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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 1980

Regulatory Reform in Air Cargo Transportation (Studies in Government Regulation) (AEI Studies 268) by Keyes, Lucile Sheppard
Small Business in American Life by
Transnational Mergers and Acquisitions in the United States by Khoury, Sarkis J.
Bureaucracy and the Labor Process: The Transformation of U. S. Industry, 1860-1920 by Clawson, Dan
Progress in Communication Sciences, Volume 2 by Unknown
Quantitative Measures of China's Economic Output by
Außenhandel: Leitfaden Für Die PRAXIS by Mauer, Raimund
Politische Entscheidungsprozesse: Konturen Einer Politischen Entscheidungstheorie by Behrens, Henning
Grants for the Arts by White, Virginia P.
Vorträge Der Jahrestagung 1979 / Papers of the Annual Meeting 1979 by
Über Die Idee Der Elementarbildung (Lenzburger Rede) Und 5 Schriften Um 1810 by
Life on Television: Content Analyses of U.S. TV Drama by Greenberg, Bradley S.
Life on Television: Content Analyses of U.S. TV Drama by Greenberg, Bradley S.
Internationaler Vergleich Der Energiebesteuerung by Perdelwitz, Dieter
Beschaffungsplanung Und Budgetierung by Stark, Heinz
Extremal Methods and Systems Analysis: An International Symposium on the Occasion of Professor Abraham Charnes' Sixtieth Birthday Austin, Texas, Septe by
Die Auswirkungen Einer Überbetrieblichen Vermögensbeteiligung Auf Aktienwert Und Unternehmensfinanzierung by Loistl, Otto
Taschenrechner Für Wirtschaft Und Finanzen: Arbeitsbuch Für Die Rechner Ti-31, Ti-41, Ti-42 Und Ti-44 by Hering, Ekbert
The Soldiers' Strikes of 1919 by Rothstein, Andrew
Japan's Economic Policy by Allen, G. C.
Public and Private Enterprise in a Mixed Economy: Proceedings of a Conference Held by the International Economic Association in Mexico City by
OPEC: Instrument of Change by Seymour, Ian
Marketing and Economics by Stone, Merlin
Ölkrisenprogramm Für Hausbesitzer by Hake, Bruno
Einführung in Das Operations Research by Bachem, Achim, Schrader, Rainer
Richtig Versichern -- Risiko Kalkulierbar Machen by
Essays in Contemporary Economic Problems: Disinflation by Fellner, William
National Health Insurance in Ontario: The Effects of a Policy of Cost Control by Comanor, William S.
Unemployment Benefits: Should There Be a Compulsory Federal Standard? by Becker, Joseph M.
The Major Works of R. N. Elliott by Elliott, Ralph Nelson
Matters of the Heart and Soul: The Refinement of Character (Book 1) by Imam Ibn Kathir
Allocation of Industry in the Andean Common Market by Ter Wengel, J.
Economic Information, Decision, and Prediction: Selected Essays: Volume II by Marschak, M.
The First Industrial Revolution by Deane, P. M., Deane, Phyllis
Divided Loyalties: Whistle-Blowing at Bart by Schendel, Dan E., Anderson, Robert M., Perrucci, Robert
Optimal Spatial Interaction and the Gravity Model by Svenaeus, Sven
Russian Art and American Money, 1900-1940 by Williams, Robert C.
Business Communications: An Annotated Bibliography by Walsh, Ruth M.
Middle Range Theory and the Study of Organizations by
Industrial Retardation in the Netherlands 1830-1850 by Griffiths, Richard
Business and Government in the Oil Industry: A Case Study of Sun Oil, 1876-1945 Volume 5 by Giebelhaus, August W.
Health Economics and Development by Wells, Stuart J., Klees, Steven, Wells, Stuart W.
Economic--Environmental--Energy Interactions: Modeling and Policy Analysis by
Quantitative Wirtschafts- Und Unternehmensforschung: Ergebnisband Des St. Galler Symposiums 1979 by
Marketing the Arts by Permut, Steven
Dependency Approaches to International Political Economy: A Cross-National Study by Mahler, Vincent
Latin American Trade Patterns. by Baerresen, Donald W., Carnoy, Martin, Grunwald, Joseph
National Transportation Policy. by Owen, Wilfred, Unknown, Dearing, Charles Lee
Competition as a Dynamic Process. by Clark, John Maurice, Unknown
Energy Policy Modeling: United States and Canadian Experiences: Volume I Specialized Energy Policy Models by
Economics and Corporate Strategy by Sutton, C. J.
