritan Revolution, 1638-44 by Powell, Hunter
Psychoanalysis in Britain, 1893-1913: Histories and Historiography by Kuhn, Philip
The British Economy since 1914: A Study in Decline? by Pope, Rex
The Longman Companion to the Conservative Party: Since 1830 by Crowson, Nick
England's Colonial Wars 1550-1688: Conflicts, Empire and National Identity by Lenman, Bruce
Christian and Jewish Women in Britain, 1880-1940: Living with Difference by Summers, Anne
Parenting and the State in Britain and Europe, C. 1870-1950: Raising the Nation by
The British Commonwealth and Victory in the Second World War by Johnston-White, Iain E.
Mysterious London: A History of Ancient Mysteries, Odd Individuals, and Unusual Legends across the English Capital by Charles River
Writing a Small Nation's Past: Wales in Comparative Perspective, 1850-1950 by Evans, Neil
Weird Scotland: Monsters, Mysteries, and Magic Across the Scottish Nation by Charles River
Men in Reserve: British Civilian Masculinities in the Second World War by McIvor, Arthur, Robb, Linsey, Pattinson, Juliette
The British Raj: The History and Legacy of Great Britain's Imperialism in India and the Indian Subcontinent by Charles River
Sugar and Spice: Grocers and Groceries in Provincial England, 1650-1830 by Stobart, Jon
Walter Milward: Soldier and Coal Miner by Millward, Jack Bagshaw
The Burden of White Supremacy: Containing Asian Migration in the British Empire and the United States by Atkinson, David C.
The Burden of White Supremacy: Containing Asian Migration in the British Empire and the United States by Atkinson, David C.
Britain, China, Colonial Australia Ohm C by Mountford
The Eagle and the Crown: Americans and the British Monarchy by Prochaska, Frank
The Other Side Of Courage by Matlock, Joe
Letters of the Catholic Poor by Earner-Byrne, Lindsey
Winston Churchill: Politics, Strategy and Statecraft by
Winston Churchill: Politics, Strategy and Statecraft by
Roots & Culture: Cultural Politics in the Making of Black Britain by Chambers, Eddie
An ABC of Queen Victoria's Empire: Or a Primer of Conquest, Dissent and Disruption by Burton, Antoinette
Acadian Diaspora: An Eighteenth-Century History by Hodson, Christopher
Colin Jordan and Britain's Neo-Nazi Movement: Hitler's Echo by Jackson, Paul
An ABC of Queen Victoria's Empire: Or a Primer of Conquest, Dissent and Disruption by Burton, Antoinette
George Herbert and the Mystery of the Word: Poetry and Scripture in Seventeenth-Century England by Kuchar, Gary
The Vital Century: England's Economy 1714-1815 by Rule, John
Les ombres de son passé by Texier, Marie-Hélène
A Tale of Two Navies: Geopolitics, Technology, and Strategy in the United States Navy and the Royal Navy, 1960-2015 by Wells, Anthony R.
Merlin: Knowledge and Power Through the Ages by Knight, Stephen
The Tottenham Outrage and Walthamstow Tram Chase: The Most Spectacular Hot Pursuit in History by Barton, Geoffrey
Child Actors on the London Stage, Circa 1600: Their Education, Recruitment and Theatrical Success by Ackroyd, Julie
William Pitt (Chatham) und Graf Bute: Ein Beitrag zur inneren Geschichte Englands unter Georg III. by Ruville, Albert Von
How to Be a Tudor: A Dawn-To-Dusk Guide to Tudor Life by Goodman, Ruth
Political Rhetoric in the Oxford and Cambridge Unions, 1830-1870 by Haapala, Taru
Against the Grain: The British Far Left from 1956 by
The Later Stuart Church, 1660-1714 by
Representing Irish Religious Histories: Historiography, Ideology and Practice by
The Age of Reformation: The Tudor and Stewart Realms 1485-1603 by Ryrie, Alec
Lord Salisbury: A Political Biography by Steele, E. David
The Politics of Decline: Understanding Postwar Britain by Tomlinson, Jim
Imperium of the Soul: The Political and Aesthetic Imagination of Edwardian Imperialists by Etherington, Norman
The Education of the Farmer: Viewed in Connection with that of the Middle Classes in General: Its Objects, Principles, and Cost by Acland, Thomas Dyke
Pleasing Everyone: Mass Entertainment in Renaissance London and Golden-Age Hollywood by Knapp, Jeffrey
THE Expert Sword-Man's Companion: Or the True Art of SELF-DEFENCE. WITH An ACCOUNT of the Authors LIFE, and his Transactions during the Wars with Fran by Kirby, Jared
Some of our East Coast Towns by Ritchie, J. Ewing
The Glorious Revolution: The History of the Overthrow of King James II of England by William of Orange by Charles River
The Glorious Revolution: The History of the Overthrow of King James II of England by William of Orange by Charles River
The British Raj: Keywords by Nayar, Pramod K.
