• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Buddhism in 1991

Notebooks, 1914 - 1916 by Wittgenstein, Ludwig
The Wheel of Time: Kalachakra in Context by Jackson, Roger R., Newman, John, Sopa, Geshe Lhundub
The Practice of Kalachakra by Mullin, Glenn H.
The Gateless Barrier: The Wu-Men Kuan (Mumonkan) by Aitken, Robert
Mādhyamika and Yogācāra: A Study of Mahāyāna Philosophies by Nagao, Gadjin M.
Buddha Nature by King, Sallie B.
Buddha in the Crown: Avalokitesvara in the Buddhist Traditions of Sri Lanka by Holt, John Clifford
An Introduction to Buddhist Psychology by De Silva, Padmasiri
A Celebration of Demons by Kapferer, Bruce
Nature, Man and Woman by Watts, Alan
The Central Philosophy of Tibet: A Study and Translation of Jey Tsong Khapa's Essence of True Eloquence by Thurman, Robert a. F.
The Eye Never Sleeps: Striking to the Heart of Zen by Merzel, Dennis Genpo
Secrets of Chinese Meditation: Self-Cultivation by Mind Control as Taught in the Ch'an, Mahayana and Taoist Schools in China by Yu (Charles Luk), K'Uan Lu
Tracing Back the Radiance: Chinul's Korean Way of Zen by Buswell, Robert E.
The Buddha Within: Tathagatagarbha Doctrine According to the Shentong Interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhaga by Hookham, Susan K.
Mutual Causality in Buddhism and General Systems Theory: The Dharma of Natural Systems by Macy, Joanna
Zen Doctrine of No Mind: The Significance of the Sutra of Huineng by Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro
Shobogenzo by Dōgen, Dōgen
Questions to a Zen Master: Political and Spiritual Answers from the Great Japanese Master by Deshimaru, Taisen
A Study of Dōgen: His Philosophy and Religion by Abe, Masao
Orderly Chaos: The Mandala Principle by Trungpa, Chogyam
Buddhism, Sexuality, and Gender by