Harpers Ferry Armory and the New Technology: American Thought and Culture 1680-1760 by Smith, Merritt Roe
Online-Systeme Im Finanz- Und Rechnungswesen: Anwendergespräch Berlin, 29.-30. April 1980 by
Bank Control of Large Corporations in the United States by Kotz, David M.
Japan's Economic Policy by Allen, G. C.
Games Trainers Play by Scannell, Edward E., Newstrom, John W.
East European Transport Regions and Modes: Systems and Modes by
Energy Policy Modeling: United States and Canadian Experiences: Volume II Integrative Energy Policy Models by
Recent Results in Stochastic Programming: Proceedings, Oberwolfach, January 28 - February 3, 1979 by
Contested Terrain by Edwards, Richards
Power and Morality: American Business Ethics, 1840-1914 by Engelbourg, Saul
The Industrialisation of Soviet Russia 1: Socialist Offensive: The Collectivisation of Soviet Agriculture, 1929-30 by Davies, R. W.
Optimization with Disjunctive Constraints by Sherali, H. D., Shetty, C. M.
Topaz: General Planning Technique and Its Applications at the Regional, Urban, and Facility Planning Levels by Sharpe, R., Brotchie, J. F., Dickey, J. W.
The Professional Secretary's Handbook by Moncrieff, Joan, Sharp, Doreen
Sunlight to Electricity: Prospects for Solar Energy Conversion by Photovoltaics by Merrigan, Joseph A.
The Fiscal Congress: Legislative Control of the Budget by LeLoup, Lance T.
Governing Trade Unions in Sweden by Lewin, Leif
Nonlinear Programming Codes: Information, Tests, Performance by Schittkowski, Klaus
Congress and the Bureaucracy: A Theory of Influence by Arnold, R. Douglas
Beyond the Adirondacks: The Story of St. Regis Paper Company by Amigo, Eleanor, Neuffer, Mark, Maunder, Elwood R.
Dualism and Discontinuity in Industrial Societies by Berger, Suzanne, Piore, Michael J., Suzanne, Berger
Managing the Multinational Subsidiary. by Brandt, William, Hulbert, James
Verfahren Zur Analyse Saisonaler Schwankungen in Ökonomischen Zeitreihen by Stier, W.
Standort- Und Belegungsplanung Für Maschinen in Mehrstufigen Produktionsprozessen by Reese, Joachim
Public and Private Enterprise in a Mixed Economy: Proceedings of a Conference Held by the International Economic Association in Mexico City by
American Reporters on the Western Front 1914-1918 by Crozier, Lorna, Crozier, Unknown
Economic Information, Decision, and Prediction: Selected Essays: Volume I Part I Economics of Decision by Marschak, M.
Assignment and Matching Problems: Solution Methods with Fortran-Programs by Burkard, R. E.
Verpackung Von Lebensmitteln: Anwendung Der Wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen in Der PRAXIS by Heiss, R.
Occupation: Housewife by Lopata, Helena Znaniecka
Marketing and Economics by Stone, Merlin
Galbraith and Market Capitalism by Reisman, David A.
The Future of the Printed Word by Hills, Philip James, Unknown
Dictionary of the History of the American Brewing and Distilling Industries. by Downard, Sue, Downard, William L.
The Masked Media by Buechler, Hans C.
Class, State, and Industrial Structure: The Historical Process of South American Industrial Growth by Weaver, Frederick Stirton
The Economics of Technological Progress by
Office Management for Co-Operatives: A Self Teaching Text by May, Nicky
Old Trails and New Directions: Papers of the Third North American Fur Trade Conference by
The Taos Trappers: The Fur Trade in the Far Southwest, 1540-1846 by Weber, David J.
OPEC: Instrument of Change by Seymour, Ian
Aid and Influence: The Case of Bangladesh by
Non-Profit Hospitals: Their Structure, Human Resources, and Economic Importance by Barocci, Thomas a.
Settled Out of Court: The Social Process of Insurance Claims Adjustments by Ross, H. Laurence
Probleme Und Methoden Zur Einschätzung Komplexer Ökologischer Wirkungen Von Wirtschaftsmaßnahmen by
Ökonomische Bewertungen Der Naturressourcen Im Entwickelten Sozialismus: Ein Beitrag Zu Methodologischen Grundlagen by Graf, Dieter