Nine Centuries of Man: Manhood and Masculinities in Scottish History by
Robert the Bruce and the Wars of Scottish Independence: The History of the Famous King of Scots' Rise to Power by Charles River
Scotland Yard: The History of British Policing and the World's Most Famous Police Force by Charles River
Preparatory Principles by Bentham, Jeremy
Transnational Radicalism and the Connected Lives of Tom Mann and Robert Samuel Ross by Kirk, Neville
British Intelligence and Hitler's Empire in the Soviet Union, 1941-1945 by Wheatley, Ben
The Industrial Revolution: The State, Knowledge and Global Trade by Ashworth, William J.
A History of the British Isles: Prehistory to the Present by Campbell, Kenneth L.
Winning the Peace: The British in Occupied Germany, 1945-1948 by Knowles, Christopher
Dr. David Livingstone: The Life and Legacy of the Victorian Era's Most Famous Explorer and Pioneer by Charles River
The Industrial Revolution: The State, Knowledge and Global Trade by Ashworth, William J.
Scots-Irish Links, 1575-1725. Part Ten by Dobson, David
The East India Company: The History of the British Empire's Most Famous Mercantile Company by Charles River
Waterloo Lectures: A Study of the Campaign of 1815 by Chesney, Charles
Wellington's Army 1809-1814 by Oman, Charles
Wessex to 1000 AD by Cunliffe, Barry
White Settlers: Impact/Cultural by Jedrej, Charles, Nuttall, Mark
Aspects of Housing Law by Morgan, Jill
Modern Britain: An Introduction by Booth, Alan, Glynn, Sean
Everyday Violence in Britain, 1850-1950: Gender and Class by Crewe, Ivor, D'Cruze, Shani
British Children's Cinema: From the Thief of Bagdad to Wallace and Gromit by Brown, Noel
Masculinity and Science in Britain, 1831-1918 by Ellis, Heather
Visualising a Sacred City: London, Art and Religion by
Victoria: The Heart and Mind of a Young Queen: Official Companion to the Masterpiece Presentation on PBS by Rappaport, Helen
Lord Leverhulme's Ghosts: Colonial Exploitation in the Congo by Marchal, Jules
The Experience of Defeat: Milton and Some Contemporaries by Hill, Christopher
Female Patients in Early Modern Britain: Gender, Diagnosis, and Treatment by Churchill, Wendy D.
Britain's Colonial Wars, 1688-1783 by Lenman, Bruce
The British Wars, 1637-1651 by Gaunt, Peter
Windsor Castle: The History of England's Oldest Castle Still In Use by Charles River
England Without a King 1649-60 by Woolrych, Austin
Windsor Castle: The History of England's Oldest Castle Still In Use by Charles River
Morse Code Wrens of Station X: Bletchley's Outer Circle by Glyn-Jones, Anne
Histoire de la Conquête de l'Angleterre Par Les Normands by Thierry, Augustin
The Archaeology of the 11th Century: Continuities and Transformations by
Royal Sisters: Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Margaret by Edwards, Anne
Chemistry Department at Imperial College London, The: A History, 1845-2000 by Gay, Hannah, Griffith, William
Oaths and the English Reformation by Gray, Jonathan Michael
Führer durch die französische und englische Schulliteratur: Zusammengestellt von einem Schulmann by Kressner, Adolf
Nobility and Kingship in Medieval England by Spencer, Andrew M.
