• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Buddhism in 2025

Witwen, Recht Und Gerechtigkeit: Diskurse Uber Witwen Im Fruhen Christentum ALS Rezeptionsorte Prophetischer Und Weisheitlicher Kulturkritik by Sommer, Michael
Eusebios, Porphyrios Und Augustin Im Kampf Um Deutungshoheit by
Adolf Von Harnack, Werner Jaeger, and the Crisis of Weimar Culture: Greco-Christian Humanism at the Crossroads of Tradition and Modernity by Powers, Robert L.
Gurdjieff in Tibet by Negrin, Layne
The Principal Teachings of Buddhism by Roach, Geshe Michael
Zen in the Art of Archery: A New Translation for Modern Readers by Herrigel, Eugen
Democracy's Dhamma by Surendran, Gitanjali
Forty-Three Guiding Principles for an Enlightened Mind by Dakpa, Nyima
World Religion Rangers: Faith Explorers Unite by Ray, Percival
Readings of the Gateless Barrier by
Meditaciones Para Despertar El Corazón Y Cultivar El Amor Y La Bondad by Trungpa, Chogyam
Connected by Gautama, Siddhartha
Buddhism: A Journey Through History by Lopez, Donald S.
Readings of the Gateless Barrier by
The Golden Garuda: The Extraordinary Life of Modern-Day Mahasiddha Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche by Sodargye, Khenpo
365 Days of Buddha Wisdom: Quotes from Buddhist Thinkers to Bring You Daily Inspiration by Summersdale Publishers
The Island Within: A Mindfulness Parable for All Ages by Tuff, Nic
The Radical Path of Somatic Dharma: Radiant Body, Radiant Mind by Johnson, Will
The Song of Enlightenment in Zen Meditation: Venerable Shengyan's Wise Commentary on the Song of Enlightenment by the Chinese Zen Master Yongjia by Yen, Sheng, Jia, Yong
Pathway to Freedom: Applying the Teachings of the Buddha by Green, Lucinda T.
I've Got Time: A Zen Monk's Guide to a Calm, Focused and Meaningful Life by Loomans, Paul
Politics of Tranquility: The Material and Mundane Lives of Buddhist Nuns in Post-Mao Tibet by Cho, Yasmin
Dancing with the Benefactors: Exploring the Wisdom of the Flower Oranment Sutra: Exploring the Wisdom of the Flower Orament Sutra by Verkuilen, Barbara
Politics of Tranquility: The Material and Mundane Lives of Buddhist Nuns in Post-Mao Tibet by Cho, Yasmin
Thich Minh Tue as I see by Phan, Thu
Buddhist Dream Yoga: Dzogchen and the Practice of Natural Light by Namkhai Norbu, Chogyal, Mipham, Jamgon
Do Not Try to Become a Buddha: Practicing Zen Right Where You Are by Kilroy, Ian
Enseñanzas Atemporales (Spanish-English Edition): 10 Historias Budistas y Ejercicios de Atención Plena by On, Dat
Enseñanzas Atemporales: 10 Historias Budistas y Ejercicios de Atención Plena by On, Dat
How to Lose Yourself: An Ancient Guide to Letting Go by Followers, The Buddha and His
How to Lose Yourself: An Ancient Guide to Letting Go by
How Joyous Effort Works: The Energy to Benefit Others by Kathleen Ettele, Janet
The Fundamental Practices: A Modern Ngondro Guide by Forty-Second Sakya Trizin
The Life of the Sixteenth Karmapa Rangjung Rigpe Dorje: Transmitting the Dharma in Exile by Wang, Meng
The Awakening Heart Volume Two: 108 Pith Instructions for Buddhist Practice by Tenphel, Jamyang
Inexplicable Joy: On the Heart Sutra by Piver, Susan
The Early Buddhist World Outlook in Historical Perspective by Upreti, G. B.
The Questions of King Milinda: An Abridgement of the Milindapañhā by
'Abd Al-Ghani Al-Nabulusi (D. 1143/1731): A Bilingual Reader by
Zen Mind Jewish Mind: Koan, Midrash, & the Living Word by Shapiro, Rami
Happy Relationships: 25 Buddhist Practices to Transform Your Connections with Your Partner, Family, and Friends by Brown, Kimberly
Dignidad / Dignity: Guía Para Una Vida Plena / Guide to a Plentiful Life by Rimpoché, Phakchok
Practicing Psychoanalysis in Israel: Seeing Through Blindness by Mann, Gabriela
Practicing Psychoanalysis in Israel: Seeing Through Blindness by Mann, Gabriela
The Little Book of Zen Healing: Japanese Rituals for Beauty, Harmony, and Love by Arai, Paula
Contemplative Democracy: Politics, Practice, and Pedagogy by Mariotti, Shannon L.
