• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Business General in 1982

Mergers and Acquisitions: Issues from the Mid-Century Merger Wave by White, Lawrence J., Keenan, Michael
Beyond Agenda Setting: Information Subsidies and Public Policy by Gandy, Oscar H., Jr., Unknown
Spoken and Written Language: Exploring Orality and Literacy by Tannen, Deborah
Pushbutton Fantasies: Critical Perspectives on Videotext and Information Technology by Mosco, Vincent
Life on Daytime Television: Tuning in American Serial Drama by Skill, Thomas, Unknown, Cassata, Mary
Umweltpolitik in Deutschland: Kurze Geschichte Des Umweltschutzes in Deutschland Seit 1900 by Wey, Klaus-Georg
Kernenergie Und Kerntechnik by Lüscher, Edgar
Datenmodellierung: Theorie Und PRAXIS Des Datenbankentwurfs: Theorie Und PRAXIS Des Datenbankentwurfes by Rennert, Paul F., Tjoa, A. Min, Vinek, Günter
Telematics and Government by Schiller, Dan
Movies and Money: Financing the American Film Industry by Unknown, Wasko, Janet
Forecasting the Telephone: A Retrospective Technology Assessment of the Telephone by De Sola Pool, Ithiel
Einfluß Des Verbraucherverhaltens Auf Den Energiebedarf Privater Haushalte: Vorträge Der Tagung in München Am 16. Oktober 1981 by
Betriebswirtschaftliche Hochschulausbildung by
Merchant Shipping and War by Doughty, M.
Economic Theory of Natural Resources by
The Grants Register 1983-1985 by
Management Accountability and Corporate Governance: Selected Readings by
A Theory of Hedge Investment by Brown, B.
The Medium-Term Loan Market by Donaldson, J. a.
The Impact of Rising Oil Prices on the World Economy by
Developing Countries as Exporters of Technology: A First Look at the Indian Experience by Lall, Sanjaya
Sovereignty And Dominion: An Economic Commentary on Genesis, Volume 2 by North, Gary
Social Forecasting for Company Planning by
Hafenbauten Der Bauindustrie Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Im Ausland in Den Letzten 10 Jahren by Lackner, Elisabeth
Vermögensanlage in Der Versicherungswirtschaft by Von Bargen, Malte
Kosten- Und Leistungsrechnung by Torspecken, Hans-Dieter
Bauinvestitionen Und Volkswirtschaft by Aule, Olgred
Information Structures in Economics: Studies in the Theory of Markets with Imperfect Information by Nermuth, M.
Money and Abstract Labour: On the Analytical Foundations of Political Economy by Krause, Ulrich
Spoken and Written Language: Exploring Orality and Literacy by Tannen, Deborah
Sovereignty And Dominion: An Economic Commentary on Genesis, Volume 1 by North, Gary
Independence and Empire by Hearden, Patrick J.
Industry at the Crossroads: Volume 7 by
Planungs- Und Prognosemodelle: Erfahrungen, Probleme, Entwicklungstendenzen by
Voprosy Ekonomiki. 10/1981 by
Marty by
Sprachlich Gestützte Und Geleitete Edv-Projektierung by Lehmann, N. Joachim
Early Louisiana and Arkansas Oil: A Photographic History, 1901-1946 by Franks, Kenny Arthur
Manufactured Homes: Making Sense of a Housing Opportunity by Nutt Powell, Thomas
Production, Marketing and Use of Finger-Jointed Sawnwood by
The Industrialisation of the Continental Powers 1780-1914 by Trebilcock, Clive
Unqualified and Underemployed: Handicapped Young People and the Labour Market by Walker, Alan
Toward a New U.S. Industrial Policy? by
Integer Programming and Related Areas: A Classified Bibliography 1978-1981 by
Entscheidungsmodelle by Dinkelbach, Werner
Plant Location in Theory and in Practice: The Economics of Space by Unknown, Greenhut, Melvin L.
Think Like a Tycoon: Inflation Can Make You Rich Through Taxes and Real Estate by Greene, Bill
To Serve with Honor: A Treatise on Military Ethics and the Way of the Soldier by Unknown, Gabriel, Richard A.
Petroleum Exploration Strategies in Developing Countries by
Industiarlization Before Industiarlization by Kriedte, Kriedte, Peter, Medick, Hans
The Machinery Question and the Making of Political Economy 1815 1848 by Berg, Maxine
The Asymmetric Society by Coleman, James S.
Handlungsorientierte Medienerziehung in Der Schule: Grundlagen Und Handreichung by Fröhlich, Arnold
Farmers at the Crossroads by Benson, Ezra Taft, Unknown
International Business Policy by Robinson, Richard D.
Work Alienation: An Integrative Approach by Kanungo, Rabindra Nath
The Measurement of Association in Industrial Geography by Hook, John C., Knos, Duane S., McCarty, Harold Hull
Warwickshire Grazier and London Skinner 1532-1555 by Alcock, N. W.
Dgor: Papers of the 10th Annual Meeting/Vorträge Der 10. Jahrestagung by
A Long, Deep Furrow: Three Centuries of Farming in New England by Russell, Howard S.
Global Mini-Nationalisms: Autonomy or Independence by Snyder, Louis Leo
The Second Enlargement of the EEC: The Integration of Unequal Partners by
Oil and Politics in Latin America: Nationalist Movements and State Companies by Philip, George D. E.