Reformation Unbound by Gunther, Karl
Conservative Politics in National and Imperial Crisis: Letters from Britain to the Viceroy of India 1926-31 by Ball, Stuart
Evolution of the British Party System: 1885-1940 by Self, Robert C.
Bloody Mary: The Life and Legacy of England's Most Notorious Queen by Charles River
The Annals of Blantyre by Wright, Stewart, Veverka, Paul D.
The Charge of the Light Brigade: The History and Legacy of Europe's Most Famous Cavalry Charge by Charles River
Hamburg und England im Zeitalter der Königin Elisabeth by Ehrenberg, Richard
Prehistoric Britain by Munro, Robert
A Short History of Newnham College Cambridge by Gardner, Alice
La Princesa de Cleves by Fayette, Madame De La
Death, Emotion and Childhood in Premodern Europe by
The Greatest Battles in History: The Battle of Thermopylae by Charles River
Gender and Cancer in England, 1860-1948 by Moscucci, Ornella
A Social History of England, 1500-1750 by
The Thatcherite Offensive: A Neo-Poulantzasian Analysis by Gallas, Alexander
The Railways: Nation, Network and People by Bradley, Simon
Indentured Migration and the Servant Trade from London to America, 1618-1718: 'There Is Great Want of Servants' by Wareing, John
Chatham History Tour by Macdougall, Philip
Britain and Foreign Affairs 1815-1885: Europe and Overseas by Lowe, John
The Stuart Age: England, 1603-1714 by Coward, Barry, Gaunt, Peter
Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Lives: Norfolk women in the first half of the twentieth century by Meeres, Frank
The Life and Works of Robert Baillie (1602-1662): Politics, Religion and Record-Keeping in the British Civil Wars by Campbell, Alexander D.
George Jeffreys: Pentecostal Apostle and Revivalist by Kay, William K.
The Language of Progressive Politics in Modern Britain by Robinson, Emily
Royal Wills in Britain from 1509 to 2008 by Nash, Michael L.
Britain and the Formation of the Gulf States: Embers of Empire by Sato, Shohei
The BBC and National Identity in Britain, 1922-53 by Hajkowski, Thomas
The Metamorphosis of Autism: A History of Child Development in Britain by Evans, Bonnie
The Women's Liberation Movement in Scotland by Browne, Sarah
Poland in the Irish Nationalist Imagination, 1772-1922: Anti-Colonialism Within Europe by Healy, Róisín
Oliver Cromwell: The Notorious Life and Legacy of the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England by Charles River
Social and Political Theatre in 21st-Century Britain: Staging Crisis by Angelaki, Vicky
The Dutch East India Company: The History of the World's First Multinational Corporation by Charles River
Westminster Abbey: The History of England's Most Famous Church by Charles River
Unemployment in Britain Between the Wars by Constantine, Stephen
The Anglo-Saxon Age c.400-1042 by Fisher, D. J. V.
Great Ladies: The Forgotten Witnesses to the Lives of Tudor Queens by Soberton, Sylvia Barbara
Henry V by Shakespeare, William
Queen Victoria: Icon Of An Era by Simmons, Michael W.
Victory in Europe?: Britain and Germany since 1945 by Lee, Sabine
Kensington Palace: The History of One of the British Royal Family's Most Famous Residences by Charles River
Promise and Despair: The First Struggle for a Non-Racial South Africa by Plaut, Martin
Promise and Despair: The First Struggle for a Non-Racial South Africa by Plaut, Martin
Island Davaar, Campbeltown and a Lighthouse by Hynes, James Patrick
Kensington Palace: The History of One of the British Royal Family's Most Famous Residences by Charles River
Shame and Modernity in Britain: 1890 to the Present by Kilday, Anne-Marie, Nash, David S.
Class, Ethnicity and Religion in the Bengali East End: A Political History by Glynn, Sarah
Birmingham 1889: One Year in a Victorian City by Roberts, Stephen
Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the British Academy, XV by
The Battle of Neville's Cross: The Whole Story by Webb, Simon
Ripper: The Secret Life of Walter Sickert by Cornwell, Patricia
Tyne after Tyne: An Environmental History of a River's Battle for Protection 1529-2015 by Skelton, Leona J.
