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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Buddhism in 2013

Lazy Lama looks at Meditation by Tulku, Ringu
The Ngöndro: Foundation practices of Mahamudra by Tulku, Ringu
Falling Into Grace: Insights on the End of Suffering by Adyashanti
Dependent Arising In Context: the Buddha's core lesson, in the context of his time and ours by Blanchard, Linda S.
An Introduction to Buddhism: Teachings, History and Practices by Harvey, Peter
Interactions with Japanese Buddhism by
How Buddhism Acquired a Soul on the Way to China by Park, Jungnok
Kindness, Clarity, and Insight by His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Training in Compassion: Zen Teachings on the Practice of Lojong by Fischer, Norman
The Buddha's Doctrine and the Nine Vehicles: Rog Bande Sherab's Lamp of the Teachings by Cabezaon, Josae Ignacio
O Budista Relutante by Woollard, William
The Five-Minute Buddhist: Getting Started in Buddhism the Simple Way by Schell, Brian D.
Feng Shui: Seeing Is Believing: Essential Geomancy for Beginners and Skeptics by Ludrup, Jampa
Poems of Death: Time for Eternity by Hilgendorf, James
The Kyoto School: An Introduction by Carter, Robert E.
The Dhammapada: A Collection of Verses Being One of the Canonical Books of Buddhism by Anonymous
The Diamond Sutra: and The Heart Sutra by Subhuti, Elder
Meditaciones de Un Monje Budista by Thupten Chophel
Studies in Zen by Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro
Introduccion Al Budismo (Introduction to Buddhism): Una Presentacion del Modo de Vida Budista by Gyatso, Gueshe Kelsang
Know Yourself, Forget Yourself: Five Truths to Transform Your Work, Relationships, and Everyday Life by Lesser, Marc
Krishnamurti by Doanh, Pham Do Dung
The Sutra Petitioned by the Householder Uncouth by Agocs, Tamas, Duff, Tony
Maitreya's Sutras and Prayer by Duff, Tony, Agocs, Tamas
Without Buddha I Could Not Be a Christian by Knitter, Paul F.
A Guide to Zen: Lessons from a Modern Master by Sekida, Katsuki
Under The Bodhi Tree: A Complete Guide to the Origin, Concepts and Practice of Buddhism by Anderson, Carol
Mindfulness: Diverse Perspectives on its Meaning, Origins and Applications by
Mindfulness: Diverse Perspectives on its Meaning, Origins and Applications by
The Lankavatara Sutra: A Zen Text by
The Life of Gotama the Buddha: Compiled exclusively from the Pali Canon by Brewster, E. H.
The Life of Buddha by Thomas, Edward J.
Sayings of the Buddha: A Daybook by Buddha
Zen and Tao- A Little Book on Buddhist Thought and Meditation by Waller, Dennis
Buddhist Poetry and Colonialism: Alagiyavanna and the Portuguese in Sri Lanka by Berkwitz, Stephen C.
Buddhist Boot Camp by Hawkeye, Timber
Icons and Iconoclasm in Japanese Buddhism by Winfield, Pamela D.
Full Moon Magic: Invoking Spiritual Energies for Personal and Planetary Transformation by Johannsen, Karen
Introduction À l'Histoire Du Buddhisme Indien by Burnouf, Eugene, Saint-Hilaire, Jules Barthelemy, Burnouf, Eug Ne
Extraordinary Zen Masters: A Maverick, a Master of Masters, and a Wandering Poet by Stevens, John
The Marathon Monks of Mount Hiei by Stevens, John
Radical Egalitarianism: Local Realities, Global Relations by
Radical Egalitarianism: Local Realities, Global Relations by
Language of the Japanese Heart: Kukai by Murakami, Yasutoshi
Land of Eternally Tranquil Light by Donaldson, Robert
The Bodhisattva Way by Rulu
The Zen of Tantra. Tibetan Great Perfection in Fahai Lama's Chinese Zen Monastery by Esposito, Monica
In Praise of Copying by Boon, Marcus
The Tibetan Book of the Dead: Awakening Upon Dying by Padmasambhava, Lingpa, Karma
Land of Eternally Tranquil Light-LIMITED EDITION by Donaldson, Robert
The Raja Yoga by Ramacharaka, Yogi
Outline of the Annotation of the Hua Yen Sutra-1: Outline of Avatamsaka ( Flower Adornment ) Sutra by Siksananda, Rev
Religion and the Subtle Body in Asia and the West: Between Mind and Body by
The Heart, The Diamond and The Lotus Sutra: Important teachings of the Buddha on awakening and enlightenment by Buddha, The
The Mahayana Mahaparinirvana Sutra: Last and most impressive teachings of the Buddha about Reality and the True Self by Page, Tony
Bouddhisme Quantique: Mahajrya Bodhana Sutra Enseignements pour s'eveiller au Grand Champ by Vajra, Maha
Psychology and Buddhism: From Individual to Global Community by
Sources of Tibetan Tradition by
I Am the Soul's Heartbeat Volume 3: Buddha's Eightfold Path in the Gospel of St John by Kaine, Kristina
The Sikh Religion: Its Gurus, Sacred Writings and Authors by Macauliffe, Max Arthur
The Sikh Religion - Volume 1 by Macauliffe, Max Arthur
The Sikh Religion - Volume 3 by Macauliffe, Max Arthur
The Sikh Religion - Volume 4 by Macauliffe, Max Arthur
The Sikh Religion - Volume 6 by Macauliffe, Max Arthur
The Dervishes by Brown, John P.
