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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Buddhism in 2016

A Lived Life: Reflections on a Buddhist Life by Wun, Venerable Deok
Unveiling Your Sacred Truth through the Kalachakra Path, Book One: The External Reality by Shar Khentrul Jamphel Lodrö
Wisdom of Sustainability: Buddhist Economics for the 21st Century by Sivaraksa, Sulak
Sure Shot Meditation Technique Book: Read this to the point Book and experience Meditation from the 1st min 1st day by Chakrabarty, Ayan
Blue Cliff Record- Korean by Seon, Bokwang
Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up by Kondo, Marie
The Complex Buddhist: Doing Good in a Challenging World by Schultz, Ron
Dharma Blogs & Stories (2015): Fifty Short Articles by Erlewine, Michael
True Refuge: Finding Peace and Freedom in Your Own Awakened Heart by Brach, Tara
Sanyojana The Buddha's Doctrine of the Ten Fetters by Taylor, Brian F.
Bodh Gaya: Where prince Gautam became the Buddha by Dayal, Gyaneshwar
Adult Coloring Books: Zen Buddha: Doodles and Patterns to Color for Grownups by Dalal, Cyrus
The Shining Light by Adams, Roger B.
Nichiren Gosho - Book Two by Chamberlain-Nyudo, Sylvain
Nichiren Gosho - Book Three: Annotated for scholarship and students of Buddhism by Chamberlain-Nyudo, Sylvain
The Sutta-Nipata: A New Translation from the Pali Canon by Saddhatissa, H.
Love Divine: Studies in 'Bhakti and Devotional Mysticism by Werner, Karel
Hidden Treasures and Secret Lives: A Study of Pemalingpa (1450-1521) and The Sixth Dalai Lama (1683-1706) by Aris, Michael
Nichiren Gosho - Book Five: Annotated and revised by Sifu Sylvain for students of Buddhism by Chamberlain-Nyudo, Sylvain
Nichiren Gosho - Book Four: Annotated with corrections and elucidations by Sifu Chamberlain for students of Quantum Life -Lotus Sutra Buddhism by Chamberlain-Nyudo, Sylvain
Nichiren Gosho - Book Six by Chamberlain-Nyudo, Sylvain
Si-Yu-KI Buddhist Records of the Western World: Translated from the Chinese of Hiuen Tsiang (A.D. 629): Volume II by Beal, Samuel
The 'Self' or 'Non-self' in Buddhism (Vol. 1 of a Treatise on Mind) by Balsys, Bodo
El Libro Tibetano de Los Muertos by Thodol, Bardo
An Introduction to Indian Philosophy by Perrett, Roy W.
Rainbow Body and Resurrection: Spiritual Attainment, the Dissolution of the Material Body, and the Case of Khenpo a Chö by Tiso, Francis V.
Silence: The Power of Quiet in a World Full of Noise by Hanh, Thich Nhat
Just One Thing: Developing a Buddha Brain One Simple Practice at a Time (16pt Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Hanson, Rick
What Would Buddha Say?: 1,501 Right-Speech Teachings for Communicating Mindfully (16pt Large Print Edition) by Kipfer, Barbara Ann
Ritual and Representation in Chinese Buddhism: Visualizing Enlightenment at Baodingshan from the 12th to 21st Centuries by Kucera, Karil J.
Storie Zen by Authors, Various
The Zen Experience by Hoover, Thomas
Buddhist Theology: Critical Reflections by Contemporary Buddhist Scholars by
The Return of the Buddha: Ancient Symbols for a New Nation by Ray, Himanshu Prabha
The Buddhist Catechism by Olcott, H. S.
Quotes & Notes: Ben Franklin Edition / A Little Book of Quotes with a Place for Notes by Pasinski, R.
Adult Coloring Books: Zentangle Buddha: Doodles and Patterns to Color for Grownups by Dalal, Cyrus
Basic Buddhism: A Beginner's Guide by Anderson, Carol
CENTRE The Truth about Everything by Taylor, Brian F.