The Other Exchange: Women, Servants, and the Urban Underclass in Early Modern English Literature by Van Renen, Denys
Words Like Daggers: Violent Female Speech in Early Modern England by Stavreva, Kirilka
Against the Cold War: The History and Political Traditions of Pro-Sovietism in the British Labour Party, 1945-1989 by Lilleker, Darren G.
Protestants from France in Their English Home by Kershaw, Samuel Wayland
Documents Relating to Ireland, 1795-1804 by Gilbert, John Thomas
Clement Attlee: The Man Who Made Modern Britain by Bew, John
Dublin Whisky. Roe vs. The Dublin Whisky Distillery Company, Limited.: Report of the Late Trial by Barker, Aaron, Roe &. Co, George
Heritage and Tourism in Britain and Ireland by
War Of The Roses: The Struggle for Supremacy by Auerbach, Patrick
The Other Tudors: Henry VIII's Mistresses and Illegitimate Children by Jones, Philippa
Queen Elizabeth and the Penal Laws by Collette, Charles Hastings
The Conversion of the Heptarchy: Seven Lectures by Browne, G. F. (George Forrest)
Richard II by Shakespeare, William
The History of England: From the First Invasion by the Romans to the Accession of William and Mary in 1688 by Lingard, John
Victorian Times Quarterly #11 by Allen, Moira
Narratives of Scottish Catholics under Mary Stuart and James VI. by Forbes-Leith, William
Historical Sketch of the Persecutions Suffered by the Catholics of Ireland: Under the Rule of Cromwell and the Puritans by Moran, Patrick Francis
The History of England, from the First Invasion by the Romans to the Accession of William and Mary in 1688: Vol. VI by Lingard, John
Webbed Feet and Wildfowlers by Smith, Diane Calton
Old Glasgow: The Place and the People from the Roman Occupation to the 18th Century by Macgeorge, Andrew
The History of England, from the First Invasion by the Romans to the Accession of William and Mary in 1688: Vol. X by Lingard, John
The Doubtful Grant of Ireland by Pope Adrian IV. to King Henry II. by Ginnell, Laurence
The History of England, from the First Invasion by the Romans to the Accession of William and Mary in 1688: Vol. VII by Lingard, John
Historicism and the Human Sciences in Victorian Britain by
Carnal Knowledge: Regulating Sex in England, 1470-1600 by Ingram, Martin
The History of England, from the First Invasion by the Romans to the Accession of William and Mary in 1688: Vol. V by Lingard, John
Churchill On The Riviera: Winston Churchill, Wendy Reves And The Villa La Pausa Built By Coco Chanel by Smith, Nancy
Adventures In Living: The Ancestry of Kim Gilley by Cole, Bobbie
From Palmerston to Disraeli (1856-1876) by Harding, Ewing, Various
Biographical Catalogue of the Portraits at Longleat by Boyle, Mary Louisa
Scottish Nationality by Pittock, Murray
Britain's International Role, 1970-1991 by Turner, Michael J.
Buckingham Palace: The History of the British Royal Family's Most Famous Residence by Charles River
Buckingham Palace: The History of the British Royal Family's Most Famous Residence by Charles River
The History of England: From the First Invasion by the Romans to the Accession of William and Mary in 1688 by Lingard, John
The Popular History of England by Knight, Charles
Disability and Social Policy in Britain Since 1750: A History of Exclusion by Borsay, Anne
Arthur and the Kings of Britain: The Historical Truth Behind the Myths by Russell, Miles
The Surrender of Singapore: Three Years of Hell by Wynn, Stephen
The Pythouse Papers: Correspondence Concerning the Civil War, the Popish Plot, And a Contested Election in 1680 by Day, William Ansell
When Life Stood Still by Melek
Charles I and the Aristocracy, 1625-1642 by Cust, Richard
Protest and the Politics of Space and Place, 1789-1848 by Navickas, Katrina
History of the Anglo-Saxons by Miller, Thomas
The Troublesome Raigne of John, King of England by Praetorius, Charles, Shakespeare, William, Furnivall, Frederick James
Reforming Ideas in Britain by Philp, Mark
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