• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 1979

Oil and Nationalism in Argentina: A History by Solberg, Carl E.
Financing Social Security: A Conference Sponsored by the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI Symposia 78-H) by Campbell, Colin Dearborn
Case Studies on the Labor Process by
Entrepreneurship: A Comparative and Historical Study by Unknown, Wilken, Paul H.
The Politics of International Standards: France and the Color TV War by Crane, Rhonda J.
Joint Ventures ALS Marketing-Problem by Benci, Marguerite
Challenges to a Liberal International Economic Order by Willett, Thomas D., Amacher, Ryan C., Haberler, Gottfried
Energietaschenbuch by Bischoff, Na
Industrial Innovation: Technology, Policy, Diffusion by
The Economics of Third World Military Expenditure by Whynes, David K.
The Press of Africa: Persecution and Perseverance by Barton, F.
Fundamental Issues in Trade Theory by Steedman, Ian
British Industry and Economic Policy by Allen, George Cyril
The Economy of Kuwait: Development and Role in International Finance by Khouja, M. W., Sadler, P.
Talib's OPEC Trade Directory by Esmail, Samuel
The Ussr's Management of Foreign Trade by Gruzinov, V. P.
Management Applications of System Theory by Negoita
Joshua Johnson's Letterbook, 1771-1774: Letters from a Merchant in London to His Partners in Maryland by
Deutsche Ausgabe by
English Edition by
Version Française by
Die Vereinten Nationen Im Unterricht: Bericht Über Eine Arbeitstagung Für Pädagogen Und Sozialwissenschaftler, Veranstaltet Vom 3. Bis 8. Januar 1977 by
Evaluating Information Retrieval Systems: The Probe Program by Kiewitt, Eva L., Unknown
Optimale Entscheidungen in Organisationen by Fandel, G.
Mathematisch-Statistische Methoden in Der Ökonomie by Toutenburg, Helge, Rödel, Egmmar
U.S. and World Development Agenda: 1978-79 by McLaughlin, Martin Michael
Leitung Industrieller Forschung Und Entwicklung: Theoretische Und Praktische Probleme Von Innovationen by Hartmann, Wolf-D, Haustein, Heinz-D
A Comprehensive Study Chinese Vocabulary in Several Textbooks for Westerners by Ho, Kwok-Cheung
Kwei's Video Codes for Chinese Characters by Kwei, C. S.
Jade Flowers and Floral Patterns in Chinese Decorative Art by Cheng, Te-K'Un
Comparative Union Democracy: Organization and Opposition in British and American Unions by Edelstein, J. David
Fuzzy Theories on Decision Making: A Critical Review by Kickert, Walter J. M.
Can Capitalism Survive? by Rogge, Benjamin A.
Unternehmungsbewertung Und Risiko: Der Einfluß Des Risikos Auf Den Subjektiven Wert Von Unternehmungsbeteiligungen Im Rahmen Einer Optimalen Investiti by Kromschröder, B.
Identification in Dynamic Shock-Error Models by Maravall, A.
Multiple Objective Decision Making -- Methods and Applications: A State-Of-The-Art Survey by Hwang, C. -L
Black and Other Minority Participation in the All-Volunteer Navy and Marine Corps by Northrup, Herbert R., Diantonio, Steven M., Brinker, John A.
A Theory of Public Bureaucracy: Politics, Personality, and Organization in the State Department by Warwick, Donald P.
Economic Development of a Small Planet by Higgins, Benjamin Howard, Higgins, Jean Downing
The Public Eye: Television and the Politics of Canadian Broadcasting, 1952-1968 by Peers, Frank
Cost and Choice: An Inquiry in Economic Theory by Buchanan, James M.
Containing Health Benefit Costs: The Self-Insurance Option by
Ethnic Minorities in Urban Areas: A Case Study of Racially Changing Communities by Varady, D.
Soziale Grundrechte by
Financing Industrial Investment by Carrington, John C., Twards, George
Financing Industrial Investment by Carrington, John C., Twards, George
The Economies of the Middle East by Wilson, Rodney
Change Agents at Work by Ottaway, Richard N.
The Economies of the Middle East by Wilson, Rodney
Urban Residential Location Models by Putman, S. H.
Inhabiting the Earth as a Finite World: An Examination of the Prospects of Providing Housing in a Finite World in Which Prosperity Is Fairly Shared, N by
The Ruling Class: A Study of British Finance Capital by Aaronovitch, Sam, Unknown
Industrial Innovation: Technology, Policy, Diffusion by
Spatial Inequalities and Regional Development by
Information Sources in Advertising History. by Pollay, Richard W.
Industry's Voice in Health Policy by
Energy and Environment in Interregional Input-Output Models by Muller, F.
Pioneering a Modern Small Business by
Approximate Behavior of Tandem Queues by Newell, G. F.
Management Dictionary: English-German by Sommer, Werner, Schoenfeld, Hanns-Martin
Political Economy of Agrarian Change by Griffin, Keith
The Political Economy of Agrarian Change: An Essay on the Green Revolution by Griffin, Keith
The Future of Beef Production in the European Community: A Seminar in the EEC Programme of Coordination of Research on Beef Production and Land Use, O by
Human Performance by Fitts, Paul Morris, Posner, Michael I., Unknown
Panhandle Pioneer: Henry C. Hitch, His Ranch, and His Family by Green, Donald E.
The Regulated Industries and the Economy by MacAvoy, Paul W.
Industrial Peacemaker: George W. Taylor's Contributions to Collective Bargaining by Ingrster, Bernard, Shils, Edward B., Gershenfeld, Walter J.
Multinational Enterprises in the West and East by Zurawicki, Leon
Economies of Scale, Transport Costs and Location: Studies in Applied Regional Science Series by Norman, George
Fur Trade Canoe Routes of Canada / Then and Now by Morse, Eric
Die Ökologische Benachteiligung Der Tropen by Weischet, Wolfgang
The New England Merchants in the Seventeenth Century by Bailyn, Bernard
Trade and Poor Economies by Toye, John
Oil Mill on the Texas Plains: A Study in Agricultural Cooperation by Stokes, William N.
El Poder de La Mujer y La Subversion de La Comunidad by James, Selma
Changes in the Field of Transport Studies: Essays on the Progress of Theory in Relation to Policy Making by Polak, J. B., Van Der Kamp, J. B.