• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business Biographies in 2000

Halff of Texas: Merchant Rancher of the Old West by Dearen, Patrick
Father, Son & Co.: My Life at IBM and Beyond by Petre, Peter, Watson, Thomas J.
The Monk and the Riddle: The Education of a Silicon Valley Entrepreneur by Komisar, Randy, Lineback, Kent
Wake Up and Smell the Dollars!: Whose Inner City Is This Anyway! One Woman's Struggle Against Sexism, Classism, Racism, Gentrification and the Empower by Hughes, Dorothy Pitman
Staking Her Claim: Life Of Belinda Mulrooney by Mayer, Melanie J.
The Silicon Boys: And Their Valley of Dreams by Kaplan, David A.
Staking Her Claim: Life Of Belinda Mulrooney by Mayer, Melanie J.
Radicals & Visionaries: Entrepreneurs Who Revolutionized the 20th Century by Wawro, Thaddeus
Masters of the Universe: Winning Strategies of America's Greatest Dealmakers by Kadlec, Daniel J.
Done in Oil: An Autobiography by Marshall, J. Howard
Wars, Women & Other Wonders by Rushlow, Philip
Triumphant Capitalism: Henry Clay Frick and the Industrial Transformation of America by Warren, Kenneth
Life on the Line: One Woman's Tale of Work, Sweat, and Survival by de Santis, Solange
Inquities of the Father by Keiper, O. J.
Looking Beyond Race: The Life of Otis Milton Smith by Stolberg, Mary M., Smith, Otis Milton
Defining Moments: A Brand New Day by Root, Bob
Piero Sraffa: His Life, Thought and Cultural Heritage by Roncaglia, Alessandro
A. W. H. Phillips: Collected Works in Contemporary Perspective by Phillips, A. W. H.
Defining Moments: A Brand New Day by Root, Bob
Dead Wrong: A Memoir by Anderson, Carol
Not Just Your Average Joe by Kowal, Barbara
A House in Sicily by Phelps, Daphne
By-Pass by Foster, Tony
Boone Pickens the Luckiest Guy in the World: Business and Finance Leader, Corporate Investor, and Champion of Shareholders' Rights by Pickens, T. Boone
Mac Runciman: A Life in the Grain Trade by Earl, Paul D.
Rebel with a Cause: The Entrepreneur Who Created the University of Phoenix and the For-Profit Revolution in Higher Education by Sperling
Damn Right!: Behind the Scenes with Berkshire Hathaway Billionaire Charlie Munger by Lowe, Janet
Eye See Me: A True Life Story by Enoch, Carlton
Jetway Joshua: (Aka Carl Lewis Lodjic) Four Score and Twenty by Lodjic, Carl
The Life and Times of Wilber Hardee: Founder of Hardee's by Hardee, Wilber
George Eastman: Founder of Kodak and the Photography Business by Ackerman, Carl W.
For God, Mammon, And Country: A Nineteenth-century Persian Merchant, Haj Muhammad Hassan Amin Al-zarb by Mahdavi, Shireen
Liaison: An Instinctive Way of Life: A Memoir by Hillman, Ernest, Jr.
Liaison: An Instinctive Way of Life; A Memoir by Hillman, Ernest, Jr.
Proudly Serving My Corporate Masters: What I Learned in Ten Years as a Microsoft Programmer by Barr, Adam
Mr. Baruch by Coit, Margaret L.
Pierre S. Du Pont and the Making of the Modern Corporation by Chandler, Alfred DuPont