The Political Economy of West African Agriculture by Keith, Hart, Hart, Keith
Corporate Control, Corporate Power by Herman, Herman, Edward S.
Progress for a Small Planet by Ward, Barbara
Verkehrsanalyse in Endlichen Zeiträumen: Grundlagen Und Erweiterungen Der Operationalen Analyse by Kowalk, W.
Edv-Systeme Im Finanz- Und Rechnungswesen: Anwendergespräch Osnabrück, 8. - 9. Juni 1982 by
The Balance of Payments and the Standard of Living by Hawtrey, R. G., Hawtrey, Ralph George, Unknown
The Costs and Benefits of Deferred Giving by Fink, Norman, Metzler, Howard
British and American Manufacturing Productivity: A Comparison and Interpretation by Frankel, Marvin
Comecon Data 1981 by Lsi, Vienna, Institute
Nos Veremos En La Cumbre = See You at the Top by Ziglar, Zig
Public and Private Control in Mass Product Industry: The Cement Industry Cases by Bianchi, P.
Models of Intraurban Residential Relocation by Porrell, F. W.
International Networks of Banks and Industry by Fennema, M.
Managing the Ocean Resources of the United States: The Role of the Federal Marine Sanctuaries Program by Finn, Daniel P.
Die Grundlagen der Wirtschaftwissenschaft by Klug, Oskar
Black Journals of the United States by Daniel, Walter C.
National Transportation Planning by Kanafani, Adib, Sperling, Daniel
Philosophy of Economics: Proceedings, Munich, July 1981 by
Unternehmensplanung Und -Steuerung in Den 80er Jahren: Eine Herausforderung an Die Informatik, Anwendergespräch, Hamburg, 24.-25. November 1981 by
Mathematische Grundlagen Für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler by Böhm, V.
Compilation of Input-Output Tables: Proceedings of a Session of the 17th General Conference of the International Association for Research in Income an by
Briefe aus den Jahren 1805 bis 1807 (Nr. 1066-1336) by
Schriften von 1811 bis 1815 by
Miners, Millhands, and Mountaineers: Industrialization of the Appalachian South, 1880-1930 by Eller, Ronald D.
Prediction and Optimal Decision: Philosophical Issues of a Science of Values by Churchman, Charles West
Tin: Its Production and Marketing by Unknown, Robertson, William
Manufacturing Consent: Changes in the Labor Process Under Monopoly Capitalism by Burawoy, Michael
A Portrait Cast in Steel: Buckeye International and Columbus, Ohio, 1881-1980 by Blackford, Mansel G.
Pricing and Cost Recovery in Long Distance Transport by
Bevölkerungs- Und Wirtschaftsstatistik: Aufgaben, Probleme Und Beschreibende Methoden by Schaffranek, M., Anderson, O., Stenger, H.
The Building of Renaissance Florence: An Economic and Social History by Goldehwaite, Richard A.
Entscheidungsregeln Bei Risiko Multivariate Stochastische Dominanz by Mosler, Karl
Oil and Turmoil by Rustow, Dankwart
Dry Grain Farming Families: Hausalund (Nigeria) and Karnataka (India) Compared by Hill, Polly
European Communities Oil and Gas Research and Development Projects: First Status Report by
Water Resources and Land-Use Planning: A Systems Approach: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute On: "Water Resources and Land-Use Planning by
Human and Energy Factors in Urban Planning: A Systems Approach: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Factors Influencing Urban Design" by
Miners, Merchants, and Farmers in Colonial Colombia by Twinam, Ann
Climb Your Own Ladder by Lieberoff, Allen
Special Issues Index: Specialized Contents of Business, Industrial, and Consumer Journals by Prichard, Doris, Sicignano, Robert
Railroads: The Free Enterprise Alternative by Overbey, Daniel L.
Index to the Strand Magazine, 1891-1950. by Beare, Geraldine
Management and Regional Science for Economic Development by Chatterji, Manas
The History of the British Petroleum Company: Volume 1, the Developing Years, 1901-1932 by Ferrier, Ronald W.
The Theory of Natural Monopoly by Sharkey, William W., William W., Sharkey
Lumberjacks and Legislators: Political Economy of the U.S. Lumber Industry, 1890-1941 by Robbins, William G.
Handbuch Der Kommunalen Wissenschaft Und PRAXIS: Band 3: Kommunale Aufgaben Und Aufgabenerfüllung by
You Can Negotiate Anything by Cohen, Herb
Appropriate Technology Institutions: A Review by Carr, Marilyn, Whitcombe, Richard
Appropriate Technology for Rural Development: The Itdg Experience by Miles, Derek
Workplace Democracy: An Inquiry Into Employee Participation in Canadian Work Organizations by Nightingale, Donald
Social Regulation in Markets for Consumer Goods and Services by Scheffman, David T., Appelbaum, Elie
Bookbinding: A Guide to the Literature by Brenni, Vito Joseph
Kundendienst-Management: Entwicklungsstand Und Entscheidungsprobleme Der Kundendienstpolitik by Meffert, H.
Risk Classification in Life Insurance by
Nuclear Power and Public Policy: The Social and Ethical Problems of Fission Technology by Shrader-Frechette, Kristin
Produktionswirtschaft by Zäpfel, Günther
Die Verbindung Von Wissenschaft Und Produktion in Den Produktionsvereinigungen Der Udssr Und Den Kombinaten Der DDR: 7. Tagung Der Gemeinsamen Kommiss by