Healing the Heart and Mind with Mindfulness: Ancient Path, Present Moment by Huxter, Malcolm
Kiyannam Senehasin Miya Noyan His Athin by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Dam Diyen Pana Dew Viman Sepa by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Menna Niyama Devadoothaya by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Sutra Srca by Maldini, Slobodan
Karma and the Alaya Consciousness: Twenety-Nine Dharma Articles by Erlewine, Michael
Gihi Gei Oba AI by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Buddhist Art Coloring, Book 2: Buddhas, Deities, and Enlightened Masters from the Tibetan Tradition by Beer, Robert
The End of the World, Plan B: A Guide for the Future by Inouye, Charles Shiro
Healing the Heart and Mind with Mindfulness: Ancient Path, Present Moment by Huxter, Malcolm
Women and Monastic Buddhism in Early South Asia: Rediscovering the invisible believers by Kaushik, Garima
Buddhism: Buddhism For Beginners - Buddhist Teachings For Living A Life Of Happiness, Peace, and Enlightenment (Buddhism Rituals by Gise, Kevin
Maranaya Idiriye Asarana Noveemata Nam by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Ape Nawa Wasara Buddha Warshayai by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Leda Duk Walin Ath Midemu by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Atharaman Noweemata by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Niweradi Lesa Dahama Dekeema by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Lowehi Ekama Sarana by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Sundara Gamanak Yamu by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Duk Biya Nethi Jeevithayak by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Pali-Sinhala Piruwana Poth Wahanse [small Size] by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Nuwana Lebeemata Mul Wana de by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Nuwana Wedimata Piliyamak by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Dasa Thathagatha Bala by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Lokaya Hedena Heti by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Introducing Japanese Religion by Ellwood, Robert
Buddhism: Buddhist Teachings, Beliefs, Finding Enlightenment and Practicing Buddhism: Buddhism For Beginners by Sharma, Shalu
Menna Duke Rahasa by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Dew Lowa Upatha Rekawaranayaki by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Eighteen Essays on Buddhist Studies by Liang, Qichao
Basic Buddhism for a World in Trouble by Taylor, Brian F.
Pin Mathuwana Wandana by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Sri Sambuddhathva Vandana by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Sithata Suwa Dena Bhawana by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Siri Gauthama Bodhi Vandanawa by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Dathuwansaya by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Neththippakaranaya by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Asirimath Pase Budu Pelahara by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Mountain Mandalas: Shugendo in Kyushu by Grapard, Allan G.
Dancing with Dharma: Essays on Movement and Dance in Western Buddhism by
Buddhism: How To Practice Buddhism In Your Everyday Life by Axmar, Elias
No! by Johnson, Cheryl
A Survey of Vinaya Literature by Prebish, Charles S.
Rahathunge Dharma Sakachcha by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Pahan Sila Niwena Lesa Pirinivee Wedi Seka by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Sebe Diyunuwe Ran Doratuwa by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Sebe Birinda Kawda by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Swarnamalie Maha Se Wandanawa by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Awaken NOW: The Living Method of Spiritual Awakening by Davis, Fred
Being Pure: The Practice of Vajrasattva by Tulku, Ringu
The Heart Sutra: A Comprehensive Guide to the Classic of Mahayana Buddhism by Tanahashi, Kazuaki
The Dalai Lama's Big Book of Happiness: How to Live in Freedom, Compassion, and Love by Dalai Lama
Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Awakening by Goldstein, Joseph
Über die Meditationspraxis im Zen: Ein Leitfaden zur Befreiung von Körper, Seele und Geist by Oezkan, S. Levent
The Profound Meanings of the Daimoku: TLK Nichiren Doctrinal Studies by Chamberlain-Nyudo, Sylvain
zen illusions: Zen Approach to Adult Coloring books, Creativity, focus and happiness in life. by Zeno
Yogi Cats by Hodges, Paige
Hypnotism: A Lesson In Zen by Thomas, Michael
