• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 1971

Capitalism in Argentine Culture: Torcuato Di Tella and S.I.A.M. by Cochran, Thomas C., Reina, Ruben E.
Welcome to Our Conglomerate--You're Fired! by Barmash, Isadore
Planning and Market Relations by Kaser, M., Portes, R.
Kooperative Spiele Und Märkte by Rosenmüller, Joachim
Kosten Und Preise Bei Verbundener Produktion, Substitutionskonkurrenz Und Verbundener Nachfrage by Riebel, Paul
Prognosen Und Entscheidungen: Einführung in Unternehmensforschung Und Ökonometrie by Theil, Henri
Growth in Open Economies by Hanson, J. a.
Invariant Imbedding: Proceedings of the Summer Workshop on Invariant Imbedding Held at the University of Southern California, June - August by
Environmental Economics: Vol. 1. Theories by Nijkamp, Professor P.
Bayesian Full Information Structrual Analysis: With an Application to the Study of the Belgian Beef Market by Morales, J. a.
Die Organisation Der Geschäftsführung: Leitungsorganisation by Arbeitskreis Dr Krähe Der Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft
Haltung, Zucht Und Pflege Des Viehs Bei Den Nomaden Ost- Und Nordostafrikas: Ein Beitrag Zur Traditionellen Ökonomie Der Wanderhirten in Semiariden Ge by Schinkel, Hans-Georg
Operations Research: Grundzüge Der Operationsforschung by Ackoff, Russell L., Sasieni, Maurice W.
Negro Employment in Land and Air Transport: A Study of Racial Policies in the Railroad, Airline, Trucking, and Urban Transit Industries by Northrup, Herbert R., Jr., Leone, Richard D.
Portfolio Selection: Efficient Diversification of Investments by Markowitz, Harry M.
Informationssysteme in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung by
Lineare Programmierung: Ein Programmiertes Lehrbuch Für Studierende Des Faches Operations Research by Zielinski, Johannes, Zimmermann, Hans-Jürgen
Agriculture by Clout, Hugh
The Economics of Environment: Papers from Four Nations by
Environmental Control: Priorities, Policies, and the Law by Rathjens, George, Rosenthal, Albert, Grad, Frank
Mining in the East Midlands 1550-1947 by Griffin, A. R.
Allocation Models and Their Use in Economic Planning by Heesterman, Aaart R.
Soziographie und Städtebau by Diederich, Jul
Briefe aus den Jahren 1820 bis 1822 (Nr. 5370-5838) by
Reforming Regulation: An Evaluation of the Ash Council Proposals by Noll, Roger G.
Operations Research: Eine Einführung in Die Unternehmensforschung by Ackoff, Russel L., Arnoff, E. Leonard, Churchman, C. West
What Do I Say Next?: Talking Your Way to Business and Social Success by RoAne, Susan
Problematik Der Modellierung Der Ertragsbildung by Vetterlein, E., Unger, K., Kaltofen, H.
1969 by
Akademie-Verlag, Berlin. 1971-1972. Katalog, Nachtrag 1 by
Analyse Und Steuerung Von Prozessen Der Stoffwirtschaft: Dargestellt an Prozessen Der Chemischen Industrie by