Sangharakshita - Concordance to His Complete Works by Sangharakshita, Sangharakshita
The Essential Sangharakshita by Sangharakshita, Sangharakshita
A New Buddhist Movement I by Sangharakshita, Sangharakshita
The Roots of Goodness: Zen Master Dogen's Teaching on the Eight Qualities of a Great Person by Roshi, Kosho Uchiyama, Dogen, Eihei
Buddhist Exchanges Between India and Japan: Japanese Buddhists Encountering India and Modern Buddhist Studies by
Protestant Relics in Early America by Brummitt, Jamie L.
The Politics of Sorrow: Unity and Allegiance Across Tibetan Exile by Dhompa, Tsering Wangmo
The Politics of Sorrow: Unity and Allegiance Across Tibetan Exile by Dhompa, Tsering Wangmo
Sayings of the Buddha: The Classic Guide to His Teachings by Müller, F. Max
Sacred Places, Sacred Teachings: Following the Footsteps of the Buddha by Gyaltshen, Khenchen Konchog
Sufism and Zen in the West: The Transformation of Modern Religious Life and Practice by
LIMI, the Land In-Between: The Art of Governing a Buddhist Frontier Community in the Himalaya by Hovden, Astrid
Treasury of the True Dharma Eye: Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō, Eight-Volume Set by Dōgen, Dōgen
China and the Wireless Undertow: Media as Wave Philosophy by Greenspan, Anna
The Beef Taboo in China: Agriculture, Ethics, Sacrifice by Goossaert, Vincent
Basilius of Caesarea as Exegete: An Analysis of His Homilies on the Hexaemeron by Drecoll, Volker Henning
Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom by Hanson, Rick
Gagaku: The Cultural Impact of Japanese Ceremonial Music by
Kings of Oxen and Horses: Draft Animals, Buddhism, and Chinese Rural Religion by Shahar, Meir
Kings of Oxen and Horses: Draft Animals, Buddhism, and Chinese Rural Religion by Shahar, Meir
Meditation on Emptiness: Second Revised Edition by Hopkins, Jeffrey
Modern Buddhist and Christian Mysticism: Construal and Transformation by Mueller, Charles M., Richardson, Peter
Voice for the Voiceless: Over Seven Decades of Struggle with China for My Land and My People by Lama, Dalai
Zen Ecology: Green and Engaged Living in Response to the Climate Crisis by Ives, Christopher
A Sense of Place and Belonging: The Chiang Tung Borderland of Northern Southeast Asia by Karlsson, Klemens
A Sense of Place and Belonging: The Chiang Tung Borderland of Northern Southeast Asia by Karlsson, Klemens
Just Awakening: Yogācāra Social Philosophy in Modern China by Zu, Jessica X.
Just Awakening: Yogācāra Social Philosophy in Modern China by Zu, Jessica X.
A Gāndhārī Abhidharma Text: British Library Kharoṣṭhī Fragment 28 by Cox, Collett
Shaolin Kung Fu: Exploring Chan Buddhism, Monastic Community, and Martial Arts by Neskovic, Marta
Waiting at the Mountain Pass: Coming to Terms with Solitude, Decline, and Death in Tibetan Exile by Gill, Harmandeep Kaur
Waiting at the Mountain Pass: Coming to Terms with Solitude, Decline, and Death in Tibetan Exile by Gill, Harmandeep Kaur
The Sadhana of Mahamudra: Teachings on Devotion and Crazy Wisdom by Trungpa, Chögyam
Postponement in Perpetuality: The Buddha's Prophecy of the End of Buddhism and Its Transmission in East Asia by Liu, Yi
Essentials of Chinese Humanism: Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism by Xu, Xiaoyue
Insight Through Learning, Reflecting, and Meditating: The Fourfold Application of Mindfulness by Rinpoche, Shamar
Refining the Mind: The Transformative Process of Buddhism by Rinpoche, Lama Jigme
Return with Elixir: Four Maps for the Soul's Pilgrimage Through Death and Rebirth by Neale, Miles
Wer Hat Angst VOR Dem Nichts?: Die Europäische Buddhismusrezeption ALS Positionierung Zum Nihilismus by Schmidt, Karsten
Kindling Hope: Daily Passages from Darkness Into Light by Zhen-Ru
The Great Hum: A Commentary on Shantideva's Way of the Bodhisattva by Sonam, Minyak Kunzang