Gauthama Sasune Pihita Labannata by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Pina Saha Avabodhaya by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Sebe Basin Mema Setha Selasewa by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
OBE Sitha Samaga Pilisandarak by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Buddhism: Beginner's Guide to Understanding The Essence of True Enlightenment by Eason, N. Louis
The Summit of Her Ambition: the spirited life of Marie Byles by McLeod, Anne Caroline
Ane Ape kathawath Ahanna by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
The Sound of Happiness by De Mario, Camy
An Introduction to the Way of the Buddha: Buddhism for Beginners by Sharma, Shalu
Spirituelle Freude: Der buddhistische Dzogchen-Weg zur Erleuchtung by Springett, Tara
We are All Shadows: Ancient Sacred Texts on Impermanence by Hughes, Marilynn
Zen: How To Live Your Life the Zen Way - Beginners Guide for Zen Meditation by Axmar, Elias
Don't Be a Jerk: And Other Practical Advice from Dogen, Japan's Greatest Zen Master by Warner, Brad
The Complete Nyingma Tradition from Sutra to Tantra, Books 15 to 17: The Essential Tantras of Mahayoga by Dorje, Choying Tobden
Words of Wisdom by Das, Lama Surya
Sugathiyata Yana Selesmak by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Pinaka Mahima by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Buddhism: Buddhism for beginners buddhist teachings for living a life of happiness, mindfulness and peace by Boucly, Djamel
Oeuvres choisies de C. R. Lama by Lama, Chimed Rigdzin
Meditation: The Art & Act of Mindfulness by Landry, Henry
A Practical Guide to Mindful Meditation by Bunting, Michael, Kearney, Patrick
In Search of Buddha's Daughters: A Modern Journey Down Ancient Roads by Toomey, Christine
The Good Heart: A Buddhist Perspective on the Teachings of Jesus by Dalai Lama
An Introduction to Indian Philosophy by Perrett, Roy W.
The Road to Love: Zen Meditation Practice For Beginners by Tchogen, Roshi, Ting, Chen
Recovering Buddhism in Modern China by
The Gathering of Intentions: A History of a Tibetan Tantra by Dalton, Jacob P.
Choosing Buddhism: The Life Stories of Eight Canadians by Peressini, Mauro
Readings of the Vessantara Jātaka by
Readings of the Vessantara Jātaka by
Form is... Emptiness ...is Form: The Heart Sutra by Wydler Haduch, Robert
Les 42 points d'enseignement proférés par Bouddha by Gabet, Joseph, Huc, Évariste
La mente liberata: Dialoghi sulla pratica del buddhismo nell'era della crisi e della globalizzazione by Libenzi, Leonardo
On Liberty by Mill, John Stuart
Buddhism and the Political Process by
The Zen of Lawn Mowing by Hodge, Lance
Il Canto della Felicita' by De Mario, Camy
Why Is the Dalai Lama Always Smiling?: A Westerner's Introduction and Guide to Tibetan Buddhist Practice by Tsomo, Lama
Agama Story by Humio, Masdani
Mokakda Me Kshana Sampaththiya by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Ten Early Tantras of the Great Perfection: A Basket of Diamonds by Wilkinson, Christopher
Tantric Traditions in Transmission and Translation by
Island of Guanyin: Mount Putuo and Its Gazetteers by Bingenheimer, Marcus
Zen Il Senso Del Non Senso: Aneddoti Di Deprogrammazione Sinaptica by Scarsi Msc D., Andrea
Marine on the Mat: Patanjali's Eight Limbs of Yoga - from Parris Island to Mysore India by Infanti, Rishi Eric
Considerations of Mind - A Buddhist Enquiry (Vol.2 of a Treatise on Mind) by Balsys, Bodo
How to Communicate Like a Buddhist by Kane, Cynthia
Taste Poison: A Zen and Mindfulness Approach to Life by Taylor, Peter
Flowing Traces: Buddhism in the Literary and Visual Arts of Japan by
Buddhism and the State in Sixteenth-Century Japan by McMullin, Neil
Lay Buddhism in Contemporary Japan: Reiyukai Kyodan by Hardacre, Helen
Chinese Transformation of Buddhism by Ch'en, Kenneth Kuan Sheng
The Legend of King Asoka: A Study and Translation of the Asokavadana by Strong, John S.
Tsong Khapa's Speech of Gold in the Essence of True Eloquence: Reason and Enlightenment in the Central Philosophy of Tibet by Thurman, Robert a. F.
Buddhafield Dharma: Practising Buddhism on the Land by
Engendering the Buddhist State: Territory, Sovereignty and Sexual Difference in the Inventions of Angkor by Thompson, Ashley
Buddhist Precept & Practice by Gombrich
Vegetarianism: A Buddhist View by Bodhipaksa
Altered States: Buddhism and Psychedelic Spirituality in America by Osto, Douglas
John Doe's Diamond: A new version of the Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita Sutra by Price, Steve
Buddhism: Beginner Guide to Zen Buddhism, Meditation and Taoism (Buddhism for Beginners, Transcendental and Mindful Meditation, by Lee, Roger
Emptiness and Omnipresence: An Essential Introduction to Tiantai Buddhism by Ziporyn, Brook A.