Four Dharmas of Gampopa by Kyabgon Rinpoche, Venerable Traleg
From Milk to Yoghurt: A recipe for living & dying by Tulku, Ringu
Dealing with Emotions: Scattering the clouds by Tulku, Ringu
Journey from Head to Heart: Along a Buddhist Path by Tulku, Ringu
One Bird, One Stone: 108 Contemporary Zen Stories by Murphy, Sean
My Heart Is a Golden Buddha: Buddhist Stories from Korea by Daehaeng, Seon Master
Buddhism: A Very Short Introduction by Keown, Damien
The Tantric Path of Indestructible Wakefulness by Trungpa, Chögyam
The Tibetan History Reader by
The Tibetan History Reader by
A Straight Road with 99 Curves: Coming of Age on the Path of Zen by Shepherd, Gregory
Living Wisely: Further Advice from Nagarjuna's Precious Garland by Sangharakshita
Wondrous Brutal Fictions: Eight Buddhist Tales from the Early Japanese Puppet Theater by
Running with the Mind of Meditation: Lessons for Training Body and Mind by Mipham, Sakyong
The 2012 Year Book of Global Chan Meditation Workshop: The Practical Meditation Training Workshop of 2012 by Chiang, Victor
Receptacle of the Sacred: Illustrated Manuscripts and the Buddhist Book Cult in South Asia by Kim, Jinah
Buddhist Psalms by Shonin, Shinran
Not Everything Is Impermanent by Brazier, David
Buddhism and Islam on the Silk Road by Elverskog, Johan
A Man in Saffron Robes: A Rainy Season as a Buddhist Monk at a Hilltop Temple in Northern Thailand by Limpichart, Maitree
The Requisites of Enlightenment: A Manual by the Venerable Ledi Sayadaw by Sayadaw, Ledi
CROSSINGS on a BRIDGE of LIGHT: The Songs and Deeds of GESAR, KING OF LING as He Travels to Shambhala Through the Realms of Life and Death by Penick, Douglas J.
Forest Friends: To the Rescue by Ranmuthu, Priya
The Essential Dogen: Writings of the Great Zen Master by Dogen, Zen Master
Histoire Des Croyances Religieuses Et Des Opinions Philosophiques En Chine: Depuis l'Origine Jusqu'à Nos Jours by Wieger, Léon
Recherches Sur Les Superstitions En Chine by Doré, Henri
Tibetan Treasure Literature: Revelation, Tradition, and Accomplishment in Visionary Buddhism by Doctor, Andreas
I Don't Want To, I Don't Feel Like It: How Resistance Controls Your Life and What to Do about It by Narayanan, Ashwini, Huber, Cheri
The New Meditation Handbook: Meditations to Make Our Life Happy and Meaningful by Gyatso, Geshe Kelsang
How to Meditate: A Practical Guide to Making Friends with Your Mind by Chödrön, Pema
Master's View of DAO de Jing by Venerable Master Lianlong
Master's View of DAO de Jing by Venerable Master Lianlong
Inspirations of Sakyamuni's Life by 莲龙居士
Power of Mind by 莲龙居士
Buddhism of Tang Dynasty by 莲龙居士
Insights of the Surangama Sutra (Part One) by 菩萨戒心密弟子 &#3
Insights of the Surangama Sutra (Part Two) by 菩萨戒心密弟子 &#3
Inspirations of Sakyamuni's Life by 莲龙居士
Power of Mind by 莲龙居士
Buddhism of Tang Dynasty by 莲龙居士
Insights of the Surangama Sutra (Part Two) by 菩萨戒心密弟子 &#3
Insights of the Surangama Sutra (Part One) by 菩萨戒心密弟子 &#3
The Essence of Buddhism by Various
Nietzsche and Zen: Self-Overcoming Without a Self by Braak, André Van Der
Dharma in Hell by Maull, Fleet
On Liberty by Mill, John Stuart