Mountain Dharma: An Ocean of Definitive Meaning by
Revolutionaries and Reformers in Lao Buddhism by Ladwig, Patrice
The Unofficial Buddhist: A Path Made by Walking by Bluck, Robert
The Unofficial Buddhist: A Path Made by Walking by Bluck, Robert
Train Your Mind: Tibetan Exercises in Wisdom and Compassion by Dhirananda, Sjöberg, Viryabodhi
Buddhism in the Nordic Countries by
Self-Obsession: How Our Need for Identity Threatens Our Wellbeing by Davies, Tom
The Buddha in You: A Beginner's Guide to Buddhism, from Karma to Nirvana by Rinpoche, Lama Lhanang, Levine, Mordy
Breathing Mindfulness: Discovering the Riches at the Heart of the Buddhist Path by Shaw, Sarah
Heavily Meditated: The Fast Path to Remove Your Triggers, Dissolve Stress, and Activate Inner Peace by Asprey, Dave
Zen at the End of Religion: An Introduction for the Curious, the Skeptical, and the Spiritual But Not Religious by Ford, James Ishmael
Sakya Pandita: Three Biographies by Jamgon Ameshab, Drogon Chogyal Phakpa, Gorampa Sonam Senge
The Daily Buddhist: 366 Days of Wisdom for Happiness, Inner Freedom, and Mindful Living by Sherpa, Pema, Barca, Brendan
What Makes You Not a Buddhist by Khyentse, Dzongsar Jamyang
The Tibetan Book of the Dead: Gilded Pocket Edition by Padmasambhava, Baldock, John
Waking Up and Growing Up: Spiritual Cross-Training for an Evolving World by Wilson, Gabriel Kaigen, Hamilton, Diane Musho
Until My Memory Fails Me: Mindfulness Practices for Cultivating Resilience and Self-Compassion in the Face of Cognitive Decline by Lukert, Sharon
Practicing Safe Zen: Navigating the Pitfalls on the Road to Liberation by Nelson, Julie Seido
How Not to Miss the Point: The Buddha's Wisdom for a Life Well Lived by Rinpoche, Jetsun Khandro
Atisa's Stages of the Path to Awakening: Together with Commentaries and Ritual Texts by Apple, James B.
The Dharma of Healing: The Path of Liberation from Stress, Pain, and Trauma by Michelson, Justin
In This Body, in This Lifetime: Awakening Stories of Japanese Soto Zen Women by Roshi, Sozen Nagasawa
How Compassion Works: A Step-By-Step Guide to Cultivating Well-Being, Love, and Wisdom by Condon, Paul, Makransky, John
I Had a Good Teacher: Practicing Suzuki Roshi's Way of Zen by Kaye, Les
Zen Wisdom by Headon, Abbie
Becoming Yourself: Teachings on the Zen Way of Life by Suzuki, Shunryu
The Yoga of Niguma by Loew, Michele, Rinpoche, Kalu
Metamorphosis of Buddhism in China's New Era: Between State, Culture, and Religion by
Reimagining Buddhism: Understanding Sangharakshita and His Teachings by Blomfield, Vishvapani
Spreading Indra's Net: The Columbia Lectures of D. T. Suzuki by Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro
Thai Tattoo Magick: The Initiatory Practices of the Thai Buddhist Magicians by Zed, Sheer
Tibetan Sky-Gazing Meditation and the Pre-History of Great Perfection Buddhism: The Skullward Leap Technique and the Quest for Vitality by Geisshuesler, Flavio
The Zhangzhung Nyengyü 'Tsakalis': A Cross-Disciplinary Analysis by
The Direct Way: Thirty Practices to Evoke Awakening by Adyashanti
Samatha and Vipasyana: An Anthology of Pith Instructions by
Speculative Orientalism: Asian Religions in New Wave Science Fiction by Yoo, Sang-Keun
Tassajara Stories: A Sort of Memoir/Oral History of the First Zen Buddhist Monastery in the West--The First Year, 1967 by
How to Live and Die: The Transformative Power of Meditating on Impermanence by Lama Zopa Rinpoche
The Guru Yoga of Je Tsongkhapa: A Commentary by Choden Rinpoche by Choden Rinpoche
The Notion of Solitude in Pali Buddhist Literature: Finding a Space in the Crowd by Iyadurai, Joshua, Weerasekera, Indaka
The Seven Siddhi Texts by Krug, Adam
Women and Monastic Buddhism in Early South Asia: Rediscovering the Invisible Believers by Kaushik, Garima