• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 1977

A History of Thought on Economic Integration by Machlup, Fritz
A Paradigm for Looking: Cross-Cultural Research with Visual Media by Jules-Rosette, Bennettta, Unknown, Bellman, Beryl L.
The Organization and Retrieval of Economic Knowledge: Proceedings of a Conference Held by the International Economic Association by
Flexible Plankostenrechnung: Theorie Und PRAXIS Der Grenzplankostenrechnung Und Deckungsbeitragsrechnung by Kilger, Wolfgang
Statistik: Beschreibende Statistik, Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, Anwendungen by Bosch, Karl, Engeln-Müllges, Gisela, Klotz, Günter R.
Marketing Und Gesellschaft by
Die Japanische Unternehmung: Strukturwandlungen in Einer Wachsenden Wirtschaft by
Die Zukunft Unserer Energiebasis ALS Ökonomisches Problem. Wandel Der Energietechnik Durch Einsatz Neuer Energieträger: 233. Sitzung Am 9. April 1975 by Schneider, Hans K.
Montagearbeitsplanerstellung Für Unternehmen Der Einzel- Und Kleinserienfertigung Mit Hilfe Der EDV by Eversheim, Walter
A History of Thought on Economic Integration by Machlup, Fritz
Trade and Investment in the Middle East by Wilson, Rodney
The British Motor Industry 1896-1939 by Richardson, K.
Sampling Inspection and Quality Control by Wetherill, G. Barrie
Innovation, Economic Change and Technology Policies: Proceedings of a Seminar on Technological Innovation Held in Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany, A by Stroetmann
Die Wirtschaftlichkeit Der Bäuerlichen Auslaufhaltung Von Hühnern Eine Untersuchung Bei 100 Hühnerhaltungen in Der Nordostschweiz by Fölsch, Brunner
Wachstum Und Gleichgewicht Im Gesundheitswesen by Herder-Dorneich, Philipp
Untersuchungen Zum Grammatikunterricht by Döhmann, Ursula
Social Security in Britain: A History by Raynes, Harold E., Unknown
Rgw Ddr - 25 Jahre Zusammenarbeit by
November/Dezember by
Theorie Und PRAXIS Der Struktur Und Organisation Der Informationsverarbeitung by Tschirschwitz, Reiner
Probleme Und Neuere Ergebnisse Der Gewinnung Einheimischer Mineralischer Rohstoffe by Töpfer, Edelhard
Business History by
Women in the Organization by Frank, Harold H.
Multicriteria Decision Making by
The Fence: A New Look at the World of Property Theft by Walsh, Marilyn E., Martindale, Edith
Fires in the in Basket by Leacacos, Leacacos, John P., Unknown
Schriften aus den Jahren 1826-1827 by
Production Theory and Its Applications: Proceedings of a Workshop by
Mode of Production and Social Formation: An Auto-Critique of Pre-Capitalist Modes of Production by Hindess, Barry, Hirst, Paul Q.
Operations Research Handbook: Standard Algorithms and Methods with Examples by Frajer, Helmut, Eiselt, Horst A.
Class, State and Agricultural Productivity in Egypt: Study of the Inverse Relationship between Farm Size and Land Productivity by Dyer, Graham
Convex Analysis and Its Applications: Proceedings of a Conference Held at Murat-Le-Quaire, March 1976 by
Problemorientierte Entscheidungsfindung in Organisationen by Pfohl, Hans-Christian
Studies in the Economics of Income Maintenance. by
Turfgrass Bibliography from 1672 to 1972 by
The Farmer's Age: Agriculture, 1815-60 by Gates, Paul W.
The Farmer's Last Frontier: Agriculture, 1860-97 by Shannon, Fred a.
Multi-Criteria Analysis and Regional Decision-Making by Delft, A. Van, Nijkamp, Peter
In Search of Economic Indicators: Essays on Business Surveys by
Wisconsin: A History by Current, Richard Nelson
The Roots of Capitalism by Chamberlain, John
Programmers and Managers: The Routinization of Computer Programming in the United States by Kraft, P.
The Organization and Retrieval of Economic Knowledge: Proceedings of a Conference Held by the International Economic Association by
Shephard Technologies and Neoclassical Production Functions by Junius, Th
Production Systems and Hierarchies of Centres: The Relationship Between Spatial and Economic Structures by Gunnarsson, J.
Tourism and Regional Growth: An Empirical Study of the Alternative Growth Paths for Hawaii by
Welfare Aspects of Industrial Markets by
Public Administration as a Developing Discipline: Part 1: Perspectives on Past and Present by Golembiewski, Golembiewski, Robert T.
Public Administration as a Developing Discipline: Part 2: Organization Development as One of a Future Family of Miniparadigms by Golembiewski, Robert T.
The Public Use of Private Interest by Schultze, Charles L.
Mexico and the United States in the Oil Controversy, 1917-1942 by Meyer, Lorenzo
The Craft of Interviewing by Brady, John
Contemporary Entrepreneurs: The Sociology of Residential Real Estate Agents by House, J. D., Martindale, Edith
Industrial Technology Transfer by
Inventory-Production Theory: A Linear Policy Approach by Schneeweiss, C. a.
The Censors and the Schools by Roberts, Gene, Unknown, Nelson, Jack
The Banned Books of England and Other Countries: A Study of the Conception of Literary Obscenity by Unknown, Craig, Alec
Decision Making and Change in Human Affairs: Proceedings of the Fifth Research Conference on Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making, Dar by
Stochastische Methoden Des Operations Research by
Encounters with the Archdruid: Narratives about a Conservationist and Three of His Natural Enemies by McPhee, John
The Production and Application of New Industrial Technology by Romeo, Anthony, Mansfield, Edwin, Rapoport, John
Multinacionales y Sistemas de Comunicacion. Los Aparatos Ideologicos del Imperialismo by Mattelart, Armand
Taming the Giant Corporation by Seligman, Joel, Green, Mark, Nader, Ralph
A Mine to Make a Mine: Financing the Colorado Mining Industry, 1859-1902 by King, Joseph E.
Supercritical Wing Sections III by Bauer, F., Garabedian, P., Korn, D.
A Guide to Operational Research by Duckworth, Walter E.
Payer, Provider, Consumer: Industry Confronts Health Care Costs: Industry Confornts Health Care Costs by Walsh, D. C., Egdahl, R. H.
Small-Scale Cement Plants: A Study in Economics by Sigurdson, Jon
Transportation Rates and Economic Development in Northern Ontario by Bonsor, N. C.
The River Barons: Montreal Businessmen and the Growth of Industry and Transportation 1837-53 by Gerald Tulchinsky
Early Texas Oil: A Photographic History, 1866-1936 by Rundell, Walter, Jr.
Essays in British Business History by Supple
Massstaebe Zur Beurteilung Von Konjunkturellen Wirkungen Des Oeffentlichen Haushalts by
Umweltreproduktion Im Staatsmonopolistischen Kapitalismus: Zur Kritik Bürgerlicher Konzeptionen Einer Marktwirtschaftlichen Lösung Des Umweltproblems by Speer, Gerhard, Leonhardt, Alfred
Gibt Es Grenzen Des Ökonomischen Wachstums? by Maier, Harry