The Sikh Religion 6 Volume Set: Its Gurus, Sacred Writings and Authors by Macauliffe, Max Arthur
A Drop from the Marvelous Ocean of History by Rinpohe XI, Lelung Tulku
The Sikh Religion: Its Gurus, Sacred Writings and Authors by Macauliffe, Max Arthur
Garden Meditation-Cultivating Peace by McKibben, Timothy David
Close to the Ground: Reflections on the Seven Factors of Enlightenment by Larkin, Geri
Treasury of the True Dharma Eye: Zen Master Dogen's Shobo Genzo by
A Training Handbook for Chinese Chan Meditation by Hui, Rev Shan
Journal of Beat Studies Vol 2 by
A Buddhist Theory of Semiotics: Signs, Ontology, and Salvation in Japanese Esoteric Buddhism by Rambelli, Fabio
A Buddhist Theory of Semiotics: Signs, Ontology, and Salvation in Japanese Esoteric Buddhism by Rambelli, Fabio
A Textbook for the Five Methodologies of Chinese Chan Meditation by Chiang, Victor
Hard Zen, Soft Heart: The Adventures of Roshi Chaos by Hyatt, Christopher S.
Sustainability and Well-Being: The Middle Path to Environment, Society, and the Economy by Bandarage, A.
Not Zen: A Zen Revolution: How the mysterious transmission of some old men was interrupted; explained mostly in their own words by Ewk
Counting Down to a Better World: The Key to Enligtenment in the Here and Now by Jinsei, Juna
An Introduction to Jodo Shinshu: Volume 1: The Salvation of Jodo Shinshu and its Structure by Asano, Kyoshin
Conférences Faites Au Musée Guimet by Lévi, Sylvain
The Buddha's Apprentice at Bedtime: Tales of Compassion and Kindness for You to Read with Your Child - To Delight and Inspire by Nagaraja, Dharmachari
Magnolia and Lotus: Selected Poems of Hyesim by Hyesim
Dancing with Fire: A Mindful Way to Loving Relationships by Amodeo Phd, John
Anagarika Dharmapala by Sangharakshita
The Buddhist Catechism by Olcott, Henry Steel
Dogs, Trees, Beards and Other Wonders: Meditations on the Forty-eight Cases of the Wumenguan by Morgareidge, Ken Tetsuzan
How Buddhism Acquired a Soul on the Way to China by Park, Jungnok
Exploring the Way of the Buddha: His destination, directions and strategies by Cross, Gary W.
Tracking Bodhidharma: A Journey to the Heart of Chinese Culture by Ferguson, Andy
No Self, No Problem: Awakening to Our True Nature by Thubten, Anam
Nagarjuna's Middle Way: Mulamadhyamakakarika by Siderits, Mark, Katsura, Shoryu
Chinese Buddhist Century Review: Chinese Buddhism in the Last Hundred Years by 莲龙居士
Winter Always Turns to Spring A Memoir: My Triumphant Journey Sachiko Takata Bailey by Haynie, Akemi Bailey, Bailey, Sachiko Takata
Winter Always Turns to Spring A Memoir: My Triumphant Journey Sachiko Takata Bailey by Bailey, Sachiko Takata, Haynie, Akemi Bailey
Love Letter to the Earth by Nhat Hanh, Thich
The Zen of Modern Life and the Reality of Reality by Shaw, Scott
Instructions to the Cook: A Zen Master's Lessons in Living a Life That Matters by Fields, Rick, Glassman, Bernie
Outlines of Jainism by Jaini, Jagmanderlal
Shingyo: Reflections on Translating the Heart Sutra by Sullivan (Seiho), M. J.
Narratives of Sorrow and Dignity: Japanese Women, Pregnancy Loss, and Modern Rituals of Grieving by Smith, Bardwell L.