Cité Magique: Une Approche du Sutra du Lotus by Jeffus, Ryusho
Buddhism and Political Theory C by Moore
Secular Buddhism: An Introduction by Forrest, Jay N.
The Dhammapada (Wisehouse Classics - The Complete & Authoritative Edition) by
Korean Buddhism: History, Condition and Art: Religious Classics by Starr, Frederick
The Intelligent Heart: A Guide to the Compassionate Life by Waxman, Joseph, Kongtrul, Dzigar
The Mahávansi, the Rájá-ratnácari, and the Rájávali; Volume 2 by Mahanama, 5th Century, Upham, Edward, Fox, William Buckley
Echoes: The Boudhanath Teachings by Norbu, Thinley
Dharma Delight: A Visionary Post Pop Comic Guide to Buddhism and Zen by Greenblat, Rodney Alan
Taming the Elephant Mind: A Handbook on the Theory and Practice of Calm Abiding Meditation by Lama Choedak Rinpoche
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion by
Roots of Wisdom, Branches of Devotion by
The Mahávansi, the Rájá-Ratnácari, and the Rájá-Vali, Forming the Sacred and Historical Books of Ceylon: Also, a Collection of Tracts Illustrative of by Upham, Edward
Mindfulness Mandalas Coloring Book by Individuality Books
A Practical Beginners Guide to Buddha: Learn the 8 Steps to Walk the Noble Path to Enlightenment & Find Inner Peace Using Meditation by Barros, Antonio
Pancha Upadanaskandhaya by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
Buddhism: How to Find Fulfilment and Still Your Mind Through the Teachings of Buddha by Axmar, Elias
Mahawanshaya by Thero, Ven Kiribathgoda Gnanananda
The Reflexive Nature of Awareness: A Tibetan Madhyamaka Defence by Williams, Paul
Glimpses of the Profound: Four Short Works by Trungpa, Chogyam
Buddhism: Its Historical, Theoretical and Popular Aspects. in Three Lectures by Eitel, Ernest John
The Inhabiter: A Journey into the Nature of Reality by Pollard-Wright, Holly Marie
The Inhabiter: Reality Deepened by Pollard-Wright, Holly Marie
Is It Buddha?: : 12 Questtions Every Seeker Should Ask by Pitts, Deok Wun Russell
New Testament of Higher Buddhism. by Richard, Timothy
The Spirit of Tibetan Buddhism by Van Schaik, Sam
Buddhism and Buddhists in China by Hodus, Lewis
Am Stopping My Finger Now: Tibetan Buddhist musings for Western life by Winwood, Mark S.
Entering the Stream to Enlightenment by Sirimane, Yuki
Entering the Stream to Enlightenment by Sirimane, Yuki
Buddhism: The Art of Living A More Mindful Life by Cure for the People
The Secret Tantras of The Fish Wheel and The Nine Spaces: Two Ancient Scriptures of the Great Perfection by Wilkinson, Christopher
Chan Rhetoric of Uncertainty in the Blue Cliff Record: Sharpening a Sword at the Dragon Gate by Heine, Steven
The Meditator's Dilemma: An Innovative Approach to Overcoming Obstacles and Revitalizing Your Practice by Morgan, Bill
Jodo Shinshu: Shin Buddhism in Medieval Japan by Dobbins, James C.
Saicho: The Establishment of the Japanese Tendai School by Groner, Paul
A Practical Guide to Mindful Meditation by Bunting, Michael, Kearney, Patrick
Emptiness and Omnipresence: An Essential Introduction to Tiantai Buddhism by Ziporyn, Brook A.
Zen & Karma: Teachings of Roshi Taisen Deshimaru by Deshimaru, Roshi Taisen
Das Bärchi Buch vom Glück der Leere: Weisheit und Leben by Golden Bear, Lama
Tantric Buddhist Practice in India: Vilāsavajra's commentary on the Mañjuśrī-nāmasaṃgīti by Tribe, Anthony
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