Commentary Notes on Avatamsaka Sutra by 莲龙居士
The Life of Hiuen-Tsiang by Beal, Samuel
Religion in China: A Brief Account of the Three Religions of the Chinese by Edkins, Joseph
Japanese Civilization, its Significance and Realization: Nichirenism and the Japanese National Principles by Satomi, Kishio
Texts from the Buddhist Canon: Commonly Known as Dhammapada by Beal, Samuel
Six Ancestral Altar Aims to Drain as Described in Note: Notes and Commentary to Sixth Patriarch's Platform Sutra by 莲龙居士
Simple Explanation of Lankavatara Sutra by 莲龙居士
On the Generalized: A Buddhist View of the Analects by 莲龙居士
History, Justice, Faith, Prejudice by 莲龙居士
Tibetan Tales Derived from Indian Sources by Von Schiefner, F. Anton
On the Path to Enlightenment: Heart Advice from the Great Tibetan Masters by Ricard, Matthieu
Collected Haiku of Yosa Buson by Buson, Yosa
Essays on the Sacred Language, Writings and Religion of the Parsis: To Which Is Also Added a Biographical Memoir of the Late Dr Haug by Professor E. P by Haug, Martin
Towards a Ludu Theology: A Critical Evaluation of MinjungTheology and its Implication for a Theological Response to the Dukkha(Suffering) of Pe by Khawsiama, Khin Maung Yee
The Wind from Vulture Peak: The Buddhification of Japanese Waka in the Heian Period by Miller, Stephen D.
The Wind from Vulture Peak: The Buddhification of Japanese Waka in the Heian Period by Miller, Stephen D.
Vipassana - The Way to an Awakened Life by Kewley, Michael
Buddhism For Beginners: Basic Philosophy Principles and Meditation Tips by Helton, Debra
The Buddha's Dog by Phillips, Craig Steven
Wei wu Wei Ching by Walker, Brian Browne
On Having No Head by Harding, Douglas Edison
On Having No Head by Harding, Douglas Edison
The Life or Legend of Gaudama the Buddha of the Burmese: Volume II by Bigandet, P.
Preparing to Die: Practical Advice and Spiritual Wisdom from the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition by Holecek, Andrew
Zen Happens by Manning, Dan
Tsangyang Gyatso: Geographical Poetry by Renqing, Long, Duo, Mei
On Liberty by Mill, John Stuart
Taking The Buddha's Teaching by Cloud, Master Laughing
Cruel Theory - Sublime Practice: Toward a Revaluation of Buddhism by Steingass, Matthias, Wallis, Glenn, Pepper, Tom
Siddhartha: Eine Indishce Dichtung by Hesse, Hermann
The Warrior Song of King Gesar by Penick, Douglas J.
The Belief Of The Indian In A Connection Between Song And The Supernatural by Densmore, Frances
The Lazy Man's Way To Enlightenment: What You're Looking For Is What Is Looking by Bhodan, David a.
Thoughts Without a Thinker: Psychotherapy from a Buddhist Perspective by Epstein, Mark
The New Buddhism: A Path To Nirvana by Chundi, Vajradharma
The Case for Buddhism by Woollard, William
Feeding the Dead: Ancestor Worship in Ancient India by Sayers, Matthew R.
Die Samkhya-Philosophie (Großdruck) by Garbe, Richard
Buddhism, Modernity, and the State in Asia: Forms of Engagement by
Buddhism, Modernity, and the State in Asia: Forms of Engagement by
A Bird on the Wing: Zen Anecdotes for Everyday Life by Osho
An Introduction to Mahāyāna Buddhism: With especial Reference to Chinese and Japanese Phases by McGovern, William M.
Both Sides of the Circle: The Autobiography of Christmas Humphreys by Humphreys, Christmas
Kendo, Inherited Wisdom and Personal Reflections by Salmon, Geoff
Exploring Buddhism by Humphreys, Christmas
Dandelions: Glimpses of Life by Lawrence (Shinyo), Michael G.
Unhindered: A Mindful Path Through the Five Hindrances by Fronsdal, Gil
Buddhism and Ireland: From the Celts to the Counter-Culture and Beyond by Cox, Laurence
Buddhism and Ireland: From the Celts to the Counter-Culture and Beyond by Cox, Laurence
Mind, Brain and the Path to Happiness: A Guide to Buddhist Mind Training and the Neuroscience of Meditation by Dorjee, Dusana
DreamMaking: The Intimacy of Picture/Reality by Stodart, Richard
Mind, Brain and the Path to Happiness: A Guide to Buddhist Mind Training and the Neuroscience of Meditation by Dorjee, Dusana
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